Healthy Living July 2015

Page 61


Anytime Fitness helps you make the time


Guiding children through the legal process


Sniffin’ out the truth about wet dogs

Jennifer Lopez challenges women everywhere to #BeTheGirl!


& curren p ! LEESBURG 352.742.2008 SUMMERFIELD 352.307.0700 BUSHNELL 352.569.1015 LADY LAKE 352.633.0868 MOU O 352.308826 WILDOOD 352.39929 7 MEMBERSHIP FEATURES State-of-the-art cardio Free weight and strength equipment FREE personal fitness orientation upon joining Private restrooms and showers Around-the-clock security with remote monitoring and surveillance Tanning available Personal training Ask about corporate discounts and hero discounts (military, police, fire, emt, teachers) Get a friend to join – get a free month (refer 12– get a free year) 24-Hour secure access Co-ed facility Secure access to more than 3,000 clubs worldwide You have your own key! Get Fit Anytime! Callfornew currentmemberspecials! MOUNT DORA 352.399.2977 ALWAYS LOOK GOOD YOU FEEL GOOD FOLLOW ON ANY OF OUR FACEBOOK PAGES TO SEE WHERE #7 WILL BE!
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Swelling, discoloration and pain in the lower extremity, all symptoms of Venous Insufficiency, are serious indicators of a potentially limb-threatening, even life-threatening condition. Samantha had all three of them and missing a dance at her daughter’s wedding was the least of her worries. ICE was there to help. Our vein care team located the four damaged veins that were causing her problems and treated them. Six months later, Samantha got rave reviews for her fox trot at her baby’s wedding.

we’re on it.
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At Promise Hospital, our environmental services department helps us to provide quality patient care by maintaining a sparkling hospital environment. Each day, our eight-team crew cleans and sanitizes all 40 patient rooms, as well as the common areas, hallways, and restrooms. By working as a team and communicating thoroughly, the department provides a safe, clean and comfortable setting for all of our patients and their families.



(Left to right): Tammy Adams; Evelyn Malave; Rudolph Stoute, Supervisor; Bob Jones; Margarita Calderon; Georgianna McCoy
5050 County Road 472, Oxford FL 34484 352.689.6400 // WE PROMISE. — Rudolph Stoute, Supervisor


July 2015



Jennifer Lopez recently launched the Be the Girl Challenge, a national campaign that promotes womens health and self-esteem.




Guardian ad Litem (GAL) volunteers are with foster children from the beginning to the end of their journeys through the foster care and legal systems. In Lake County, 201 volunteers are serving 327 children, and more are needed.



22 34
54 HEALTHYSPIRIT SELF-FULFILLMENT 60 THE “WRITE” WAY TO HAPPINESS Discover joy by simply writing down things you appreciate in life.. WRITER: RUTH STERN IN EVERY ISSUE HEALTHYMIND SELF-ESTEEM 54 TELL YOURSELF A NEW STORY Positive thinking results in a healthy mindset. WRITER: SCOTT PERKINS 12 PUBLISHER’S LETTER 14 HEALTH MATTERS 18 HEALTHY INSPIRATION 20 MEDICAL MYSTERIES 70 CALENDAR 22 HEART OF THE COMMUNITY 82 IMPRESSIONS 60 HEALTHYBODY EXERCISE 46 SUMMER WORKOUT TIPS It’s July and the heat is on! Here are some important tips to remember for you outdoor exercise enthusiasts. NUTRITION 48 FOUR PILLARS OF HEALTHY EATING Focusing on certain foods will help you get the most out of your diet. HEALTHYFINANCE SMART MONEY 66 BUCK A PATHETIC TREND ASK DAVE 68 HONEYMOON ON A BUDGET WRITER: DAVE RAMSEY 48 66 20

Spending quality time with patients is a point of pride for Dr. Adina Ion, who practices internal medicine at Florida Primary Care Group, an affiliation of Cardiovascular Associates of Lake County.

“I consider it a privilege when patients trust me to make important decisions regarding their health care,” she says. “Therefore, I always make sure to spend quality time with them and never overbook.”

Dr. Ion treats many conditions, including diabetes, thyroid disease, kidney disease, and cardiac problems. She has practiced in Lake County since 2002. “I have worked directly with many of the doctors in the area, and as a result, it is easier for me to help navigate patients through the medical community when they have complex medical cases.”

1879 Nightingale Lane, Suite A-1 and C-1, Tavares • 352.742.1171 LRMC Medical Plaza, 705 Doctors Court, Leesburg • 352.323.5700
In Affilliation with Cardivascular Associates Of Lake County, PA *Leesburg location


Happy Fourth of July!

This is a great holiday; it’s an opportunity to spend time with family and friends and enjoy the greatest place to live in the world — the good ol’ USA!

Although a life in Tahiti seems appealing at times when I just want to run away and float in the clear, blue ocean, I am blessed and thankful every day that I am able to live and raise my family in such a great country.

I’ve never been very patriotic, or particularly active politically. But, I always have felt a wonderful sense of pride when I see someone displaying patriotism. I still feel a warm glow when I think of my days in school singing songs that honor America.

KENDRA AKERS publisher/editor-in-chief

DOUG AKERS vice president

JAMIE EZRA MARK chief creative officer

SABRINA CICERI associate publisher


JAMES COMBS staff writer

KATIE LEWIS staff writer

FRED LOPEZ chief photographer


STEVEN J. CODRARO creative director

JOE DELEON senior art director

JOSH CLARK senior designer

MICHAEL GAULIN production director





TIM MCRAE vice president of sales and marketing

MIKE STEGALL senior account representative

HEIDI RESSLER account representative

And, while enjoying the holiday here in Florida, near the water, in the sun… What comes to mind next? How do I look and feel going into the heat of summer? Did I hold true to those commitments I made back in January? Do I need to shop for that perfect cover up to help me look “cute” at the pool?

It all boils down to body image and how we see ourselves. It is true we constantly should be improving ourselves in one way or another (through education, physical fitness or other skills). However, we also must have a respect and appreciation for ourselves in the process.

This month, learn how to love yourself more and see the REAL beauty that each and every one of us possesses.

MELANIE MELVIN director of client services

DEB MATLOCK account coordinator

DAVID COTÉ account representative


AUBREY AKERS office assistant

SAMANTHA KURK receptionist


SCOTT HEGG distribution manager

12 // HL // JULY 2015
Publisher’s letter All contents are copyrighted © 2015 by Akers Media Group, Inc. DBA Lake County’s Healthy Living Magazine. All reproduction or use of content without written persmission is strictly prohibited under penalty of law. The contents of the Lake County’s Healthy Living Magazine are for informational purposes only. The information is not intended to be an alternative to professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider before starting any new diet or exercise program. The ideas and opinions contained in this publication do not necessarily reflect the thoughts or opinions of Akers Media Group. Phone: 352.787.4112 // Fax: 352.323.8161 P.O. Box 490088 Leesburg, FL 34749 or 108 5th street, Leesburg FL 34749
Comments or questions for our publisher?
Our goal is to provide you with the best quality publication, so your feedback is vital.
is being the best possible version of yourself inside and out!

Surgical Privileges at The Villages Regional Hospital


The Florida Department of Health in Lake County offers STI assessment testing every second and fourth Wednesday at the Clermont Health Center at 875 Oakley Seaver Drive, 9a.m-3p.m. HIV, blood/oral rapid tests cost $10. HIV, Syphilis, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea - urine and blood tests cost $40. To schedule an appointment or for more information please contact the departments’ Clermont Health Center at 352.989.9001 or visit the website at http://lake.


Dr. Shalesh Kaushal and Dr. Ali Al-Rajihi, of Retina Specialty Institute in The Villages, are setting their sights high in the world of eye care.

In January, the practice became first in the world to participate in a clinical trial with OcuStem, a nutritional supplement and stem cell inducing agent that may reduce retina damage in diabetic patients.

“OcuStem is basically a pill that is a combination of various nutraceuticals that stimulate bone marrow stem cells to be released into the blood stream and eventually re-establish the leaky blood vessel lining that is affected in diabetic retinopathy,” Dr. Kaushal said. “In addition, this novel therapy has the potential to reverse vision loss and possibly be useful in dry macular degeneration.”


Cody is one of 2015’s hottest health apps, which allows members of the fitness community to share their workouts with new friends. Users can like and comment on your daily workout activity and offer advice based on their personal experiences.

14 // HL // JULY 2015 Matters

75% of Americans experience some type of foot pain, causing many to believe they must learn to live with it, but I’m happy to report that arthritis, bunions, hammertoes, heel pain, neuromas and other foot and ankle disorders can be improved – even cured – through the specialized reconstructive and reparative surgeries I’ve performed on thousands of revitalized patients.

RESTORE. REPLACE. RENEW. FOOT PAIN IS COMMON, BUT IT ISN’T NORMAL. There are effective treatments for nearly every foot or ankle problem. THE VILLA (352) 753-4366 (352) 728-3000 | w C WATKINS, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Podiatrist and Foot & Ankle Surgeon
you down, give ’ he first step toward i y more without pain. HAD W
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If foot pain is slow me a call.
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All it takes are hammers, nails and enthusiasm to build better lives for people in need.

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That’s what Montverde Academy students recently discovered when they spent a day volunteering for Habitat for Humanity in nearby Oakland. The young builders braved rainy weather to help construct a home. Rachel Adams, head coach of Montverde’s volleyball team, accompanied the students on the volunteerservice trip.

The group of students included Chavisa Dechathipat, Mami Yamamoto, Karen Arimoto, Stepan Kolarik, Lucas Fagotti, Asafhe Lucas, Chun Yin Lee and Malcolm Hinds.


July 22 is National Grilling Day. But, with the warm weather, every day is perfect for a backyard barbecue. Unfortunately, we tend to consume meats that are

high in calories and cholesterol. That’s why no one should have any beef about grilling vegetables. Veggies that taste wonderful on the grill include:


America spends $2.8 trillion each year on health care. If the American health care system broke off from the U.S., it would be the fifthlargest economy in the world.

Source: vox com/2014/9/25/6840391/ facts-american-health-care-dysfunction



ng for high-quality, slightly used furniture, ehold appliances and clothing items? Then be to visit the new location of New Beginnings store at 415 Citrus Tower Blvd. in Clermont. organization also has smaller thrift stores in mmee and Winter Garden.

pers receive the satisfaction of knowing they’re ng homeless people. New Beginnings provides ces and training to help the homeless become uctive members of society more information about the thrift store, call 988 9510

16 // HL // JULY 2015 Matters This N’ That
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Pellosie DMD, Linda Pellosie DMD, Kenneth
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smile trust


Life has never been better for 40-year-old Gidget Blunt, who has completed two full marathons, zip lined across a Guatemalan jungle and gets down and dirty by competing in mud runs.

“I feel much better at 40 than I did when I was 30,” she said.

There’s a reason for that. It was only five years ago when she weighed 240 pounds, endured breathing problems and suffered from pain in her back and knees. Meals typically consisted of microwave dinners or “whatever was easy or convenient.”

But life changed dramatically when she entered a weight-loss challenge in January 2010. In three months, she lost 40 pounds and went from size 18 to size 14.

“More importantly, my breathing problems went away and my aches and pains vanished,” she said. “I was happier and my mood was lifted. Friends came up to me after those three months and said I was glowing.”

