15 minute read
a helping hand
It’s Wednesday — distribution day for the elderly and disabled at Lake Cares Food Pantry in Mount Dora. In the parking lot, one elderly client, an 87-year-old woman from Umatilla, shares a laugh with Executive Director Irene O’Malley. She doesn’t want to use her name out of concern that it would embarrass her son who’s unable to help care for her.
The woman sings Lake Cares’ praises: “I don’t know what I would do without them,” she says with a youthful grin. “I’m very proud of what they do here. They help a lot of people.”

After subtle hints that her ride is ready to go, the woman quietly leaves with her groceries in tow. She’s a regular at Lakes Care who, despite her own hardships, always manages to leave a $10 donation every time she visits. “She is such a sweetheart,” Irene says with empathy in her voice. “She is just one of the many people who come here truly needing a helping hand.”
The Start Of Something Inspiring
Lake Cares sprouted from a challenge that Debrah Paradis accepted from her pastor at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Lake Mary. He dared the congregation to create a project that would make a difference in one person’s life. However, Debrah wanted to be able to help more than just one person, so she decided to organize a food drive.
In December 2008, people lined up for food being distributed from the back of a U-Haul truck parked at Hillcrest Insurance Agency in Mount Dora.
“This was after the economy had really gone south, and there was a huge line of people just waiting to get a bag of food,” Irene says. “It was then Debrah figured there was a real need.”
In January 2009, Debrah organized another meeting and the idea for Lake Cares was born. Jim Croson offered an old building he owned on Old U.S. Highway 441 rentand utilities-free for a year, and Lake Cares officially opened its doors on April 4, 2009. One year later, Croson donated the building to Lake Cares, making it its permanent home.

“For the first couple of weeks we were open, we served about 15 to 25 families,” Irene says. “People didn’t know about us, so we started handing out flyers. The word spread quickly.”
With 140 active volunteers, Lake Cares now serves more than 5,000 pounds of food a week to approximately 130 families. Last year, they fed more than 18,000 people and distributed over 260,000 pounds of food. This year, they expect to feed over 20,000 people. Unfortunately, Irene says the need seems to keep rising.
Helping With Compassion
Starting at 9a.m., the wel- coming faces of regular volunteers greet the clients who arrive at their appointment time. The walk-ins idly linger outside, hoping to replace any no-shows that day.
In just 45 minutes, 35 families have already been served. To check in, they give their assigned client number and a photo I.D. No proof of income is necessary. “We use the honor system,” Irene explains. “If they come to us and say they need it, we believe them.”
Counselors conduct interviews to evaluate each client’s needs, discussing such things as food preferences, allergies, and pantry specials. If clients have a pet, Lake Cares gives them dog and/or cat food since many people, especially those who are elderly and alone, would choose to starve in order to feed their pets.
During interviews, clients occasionally talk about personal struggles. Sometimes they need a shoulder to cry on or an encouraging word — or prayer to make it through the day.
“There is a human touch when they come here,” Irene says as she surveys the interview room. “We just don’t hand them a bag of food. The clients bond with our volunteers and vice versa.”
Sorting through a stack of newly delivered forms, longtime volunteer Rose Jenkins begins assembling personal items for clients while fellow volunteer Norm Wagner works inventory control. In a separate room, Bob Dowdie, Gary Gregory, Lori O’Rourke, and Cheryl Bues put together bags of food. Though some of the basics like tuna, rice, and spaghetti sauce are prepacked for larger families, most of the bags are made-toorder. They also pack the bags according to a client’s mode of transportation. Someone riding a bicycle or walking will have his or her items packaged differently than someone who has a vehicle.

Aside from being a welcomed source of food for those in need, Lake Cares also provides additional services. On Thursdays, clients can receive help to apply for food stamps, and Lake Tech offers GED and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes. On certain days, a counselor, a lawyer, and a yoga instructor are on site so people can use their services. There are even smoking cessation classes to help people quit smoking. In addition, both CVS and Walgreens give free flu shots.

