1 minute read
December is National Hand Washing Awareness Month. The simple act of washing your hands can stop germs from spreading. You should wash your hands BEFORE:

• Eating food;
• Preparing food;
• Caring for someone who is sick;
• Treating a cut or open wound. You should wash your hands AFTER:

• Using the toilet;
• Changing diapers;
• Blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing;

• Touching an animal or animal waste;
• Touching garbage.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in-law suffering from dementia. “Giving the community access to all the resources out there is beneficial to everyone.”
The directory includes these categories: adult day care centers, assisted living facilities with 16 residents or fewer, assisted-living facilities with 17 or more residents, companion services, elder law investment attorneys, home health agencies, hospitals, independent living communities, nurse registries, pharmacies, physicians, senior care advisors and professional guardians, and skilled nursing and rehabilitation facilities.
“It will be ever-evolving,” Keisha says, “based on feedback we’re receiving from the community.”