Gidget remains on track by eating healthy and exercising religiously. And, as owner of Tavares-based No Limit Fitness, she enjoys helping


• She eliminated processed food

• Eliminated dairy products, including cheese, ice cream and milk

• Added more vegetables and fruit

• Added coconut oil and apple cider vinegar to almost every meal

• Made all food from scratch

clients achieve a healthier lifestyle.

“I have much more self-confidence than I ever did before,” she said. “Exercising not only gives you

“The most important thing I did was cut all dairy products,” she said. “That’s when my breathing problems, headaches and acne went away. I no longer had to rely on Claritin and ibuprofen to get through the day.”

strength in your muscles, but on the inside as well. I want other people to discover the health benefits because their lives will change for the better.”


Breakfast: Fruit smoothie

Lunch: Leftovers from dinner

Dinner: Ground turkey with chopped vegetables


• Sit-ups

• Burpees

• Push-ups

• Squats

• Wall ball


Gidget successfully completed the 26.2-mile Space Coast Marathon in December 2013 and November 2014. That’s quite a feat, especially considering four years earlier she had never ran longer than one mile.

“I saw 70- and 80-year-old people competing in those marathons,” she said. “They’re living proof that you’re never too old to make a lifestyle change and be in tip-top shape.”

18 // HL // JULY 2015


Healthy feet are essential for overall good health, no matter your age, fitness level, or physical challenges. For people with diabetes, however, taking care of their feet is especially vital. More than 60 percent of all non-traumatic lower-limb amputations worldwide are related to complications from the disease, according to the American Diabetes Association.

A 2012 study by the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) indicates Hispanics with diabetes are particularly in danger, because more than 90 percent of those with the disease or at risk for it have never seen a podiatrist as part of their health care.

“The leading cause of hospitalization among people with diabetes—regardless of ethnicity— is foot ulcers and infections, but most of those problems are largely preventable,” says Nicole Hancock, DPM, a podiatrist at Lakeside Foot and Ankle Center and APMA member. “It’s important for those with the disease to ‘knock their socks off’ and receive regular foot exams by today’s podiatrists.”

While ulcers—open sores on

the foot—are the most common diabetes-related foot problem, several others are also serious and prevalent, including neuropathy, skin changes, calluses, poor circulation, and infection. The nerve damage that diabetes causes may mean a person with an ulcer or injury may be unaware of it until it becomes infected. Infection can lead to partial or full amputation of the foot or lower leg.

The good news is, regular care from a podiatrist can help reduce amputation rates between 45 and 85 percent, according to APMA.

People with diabetes need to

inspect their feet daily and be vigilant for warning signs of ulcers, including irritation, redness, cracked or dry skin (especially around the heels), or drainage on their socks.

“Although ulcers can occur anywhere on the foot or ankle, they are typically found on pressure points on the foot, like the ball of the foot or bottom of the big toe,” adds Dr. Hancock. “If you discover an ulcer or have any symptoms, see a podiatrist immediately. In many cases, the foot can be saved with early treatment.”

In addition to examining your feet every day, and keeping your blood

glucose in your target range, make sure to follow these foot health tips:

• Discuss your diabetes and the risks with your family. Diabetes can be hereditary, so talk to your family members about monitoring blood sugar and foot health.

• Never go barefoot. Always protect your feet with the proper footwear and make sure socks and shoes are comfortable and fit well.

• Trim toenails straight across, and never cut the cuticles. Seek immediate treatment for ingrown toenails, as they can lead to serious infection.

• Keep your feet elevated while sitting.

• Wiggle toes and move your feet and ankles up and down for five-minute sessions throughout the day.

“Successfully managing diabetes is a team effort, and today’s podiatrist is an integral player on that team,” Dr. Hancock says.

FOR MORE INFORMATION LAKESIDE FOOT & ANKLE CENTER Lady Lake | Leesburg 352.259.0854 | 352.728.1252
85 percent, to APM to eve with diabetes need Dr. Alexander Stirling Dr. Karsten Weber Dr. Jason Hancock Dr. Nicole Hancock


Our dog Paris thinks she’s a cat. When she’s not eating, pooping or sleeping, she is constantly grooming herself. She incessantly licks her legs, paws and anywhere else she can reach. In addition to the constant grooming, Paris shreds approximately two cubic feet of white hair every day.

These factors combine to create what is undoubtedly the cleanest dog in Florida. But, when she gets caught outside during a rainstorm, a strange transformation takes place. She stinks – really, really bad. You know all about wet dog odor. It has a stench that permeates the room and violently assaults your sense of smell. On the international scale of foul odors, a wet dog ranks right between a paper mill and a teenage boy’s gym socks.

So why does a little water turn your furry friend into a four-legged bundle of stink? Blame it on chemistry. For something to smell bad,

molecules need to leave the smelly object and reach our noses.

“The chemicals that make dogs smell are mostly what we call volatile, organic acids that they are produced by bacteria from the fats that are breaking down from sweat, and that’s maybe why we find these body odors unpleasant. They signal a presence of bacteria and decay and death to us,” said Dr. David Williams of the Veterinary School at England’s University of Cambridge.

When the dog gets wet, the organic acids are dissolved in water on its fur.

“As the water evaporates, the concentration of those smelly acids increases so there are more molecules in the air for us to smell.” Dr. Williams said.

The Internet blog, Kids ‘n’ Pets, agreed with Dr.

Williams: “Dogs, particularly if they go outside, collect all sorts of dirt, bits of food, leaves, sticks, and other debris in their fur. Their sweat also contains volatile organic acids, which consist of degrading fat and bacteria. When dogs get wet, this organic matter dissolves. It’s like pushing the ‘on’ button for smells!”

There are a few things you can do to reduce that doggy odor. Brush and bathe the dog regularly. Use a towel and hair dryer to hurry the drying process. Bacteria love warm, moist environments so the quicker you dry your dog, the better.

The simplest thing you can do is to keep your dog from getting wet, but that’s difficult because of the sudden rains we have in Florida. We’re trying to teach Paris how to carry an umbrella.


“Why do wet dogs smell?”, Institution of Continuing Education, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England HTML/questions/question/3125/

“Stinky When Wet: Dealing with Wet Dog Smell,” Kid ‘n’ Pets ,, Paramount Chemical Specialties, Inc., Redmond, WA http://www.kidsnpetsbrand. com/2014/04/23/stinky-when-wetdealing-with-wet-dog-smell/

“Why Does My Dog . . . Smell When He’s Wet?” by Dr. Mary Fuller, Vetstreet. com, May 8, 2012

“What’s Up With That: The Gross Chemistry Behind that Funky WetDog Smell,” by Nick Stockton, Wired. com, , 2015

“What Causes Wet Dog Smell (and how can I prevent it?),” by Renee Moen,

20 // HL // JULY 2015
Medical Mysteries
VOTED* BEST BUILDER IN LAKE AND SUMTER COUNTIES Our company is dedicated to customer satisfaction and trust through quality craftsmanship, integrity, hard work and communication with our client. We value the reputation we have earned. Lee Woods Construction PO Box 101, Fruitland Park, FL 34731 | 352.314.9767 Visit our website to see beautiful photos of our work, including residential and commercial projects. Lee Woods Construction has worked with the following clients:


W d the Internet, the standard of beauty is changing.


Everyone needs a self-esteem boost every now and again, even the pictureperfect celebrities who dazzle us from the red carpet.

That’s why Jennifer Lopez recently launched the #BeTheGirl Challenge, a national campaign to promote women’s health.

While Jennifer recognizes physical fitness and health are important, she also places much value on inner beauty.

Jennifer attests to that with her involvement with the Lopez Family Foundation, her nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the health and well-being of women and children.

She also demonstrates the value she places on inner beauty through her participation as a Boys & Girls Clubs of America alumnus. Growing up, she was a member of the Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club in New York and credits the Club for of her success.

And, the “Be the Girl” campaign continues to place emphasis on inner beauty by challenging women to be the girl of their own dreams.

Healthy Living recently spoke with Dr. Amy Heaton, director of scientific affairs for BodyLab, to find out more about what the challenge can do for women’s selfesteem and overall health.

Healthy Living: What exactly is BodyLab? How do you join the challenge?

Dr. Amy Heaton: BodyLab consists of two synergistic parts: 1) our innovative, research-based, body-reshaping formulas designed specifically for a woman’s body, and 2) all of the free lifestyle support components we offer at, like free meal plans, a calorie tracker, some of Jennifer’s favorite workouts and meals, content from the BodyLab community and more.

The #BeTheGirl Challenge is our way of motivating women everywhere to make healthy changes and it’s easy to join. Just visit and click on the “Get Started” tab right at the top of our home page. It will walk you through the three simple steps you follow to sign up.

HL: How are you involved with BodyLab?

AH: I’m the Director of Scientific Affairs for BodyLab. I helped formulate the BodyLab product line based on the latest cutting-edge science in women’s health and supplementation.

HL: Why did JLo become involved with BodyLab? Why is her role important to the company?

AH: Empowering women and improving their well-being has always been extremely important to Jennifer. You can see that in everything she does — especially in her work with the Lopez Family Foundation. So, when she recognized the growing epidemic of obesity and overweight as a top health issue for women, she decided to do something about it.

Jennifer’s role in BodyLab is essential. She’s put a face to the women’s health movement, and since her voice is already out there in front of so many women, she’s able to really elevate this conversation and drive the belief that women deserve to be healthy, happy, and to really love themselves.

HL: What sparked the idea for the company?

AH: Jennifer feels very lucky to be surrounded by some of the best scientists, trainers and nutritionists in the business. One day she was talking to her manager about the overweight epidemic and she

had an epiphany: If every woman had access to the same resources she did, there could be a huge shift in women’s health. She has enough determination to decide she wanted to be the one to bring those tools to women on an affordable scale, and that started this whole project.

HL: How do the products help increase women’s self-esteem?

AH: At BodyLab, we believe all women are beautiful. Our goal is simply to help them make healthy lifestyle changes and be the girl of their dreams, whatever that means to them. Our products can help by making it easier for them to achieve their goals: improved fitness, stamina and endurance, reduced joint stiffness and improved flexibility, enhanced weight loss and increased calorie burn, more lean muscle tissue. Whatever their goal, our formulas can help make it happen.

HL: How are BodyLab products different from other weight loss products?

AH: The BodyLab line is different because our formulas were developed by women, specifically for women, to address the unique needs of the female body. We offer much more than just weight loss, and we don’t believe in leaving our customers alone at the checkout counter. In addition to our products, we have an entire website dedicated to helping women make longterm lifestyle improvements, and all of the trainer advice, diet plans, calorie tracker, insider tips from fitness experts and more are completely FREE, whether or not you buy the products.

HL: How do you hope the #BeTheGirl Challenge will help women? What message do you hope to convey to women with the challenge?

AH: We hope the #BeTheGirl Challenge will not only give women a reason to take that first step toward better health, but will give them the support they need to actually achieve it. And, we want women everywhere to know that this challenge isn’t about fitting one mold or ideal of what women should look like. It’s about being

Dr. Amy Heaton

their best selves, being healthy, and — above all — loving themselves.

HL: How important to society are healthy campaigns like this one?