Everything Lake Cares pro- vides is done with love and care. Irene is adamant about clients keeping their sense of dignity because anyone can need help when circumstances change. The faces of the destitute and disadvantaged can be a family of four because the dad was just laid off from the job where he worked for 30 years, or it’s the face of an 80-year-old widow who has been hit with an exorbitant bill because she was unaware of a water leak.
“The disabled and seniors are getting hit the hardest. All they need is just one little bump. The air conditioning system goes out or they need new tires. They are hit with something and they can never make it up,” Irene explains.
“Nevertheless, we are blessed to have witnessed some touching success stories. That helps keep what we do in perspective. Those successes motivate us to keep working.”
Aid In A Foreign Land
When Lovely Dorleans came to America, she did not know English. She had been displaced, forced to flee her native Haiti in 2010 following a devastating earthquake. Lovely eventually landed in Eustis with a family that offered to care for her. Unable to contribute much to the household, she went to Lake Cares to apply for food stamps. That’s when she meet Irene, and they instantly formed a bond.

In less than two years, with support and encouragement from Irene and the volunteers at Lake Cares, Lovely learned English, earned her GED diploma, and received a certified nursing assistant’s degree at Lake Tech. The 24 year old now has her own apartment and car and works as a patient care technician at Florida Hospital Waterman. She is getting married next year, and Irene will be traveling to Haiti to see it happen.
“(Lake Cares) means a lot to me,” Lovely says. “I don’t come as much as I used to but when I come here, it makes me happy. Everyone gives hugs and asks how I am doing. Everyone cares. This is my family.”
Holding back tears, Irene lauds about being blessed to work for an organization that means so much to so many people. “It gives me so much more than I give it,” she says. “I love being here. I think the place is a miracle.”
From individual food donations to local companies and organizations that organize fundraisers, Irene has witnessed the community’s endless charity. The response over the last four years has been nothing short of a dream and has kept Lake Cares open.
“The community has always been right there backing us every step of the way,” she says. “That’s all we get from everybody wherever we go, and we are so very grateful for the continued support.”
For more information about Lake Cares Food Pantry, call 352.383.0100 or visit lakecares.org.

Show your support for Lake Cares Food Pantry by attending Ro-Mac Lumber & Supply’s 2014 Spring Building and Remodeling Home Show in March and participating in its “Lap against Hunger” fundraising event.
“We’re going to ask people to walk a half-mile lap, and for every lap completed, Ro-Mac will commit money to Lake Cares,” says Don Magruder, chief executive officer of Ro-Mac. “We will also have a truck on the premises collecting food. We hope to have more vendors commit money toward laps, too.”

Don has been working with Lake Cares for the last three years. “We know what they’re doing, and they do wonderful work helping seniors and those in need,” he says.
The 2014 Spring Building and Remodeling Home Show will be held from 8a.m. to 3p.m. Saturday, March 1, at Fountain Park in Leesburg. For more information, call 352.787.4545.
Acomprehensivelistofareacharitiesandnonprofit organizationstohelpguide yourhealthygiving.

is an all-volunteer, nonprofi t organization that provides Christmas gifts to needy children in East Lake County. “Angel Trees” are placed in local post offices and businesses with the names of children and their gift wishes.
In early December, volunteers are needed to sort clothes and pack gift bags at the organization’s warehouse.
Penny Narain, President P.O. Box 1311 Mount Dora, FL 32756 352.630.0418 pen819@gmail.com sites.google.com/ site/aacfc1
INC. focuses on anger management, conflict resolution, and life enrichment skills for the homeless, at-risk adults, teens, families, and married couples. Tools such as accountability and responsibility are taught to promote and develop personal confidence and self-esteem in a safe but challenging environment.
A computer-savvy volunteer is needed to assist with Internet marketing, and other volunteers are sought to work in the meditation garden.
Diane Ackerman, Transformational Consultant 315 E. Maud St. Tavares, FL 32778 352.343.6960 diane@alternatepathways.com alternatepathwaysoutreach.com

