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The technology is called Tomosynthesis, which is a 3D mammogram. Most imaging experts are predicting this new 3D technology will, within the next five years, replace the present standard 2D mammography technology. 2D technology is the technology currently offered in most imaging facilities. It’s this type of leadership in imaging technology that the Williams’ boys (Larry, Chris, and Matt) and their Diagnostic Outpatient Centers, (DOCs) have continued to be at the leading edge of imaging technology for 40 plus years. DOCs offices are located in Leesburg, Eustis, Ocala. and St. Petersburg.
After interviewing and meeting with the nation’s top 3D mammography providers, DOCs chose Siemens 3D technology as the superior option. The Siemens Tomosynthesis technology has a larger arc, which scans 35% more of the breast than its competition. When the Williams’ boys discovered there was this new advanced technology available through Siemens, they decided to build and customize a luxurious mobile mammography vehicle, which will service their existing offices and begin an immediate outreach to the community.
This new venture is called DOCsTomo. It is the first mobile facility with Siemens technology in the country and it’s hitting the road in Central Florida.

DOCs Tomo’s mission is to change the way women view breast cancer screening, detection and survival.
Advantages of Tomosynthesis
• Up to 30% of cancers go undetected by standard 2D mammograms

• TOMOsynthesis is 42% more accurate than standard 2D mammograms
• TOMOsynthesis reduces recalls and biopsies by 40%
• TOMOsynthesis is the most advanced technology for women with dense breasts and implants.
• TOMOsynthesis by Siemens has the greater sweep (Siemens = 50 degrees vs competitor at 15%), larger sweep, more information, better diagnosis.
• TOMOsynthesis images are assembled into a 3D format, which allows our specially trained radiologist to see breast tissue in the finest detail available.
It’s no secret that early detection is key to surviving breast cancer, and one in eight women will be diagnosed during her lifetime. That is why the Williams boys and their new DOCsTomo venture are passionate about spreading the word to not put off getting a 3D breast screening, because it will save lives.
Why a mobile facility?
DOCsTOMO overall mission is to “Change the way women view breast screening, detection and survival” and by bringing this service to you, your business, your church, your civic group and your community events. By being mobile, we will reach more women and save more lives.
If you want to schedule a visit to your organization, just visit www.docstomo.com or call us at 844.454. TOMO (8666) and we will come to you.
Will insurance pay for it?
Although this is by far the most advanced technology on the market, many insurance carriers are slow to reimburse for the 3D component. If your insurance reimburses for a standard 2D mammogram, we will bill your insurance for the 2D component and charge an additional charge of $100 for the 3D component. Certainly, we think this undisputable new technology is a small price to pay for the advantages mentioned in the previous paragraph. However, if you are Medicare age, since January 1 2015, Medicare covers payment for 3D breast Tomosynthesis, so as long as it is performed in conjunction with a 2D digital screening mammogram.
Do I need a prescription?
We prefer patients have a prescription, but we also accept self-referral patients. There are certain established criteria for self referrals, inclusive of having a doctor in the event of a positive finding. In the event you currently do not have a physician, we can provide a local physician.
How do I schedule an appointment?
Whether you are scheduling a visit for yourself or your organization, please call us at (844) 454TOMO (8666).