AH: These kinds of healthy campaigns are vital! Obesity is a growing problem throughout the United States, and it’s definitely not just about the way you look. Carrying too much weight is tied to certain forms of cancer, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and many other health issues. We can’t just keep telling people how dangerous it is. We need to start helping them make positive changes.

HL: What sort of advice would you give to someone who wants to get in shape but can’t afford dietary supplements?

AH: Supplements can definitely make it easier, but you can still use all of the information on! It’s free, and it can give you advice, ideas and support to help you achieve your goals.

HL: Why do you think empowering women is important?

AH: It may be 2015, but women are still dealing with gender equality issues, body image issues, and the exhaustion that comes from our seemingly inherent desire to do so much for those around us that we wear ourselves out. We need to bolster one another and help each other be our very best, and we need to realize that we all deserve to be happy.

HL: What does “Be The Girl” mean?

AH: When we say, “Be The Girl,” we mean, “Be the girl of your dreams,” whatever that means to you. As I said before, it’s not about fitting one ideal for women. It’s about being your best self, being your healthiest self, and — above all — loving yourself.

24 // HL // JULY 2015
Samantha Stewart


in order to be beautiful, they must be feminine and “pretty.” If you are doing something “like a girl,” that means you must be doing it daintily.

Recently, there have been campaigns to shift the paradigm of “beauty” away from the air-brushed, photoshopped illusion that media has convinced everyone is “true beauty.”

But, why? What in our society has molded us to think that doing anything like a female is bad?

For instance, what’s wrong with running like a girl? American Olympic medalist Florence Griffith-Joyner ran the 100-meter dash in 10.49 seconds, setting the world record in 1988. Running like her seems like a major compliment, in my humble opinion.

Bottom line is: In today’s society, women and girls are socialized to believe that

For example, the #LikeAGirl campaign by Always sparked national dialogue when it aired the “Do it Like a Girl” ad during the 2015 Superbowl. It showed how people of varying genders and ages react to the phrase “like a girl.”

Research by the company shows girls’ self-esteem plummets during puberty.

Personally, I can remember at age 10 I prided myself on running faster than all the boys. I didn’t care what anyone said and never gave “being a girl” a second thought.

Now, at 29, I fi nd myself checking the mirror constantly; worrying about imper-


The word “beauty” means something different to everyone; whether it’s a familiar celebrity face, the sun setting over the ocean or the love shown between family members, beauty comes in all forms. And, as the old adage says, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

So, here are what some of your friends and neighbors in Lake County had to say about the term “true beauty” and what it means to them:

f t ions and flaws. It isn’t out of vanity, b t instead anxiety that something is t of place — be it my hair, makeup or herwise. I even avoid certain types of h rsh lighting that don’t complement my k n tone

Recent research by Dove shows that, d ly, I’m not alone; only 4 percent of men worldwide consider themselves beautiful

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In an effort to get through to women that they are beautiful, many revered super models are shedding their makeup and touched-up images to take a stand against unrealistic examples of beauty. For example, 49-year-old American model Cindy Crawford leaves her makeup at home on a regular basis to set an example for her teenage daughter. The two recently posted a selfie to Instagram without makeup—and looked absolutely flawless.

Celebrities and big companies aren’t the only ones with the power to make waves. The defi nition of beauty should not be written by company executives or advertisement agencies; it is written by you.


While you may not need to read a status about what your best friend ate for breakfast, you can’t help but smile at the selfie she posted along with it.

“True beauty is knowing who you are, loving yourself for who you are and accepting those around you for who they are, regardless of race, gender, age or sexual orientation.”

We’ve all heard this statement before, usually meant in a negative way to insult the recipient of the remark.
“True beauty comes from the inside, and whatever you’re feeling inside is radiating out through that.”

She hasn’t put on any makeup yet and her hair is tied up in a sloppy ponytail. She’s laughing and holding up a box of waffles to show the camera. Without thinking twice, you click the like button, watching the number change from nine to 10. She’s still eating those waffles when she sees the notification and appreciates your simple show of support.

The perfection-obsessed maze becomes a little easier to navigate when interactions like this are at our fi ngertips.

Emily Cary, a Sumter County native, said she “would find it hard to believe that someone feels bad about themselves after

others speak kindly of a photo.” She frequents popular social media sites regularly and makes a point to only comment on a photo if she feels like that person will notice and feel good about her comment.

Everywhere you look at any given moment, you can witness women pulling out their phones to take representation into their own hands—a college graduate grinning as she snaps a picture with her back to the crowd, a teenage girl in a dressing room excited about her new outfit, a grandmother learning how to take her fi rst selfie. These pictures of real people fi ll up our social media platforms.

We aren’t just seeing impossibly thin, ultra-feminine girls. Instead, we are seeing happy, confident people of all shapes, sizes and colors.

“Social media represents everybody, of all types, and no one has to feel different or alone,” said Mona de Torres, an Asian-American who grew up in Lake County.

De Torres said she understands how damaging the media can be. She explained that she found it endlessly frustrating to always see people who looked nothing like her portrayed by the media.

“The media seems to dictate what is beautiful and what is not,” she said. “From experience, I know a very subtle and effective way to convince a young person that they are not beautiful is to not represent them.”

The distinction between social and mass media is an important one, Cary and de Torres agree.

While mass media constantly tries to sell us new-and-improved beauty products, social media allows individuality to flourish and has the power to influence people on a much more personal level than other media platforms.

“Social media hits closer to home, literally,” de Torres explained. “It’s a tool for everyday people.”

The power to change mass media standards is in your hands. Like, comment and share. Keep taking selfies; take representation into your own hands.


the best in people and have an accepting spirit. The most beautiful women I know are women who are kind, generous, loving women — women full of grace. You can’t help but see their inner beauty as well as their outward beauty.”

“True beauty is people who have compassion for animals.”

“True beauty is made manifest in an open mind’s ability to peel back the societal and cultural veneers of prejudice, preconception and pretension to begin to appreciate the incomprehensible order and chaos creating our brief experience of reality—an impossibly small glimpse of an ultimately absurd and infinite universe.”

26 // HL // JULY 2015
“It’s something that is natural. True beauty lies within all of us and we choose whether we want to highlight it.”
beauty comes from having a kind and loving heart. It’s hard to be outwardly beautiful if you aren’t willing to see
Specializing In: • Face and Neck Lift • Nose, Brow and Eyelids • Injectables – Botox and Sculptra • Laser – Skin Resurfacing, Pigment & Hair Reduction 352.259.5126 THE VILLAGES • LEESBURG • TAVARES As Seen In *February 21, 2015
Scan the code to watch interviews with Dr. Madonna, his staff and some patients. Actual Patient: Lower Face and Neck Lift Before After
Dino Madonna, MD

Most people w fret over the pros owning and operat yms. After all, you to keep both employee clients happy and also sure each gym maintains secure and clean environmen

However, it’s a labor of lo Michael Brashear openly em

Michael, who opened his fi gym in 2007 near Lake Squa Mall, is now the proud owne

Anytime Fitness locations tha Lake and Sumter counties

People oftentimes approac and ask how that’s possible.

The answer is simple: Mik maintains an undying passio helping people achieve healt lifestyles. For him, seeing pe make great strides in their o health easily outweighs the b of operating multiple gyms

As the saying goes, when something you love you neve a day in your life.

“I wake up happy everyday to go to work and just go out there and do the things that need to be done,” he said nonchalantly.

The 36-year-old Fruitland Park resident is a certified nutritionist and fitness trainer. However, he also demonstrates exceptional business savvy. Much thought, planning and research have gone into each of his Anytime Fitness locations. You’ll never catch him making major business decisions on a whim.

“In business you cannot just jump into things without knowing what you’re getting yourself into,” he said. “Before opening any new location, I’ve sat back, carefully observed and planned years in advance.”

The result of his business acumen is that thousands of residents throughout Lake and Sumter counties have a place to work out in a gym atmosphere that is motivating yet unintimidating. As the company name suggests, Anytime Fitness is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Clients are given a key to access the facility anytime in the day or night. This is especially beneficial for shift workers such as policemen, firefighters, nurses and doctors.

That key gives clients access to all 2,400 Anytime Fitness locations throughout the world.

“Once people get in the habit of living a healthy lifestyle, they want to continue working out even if

they’re on vacation, business trips or visiting family,” Michael said. “That’s definitely one of the big advantages of being an Anytime Fitness member. As a matter of fact, one of my clients drove an RV to Wyoming and took pictures of the Anytime Fitness gym there. They were excited about showing me the pictures when they returned.”

Even if clients desire to workout in the wee morning hours, they can feel safe and secure knowing each gym has multiple security cameras that are monitored. And access to the gym is granted only with a security-access key.

“If any members fall or suffer a heart attack, someone can press the security button which will bring the police and fire department here immediately,” Mike said. “Having high-tech security makes the Anytime Fitness franchise that much stronger.”

Mike also goes above and beyond to ensure his gym is clean and that maintenance is performed on all equipment each month. If any piece of equipment does break, he orders necessary parts promptly.

In addition, clients can utilize personal trainers to set up a customized workout or exercise program. They can also choose to exercise without the assistance of a trainer using state-of-the-art Life Fitness equipment, which Mike refers to as “the Mercedes of the equipment world.”

Those are just some of the benefits of being an Anytime Fitness member. But the biggest benefit— and what fuels Mike’s passion as an owner and personal trainer—is drastically improving the health of members.

“To me, it’s not about how much weight you’ve lost or how much muscle mass you’ve gained. I’ve seen people lose lots of weight only to put it back on. The biggest thing for me is teaching clients about living a healthier lifestyle and seeing them stick with that lifestyle. It makes people more confident, more successful in their career and even helps them manage finances better. The benefits of living a healthy lifestyle are endless.”

Members know Mike’s passion is genuine. He even hosts member appreciation events where he gives away prizes such as grills and television sets.

“If it wasn’t for my faithful members, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I count my blessings each and every day.”


Leesburg | 352.742.2008

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“Once people get i h hbi f living a healthy lifestyle, they want to continue working out even if they’re on vacation, business trips or visiting family.”
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Q: What causes Spider Veins?

A: Spider veins (also called telangiectasias) are small superficial blood vessels in the skin. They get their name because their appearance is similar to that of a spider web and are often warning signs of venous disease.

Many factors contribute to the developement and reoccurance of leg spider veins including:

• heredity

• hormones

• pregnancy


How does traveling increase the risk of DVT?

A: Often, travel circumstances entail inactivity in a confined space for long periods of time. This can increase the risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). This risk increases if one is dehydrated, wears confining clothing, has varicose veins or swelling, is being treated for cancer or has had a previous clot.


What can I do about the ugly bulging varicose veins?

A: The term “VARICOSE VEIN” refers to veins that are enlarged with leaky valves. People usually think of them as the big, bulging, rope-like veins seen in legs. Many women, and even men, suffer from varicose veins causing irritation, pain and progressive skin changes around the ankles.

• weight gain

• prolonged standing or sitting

Spider veins commonly appear in the inner and outer thighs, calves, back of the knees and the ankle area.

The Vascular Vein Centers’ unique injection sclerotherapy can potentially eliminate the appearance of spider veins by closing down the surface spider veins and the underlying feeder veins.

