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About Stress And Your Heart
No matter what the source of your stress may be, too much of it can increase your risk of heart disease.
Chronic stress can result in unhealthy habits that increase your risk of heart disease. Some examples are: smoking, sedentary lifestyle, overuse of alcohol, and poor eating habits.
How stress affect your heart?
elevated, and you may develop hypertension. Stress hormones can damage blood vessels by altering their flexibility and making them more vulnerable to plaque disruption.
• Back pain
• Chest tightness
• Headaches
• Inability to relax at night
• Irritable bowel syndrome

• Inability to concentrate
• Increase in blood pressure

• Loss of sexual desire
Well, it starts with the autonomic nervous system, an unconscious part of the nervous system that has two branches—the sympathetic and parasympathetic. These branches work together to control some of the involuntary activities of the body, producing chemicals that direct those activities. The sympathetic branch normally releases adrenaline. During stressful moments, this is produced in excess, which causes your heart rate and blood pressure to soar and a stimulation of platelets (blood clotting cells). Most people have felt palpitation, a strong heart beat or a racing pulse at times, which indicate and increase in our blood pressure. When stress continues without letting up over a long period of time, your blood pressure stays
Because every person responds to life’s stressors differently, our emotions profoundly influence our hormonal production. The kind of personality we have affects how our body and its internal system response. You can change your response. Identify when, where and why you get angry and then take steps to recognize and deal with your anger before it builds up. Taking time for yourself should become your new priority as you start on our hearthealthy way of life.


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