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Everyone knows the phrases “the power of positive thinking” or “think positive” that have become mantras in the business world or among self-help gurus. Most people understand that thinking positively indeed creates a better mood, more energy, more confidence, and is contagious. People who have a positive attitude seem to have better luck than people who have more negative outlooks. It is believed that those who keep their thoughts and attitudes positive have more positive things happen to them. They do well while interviewing for jobs, they tend to become more successful, and they seem to be happier overall. Others seem to be drawn to these types of people. But is there really power in positive thinking?

According to the Mayo Clinic, researchers continue to explore the effects of optimism on people’s health. Some benefits that positive thinking may provide include:

• Increased life span

• Lower levels of depression

• Lower levels of distress

• Greater resistance to the common cold

• Better psychological and physical well-being

• Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease

• Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress

Additionally, when people think positively, they tend to be more successful and have confidence in themselves. When people are more successful, they are happier. And when people are happier, they are able to cope with stress more effectively than someone who thinks negatively.

When people are less stressed, it does affect their health. Studies show that people who are less stressed have a stronger immune system, are less likely to have a heart attack or heart disease, are expected to live a longer life, are less likely to become depressed, and have a better overall well-being.

To embrace a more positive worldview, the best place to start is with self-talk. Self-talk is all the random, endless flow of thoughts that run through the mind throughout the day. Typically, these thoughts can be positive or negative in nature. While much self-talk is rationale, sometimes it can come from a negative space created by insecurities and a lack of information.

If you are unhappy with any aspect in your life, whether it’s a job or personal relationship, work on fixing it and drown out the negative self-talk by responding with affirmations of what is good about you and the situation. Always shoot for a positive spin and embrace humor to lighten the mood. In addition, work on having a healthier lifestyle since exercise can affect mood in a positive way, and be sure to surround yourself with people who also think positively.

Positive thinking may not be a groundbreaking cure to disease, or a guarantee for success, but it can make life a little easier, happier, healthier, and more successful.

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