Travel tips for healthy traveling legs:

• Stay hydrated - drink water; avoid alcohol

• Pump your calf - move your legs & stretch often

• Wear medical grade compression socks or stockings

• Wear flat shoes and loose-fitting clothes

• Elevate your legs at every opportunity

Varicose Veins are treated with:

• Laser therapy - a minimally invasive procedure performed on an outpatient basis.

• Chemical ablation - an in-office procedure using a foamed sclerosant injected into the curvy, tortuous veins. These procedures can be performed without scars and with little down time. Treatments for varicose veins are covered by most insurances.

Central Florida locations including Orlando, Kissimmee, Lake Mary, The Villages – GOLF CART FRIENDLY, Waterford Lakes and Davenport Samuel P. Martin - MD, FACS Board Certified Vascular Surgery/Phlebologist Daniel L. Arnold - MD FACS Board Certified General Surgery Hugo V. Hart - MD, FACS Board Certified General Surgery
1.877.244.8558 Accredited Vascular Lab legs ove your again We specialize in the non-surgical treatment of Varicose Veins, Spider Veins, Skin Changes, Venous Ulcers, Tired, achy & heavy-feeling legs, Leg cramps and Swollen ankles All doctors are members of the $100 YOUR NEXT SPIDER VEIN TREATMENT mpression Socks $10OFF Limit 2 pairs, not to be combined with any other promotion or offer. Present or mention this ad. OFF Not to be combined with any other promotion or offer. Present or mention this ad.
*Discount excludes all contact lenses. Discount is not available with insurance or vision plans. Discount does not apply for Maui Jim, Costa Del Mar and Fitovers. Sale ends 7/31/15. Of course you want to keep your eyes safe from the summer sun, but you want to look incredibly stylish doing it. Now you can do both and save 25%! But don’t delay – the sun sets on this sale July 31 on amazing designer brands such as: THIS SUMMER, PROTECT YOUR EYES AND YOUR BUDGET IN Perfect Style * at LEESBURG | TAVARES LADY LAKE | THE VILLAGES |

A Voice for the Children

Guardian ad Litem (GAL) volunteers are with foster children from the beginning to the end of their journeys through the foster care and legal systems. In Lake County, 201 volunteers are serving 327 children, and more are needed.

Helping foster children doesn’t always require providing a spare room or an extra bed,.

In fact, one of the most important people in a foster child’s life is a volunteer who listens and guides them through the legalese that occurs in dependency court situations.

Guardian ad Litems are volunteers appointed by the court to protect the rights of vulnerable children who have been abused or neglected. Listening to the children is one of the most important duties of GAL volunteers who ensure the young voices are heard above all the wrangling surrounding their cases. The volunteer also makes independent recommendations to the court that are used to make decisions in the best interest of a child.

“When a child is removed from home, a shelter hearing is held within 24 hours and a Guardian ad Litem is identified almost immediately,” said Connie McMaster, Child Advocate Manager for Lake County’s GAL office. “The GAL volunteer is appointed at the fi rst court hearing. He or she will follow that child until the child is no longer part of the dependency court system.”

Florida’s Guardian ad Litem program began 35 years ago with only 407 advocates, and many children faced the court systems alone. Today, there are more than 10,000 advocates statewide, and all 20 of Florida’s judicial circuits have local Guardian ad Litem programs, including countywide programs such as Lake’s program. While both the Department


of Children and Families and the GAL programs work hand-in-hand to protect abused, neglected or abandoned children, their purposes are different. DCF assesses the risk and provides services to families through community-based agencies.

GAL advocates exclusively for the best interests of the children. The GAL volunteer often provides an independent perspective for judges deciding a child’s case.

“To be an effective Guardian ad Litem, you need to know wishes of the child you’re representing,” said Murray McMahon, of Mount Dora. “I ask them to tell me what they want, and I assure them I will tell the judge. Unfortunately, their wishes aren’t always in their best interests because their fi rst desire is always to go home to their mothers.”

As Guardian ad Litem volunteers, McMahon and his wife, Marilyn, have had more than 100 cases combined since training together in 2002. Although they worked separate cases, they often worked together and bounced ideas off each other.

“We found two heads were better than one,” said Marilyn, who had to stop volunteering due to health reasons.

McMahon’s fi rst case was one of his most memorable and most successful. He represented a young brother and sister who were placed in foster care. He was with them during court proceedings where parental rights were terminated, as well as during adoption proceedings a few years later.

“We receive their new family Christmas cards every year, and I was able to attend the girl’s high school graduation a couple of years ago,” he remembered with pride. “Seeing how you had a positive influence on a child’s life is the reward for being a Guardian ad Litem volunteer.”

Robert Ribera, of Clermont, is about to celebrate his 11th year as a Guardian ad Litem. He’s advocated for 76


The need for more Guardian ad Litem volunteers is growing. It’s a way to help foster children that doesn’t require providing living arrangements or financial assistance. But, it does require training — at least 30 hours.

“If they come with the heart, we’ll give them the training,” said Sarah Jay, GAL recruitment director for the Fifth Judicial Circuit. “Our volunteers come from every field. They do not need a background in law or social services.”

Training is provided in three phases, with the first being an eight-hour independent study course. A 15-hour training class follows with the next session scheduled in Hernando County during the last week in August. A Lake County training class is set for the last week in November, but residents can attend training classes anywhere in the Fifth Judicial Circuit. The final phase requires the volunteer to work with a mentor in the field.

For more information about becoming a Guardian ad Litem volunteer, call 352.274.5231 or email

schoolyard… She ran to me like a deer. Every time I visited, her face would light up.”

Although that particular case had a favorable outcome when the girl was reunited with her family, others do not always have happy endings.

“You have to deal with sad cases,” Ribera said. “You always remember, though, that they are just children. You hope you are helping in some small way.”

McMaster said the mandatory GAL training tries to prepare volunteers for the challenges of maneuvering through the legal system.

“They have to understand there will be successes and failures,” said McMaster, who has been with Lake County’s GAL program since 2000. “If they are committed, they will stick with children through good times and bad. The Guardian ad Litem volunteer is often the one constant in a child’s life during a very difficult time.”

McMaster noted that the 201 volunteers — 80 percent of whom are age 50 or older — in Lake County are the program’s backbone.

“They have made it successful because they are so generous with their time,” she said.

Volunteers come from all walks of life, and many are retired like Ribera and the McMahons.

Most spend about an average of 15 hours each month working on a case while others who take on a mentoring role often spend more time. The one thing that remains constant, however, is a love for children and a desire to make their lives better.

children over that period, and he said seeing a child’s smile often is the best — and sometimes the only — reward.

“I had a significant and sad case involving an 11-year-old girl,” he remembered. “I had to visit her school one day and she saw me from the

“It’s an extraordinarily rewarding opportunity just watching the children trying to make sense of what is going on in their lives,” added Ribera. “Even a 3- or 4-year-old child is listening when you are talking to his parents or caseworker. The satisfaction comes from knowing that you are helping.”

36 // HL // JULY 2015
SOURCE: orida-gal-program-35-year-anniversary-imagining-the-future/


Advantages of AIRS Benefits: Imagine a world where you are valued enough, to have quality time spent with you while you heal! No service is ever rushed at AIRS. We help you to catch your breath and breathe again after life has knocked the wind out of you. The quality of your life is meant to be fully enjoyed each day as it is a gift to you.

THERAPEUTIC SERVICES NATUROPATHIC & FAMILY MEDICINE DR. N. BROWN & DR. L. MAZZELLA OCALA 1005 SW 10th St, Suite 103 CALL 352.512.0222 THE VILLAGES 785 CR 466 CALL 352.462.0860 SOME OF OUR SERVICES • Diabetic Management • Hypertensive Management • Pain Management • Anti-Aging • Wound Care • Sexual Health • Stress Management
The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.


38 // HL // JULY 2015

Dr. Asad Qamar and Institute of Cardiovascular Excellence (ICE) have come under fire recently for alleged improprieties in Medicare billings and have been criticized for the ways the practice conducts its day-to-day operations. Dr. Qamar has even been denounced in the press for the hours he chooses to devote to patient care.

Pending resolution of the dispute, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid have removed Dr. Qamar from their Medicare list. The other physicians and practices of ICE remain unaffected.

Dr. Qamar would like to set the record straight—for his staff and for the patients who rely on him for the skilled, compassionate treatment that defines ICE.

“There have been allegations in the local press that I would like to respond to,” Dr. Qamar said. “Not for my ego or to settle a score. I am very comfortable with who I am and I’m proud what I have done for my patients and for my community. But I do owe it to my patients, my staff and to my associates to respond to these allegations and to assure them that ICE and myself will be available to take care of them in future and for many years to come.”

ICE is one of the largest billers of Medicare and has been singled out for it.

“We have actually saved the Medicare Fund hundreds of millions of dollars. Yes, hundreds of millions. How? Because of our aggressive approach in treating peripheral artery disease (PAD), ICE has the lowest amputation rate for PAD in the entire United States. Amputations average over $500,000—including the costs for the

initial amputation, fees for hospitalization, posthospitalization care and fitting of prosthesis. This doesn’t include work lost to the patient or the society. Plus, the treatments we provide to save a limb or a life are outpatient procedures and are much less expensive than a hospital visit.”

“Besides, ICE has over 24,000 patients. We have seven offices, over 200 employees and

provide services to residents in five counties. Those are the costs and numbers involved. But how can you put a price on a person’s limb? On a person’s life?”

People have said that ICE performs unnecessary medical procedures.

“We are a cardiovascular practice. People come to us with multiple risk factors for PAD or coronary artery disease. They smoke. They are overweight. They have diabetes. Non-invasive tests prove to us they have PAD. Should we not treat them? Do we wait until they lose a limb or occlude an artery? Certainly not. Morally and ethically, we are bound to give the very best possible care we can to these individuals.”

ICE has been accused of billing more than 24 hours in a 24-hour time period.

“That is incorrect. There are certain specialties in medicine that bill by the hour. ICE does not bill by the hour. We bill by the service provided.”

What are people to conclude from all this?

“I want to conclude by saying that neither ICE nor myself have been found guilty of any wrongdoing. My associates and I will continue to provide the best possible care to you and your loved ones—the kind of care that you have come to expect from ICE.”

Ocala | Tavares | Summerfield Williston | The Villages 352.854.0681
“We have actually saved the Medicare Fund hundreds of millions of dollars.”
40 // HL // JULY 2015


Residents of The Villages pride themselves on maintaining active lifestyles—physically, socially and sexually. Unfortunately, as some of them age, they’re going to deal with erectile dysfunction, which can be an absolute nightmare for any man.


After all, being unable to maintain an erection can be damaging to a man’s self-esteem and his relationship with his significant other. Furthermore, many men are reluctant to discuss this problem with their doctor. And even if they do, odds are that they’ll be prescribed chemical drugs to treat the problem.

But thanks to an innovative men’s health clinic, men now can regain their sexual health in a comfortable, discreet environment.

NuMale Medical Center, a nationwide men’s health clinic, recently opened its 12th location at 8640 E. C.R. 466 in The Villages.

The clinic has garnered a favorable reputation because of its patientcentric approach and therapeutic treatments. NuMale also offers treatments for men suffering from low testosterone, obesity issues and hair loss.