touches the lives of Alzheimer’s patients in Lake County nursing homes by coordinating outings such as luncheons, shopping, and ice cream socials.
Volunteers interact with patients during monthly dining outings, ice cream socials, nursing home visits, or theme park excursions.
Bill and Anna Marie Fay, Founder/President 871 Vindale Road Tavares, FL 32778 352.343.0947 ahifay@embarqmail.com alzheimershelpers.org
UNIT is a nationwide, community-based volunteer health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem through research, education, advocacy, and service.
Relay for Life is an 18-hour event to raise money and create awareness; participants take turns walking around a track. The 2014 events are as follows: Leesburg/Lady Lake (April 5–6); Mount Dora/Sorrento (April 11–12); Sumter County (May 2–3); Eustis/ Tavares (May 3–4).
Dorothy Hardee, Director 1650 W. Main St. Suite 3 Leesburg, FL 34748 352.326.9599 dorothy.hardee@cancer.org cancer.org
Angel Flight Southeast
coordinates free air transportation for children and adults with medical or compelling humanitarian needs.
The annual Pilot Awards and Golf Tournament will be held Nov. 10–11.
Pilots and co-pilots fl y medical missions using their own planes. Volunteers are also needed to provide office work such as answering phones or coordinating flights.
Steve Purello, CEO 8864 Airport Blvd. Leesburg, FL 34788 352.326.0761 info@mercymail.org angelflightse.org
Mount Dora Center for the Arts because it offers arts classes for both children and adults. When adults take art classes, they share what they learn with their children and grandchildren. The leaders of this organization go out of their way to communicate to the public that art enriches lives.”
—Carol Platt, local painter and avid supporter of the Mount Dora Center for the Arts

Beacon College Foundation
raises money to support the mission of Beacon College, the nation’s first accredited college to offer associate’s degrees and bachelor’s degrees exclusively to students with learning disabilities and ADHD.
The foundation’s Annual Fund drive from November 2013 to June 2014 solicits donors for financial contributions to support Beacon College, located in downtown Leesburg.
Keri Phillips, Development Director 105 E. Main St., Leesburg, FL 34748
352.638.9768 kphillips@beaconcollege.edu beaconcollege.edu
inspires and enables all young people to realize their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens. Programming covers fi ve key areas: character/leadership development; the arts; sports/fi tness/ recreation; health/life skills; and education/ career development.
The Black and White Ball Gala Auction will be held Aug. 23.
Volunteers are needed to coach, tutor, and assist in the learning center as well as to assist in specialty programs for children ages 5–18.
Freddy Williams, Chief Prof. Officer P.O. Box 896179
Leesburg, FL 34789
352.787.5258 info@bgclsc.org bgclsc.org
provides education and training programs focused on life skills and job skills for adults with developmental disabilities.
The third annual Charity Auction Dinner will be held March 8.
Volunteers are needed to serve on the organization’s board of directors or fundraising committee.
Paula Whetro, Director 548 S. U.S. Hwy. 27 (Suites B & C) Minneola, FL 34715
352.536.9264 lw@buildingblocksministries.com buildingblocksministries.com
founded in 1996 by actor Paul Newman and General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, is a nationally known year-round camp located in Eustis for children with chronic or life-threatening illnesses that creates memorable, exciting, fun, and empowering camping experiences at no charge.
The Bruce Rossmeyer Ride for Children will be held Oct. 5. The escorted motorcycle ride leaves from Daytona and concludes at Camp Boggy Creek.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES shelter, a family shelter, benevolence ministry, pregnancy care center, and thrift store.
Volunteers are needed for housekeeping, maintenance, office support, special events, cooking, activities, and medical/nursing.
Volunteers are needed to help in all Christian Care Center ministries.
Samuel Smith, Director 115 N. 13th St. Leesburg, FL 34748 352.314.8733 samuelsmith@christiancarecenter.org christiancarecenter.org
trains disadvantaged and at-risk children in the martial arts to instill confidence and discipline and to prevent gang involvement.
Main Fundraising Event
Jackie Boykin, Dev. Manager 30500 Brantley Branch Road Eustis, FL 32736
352.483.4200 jboykin@campboggycreek.org campboggycreek.org is a ministry of the Christian Care Center at First Baptist Church of Leesburg and includes the following ministries: men’s residence, women’s care center, emergency children’s
The fi fth Traditional Karate Association (TKA) tournament in Leesburg, planned for February 2014, draws students from throughout Florida and southeast Georgia who will compete in four categories — kata (formal exercise), kihon (basic techniques), kobodu (ancient weapons), and kumite (sparring).
Volunteers are needed to coordinate or secure sponsorships for events such as the Break–a–Thon and Kick–a–Thon.
Ricky Adams, Chairman 1317 Griffin Road Leesburg, FL 34748 352.250.2191 tkasupport@hotmail.com tkahome.com
Community Foundation Of South Lake County
provides leadership to enhance the quality of life in South Lake County by identifying and supporting community needs.
Volunteers are needed for marketing and clerical work and for educational classes provided to local nonprofi t organizations.
Bruce Greer, Executive Director 2150 Oakley Seaver Drive Clermont, FL 34711

