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easing intoorganics
When you imagine living an organic lifestyle, what do you think of? Living in a log cabin without electricity? Raising your own livestock to eat? You can put your imagination to rest— no need for extreme measures. We’re going to help you ease into a more natural, organic lifestyle.
From what you consume to which cosmetics you apply, the ingredients found in these products often contain harmful chemicals. Eliminating such chemicals will obviously benefit your life as a whole. Here’s how to do it.
fruits, meats & veggies
Produce products certified 95 percent or more organic display a USDA seal. This seal ensures that the farmers who grow these products don’t use conventional methods to fertilize and control weeds—natural fertilizers, crop rotation and mulch are used instead.
When considering switching to organic foods, the following items are a great place to start. You can also check out the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) website at ewg.org for a more comprehensive list.
According to an EWG 2015 report, there are 300 pounds of pesticides applied to each acre of conventional strawberries.
Any ol’ apple a day may not keep the doctor away. Apples have been deemed one of the most contaminated fruits by the EWG. Over 99 percent of the apples tested contained at least one pesticide residue.
Organic dairy ensures that the cows involved did not receive antibiotics or growth hormones. This goes for milk, yogurt, cheese, etc.
These blue treats carry over 50 pesticide residues.
When you can’t find organic celery, buy asparagus instead. Asparagus was at the top of the EWG’s clean list, while celery was found to have 64 pesticide residues.
Cherry Tomatoes
The skin of the tomato was ranked 10th dirtiest, and the USDA Pesticide Program found 69 pesticide residues on this red fruit.
genetically modified. This means cornbased sweeteners, oils and starches in processed foods are all ingredients you will want to purchase organically. The same goes for popcorn.
You can choose to buy organically or to peel the skin o before consuming these tasty veggies to avoid the 86 pesticide residues found on the outer layer. They ranked ninth on the EWG 2015 report.
Seventy-five pesticide residues were found on peppers. Chop an onion to throw into your recipe instead.
Organic meat is free of synthetic fertilizers and herbicides found in cows, chicken, turkey and other animals.
LEAFY GREENS. Pesticides are tough to wash o . If you choose not to purchase organically, make sure to wash thoroughly.
The EWG 2015 report was based o a single round of grapes, testing positive for over 15 di erent types of pesticide residue.
A Clean Sweep
Organic cleansers are preferred by those who have sensitivities such as asthma or allergies. Conventional cleaning products contain low levels of formaldehyde, which can lead to birth defects, not to mention plenty of other dangerous chemicals that may lead to a host of other health issues over time.
Check out these homemade organic cleaners that are safe to store around the house and are easy on the budget:
Glass Cleaner
Add 1/2 cup distilled vinegar to a new spray bottle. › Fill with distilled water, gently shake. › Spray on mirrors and windows, and polish with a crumpled newspaper for minimal smearing.
all-purpose cleaner
Add 2 tablespoons of distilled vinegar and 1 teaspoon liquid castile soap (vegetable based and natural) to a new spray bottle. › Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda. › When it stops foaming, add 2 cups warm water, shake gently. Add a few drops of an essential oil if you prefer your cleaners to be scented.
Use on counters, kitchen and bathroom surfaces. Use an organic cleaning cloth.
Surface Crub
Mix 1 cup baking soda and 1/4 cup liquid castile soap. › Add 5 teaspoons of vegetable glycerin and 5-10 drops tea tree oil. › Use a microfiber cleaning cloth to scrub sinks, tubs and other bathroom surfaces. › Rinse with hot water, and polish with a dry microfiber cloth.
For some women, makeup is a must. Chemicals, heavy metals and bacteria, however, are cause for serious concern in conventional beauty routines.
Mercury in skin creams. Carefully examine labels for listings of “mercurous chloride, “calomel,” “mercuric” or “mercurio.”
Lead in lipstick. Two consecutive FDA investigations found 100 percent of lipsticks tested were positive for lead.
Bacteria in mascara. After three months you should toss your mascara to help prevent bacteria buildup, leading to eye infections.
Here’s just a handful of all-natural brands to give you that all-natural glow without the unhealthy fillers.
› Dr. Hauschka drhauschka.com
› Living Nature Livingnature.com
› Inika inikaorganic.com
› Kjaer Weis kjaerweis.com
› Ere Perez ereperez.com
› Becca beccacosmetics.com
› BareMinerals bareescentuals.com
› Lemongrass Spa lemongrassspa.com