Dr. Christopher Asandra, a leading national expert in anti-aging medicine and men’s sexual health, opened the first clinic in Milwaukee in 2013. NuMale Medical Center now has locations in 10 states.

“We’re very excited that our innovative clinic is serving men in The Villages,” Dr. Asandra said. “We realize there’s definitely a need here for the type of services

we offer. I think men will appreciate that we take a comprehensive approach to deal with their issues rather than try to fix everything with a Band-Aid or pill.”

Manning up

While Viagra is probably the most common method used to treat erectile dysfunction, it doesn’t work for every man.

That’s why Dr. Asandra prefers a different treatment—one that has allowed NuMale Medical Center to maintain a 98 percent success rate in therapeutically treating erectile dysfunction.

It was realized that to truly treat the problem it would take treatments on several fronts to improve overall health. In-office lab testing allows the team to examine hormone levels and achieve sameday results, which is beneficial because patients can receive treatment on the first visit.

Dr. Asandra and the medical professionals at NuMale utilize bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, a process where bioidentical hormone pellets are


inserted under the skin and provide hormones that naturally mimic a male’s natural hormones. Men undergo a steady flow of hormones for up to six months without having to apply creams, take pills or receive injections.

“There’s nothing more rewarding than seeing men rekindle their intimacy with a spouse or significant other,” Dr. Asandra said. “They regain that swagger and hold their heads up high. We have been able to save many relationships and marriages because of our treatments. I look forward to helping men in The Villages overcome these conditions.”

At NuMale, it’s not only about treating erectile dysfunction but also identifying and treating the underlying cause of the condition.

“Sometimes the penis is a window into the body,” he said. “Erectile dysfunction is oftentimes an indicator that something else is going on, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol or poor blood flow.”

In recent years, Dr. Asandra has greatly expanded his knowledge on utilizing safer, more natural ways to address men’s health issues. As a matter of fact, he is fellowship trained in anti-aging medicine. He has discovered that hormones, supplements and nutrition are all very effective in helping men achieve optimal levels of health.

“The longer you’re on medication, more and more toxins build up in your body,” he said. “The more natural treatment modalities we use help increase a man’s blood flow and rehabilitates tissue without all of the adverse side effects.”

In addition to erectile dysfunction, NuMale Medical Center also treats men experiencing hair loss. Using a state-of-the-art NeoGraft medical device, hair grafts are extracted from one area of the scalp and then transplanted into the bald or

thinning areas of the scalp. Thi minimally invasive technique c performed in one day and resu less pain, less scarring and fas recovery time.

Give NuMale a try

The outstanding staff at NuM Medical Center prides itself on helping men regain their sexua health and thus their self-estee and confidence.

Each patient receives a comprehensive, confidential m examination and consultation. Using this information, the med team formulates a treatment p individually tailored to address patient’s specific needs and his medical history.

“Men who come here are ecstatic about having a place where they can not only talk about the embarrassing problems they’re facing but also have those problems successfully treated.”

“Men who come here are ecstatic about having a place w they can not only talk about the embarrassing problems they’re facing but also have those prob successfully treated,” Dr. Asan said. “Men who come here tel us all the time how we’ve change their lives for the better. And th wives also thank us because thy get their sex lives back, as wel ”


8640 E. County Road 466 Suite A, The Villages 352.389.4009

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Centra Care medical director, Timothy Hendrix MD, says that the increase in headaches cannot be attributed to one main cause, but his theory may surprise you. In many cases, the headaches are triggered by nothing more than good old summer fun. He shares with us just some of the reasons your head may be aching.

HOT DOG HEADACHE: Nitrates found in foods like, hot dogs, sausage and processed meat are known triggers for migraines.

OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES: The outdoor summer fun can be a real headache for those who suffer from allergies and sinus trouble.

ALCOHOL (ESPECIALLY RED WINE): It doesn’t take a lot to set off a headache for those who are migraine-prone. Many chemicals in alcohol including sulfites, tyramine and more can quickly cause you pain. Alcohol can also cause dehydration, which can also lead to a headache.

SLEEP: Changes in sleep patterns, whether you’re sleeping in, or staying up late, are known to cause migraines for some. It’s important to remain on a set sleep schedule.

STRESS: Your kids are home, your planning a vacation or other family activities, whatever your stressor may be, it can quickly bring on a tension headache.

INCREASED TEMPERATURES: Harvard University researchers found that for every 9°F increase in the temperature outdoors, the risk of severe headache jumped by 7.5 percent.

SUN/HEAT: A sunburn and heat exhaustion can both be causes for headaches. Be sure to limit sun exposure and stay hydrated.

These are just some of the causes that can bring on summertime headaches. Avoiding the trigger can prevent the headaches. You may find relief with over-the-counter medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen and acetaminophen, as well as lifestyle changes including relaxation and exercise. For

migraine sufferers, prescription medicine may be prescribed.

It’s important to determine that your headache is not caused by an underlying medical disorder. Seek medical care for severe pain, vomiting, neck pain, fever or headache accompanied by any numbness, weakness, vision changes or problems speaking.



28 Locations throughout Central Florida

While many of us are enjoying the summer break, for many it’s nothing but a big headache, literally. Centra Care locations usually notice more patients complaining of an aching head this time of year.


“To all my little Hulkamaniacs, say your prayers, take your vitamins and you will never go wrong.”



Many women lock themselves inside during the summer because they don’t want to be seen in a bathing suit. They don’t realize they can enjoy the sun and water together with family and friends without bruising their self-esteem by finding the perfect cover-up.

And there are plenty of hot, new styles (that are just as sleek and sexy as that gorgeous bikini) that will be the perfect complement to any swimwear.

Every style imaginable is now available, including tunics, beach dresses, caftans, beach shirts, sarongs, tank tops and T-shirts. They’re designed for every body type, age and attitude, ranging from sheer to full-cover. Whether you’re headed to the beach, lake, pool or picnic table, no bathing suit is complete without a stylish cover-up.

* Put the pedal to metalthe

Over time, you may experience a buildup of toxic metals, which can adversely affect your body. One way of ridding the body of these metals is through chelation therapy. This procedure, which is FDA approved, uses a manmade amino acid called EDTA (ethylene diamine tera-aceticacid)that remov h l from thbl d h lead, ir d

Durin needle d patient hh connecdvenou( )dtaii . Source:

acetic acid) that ves heavy metals he blood such as iron and copper. ng treatment, a is inserted into a t’s vein, which is cted to an intraus (IV) drip conining EDTA.

It’s July, and the heat is on! Here are some important tips to remember for you outdoor exercise enthusiasts.

Try to avoid exercising between 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. because that is the hottest part of the day. Early morning is typically the best time to exercise.

Wear loose, light-colored clothing to help reflect heat. Cotton material will help the evaporation of sweat. There are also special running shirts and shorts made from material that is designed to keep you cool.

Avoid becoming sunburned and risk damaging your skin. Wear sunscreen, preferably SPF 45 just to be safe.

You’ll undoubtedly sweat, so be sure to drink two glasses of water before you begin exercising. Make sure to carry a bottle of water and take a drink every 15 minutes. Once your workout is completed, have a few more glasses of water.

Always listen to your body. Immediately stop and rest if you begin feeling dizzy, faint or nauseous.

Use small packs of sodium and electrolytestokeepyoursystem ihk

electrolytes to keep your system in check

46 // HL // JULY 2015 S
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ource: or r exe ex x rcising-in-summer-heat


I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. However, you don’t want ice cream to destroy that beach body. Consider these healthier options that will keep you cool during the sizzling summer days.


This Chia seed smoothie contains omega-3 fatty acids, which benefit your heart and brain.


Half cup old-fashioned oatmeal

Three-fourths cup almond milk

2 tablespoons chocolate PB2

1 tablespoon chia seeds

One-fourth cup almond milk

Three-fourths cup frozen strawberries

This thin mint smoothie tastes similar to Girl Scout cookies Thin Mints, but you can eat it without feeling guilty.


1 ¼ scoops chocolate protein powder

1 cup milk

Peppermint extract to taste

5 ice cubes

2 large handfuls fresh spinach

This Mocha Green Monster combines breakfast and coffee in one cup.


1 frozen banana

1 scoop chocolate protein powder

1 packet Starbucks instant coffee

1 large handful of spinach

4 ice cubes

Three-fourths cup milk

These Frozen banana nibblers provide the body with a variety of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin C, potassium and magnesium.


5 bananas

1 tablespoon peanut butter

One-fourth cup

vanilla Greek yogurt



We all know Vitamin C is beneficial for combating colds, but it also has additional health benefits. This versatile vitamin contains potent antiinflammatory and antioxidant properties that help people achieve better overall health. Consuming 40 mg of Vitamin C each day:

• Helps people maintain normal cholesterol and blood pressure levels

• Aids in healing of the skin

• Manages stress levels

• Helps people effectively cope with illnesses such as heart disease, osteoporosis, asthma, gout and arthritis


In an attempt to lose weight, you purchase a membership at a local gym. When you walk inside for the first time and see numerous hightech cardio machines, you naturally wonder which one is right for you. The smart thing to do is try each machine at least once to discover which one feels the most comfortable to you. That said, if it’s all about burning calories, we decided to provide a quick rundown of how many calories a 35-year-old male weighing 215 pounds would burn in 30 minutes.


555 calories

Stationary bike (moderate workout): 342 calories

Treadmill (2 percent incline for 2 miles): 310 calories

(4 percent incline for 2 miles): 349 calories

Stair stepper 460 calories result?calculators=%2Fhealth-fitness%2Factivity%2Fcalculator s%2Fstair_stepping&met=9.0&weightPounds=215&duration=3 0&activity=&submit.x=51&submit.y=15&submit=submit






Believe it or not, fat is part of a healthy diet but only if it’s the right kind. Get your healthy fats from whole plant-based foods like nuts, seeds and avocados. Then, minimize (or eliminate) the amounts of extracted oils and processed fats you cook with on a daily basis.


• Nuts, seeds and avocados (all plant-based whole foods!) are great micronutrient-dense sources of healthy fats.

• Minimize or eliminate extracted oils (like canola) and processed fats (like margarine). 4


A variety of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients are essential for good health. Eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables along with all kinds of whole grains, beans and other unrefined whole plant foods to get the most out of your diet.


• Build your meals around recipes that emphasize plant-based foods.

• Choose foods rich in micronutrients when compared to total caloric content.

