2 minute read
Inspiration for us all.
The December issue of IMPULSE is always one of my favorites of the year. Inside this year’s, we’ll celebrate what the holidays mean to us all by showcasing one of our annual community benefits—ICE WALK, 2014. Plus, we’ll hear from some of our patients as they share personal, inspiring stories of triumph over demanding medical circumstances. The medical world is full of interesting facts and figures and as always we are including a few of those inside as well. We hope you’ll find them interesting and maybe even a little helpful.
This year’s ICE WALK, 2014 was a resounding success. Thank you to all who laced up their walking shoes and came out to join us! It was our third and most successful ICE WALK with more fun and participating vendors than ever before. We had quite a turnout of walkers and some even brought along their four-footed BFFs to join in the festivities. What better way to do something good for your heart than to share that experience with a tail-wagging best friend? We donated proceeds from this year’s ICE WALK to our friends at the Marion County Humane Society and South Lake Animal League.
Speaking of friends, we asked several of ours to share some of their experiences with us about difficulties they faced and how they were able to overcome them with a little medical intervention and a lot of faith. Read their stories and I’m betting you’ll be inspired. A few of you who are going through similar circumstances may even find a few well-deserved rays of hope in their words.
Our goal at the Institute of Cardiovascular Excellence has always been to help as many people as we can by spreading messages of good health. We provide treatment where we can to those who are in need. And we never miss a chance to make someone’s day a little brighter by opening our hearts and sharing a little of ourselves whenever and wherever we can. I am proud of the men and women who lend their skills and their hearts every day to helping our Institute achieve those goals. I am humbled by your service and I thank you all.
Asad U. Qamar, MD

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A Abba b s w waas s an impreess s ionaablle t twellvve-yyeeaar-olold w when e his s gra r ndfaather r had d a heaarrt attaacckk. Seevver e al l yeear a s laater, r he’d c chaanne n led thhat t exppeerriieenncce e innto t addmisssion to meddiical schoool at the e presstiggioiouus s Gannddhi Medical a Sch c ool l in Innddiia whhere he coonnssiste t ntly y eaarrne n d toop p h hoonnors r in n evveery y c claasss. Poosstt-graduaate wo w rk folllo l w weed—Inntternnsshhip i , Reside d ncy an and Fellowwship p at t Hennry y Forrd d Hoospitaal in Detroit—wwhere he deeveeloped h his s o owwn n p peerrsoonnaal t trreeatmennt t s sttyl y e of commpapasssio i nate annd d foc o u used ed p patient caarre e Ex E tensive tiimme practic i i inng b both h in n M Michigan annd Flori r da a has s beeen caapppeed by y D Dr r Ali’’s s joining the Innstitute o of Caarddiov o ascculaar r Exxce c llence e wh w ere h he balan a ces an immprressivve schheeduule l wiith an a activve e i interest in n reseaarch c He’s s publishhed in nummeeroous peer-revvieweed pu p bl b icaatioons ns and presenntted d upwards o of thirty abstractts. s “I a alwwaays s wanteed to be b an engiinneer r and n so o I ha havve a MS in clinicaal reesearch deesign g annd statist s ic i s froom m thhe Univeerssitty of Michigan.”