1 minute read
The Villages
“I was in a pretty bad way. I couldn’t walk, had no balance, dizzy all the time, high blood pressure, you name it. The heart people I was seeing at the time gave up on me. Said there was nothing more they could do. Essentially telling me to go off and die. I’m 89 years old and I’m not near ready for that. So, on my own, I went to Gainesville and they put a stent in my heart and that helped a little bit.
“But I knew of Dr. Qamar when he was down on Rtes. 27 and 441 and my sister was going to him as well. So, I went to see him. When he told me that he could open my arteries up I said, ‘Really? No one else has told me that.’ But he did it. I’ve had several procedures and I’m due for some more. I have pretty bad plaque that needs clearing out. He’s opened up the flow in my legs. Left and then right, and he’ll probably go in each one and do it some more. Oh, he did all kinds of tests on me ... dopplers, MRIs, CT scans. A person my age doesn’t get that kind of attention anymore. Like they think I’m too old for it. Like it’s wasted on me.
“Dr. Qamar’s not like that at all. He’s a thoughtful, kind, intelligent man who truly cares about his patients. A rarity in this day and age. He’s not a magician but he’s keeping me going. I’m playing golf again. I’m a woodworker and I’m setting up a new woodworking shop. I know a lot of younger people sitting around waiting to die. That’s not me. Thanks to Dr. Qamar.