Every breath tells a story. • INTENSIVE AND ICU MANAGEMENT • COPD • ASTHMA • DISEASES OF THE LUNGS • SLEEP DISORDERS • NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS • MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED Exclusively offering pulmonary rehab with an experienced respiratory therapist. Specializing in pulmonary and critical care. LEESBURG: 1038 W North Blvd, Ste 102 VILLAGES: 1400 US Hwy 441, Bldg 900 Ste 906 352.315.1627 •
DR. MARJERY LOPEZ Board-Certified in Internal and Pulmonary Medicine. Privileges at LRMC, The Villages Regional Hospital and Promise Hospital. DR. JOSÉ DIAZ Board-Certified in Internal and Pulmonary Medicine. Privileges at LRMC, The Villages Regional Hospital and Promise Hospital. MARIA BYRD, ARNP Certified in adult health, specializing in Pulmonary Medicine. Privileges at LRMC and Promise Hospital. PILAR SMITH, ARNP Certified in adult health, specializing in Pulmonary Medicine. Privileges at Promise Hospital.


are going to want a urologist with the skills and experience to resolve your problem quickly. The good news, Advanced Urology Specialists has fifteen urologists—all with the expertise you need to focus on the toughest challenges. The better news, when the going does indeed get tough, you won’t have to go far for relief with eight offices throughout Central Florida to serve you. 855-298-CARE // HOMOSASSA 3745 South Suncoast Blvd // 352.366.0119 INVERNESS 609 West Highland Blvd // 352.508.1888 LEESBURG 616 North Palmetto St // 352.877.2888 OCALA 2301 Southeast 3rd Ave, Building 100, Ste A // 352.444.1571 9401 Southwest Hwy 200 Ste 3001 // 352.877.2887 6907 Southwest Hwy 200 // 352.504.4491 1901 Southeast 18th Ave // 352.877.2880 OXFORD 12109 CR 103 // 352.260.0055





All of us have a narrative we tell our self, a running story that defines our own perspective of who we are and how the world sees us. Usually this narrative is filled with lies like…

• I am not good enough.

• I am forgettable.

• I have no value.

• I am bad or unforgiveable.

• I must be perfect.

• I must be a success.


Let’s face the truth. We are our own worst critics. And sometimes we become so infatuated with our negative traits that we seldom take time to focus on all the positives. Self-loathing is detrimental to happiness in life. Here are some insults that some of my friends and family members have hurled at themselves. Chances are, you’ve heard people say the same things. I’m going to analyze why they’re wrong. Out of respect, I’m not going to use their last names.


We all have skeletons in our closets and wish we could go back in time and have doovers. Unfortunately, there’s no real-life time machine like in Back to the Future. So you

made some mistakes. Big deal. Learn from them so they’re not repeated. And try to dwell on your triumphs in life rather than your mistakes.


So you’re not a runway model. So what? You have raised two well-behaved, intelligent children by yourself and made a profound impact on their lives. You make endless sacrifices so your children can have the best lives possible. In their eyes, you are the most beautiful woman in the world. What more could a loving mother want?


Well, the fact that you’re working and making an honest living means that you are NOT a failure. Look how

many able-bodied people out there purposely don’t work and collect money from the government. It’s a great thing that you’re not one of them. And thanks to the popularity of online courses, you can earn a degree with the simple click of a mouse. It’s never too late to go back to college or take other necessary steps to advance your career.


Here’s something your doctor may not tell you: Being normal is unhealthy. Every human is different and unique in his or her own way—and that’s a good thing! If we were all “normal,” we’d live in an uninteresting world. You’re intelligent and educated. You also have a big heart and you’re a very likeable person. Embrace your many positives and come to peace with whatever makes you feel “not normal.”

• I must look or act a certain way.

A first step to changing the story, injecting truth into the narrative is to identify the lies. Rather than running from them by proving them wrong or giving in and believing them, the first step to a healthy mindset is to shed light on false forms of thinking. This is the step of developing awareness.

As you read the above list of lies, what else comes to mind? Write it down.

• How do you mentally respond to failure? This may give insight into your lies.

• As you think about your kids, how do you want them to think of their self differently?


We all

54 // HL // JULY 2015

have adopted behaviors and ways of living that cover up the lies that we tell our self. These patterns function as a mask that locks others out and keeps us safe from having to address our lies.

Some people wear the mask of trying to fit in. Others adopt a different approach and wear a mask of indifference or rebelliousness. In either case, it is a struggle against the personal story we have come to believe.

• How do you wear your mask?

• What is the spiritual source of the mask you wear?

• How would anyone know if they are encountering the real you?


Overcoming the false narrative takes more than just the willpower to stop telling yourself the same old story. There must be a source of truth – that is independent of performance – to put in its place. For some, this is spiritual truth; for others, it may be abandoning family dysfunction. A vacuum in thinking will be filled in the easiest way.

Abandoning falsities and stepping into the true self of who you were created to be can create fear and involve pitfalls. Choosing to live in a new way will feel like first moving into a new house. Nothing feels natural and seems to be out of place. It takes intentional effort to think though our reactions


and new patterns take time to develop. It means learning to celebrate the successes and having self-compassion through the failures.

You should also have a partner. Regardless of whether it is a close friend, mentor, counselor or coach, there should be someone you trust in your corner as you choose to become your true self.

• What is your source of personal truth?

• Who can help you in your effort to tell yourself a new story?




Every thought you have influences your body’s physiology in some way. Even negative emotions affect your mind, because your body’s response causes your pancreas and adrenal glands to secrete hormones.

Like a lightning storm, different areas of your brain surge with electrical current, releasing neurochemicals too numerous to name. Your spleen and thymus gland send a message to your

immune system to make a few modifications. Your liver begins processing enzymes not present before.


The problem is the longterm effects of negative thinking can cause your body to move to a state of imbalance, which is where all

riddled with automatic programs of behavior that no longer support our ability to evolve. In fact, our reality in any given moment is unset Jello that we control with our observations, perceptions and judgments.

Thoughts can cause a power surge and flux of electricity in millions of brain cells. Because we each

diseases begin. We can cause our internal chemistry to be bumped out of normal range so often that the body’s selfregulation system eventually redefines what is normal and this becomes our new state of health.

How do possibilities become actualities in our experience? Neuroscience teaches us that where we put our attention maps the very course of our being. Whatever we think about repeatedly, we become neurologically. It’s called “hard-wiring” in the brain.

The brain is not designed to just stop learning. When we stop upgrading the brain with new information, it becomes

have the power to change or influence our thoughts every second of every day, we always have the unique capacity to change the very course of our being.

We’re only able to experience life within the boundaries of what we already know; so, it becomes obvious that if we want to have a broader and richer life, we need to bust a move on ourselves by asking more challenging questions, so we can experience new emotions.

Then, by packing more data into our neural networks, we can empower ourselves with a happier and more peaceful emotional state of mind.


Chances are that you have heard about stem cells—they have been in the news for years. But did you know that stem cells are being used right now in the United States to treat debili-

ceiving life changing stem cell treatments that just a few short years ago had not yet

With further advancements in the study -

icillin both come from humble beginnings and accidental discovery, they are both used to treat life threatening conditions and dis-tical uses of their discoveries. -

inally discovered in 1928 by the Scottish bi-

tential of the medication was not seen until its wide use in WWII. It wasn’t until 1945, 17 years after its discovery, that Sir Fleming

medication had saved millions of lives.

Stem cells have also been studied exten-

the stem cells found in fetuses. However, the actual stem cells that are now being used to treat diseases in the United States, and the same cells that warranted the 2012 Nobel

the stem cells into millions of healthy cells before extracting the stem cells from the -

gardless of age or health.

cell or a brain cell. At the turn of the 20th century, biologists discovered that some cells that reside in the body have not yet been as-

damaged ones found in the lungs. Not only

but it also works to restore lung function. -

individual’s body is the creation of healthy blood cells that are not infected with the disis using adult stem cells harvested from, states that they have treated over

successfully treated with stem cells is any indication of the future, then it will undoubtedly be heralded as one of the ground-breaking medical technologies of its time.

Call (855) 607-0460 for more information, or visit
AUDIOLOGY & HEARING AID SERVICES Lake Ear, Nose, Throat & Facial Plastic Surgery Call today for your free hearing screening & consultation.* *Excludes diagnostic hearing test. THE VILLAGES 352.753.8448 LEESBURG 352.728.2404 TAVARES 352.343.7279 Audiology & Hearing Aid Services of HEAR BETTER HERE


Cardiovascular Associates of Lake County has made strides to become one of the premier providers of cardiac care in Lake County and in Central Florida. Founded by Dr. J. Henry Lesmes in 1992, the practice bears a legacy of innovation, longevity and consistency that patients value.

“As one of the oldest private cardiology practices in the region, our group has stood as a pillar in the medical community for more than 20 years,” says Dr. Samuel Goss, an invasive cardiologist with Cardiovascular Associates. “We pride ourselves on maintaining such a stellar reputation.”

At Cardiovascular Associates, its team of board-certified physicians uses stateof-the-art methods to diagnose a wide range of cardiac and vascular diseases. The practice is also highly innovative, bringing cutting-edge services to its patients. Cardiovascular Associates brought the fi rst electrophysiology

(EP) physician to the area, Dr. Miguel Bryce. Dr. Lesmes was one of the fi rst physicians to perform a heart catheterization in Lake County and the fi rst physician to perform a trans esophageal echocardiogram (TEE) at Florida Hospital Waterman.

Dr. Alejandro Caballero-Lopez, interventional cardiologist with Cardiovascular Associates, was one of the fi rst physicians in Lake County to perform peripheral interventions, aortic aneurism repairs, carotid stenting and pacemaker placements. And in 2011, Cardiovascular Associates brought the fi rst cardiac PET to Lake County.

As a full service cardiology practice, Cardiovascular Associates provides complete care for any heart and vascular condition. The group also maintains privileges at the main area hospitals.

Individually, the highly trained cardiologists of Cardiovascular

Associates possess unique capabilities that keep them on the cutting edge of advanced heart medicine. However, they collectively maintain a strong sense of camaraderie that assists in giving patients a full continuum of care and a sense of ease at every office visit.

“We have a team approach,” Dr. Goss says. “We strive to provide a relaxing, friendly, and inviting office environment so our patients always feel comfortable.”

“We have little turnover,” adds Dr. Fraifeld. “Many of our employees have worked with us for more than 10 years, and we have had the same core group of physicians for about 15 years.”

Strong partnerships, gracious professionalism, innovative technology and service with compassion are just a few of Cardiovascular Associates’ core standards. Over the years, these standards have helped make Cardiovascular Associates the place where employees want to work, physicians want to practice and patients want to receive cardiac care.

1879 Nightingale Lane, Suite A-1 and C-1, Tavares • 352.742.1171 LRMC Medical Plaza, 705 Doctors Court, Leesburg • 352.323.5700 III PAID PROMOTIONAL FEATURE III


“If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride and never quit, you’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high, but so are the rewards.”



Perhaps you have asked yourself one or more of the following questions:

• Why can’t I be thinner?

• Why can’t I make more money?

• Why don’t the kids behave better?

• How does my friend attract more friends than I do?

Hundreds of questions may come to mind when we don’t feel like we’re good enough, and those questions are huge contributors to squelching happiness and joy. Dr. Wayne Dyer, popular author and lecturer, refers to this as the “disease of more.”

From my research and personal experience in the pursuit of happiness, I’ve learned that practicing gratitude can overcome these feelings of “not enough.”


As family members and friends participate in a game of horseshoes, the aroma of grilled hamburgers and hot dogs wafts through the backyard. Later that evening, everyone sits in lawn chairs and ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ as fireworks illuminate the night sky.

Gratitude allows you to enjoy and savor your present experience.

I strongly encourage everyone to take a few minutes each day and write down the things in life they appreciate most. Savor each thing as you write, and you might see some miraculous changes, as well. Imagine if everyone did this on a daily basis. It would shift their lives from disappointment and sadness to fulfillment and joy.

The spirit of national pride is alive and well on Independence Day, and it’s a wonderful feeling, indeed. But what if we maintained a sense of pride throughout the entire year? How wonderful would that be?

