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Luther Rice Journal of Christian Studies
Robert W. Kellemen, PhD. Gospel-Centered Family Counseling. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books of Baker Publishing Group, 2020. Pp 272. ISBN 9780801094354. $29.99 (paperback). The book Gospel-Centered Family Counseling is part of a short series developed to supply pastors and counselors with a practical way to connect their theology to marital and family challenges.1 The other book in the series is Gospel-Centered Marriage Counseling. In the introduction of Gospel-Centered Family Counseling, Dr. Kellemen says the book’s central premise is that “children need good, godly parenting more than they need good, godly counseling.”2 His conviction is that biblical family counselors counsel parents “to be their children’s best biblical counselors and parental shepherds.”3 Family interactions in front of the counselor is a practice that enables this outcome. Divided into two parts, the book gives readers a theological primer for biblical family counseling as well as practical training for biblical counselors who support families. It was written in a workbook format, and it includes questions, sample dialogues, exercises, and roleplay guidance to aid in competency development and build confidence in family counselors.4 Figure 2.2 is an especially useful tool for family counseling. It is a concise table with
Robert W. Kellemen, Gospel-Centered Family Counseling: An Equipping Guide for Pastors and
Counselors (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2020), 10. 2
Ibid, 14.
Ibid, 15.
Ibid, 11.