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Limbstitute has made giant strides utilizing the latest techniques and technologies to improve limb health—but the first steps are yours.
Simply put, the Limbstitute was created to save legs. We provide comprehensive vein care and incorporate the latest technologies—closing off veins with radio waves for example— to get the best results. We’re also wound care specialists and experts in artificial skin grafts. We do whatever it takes to save a limb and give a patient their life back, we do.
Every day, we see and treat patients who come to us with symptoms that can be as innocuous as a little swelling at night or as debilitating as severe pain that impairs their ability to walk. Many times there are a combination of symptoms—restless leg syndrome, night cramps, fatigue, constant aches and pains.
The most important step—the giant step—we want our patients to take is to come in when they have symptoms like those and let us evaluate their situation before it gets any worse. Personal empowerment comes with education, with knowing what symptoms to look out for, and bringing them to the attention of someone who specializes in knowing what they all mean. Only until we know what we are dealing with can our specialists set upon the right path to saving a leg—even saving a life. Should I exercise? It’s a question our patients often ask. The answer is maybe. Don’t begin a walking program without checking with us first. Sometimes, depending on a patient’s condition, exercise would be the worst thing they could do. Even when exercise is an option, with circulation that may be compromised, the key is care and moderation. Limbstitute experts will advise you every step of the way with what exactly you can do and for how long.
It may involve walking or swimming. Some of our patients begin with light housework. We’ll perform regular testing over time to monitor your progress.
Many of our patients who suffer from Raynaud’s Disease—poor circulation in their hands and feet— know to stay warm when they need to. They wear gloves and warm socks and we advise them to add a hot water grade supplement called Vasculera. It decreases inflammation in veins while at the same time making them stronger. We’re the leading Vasculera specialist in Central Florida. bottle to their regimen when it gets really cold. A variation that can help circulation is a hot and cold treatment. Alternate between a hot water bottle and cold—frozen peas work perfectly—to simulate circulation. Just don’t overdo either one.
Ask us about other holistic approaches that have proven effective in increasing circulation, including hydrotherapy, reflexology, yoga and stretching, and acupuncture and massage. For those disciplines that we don’t offer at the Limbstitute— acupuncture for example—we maintain close working relationships with a wide network of local specialists and direct our patients to those whom we think may provide the most beneficial effects.
Medical specialties that are beyond the scope of the Limbstitute but that still impact the limb health of our patients—orthopedists, lymphedema specialists, rheumatologists and more—we consult with on a regular basis to give our patients every chance for an optimum result.
Eating right goes without saying. Nutritionists at the Limbstitute can be instrumental in helping control dietary issues that contribute to diabetes. We may recommend certain herbs to enhance your circulation. Did you know cayenne, garlic, gingko biloba and ginger added to your food or taken in capsule form could have a positive effect on blood flow?
We go even further than diet and herbs with a proprietary prescription-
Finally, we see so many patients at The Limbstitute who are there because they took up smoking at some point in their lives. If they still smoke, we advise them strongly to quit—and we provide consultation to help with that. Of all the things you can do to improve circulation, quitting smoking is at the very top of the list.
Do you suspect you may have a circulation problem? Exhibit one or more of the symptoms mentioned earlier? Please, take that first giant step and come see the comprehensive vein care specialists at the Limbstitute. Let us evaluate your condition, advise you, and intervene with whatever procedures may be indicated. We’re here to help you salvage a limb and your life. It’s the only reason we’re here and it’s the only thing that we do.