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It has become common knowledge that intense exercise can induce an “exercise rush” or “runner’s high.” For the past 25 years this experience has been linked to endorphins — the body’s natural painkillers — which are chemically related to morphine and other opiates. Because increased levels of endorphins were found in blood tests following exercise, it was reasonably assumed that endorphins were responsible for this perceived euphoria and elevated mood.

Although the experience itself is not in question, there has been a more recent opinion that the “endorphin rush” is nothing more than a lingering pop culture myth. It seems that endorphins released in the blood system are too large to cross the blood-brain barrier and therefore alter a person’s mood. The conclusion from this being that the “celebrity peptide” (endorphins) are somewhat overrated.

To date, the only persuasive scientific evidence of a real connection between endorphins and the runner’s high came in a 2008 German study (Boecker et al) in which PET scans performed both before and after a long-distance run seemed to indicate an increase in endorphin levels in the brain itself that were correlated with the runner’s perceived levels of euphoria or change in mood. However, the sample size for this study was only 10 runners. There are a number of other physiological factors, however, that might explain the exercise high or why we simply feel better following workouts. It is suspected that changes in neurotransmitter levels in the brain (such as serotonin) might play a role in mood changes following exercise. There has also been increasing attention paid to the endocannabinoid system in relation to an exercise rush; leading researchers to speculate that the runner’s high may be closely related to the euphoria experienced with the use of marijuana. Consideration should also be given to basic physiological elements related to workouts such as the increase in body temperature (as in a sauna) and the overall release of muscle tension.

Psychological factors probably play some role in at least elevating mood after workouts. The two most commonly cited theories for this are “mastery” and “distraction.” Mastery relates to the sense of accomplishment from improving physical performance and ultimately achieving personal goals. Distraction theory focuses on how exercise can take your attention away from daily worries and stress.

The scientific explanations for the exercise rush, or even the larger issue of how working out directly impacts how we feel, is both complex and uncertain. One thing is clear — if a drug existed that could effectively increase energy levels, reduce stress, improve sleep, lower blood pressure, build muscle, reduce body fat, boost self-esteem, enhance sexual functioning, and make you generally more healthy and resistant to disease — you would take it. In fact, that ultimate drug does exist and its generic name is EXERCISE.

SOURCES: Reynolds, Gretchen (2011) Phys Ed: What Really Causes Runner’s High? The New York Times. Schauffer, Gina (2012) Endorphins: Fact or Myth? Weight Watchers http://www.weightwatchers.com/util/ art/index_art.aspx?tabnum=1&art_id=53331&sc=3040 Quinn, Elizabeth (2009) Runner’s High Related to an Increase in Endorphin Levels in the Brain About.com Sports Medicinehttp://sportsmedicine.about.com/od/ anatomyandphysiology/qt/Runners-High.htm Study: Positron Emission Tomography Says Endorphins and “Runner’s High” Not A Myth Science 2.0 http://www.science20.com/news_releases/study_positron_ emission_tomography_says_endorphins_and_runners_high_not_a_ myth Bernstein, Lenny (June 14, 2011) Endorphin-Fueled “Runner’s High” is Taken as a Fact in the Gym World. But is it? The Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/wellness/endorphin-fueledrunners-high-is-taken-as-fact-in-the-gym-world-but-is-it/2011/06/08/ AGXhxaUH_story.html (Accessed March 1, 2012)


Learn what fuels your workouts: nutritional needs and water intake.

Take a class: fitness coaching plus the motivation and energy of being in a group.

Hire a personal trainer: get a safe, effective, and personalized fitness plan.

Do strength training: muscle burns fat, work large muscle groups (legs, back, and chest).

Try activity-based exercise: joining sports leagues, hiking, or social dancing.

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