352.394.3818 foundationinfo@cfslc.org cfslc.org
Companions For Courage
utilizes therapy dogs to bring comfort and peace of mind to children who have experienced mental, physical, and sexual abuse.
You do not have to own a dog to become involved with Companions for Courage. Volunteers are needed to help organize events and raise awareness about the organization.
Missy Ziler, President P.O. Box 1267 Tavares, FL 32778
352.602.3428 info@companionsforcourage.com companionsforcourage.org
Cornerstone Hospice Foundation
provides resources to care for the terminally ill and to support families facing end-of-life issues.
“Evening Beneath the Stars” on March 15 will benefi t Hospice programs.
Volunteers help plan numerous fundraisers. They also participate in two local volunteer chapters, Women for Hospice and Villagers for Hospice.
Carol Felder, Regional Development Director 2445 Lane Park Road, Tavares, FL 32778

352.343.1341 cfelder@cornerstonehospice.org cornerstonehospice.org
Deaf Service Center Of Lake
COUNTY provides opportunities and programs for people with hearing disabilities and speech impairments to enhance or maintain their skills.
A plant sale is scheduled for the spring where plant expert Jonathan Squires, owner of Just Perfect Plants, will share his knowledge.
Volunteers can assist in office work, help organize fundraising events, and assist in registration at events.
Amy Johnson, Director 220 S. Ninth St. Leesburg, FL 34748 352.323.0757 amyj@deafandhearing.org deafandhearing.org
Deliver The Difference
focuses on local hunger relief for disadvantaged children and their families. Operating from a warehouse in Eustis, volunteers packaged more than 1 million meals in 2013. The organization also has a with the Lake-Sumter State College Foundation for many years, and I support it because I know the level of support that the foundation provides students. It not only provides scholarships, but also funds for textbooks and equipment. These funds have enabled many students to achieve their potential and make a positive influence on our community.”
—Nan Burnsed, former LSSC Foundation board member
“KidsPack” program that provides backpacks full of food for local schoolchildren who do not have anything to eat over the weekend.
Volunteers can help pack “KidsPack” meals every Wednesday and Thursday during the school year and can pack additional meals on the first Saturday of every month. All volunteer opportunities take place in an airconditioned warehouse and office in Eustis.
Bob Bostic, Founder 1540 Kurt St. Eustis, FL 32726 352.343.6700 bob@deliverthedifference.org deliverthedifference.org
Early Learning Coalition Of Lake
COUNTY supports and educates parents, early childhood professionals, and the community to provide the highest-quality early learning programs.
Volunteers assist at the organization’s numerous events held throughout the year.
Lesha Buchbinder, Director 1300 Citizens Blvd. Suite 206 Leesburg, FL 34748 352.435.0566 lbuchbinder@elclc.org elclc.org the Leesburg Center for the Arts because the arts are an important component of education. Because local schools are cutting their arts programs, the Leesburg Center for the Arts plugs that hole by providing hundreds of art education programs to students throughout the county.”
—Tom Grizzard, volunteer for the Leesburg Center for the Arts
Educational Foundation Of Lake County
is a direct support organization for the Lake
County Public School District and partners with the district to provide programs and services for all teachers and K–12 students.
The Lady of the Lakes Renaissance Faire allows visitors to step back in time and enjoy knights, fire-eaters, pirates, and other historical characters. The next Faire is set for Nov. 7–9.
Volunteers can help in the foundation’s retail store, mentor students in the Take Stock in Children program, or free of charge to needy residents of South Lake County. The center was formed in 1972.
The 13th annual Faith Neighborhood Center Charity Golf Classic is planned for November 2014.
Volunteers are needed in the front office and food pantry as well as to help sort donated items, such as clothing, appliances, and books.
Jerry Colyer, Director 7432 State Road 50 Suite 114 Groveland, FL 34736 352.429.1200 jgcolyer@comcast.net faithneighborhoodcenter.com
Fifth Judicial Circuit Guardian Ad Litem Program
utilizes trained volunteers, who are supervised by attorneys and human service professionals, to advocate on behalf of abused and neglected children whose cases are involved with local courts. Guardian ad Litem serves Lake, Hernando, Sumter, Citrus, and Marion counties.
The Guardian ad Litem program is a state- and county-supported entity. Voices for Children of North Central Florida engages in numerous fundraising activities throughout the year to benefi t the program.
Volunteers are needed to serve as child advocates and supporters of the program. Pre-service volunteer training is offered six times a year and via independent study.
Lynn Sennett, Volunteer Recruiter 418 Alfred St. Tavares, FL 32778 352.274.5231 lynn.sennett@gal.fl.gov guardianadlitem.org volunteer at one of the foundation’s six major fundraising events.
Carman Cullen-Batt, Director 2045 Pruitt St. Leesburg, FL 34748 352.326.1265 cullen-battc@lake.k12.fl.us edfoundationlake.com
Faith Neighborhood Center
serves nearly 900 families each month by providing food, clothing, financial help, and medical support
was established in 1986 as a nonprofi t, educational initiative to teach young people the importance of volunteering. The program encourages students to participate in volunteer programs focused on assisting children and the elderly.
The 28th Miss Leesburg Scholarship Program will be in September 2014 for girls ages 4–18. The annual Scholarship Scramble Golf Tournament will be held May 3.
Community service events are held throughout the year and include drives for holiday food, jackets, school supplies, and infant clothing. Adopt-a-grandparent events are held at local nursing homes.
Linda Watts, Director P.O. Box 337 Fruitland Park, FL 34731 352.326.4217 linda6571@embarqmail.com flhometownusa.com and missleesburg.com
Florida Hospital Waterman Foundation
is the fundraising arm of Florida Hospital Waterman and supports the hospital in health care excellence through charitable giving. All funds stay in the community.
The fi fth annual Celebration of Life Gala, which benefi ts the Florida Hospital Waterman Heart Center, will be held April 6.
Assist in organizing, planning, and soliciting sponsorship for fundraising activities.
Joan Ordazzo, Events Coordinator
1000 Waterman Way Tavares, FL 32778 352.253.3270 fhw.foundation@ahss.org www.fhwat.org/donate
Golden Triangle
YMCA provides members a safe and caring environment, positive role models, and countless opportunities to grow. The stateof-the-art facility in Tavares hosts group exercise classes, health
—Michael Dempsey, actor at the foundation’s largest fundraiser, the Lady of the Lakes Renaissance Faire and wellness programs for children and adults, and an indoor and outdoor pool for family time and exercise.