Feeling pride and happiness brings about numerous benefits:








60 // HL // JULY 2015 SPIRIT

At one time or another, every individual experiences grief. Death, broken or strained relationships, and pain obviously cause grief. Grieving is very important and it should not be rushed; however, if it becomes overwhelming it can affect all areas of life, ultimately leading to even greater suffering and distress. Finding the best technique for handling your personal grief can be a great help.

• Share your feelings with a friend or mentor. Talking about your grief

can help you recognize your own emotions and accept them, while at the same time receiving consolation and understanding from a confidant.

• Listen to soothing music. Turn on classical music, or any form of music that is peaceful, gentle and harmonious. If you have thousands of thoughts and feelings rushing through your head, soothing music can help restore order in your mind, which can help you think things through more clearly.

• Turn to faith. If you believe in God, pray.


Ask God to strengthen and console you. Draw peace, courage and fortitude from your confidence in God’s presence in your life.


• Allow yourself to cry. Tears are a natural relief mechanism. Let them flow. Sometimes crying effectively releases different emotions and makes you feel more at peace with yourself and the situation. Unfortunately, society often portrays tears as a sign of weakness. However, tears portray universal human feelings and are one way of regaining strength.

• Talk with someone who has been through something similar. Sometimes it seems impossible to believe that anyone can understand the pain and suffering you are going through. While no one else can know exactly how you are feeling, someone who has been through a similar tragedy or loss can relate to you. Hearing about their experience can help you feel understood and might even give you new techniques for handling your grief.

Sources: “Coping with Grief and Loss.” grief_loss.htm; “Dealing with grief: Confronting painful emotions.” Mayo Clinic. www. (Accessed January 9, 2014)

We live in a world that defines manhood largely by sitcoms that belittle and make men look stupid, movies that promote out-of-control, abusive and adulterous behavior and movies that glorify ungodliness as being expected from a man.

Eugene Peterson provides a much different definition of what a man is in “The Message Bible” when he quotes the Apostle Paul in Romans 12:2: “Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.”

We’ve allowed the world to gradually squeeze us into a mold — in our thinking — about what a “real” man is.

I grew up in a time when it was often said “big boys” don’t cry. Therefore, for most of my life I struggled to show my emotions because to do so was a weakness and proof I was not a “real” man. I learned to keep my feelings bottled up. It wasn’t until I fell apart emotionally and was crippled with fear and depression that I began

seeking what it means to be a man. The journey to discover who I am as a man took me to the Bible, and from there, I discovered two things that are helping me become who I was made to be instead of caving into what the world expects.

I am loved by God because I’m me. I used to think if I were more like someone else I would be more loved by God, but I now realize that nothing could be further from the truth. The more I realize I am loved, the more comfortable I am being me. Romans 12:6 says, “Let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other or trying to be something we aren’t.”

What I do is not who I am. This was and continues to be an insight that has rocked my world. For most of my life, I [like most people] could not tell you who I was without telling you what I did.

I want to stress to you again that what you do IS NOT who you are. The moment I stopped allowing what I did to be who I was — the time I began what I call Manhood 101 — I found the starting place of self-discovery.

Make it memorable. The 1889 Opera House offers history and 3,500 square feet of spacious style for events ranging from seminars to weddings. Holiday Parties • Life Celebrations • Speaker Events Business Socials • Conferences/Seminars • Weddings 108 5TH STREET, LEESBURG 352.787.4112 | OPERAHOUSEEVENTS.COM

After completing surgical training, Dr. Boardman served four years in the U.S. Army and received multiple military honors in 2005. After his military service, Dr. Boardman relocated to Clermont and opened a private surgical practice. He joined MidFlorida Surgical Associates in 2010.

Dr. Boardman, who specializes in general surgery, is board certified by the American Board of Surgery and is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons. He has interest in breast disease, vein treatments, and minimally invasive surgery with emphasis on oncological procedures for breast and colon. He and his partner, Dr. Christopher Johnson, offer patients the latest in minimally invasive surgeries, utilizing the da Vinci robot. He and Dr. Johnson are working


together in the introduction of TIF(transoral incisionless fundoplication), a procedure used to treat acid reflux disease. They also perform inoffice vasectomies and breast biopsies.


Dr.Boardman serves as the past president of the Lake-Sumter Medical Society and as chief of the South Lake Hospital Foundation board. He is also an assistant professor for UCF Community College. The Florida Medical Association has recognized him for his leadership, and the Consumers’ Research Council of America named him “One of America’s Top Surgeons”.

Dr. Boardman and his wife, Dr. Mary Beth Lewis-Boardman, have two children: Annabella and Sam.

Ocoee 10000 W. Colonial Dr. Suite 288 Ocoee, FL 34761 407.521.3600
1804 Oakley Seaver Dr. Suite A Clermont, FL 34711 352.243.2622
Jason A. Boardman, M.D., F.A.C.S.


76% of Americans are living paycheckto-paycheck, according to a survey.



“The cost of living continues increasing, but my paycheck stays the same.”

“I can’t pay my bills.”

“I wish I could win the lottery.”

If you’re someone who repeatedly makes these comments, it’s time to come to the realization that the problem could be … gulp! … you. Fact is, you’re probably one of millions of Americans who engage in wasteful spending.

On the surface, that daily cup of coffee at Starbucks seems harmless, but it certainly adds up over months and years.

Here are six common ways in which Americans throw their hard-earned dollars away. Chances are, you’re guilty of at least one of them.

1Eating out.

Consumersspent an average of $28.47 at each restaurant and averaged 82 restaurant visits in a year, which adds up to $2,341. That’s enough to pay a full year of electric bills, assuming your electric bills averaged $180 a month.

2 Gourmet coffee Americans spend an average of $8.43 each time they visit a coffee shop. Fifty yearly visits would translate into $421.50. That’s a nice wad of cash you could put into an emergency fund.


Credit card debt.

The average American household owes $15,270 in credit card debt. Imagine if you didn’t have that debt and could use the money toward your child’s college tuition.

4 Tobacco. Americans spend $44 billion a year on tobacco products, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Better hope you don’t get cancer because the average lung cancer surgery costs $39,891. The habit may seem fulfilling now but may leave you bankrupt down the road.

5 Lottery tickets.

In 2014, Americans spent $70.15 billion on lottery tickets, according to the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries. In comparison, they spent $17.8 billion in sports tickets and $13.1 billion in video games. Wonder how many avid lottery players actually are millionaires?


Unused gym memberships

Gyms sell memberships with the expectation that only 18 percent of members will visit the gym frequently, according to the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association. The phrase “use it or lose it” certainly applies here.


66 // HL // JULY 2015


Rather than wait in long lines at theme parks, here are some things you can enjoy locally without reaching too far in your wallet.

ALEXANDER SPRINGS A great way to cool off from the scorching humidity is to visit Alexander Springs, where the water remains 72 degrees year round. Visitors can swim, snorkel and dive in the crystalline waters, which is surrounded by a subtropical forest with wildlife such as deer, turtles and various species of birds. Cost: Day use in the park costs $5.50 per person. Visit



the world’s largest 4x4 through a 2,500-acre estate and learn about native Florida trees, plants and wildlife. Guests may also interact with and feed local animals. Cost: $25 for adults; $15 for children ages 4-12 and free for children ages 0-3. Visit www. showcaseofcitrus. com

PRESIDENTS HALL OF FAME Since this month is the Fourth of July, your patriotic juices should already be flowing. Why not take a trip to the Presidents Hall of Fame, where visitors see lifesize wax statues of 44 presidents, including Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt and George H.W. Bush. You will also see authentic miniature replicas of the White House.

Cost: $14.95 for adults, $13.95 for seniors and $6.95 for children ages 6 to 11. Visit http://

PREMIER BOAT TOURS Take a two-hour, narrated tour through the Dora Canal, which legendary sportswriter Grantland Rice famously called “the most beautiful mile of water in the world.” Cost: $27 for adults, $15 for children ages 3-10 and free for children ages 2 and under. Visit www.


ke a r dary amously e water dults, d free for sit www. kea


Dear Dave,

I just got married, and my husband and I want to book a combination honeymoon and New Year’s trip to celebrate. We don’t have all the money for it right now, but we will have it in a few weeks. We were thinking about booking the trip on a zero-interest credit card and paying it off when we have all the money. I know you hate debt, but would this be okay since it would be a very short-term debt?

Dear Laura,

I know you guys are excited and happy about being married. And I wish you all the happiness in the world. But I don’t recommend credit cards of any kind, for any reason, whatsoever.

I don’t want to burst your bubble, but if you can’t pay for this trip up front you can’t afford it.

Believe it or not, lots of people postpone wedding trips until they’ve had a chance to save up a little bit of money. Some folks have never even gone on a honeymoon trip, and they have great, loving marriages.

My advice to you and your new husband is to work and save up a little bit more. Maybe one or both of you could pick up extra jobs for a little while, and make it happen sooner. Then, when you can pay cash for the trip, go have a blast on a honeymoon you can afford.


Dear Dave,

Let’s say you have $1 million in the bank. Why would you take out $300,000 to buy a house, instead of just making a 20 percent down payment and keeping the rest of the money in mutual funds to make more money? If need be, I could still pay off the house.


Dear Alex,

Interesting question. Okay, I’m game. The spread you would make between even a high-interest rate mortgage — let’s say 6 percent — and mutual funds at 11 percent or so, is about 5 percent. And that’s assuming nothing goes wrong, and you can get your mutual fund out if needed.

What you’re talking about is theory, and what I’m talking about is actual life. In your theory you’ve left out two major issues: paying taxes on the mutual fund, which would make your yield less, and risk. You’ve compared a zero-risk investment with a risk investment, and you shouldn’t do that. You must factor in risk so you can accurately compare one investment to another.

Every time you pay off a mortgage, the bank no longer charges you interest. That’s zero risk compared to a mutual fund, which does have risk. Remember, if your house was paid for you wouldn’t borrow $300,000 against it to invest in mutual funds!


Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. He has authored five New York Times best-selling books, including The Total Money Makeover. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 8.5 million listeners each week on more than 550 radio stations. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at

68 // HL // JULY 2015

just a touch away


Breastfeeding Class

Learn the basics of breastfeeding and breastfeeding management. 6:30-8:30p.m. Cost: $15. Leesburg Regional Medical Center, 600 E. Dixie Ave. Information: Contact Karen Lynn at 352.323.5960 or email


Disease patients and their families. 1-2:30p.m. Conroy CREATION Health Center at Florida Hospital Waterman, 1000 Waterman Way in Tavares. Information: 352.253.3685.


Better Breathers Support Group

29th Annual Central Florida Triathlon &


Series #2

Athletes will complete a 10-mile bicycle ride, 3.1-mile run and ¼-mile swim. Waterfront Park, 330 3rd Street Clermont. Afterward, competitors will enjoy great food, an awards ceremony and live entertainment. Information: 352.394.1320 or email info@



Childbirth Class

Class focuses on the 28th to 32nd week of pregnancy when mother and partner work on breathing and relaxation techniques. They also tour the Life Center for Women at LRMC. 9a.m.5p.m. Cost: $50. 600 E. Dixie Ave. Leesburg. Information: Contact Karen Lynn at 352.323.5960 or email


Parkinson’s Disease Support Group

Emotional support and education for Parkinson’s

Interact with others who suffer from chronic respiratory diseases while learning tips and techniques to better manage the disease. National Training Center, 1935 Don Wickham Dr., Clermont. 1-3p.m. Information: 352.241.7109.


