2 minute read
The human mind is a powerful entity, and by learning to harness its power, you can set yourself on the road to achieving great success and happiness.
What sets human beings apart is a highly evolved brain that enables them to perceive reality in a truly unique way. Not only can we use our senses, but we can also employ our powers of imagination. We can dream up our own realities, and we have the power to manifest them, as well.
You Have The Power

We all possess the ability to unleash the power of the mind and alter our reality in positive ways, but many people have a hard time grasping the abstractness of this truth. For this reason, most people go through life dreaming and imagining, but at the same time, resisting their true desires.
The law of attraction states that we attract what we consistently hold in our thoughts and imagination. However, merely thinking is not enough. We must learn to believe that our desires are valid and can become reality. In addition, we must be prepared to take effective action at the right time and learn to allow our dreams to come true.
Limiting Beliefs

Just as we have the ability to believe in things unseen, we also have the ability to restrict ourselves severely from achieving our goals by setting up self-imposed limitations. To illustrate how limiting beliefs are formed, consider the information you received from the authority figures in your early life. Maybe your mother declared that you had an uncontrollable temper after a particularly dramatic tantrum. Or perhaps your father told you that you probably wouldn’t be able to make it through medical school so you should put your efforts into a nursing degree. You were most likely inclined to accept these beliefs as truth because they came from trusted authority figures — your parents. In much the same way, you continue this process in adulthood, except you are now the authority figure. To unleash our own inner power, these assumptions should be questioned often. Is your temper indeed uncontrollable? Why can’t you go to medical school?

Focus On What You Want
As you go inward and begin to modify what you have always believed about yourself, you also begin to reconnect with your authentic self. In doing so, it’s important to focus on what you want in your life. The tendency of many at this stage is to focus on the things they don’t want. But if you do this, you will inadvertently manifest more of what you do not desire. For example, if a person desires to lose weight, quite often they think of how much they hate the way they look like and how much they wish they could stop eating donuts. However, those thoughts keep the mind sharply focused on what is presently manifested in reality: your undesirable reflection and your donut addiction. Instead, employ your imagination and dream up what the new you will look like. Likewise, mentally practice going through the day eating good-for-you foods and feeling energized and renewed. This is the kind of thinking that will bring about change in your life. This is using your inner power.

Be Patient
Many people start enthused about notion of being able to change their reality. But these same people give up after a week or two when they don’t see any changes. Societal conditioning may be to blame. We are conditioned to expect things to happen instantly. Think of fast food and drive-thru banking. In reality, however, not everything is about getting instant gratification. Many of the more important things in life change over time and require a bit of patience. Don’t give up.
We possess the inner power to change our lives, though there are things we must do to bring that power to the surface and enable us to use it for our benefit. First off, we must embark on an inward journey and be willing to adjust the errors in our own belief system. Then we must also be willing to stretch our imagination to its full capacity. And ultimately, our power will appear when we learn to employ patience.