2 minute read
Owning a pet is one of life’s greatest loves. Pets provide companionship, help everyday worries melt away, and serve as instant mood-boosters. While they depend on us for basic needs, we equally depend on them to fill our hearts with warmth.
In past issues of Healthy Living, we delved extensively into the health benefits of owning a pet and allowed pet owners to tell us why their pet brings so much joy and love into their lives.
With this article, we’re doing something a little different.
We posed the following question to several Lake County residents:
“If we asked your pet how you treat him/her, what would your pet say?”
Here’s how they answered.
“My mommy treats me like a child. She is strict on my diet, and she keeps me off the countertops. However, she also encourages lots of play and snuggles. My mommy works very hard during the day as a teacher and sometimes doesn’t give me enough attention in the early-morning hours because she is tired and needs to sleep. Also, I wish she would let me wander outside sometimes, but going outside is an absolute no-no.”
“I love to ride on your shoulder, but sometimes you leave me in my cage too long.”
—Leesburg resident Tom Grizzard, owner of Chico, a 12-year-old green wing macaw.

“My name is Diesel and I’m a 6-yearold English Bulldog. I love my daddy, Stan Gause of Stan’s Premium Cars. He is my best friend. I am living a charmed life. He throws me the Frisbee, plays tug-of-war, and loves on me at every turn. But, despite shedding my hair, farting all the time, and constant loud snoring, Stan still loves me. Sometimes I chew things I’m not supposed to, eat things that aren’t mine, and slobber too much, but Stan still loves me. Sometimes when I go poo, I take too long, and when I go pee, I kill the grass, but Stan still loves me. Sometimes my butt itches and I spin on the floor, I sleep on furniture I’m not supposed to, and I bark at things that he can’t see, but Stan still loves me. Sometimes I make a mess of my food, drink too much water, and poop in the back of his Mercedes, but Stan still loves me. So, despite my quirks and bad habits, that is why I love my dad Stan because he is my very best friend.”
—Silver Lake resident Stan Gause, owner of Diesel, a 6-year-old English bulldog.

“My mommy and daddy spoil me. Sometimes, I get to go to the studio and hang out all day. After that, I know we will head to the park then I might get a few bites of a sandwich. Sometimes I get chicken from Oakwood and that is my favorite. I let them know how much I appreciate it by rolling around on my back…yum, yum! Daddy and I always spend time in the yard, we play ball, and walk around. Mommy joins us to sit and watch sunsets. When daddy mows or works in the yard, I always hang around and make sure he is OK. In the evenings, mommy and daddy spend time hanging out in my home, which is the garage. But it’s not just any garage. I’ve got a doggie door, carpet, my plush bed, paddle fan, and even an air conditioning vent. It’s a great life!”

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