Multiple Sclerosis Support Group

MS patients reach out to others with similar challenges and discuss improved lifestyle management techniques. National Training Center, 1935 Don Wickham Dr., Clermont. 10a.m.-noon. Cost: Free. Information: 352.242.2350.


Diabetes SelfManagement Support Group

Certified diabetes educator Debra Dudley helps prediabetics and diabetics learn how to manage the disease. 5-6p.m. Conroy CREATION Health Center at Florida Hospital Waterman, 1000 Waterman Way Tavares. Cost: Free. Information: 352.253.3685.

70 // HL // JULY 2015
Digitize your life. Visit the Apple or Android app store today and download the Healthy Living online magazine app for your mobile device. For the best in enhanced magazine entertainment, join us online for the media experience of a lifetime. 352.787.4112 android apple


Family Yoga

Families enjoy a gentle yoga class, which combines basic postures with breathing and relaxation techniques. It’s a gentle to moderate workout for the entire body. All ages welcome. Vitruvian Health Center, 353 Plaza Drive Eustis. Information: 352.255.1969

JULY 24-25

Stepping Out for Education

Lake County’s version of “Dancing with the Stars” features local “celebrities” Gus Grizzard, Dr. Kathleen Thomas Gingras, Peyton Grinnell, Dr. Julio Valle, Sharon Nobles and Freddy Williams. They will be paired with professional ballroom dancers and perform live at Lake Receptions, 4425 N. Hwy. 19A in Mount Dora. Cost: $125. Information: 352.326.1265.


Caped Crusader 5k

This event is part of the National Training Center’s Lace it up Series. This is a progressive race series, offering a distance for every level of runner or walker. Each race will be chip timed, and participants receive a finisher medal. 1935 Don Wickham Drive Clermont. Cost: $28 for early registration; $35 for late entry. Information: 352.241.7144


Etiquette for Children

Krista Guerrero will teach manners and social graces to children ages 4-8. Each graduate will receive a certificate of accomplishment at a luncheon. Classes are 4-5 p.m. Mondays at Marion Baysinger Memorial County Library, 756 W. Broad St., Groveland. Information: 352.429.5840


Learn to Row

A person can burn 493 calories during one hour of moderate rowing, so why not immerse yourself in rowing with the Lake County Rowing Association? Lessons will be at the Clermont Boathouse, 1050 Lake Minneola Drive. Cost: $99. 9 a.m.-noon. Information: 303.656.8816


Cool Summer Mornings 5K Series

Participants will enjoy a scenic 3.1-mile course that begins on Clermont’s residential streets, heads out onto the South Lake Trail and ends at Waterfront Park. 7:15 am. Start. 330 3rd Street Clermont. Information: 352.394.1320 or email info@

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OFFER THE BEST IN HOME MEDICAL EQUIPMENT 570 N. U.S. Hwy. 27/441 Lady Lake (Located in the Best Buy plaza) 352.430.3100 The Villages Leesburg Lady Lake Rolling Acres Rd. 441 27


Florida Hospital Waterman’s 6th annual Celebration of Life Gala was held at The Westin Lake Mary. Attendees enjoyed live and silent auctions, as well as live entertainment provided by The Edge Effect. They also had an opportunity to win a diamond donated by Garner Jewelers in Leesburg. Proceeds supported the hospital’s emergency department.

72 // HL // JULY 2015 Community
PHOTOGRAPHER: MATTHEW GAULIN 1. Miguel Bryce and Sam Goss 2. Roberto Rodriguez, Dr. Ayala and Anita Young 3. David Beckman 4. Sandy and Dave Weiss, Ross and Jeinnie Edmanson 5. Susan Caddell 6. Gina and Kevin Johnson 7. Karen Brader, Pamela Patterson, Jennifer English and Sheree Friend 8. Sanjay and Kaeita Pattani, Stephanie and Tim Cheslock 9. Eric Mock and Shelley Rogers 10. Amy and Tom Shnitz 11. Shawnda and Jason Davis, Freddie and Tracy Belton 12. Cindi McRae, Bridget Jackson and Tim McRae
13. Jerome Williams and Mark Giuliini
3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 7 13 12 2
LAKEHEALTHYLIVING.COM // 73 Enrollment for 2015-2016 has begun! Enrollment will continue until classes are full. •We come to you! •Available 24/7 •Medications, equipment and supplies provided •A dedicated team of Physicians, Nurses, Social Workers, Chaplains, Hospice Aides and Volunteers assigned to your care Information 866.742.6655 Cornerstone is committed to caring for all hospice patients regardless of payer source or ability to pay. 100% overed by Medicare & Medicaid


New Vision for Independence’s Dining in the Dark event was lights out—literally. Guests dined in a pitch-black dining room inside Lake Receptions and discovered the challenges that blind and vision-impaired people face daily. Members of the Lake County Sheriff’s Office SWAT team escorted guests into the dark room and served dinner.

PHOTOGRAPHER: RON VANDEVANDER 1. Keith Sommer, Pablo Rivera, Terrie Payne, Greg Holtzclaw and Robert Sellers 2. John Buswell and Kay Hart 3. Jacqueline Quiroz and Laura Golden 4. Bob Kochanoski and Mary McIntyre 5. David and Colleen Kollmann with “Keely” 6. Jenna Pruett, Scott Vanhoose and Shelly Gerig 7. Amie Holtzman, Colin Meadows and Stefanie Block 8. Cameron Crews, LuAnna and Donald Marx and Robert Sellers
1 3 4 5 6 8 7 2
1585 Santa Barbara Blvd., Suite B, The Villages // 352.259.1919 MEDICAL & SURGICAL TREATMENT OF: • Bunions and Hammertoes • Corns • Morton’s Neuromas • Ingrown Nails and Warts • Heel and Arch Pain • Thick, Painful Toenails • Foot Injuries • Diabetic & Geriatric Foot Care • Sports Medicine • Orthotics • Diabetic Shoes • Numbness/Tingling of Feet FOOTCARE FOR PEOPLE OF ALL AGES WITH ACTIVE LIFESTYLES. MEDICARE AND MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED SCAN HERE with your smart phone To learn more about Tri-County Podiatry


The HOOPS Life program is the creation of former Orlando Magic and Phoenix Suns NBA player Pat Burke. Pat recently teamed up with Vann Gannaway Chevrolet to create an exciting opportunity with the Corvette Stingray Half Court Shot fundraising event. Participants paid $100 in hopes of being the lucky one chosen to shoot a half-court shot and win a 2015 Corvette Stingray. The fundraiser helps support at-risk youth.

76 // HL // JULY 2015
PHOTOGRAPHER: RON VANDEVANDER 1. Robert Harper and Deborah Brodbeck 2. Jáyveon Dale and Pat Burke 3. Pat Burke 4. Joe, Emily and Sarah Raucci, Brandon and Brian Allain 5. Dan and Brady Spanich 6. Taylor Breck and Robert Harper 7. Chip Gannaway and finalists 8. Phil Cauthen 9. Jackson and Greg Furnas 10. Phil Cauthen 11. Rich and Leif Perry
5 1 3 4 10 6 9 8 12 11 2 7
12. Tim Veigle


Oftentimes loved ones clearly relay their desire to be cremated; unfortunately many never consider what will happen to their cremated remains when they are returned to their loved ones.

Quite often family members wrestle with what to do because this important discussion of what to do after the cremation has never taken place. Many times spouses choose to take the urn home with them. Sometimes spouses struggle with scattering cremated remains because their grief compels them to “hold on” and not to “let go”.

(There are also many laws and ordinances prohibiting scattering cremated remains on public grounds and waterways.) Another common issue many families encounter occurs years later when a loved one’s urn has been taken home. Quite often the spouse or family member entrusted with the care of the urn may pass away and then families struggle with what to do with two urns.

Unfortunately our staff members at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens in Leesburg and Lakeside Memory Gardens in Eustis are confronted

with these types of issues quite regularly. Many are not aware that our cemeteries offer many affordable options that provide a safe and permanent place that will allow families to place a loved one’s cremated remains. A Personal Columbarium such as the one pictured can be designed to accommodate single or double urns and slightly larger versions can provide alternatives for larger families. Our Columbariums are available in a large variety of styles and granite color options, and one of the most important features is that they are transportable if the need should arise due to relocation.

If you have not had a conversation concerning “After the Cremation” please explore this

topic with your loved one(s). The Columbarium discussed is one of dozens of options for cremation that we offer at our cemeteries. We offer financing options and have options for every budget. Call or stop by today and let us help you find a personal cremation option that fits your needs and desires.




1901C. R. 25A Leesburg, Florida 34748 AND



36601 C. R. 19A Eustis, Florida 32726


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Over 30,000 patients treated & 13,000 surgeries performed.


Advanced Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery LEADERS IN SPINE SURGERY SHOWCASE September 2013 issue

When it comes to orthopaedic procedures as complex as total ankle replacements, reverse shoulder replacement and joint replacements of the hip and knee, why trust anyone besides a specialist?

Our board certified orthopaedic surgeons are specialists who are fellowship trained in their areas of expertise. They are known for their advanced skill, training and experience. It’s their names you will find scrawled on referral notes from physicians from across the state or featured on the front covers of a surgeon’s training manual. From conservative care for sports injuries to advanced ankle, shoulder, hip and knee replacements, trust the specialists trusted by other surgeons.

Our specialties include: Call today for an appointment. Compassionate Specialized Care by Board Certified Fellowship Trained Surgeons • Total Joint Replacement • Arthritis Evaluation • Non-Surgical Back Evaluation • Osteoporosis Evaluation • Physical Therapy • Diagnostic Radiology • Sports Medicine • Shoulder Surgery • Foot & Ankle Surgery • Trauma & Fracture Management • Arthroscopic Surgery (Pictured front row L to R) J. Mandume Kerina, MD Founder of Tri-County Orthopaedics Fellowship Trained, Board Certified, Advanced Joint Replacement Surgery Claudia L. Thomas, MD Fellowship Trained, Board Certified, Orthopaedic Trauma, General Orthopaedics (Pictured back row L to R) Isaac L. Mitchell, MD Fellowship Trained, Board Certified, Shoulder/Upper Extremity & Sports Medicine Cedric J. Tankson, MD Fellowship Trained, Board Certified, Foot and Ankle Specialist, Joint Replacement of the Ankle John T. Williams, Jr., MD Past Director, Total Joint Program at Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia Fellowship Trained, Board Certified, Advanced Joint Replacement Surgery Alfred J. Cook, Jr., MD Fellowship Trained, Board Certified, Sports Medicine and Cartilage Rejuvenation 701 Medical Plaza Dr., Leesburg • 326-8115 Summit Medical Park, 765 Highway 466, Lady Lake • 753-9105 ORTHOPAEDICS Center for Advanced Joint Replacement Surgery
We are accepting new patients into the practice. 352.674.2080 1149 Main Street, The Villages Follow your heart BOARD CERTIFIED IN • Cardiovascular Disease • Electrophysiology • Echocardiology • Nuclear Cardiology • Phlebology • Vascular Interpretation



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