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Comprehensive Care:
People from all over the United States and countries around the world have come to Dr. Vrej Manoogian for total knee and hip replacement. He designed “The Living Hip”, a unique hip prosthesis that is unmatched in its ability to imitate the natural functions of the hip joint. The direct anterior approach, combined with “The Living Hip” prosthesis, has provided a revolutionary treatment for patients with hip arthritis. Since opening his Mount Dora-(near Orlando, Florida) based practice in 2001, Dr. Manoogian has paid meticulous attention to the proper alignment and ligament balancing for his total knee replacements, giving his patients outstanding results. Dr. Manoogian is boardcertified and fellowship-trained.
Major advances in dental technique, state-of-the-art equipment, and varied forms of anesthesia have made procedures that were once considered uncomfortable now virtually, and sometimes totally, painless. There is now no valid reason to avoid regular checkups and attain adequate dental care.
With a renewed focus on preventive dentistry, these regular dental visits are even more important; they can help you avoid extensive dental work that in the past was commonplace.
Remember, dental health is synonymous with overall good health. When you take good care of your teeth and gums, you are taking good care of your heart, lungs, and pancreas. Periodontal disease can easily lead to bacterial infection that can spread to other parts of your body, leading to poor health and even death.
Persons with periodontal disease are twice as more likely to develop coronary artery disease than those with healthy gums. They are also more likely to have respiratory infections and elevated blood sugar. Your dentist can help control or even eliminate your periodontal disease with regular visits.
Also, remember that nice, straight, white teeth give you a great smile and boost your self-confidence. When you are confident, you feel better and function better. Researchers have found that the average child smiles or laughs 400 times a day; this number decreases to fourteen times a day for the average adult. This number can decrease even further if a person has crooked or broken teeth or gum disease. Regular visits to the dentist can repair damaged teeth, whiten discolored teeth, and help alleviate gum disease, giving you the smile you need to be confident and outgoing once again.
Pain from broken or decayed teeth or chronic gum infections can be more than annoying; it can be dangerous if left untreated over time.
Research has shown that longterm pain can affect your mood and health. Untreated pain can lead to depression, which can lead to a greater sensitivity to pain and possibly to a weakened immune system. Have your tooth or gum pain addressed by your dentist today, and give your mouth a new outlook on life.
What can you do to help?
Every dentist will quickly tell you to take proactive measures to assure your teeth remain as healthy as possible, for as long as possible. Anyone with bridges, crowns, or dentures will quickly tell you that nothing replaces healthy, strong, natural teeth. So how can you make sure you are doing all you can to maintain healthy teeth and gums?
Eat healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals that will supply your body with the nutrients necessary to keep teeth strong and gums free of infection. The mineral fluoride is found in some foods, processed into many foods, and is usually added to municipal water supplies. This mineral has been found to reduce cavities by as much as sixty percent. So, eat fluoride-rich foods and avoid sugar-laden foods, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.
You also need to brush and floss regularly. Plaque is a thin film of bacteria that forms on the tooth’s surface between brushings. When you eat sugar-rich foods or simple carbohydrates, plaque bacteria break down the sugar into acids, which eat away tooth enamel and cause cavities. When plaque sits on the tooth surface without being removed, it forms solid mineral deposits called tartar. Tartar beneath the gum line leads to gingivitis and eventually to periodontitis, which may lead to tooth loss or loosening. The swelling and bleeding that accompany gingivitis also create a pathway for bacteria to enter the bloodstream, possibly causing infection that may lead to heart disease and, in some pregnant women, premature birth. Several studies have also linked periodontitis to diabetes.
Remember those regular checkups. Your dentist will inspect your teeth, gums, mouth, cheeks, and tongue. The dentist will check for problems with old fillings, bridges, or crowns and use x-rays to provide an early warning of possible cavity formation. Your dental hygienist will inspect and clean your teeth, especially along the gum-line where problems can affect more than just your mouth. The hygienist will also thoroughly clean your teeth and remove all tartar buildup. And both your dentist and hygienist will make sure you are brushing and flossing correctly and will inspect your mouth for any signs of oral cancer. When you regularly visit your dentist, he or she can correct any dental problems that may arise and get you on the road to better oral and overall health.