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Hearing Centers
An honest and informative opinion about the hearing aid business
Don E. Smith, HAS
Fact Is... Many people who wear hearing aids know which manufacturer made it. Some don’t even know that. Some may even know which model. Most have no idea. Unfortunately, too few are actually sure. Most people don’t realize that within each model there are several different levels of technology from entry to premium. To itemize just a few differences without getting complex, some of the differences include how many programs, channels, bands, sound filters, automatic features, and wireless capabilities. There are many more differences.
Many people think simply because a Hearing Aid model was represented to be from a leading manufacturer that it is the best offering in that model. That, unfortunately, may not be completely accurate. It may be a well-built hearing aid from a great manufacturer, but may not have the highest level or the current tech- nology that manufacturer offers in that model. Nearly every manufacturer has distinct levels of technology within each assortment of models. This can seriously confuse most consumers, placing them in a position where they may be taken advantage of. Unfortunately, there are some sales people who choose to enhance their commissions by selling the least amount of technology for the most amount of money. I have actually seen sales trainers who teach these selling tactics.
Be sure to avoid these selling tactics and the people who apply them. Ask questions about the technology you are buying and get the answers in writing. Be sure to make certain of the level of technology in the model being offered, why that model is being recommended, how it applies to your hearing loss, how beneficial is it to your hearing loss, how it will fit into and enhance your lifestyle, is it nationally warranted and for how long, what is the life expectancy, are there patient testimonials and referrals available, most importantly is it the best fit for your loss, and is it the best value for your money. Your hearing is one of your most important senses. It is clearly an asset that keeps us connected with one another. With today’s technologies, properly fit hearing aids are life changing. Be sure you know the difference between being sold and being helped.
People often ask us why hearing aids are so expensive at some other places and how can ours be so much less for the same models. Our answer is simple. We are truly independent. When we decided to open Corrective Hearing Centers we designed a new business model that cut out all of the middle men and handlers. We buy direct from leading manufacturers, bypassing second or third parties that charge an array of fees and commissions – fees and commissions that sometimes double, even triple, the actual cost of the product. Our owner, Don Smith-HAS, operates the practice himself, therefore eliminating sales commissions completely – sales commissions that drive your cost up by as much as 30%. We are also not a franchise, saving you virtually all of those very expensive corporate fees and commissions.
We operate under a volume sales format which keeps our per patient profit very low. When you factor and expense into a product all of the fees, commissions, and high profit margins some may charge, an inexpensive product becomes very expensive. We have actually seen some competitors mark their hearing aids up as much as 400% to 800%. Our business model completely eliminates the expenses that make hearing aids expensive, automatically saving our patients huge sums of money.
At Corrective Hearing Centers, we fit products only from the industry’s top manufacturers. Our patients tell us that our Hearing Test and Evaluation is the most complete that they have ever experienced. There are absolutely no short cuts in our testing procedures. We also conduct a complete lifestyle interview to firmly establish our patients’ needs, wants, and hearing expectations. We make 100% certain that we comfortably fit the right style of product produced by the best manufacturer that affordably best fits your hearing loss and lifestyle. At Corrective Hearing Centers, your complete satisfaction is not only promised, it is guaranteed in writing.
If you or somebody you know is looking for state-ofthe-art care and best products available, fit by a leading professional for the guaranteed lowest price, look no further than Corrective Hearing Centers.
Siemens offers completely invisible, waterproof, and rechargeable hearing aids, and wireless solutions that connect hearing aids wirelessly to mobile phones, TVs, MP3 players, and other audio devices.

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12 models and 5 technology levels to choose from
Available in both RIC and custom ITC.
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