Annual Youth Scholarship Campaign, scheduled for February and March 2014, invests funds back into the community so to help children and families that may lack financial means to participate in YMCA activities.

Coaches, mentors, greeters, board members, and committee members are needed.
Tom Breck, Director 1465 David Walker Drive Tavares, FL 32778 352.343.1144 tbreck@cfymca.org ymcacentralflorida.com
FLORIDA, INC. is an ecumenical Christian ministry dedicated to partnering with families and the community to create simple, decent, affordable housing for people living in substandard and overcrowded conditions beyond their control.
Volunteers can assist at construction sites, help in one of Habitat’s four thrift stores, or perform clerical work in the administrative office.
Michelle Turner, Mktg. Coordinator 1806 S. Bay St. Eustis, FL 32726 352.483.0434 info@habitatls.org habitatls.org
serves victims of domestic violence and sexual assault by providing shelter, counseling, food, clothing, and numerous classes. Free services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The 20th annual Domestic Violence Luncheon is planned for next fall.
Volunteers are needed for office work, maintenance, and assisting in the thrift store.
Kelly Smallridge, Director 2600 South St. Leesburg, FL. 34748 352.787.5889 havenlscnty@aol.com havenlakesumter.org
Kaleb Kares
makes memory boxes for mourning parents who have lost a baby. The nonprofi t Christian organization delivers memory boxes to hospitals throughout Florida.
A bowl-a-thon fundraiser is planned for next fall at Brunswick-Wekiva Lanes in Apopka. Proceeds from team entries will be used for supplies to make memory boxes.
Volunteers are needed to help assemble memory boxes, crochet blankets, or deliver boxes to hospitals.
Carrie Acosta, President 19529 Dorr Road Altoona, FL 32702 407.474.9146 carrie@kalebkares.com kalebkares.com