1 minute read
Cesar Euribe, M.D.
Who is doing your pain management?
Managing pain is complex and requires special training to help chronic pain patients achieve a better quality of life. When it comes to choosing your pain management provider, Dr. Cesar Euribe of Central Florida Pain Management considers the anesthesiologist to be the best qualified physician to manage your pain.
Pain management naturally fits as a subspecialty of anesthesiology. Anesthesiologists created the specialty of pain management because they naturally have been taught during their years of training how to render patients pain-free in a surgical environment. Anesthesiologists eliminate pain during surgery and provide patients with a comfortable and safe surgical experience.
“The management of chronic pain was overlooked for many years. However, since anesthesiologists are natural providers of pain management, it became clear that we could use the same techniques used in surgery for the clinical management of patients with chronic pain,” Dr. Euribe says.
Anesthesiologists are trained from their early years on the use of interventional techniques to alleviate both chronic and acute pain. The skills are practiced daily by anesthesiologists, and through that experience they can provide safe and very effective nerve blocks, epidurals, and implants. While other specialties in medicine also provide pain management, the glaring difference is the core training in the specialty of anesthesiology.
Specializing in anesthesiology means having a heightened understanding of medication and interventional techniques such as nerve blocks, which relieve pain by inserting needles into the body to numb nerves, joints, and spaces. They also are exposed to the management and implantation of devices such as pumps and stimulators.
“It really comes down to who would you like doing your injections,” Euribe explains. “Someone who took an extra class in pain management or someone who is extensively trained and experienced?”