1 minute read
selection. Also, friends approached me delicately, asked about my weight gain, and wondered if I was OK. I’m glad they said something because that motivated me to lose these unwanted pounds.”
B.E. let temporary failure become a steppingstone to success. In March, he spearheaded the 2016 Business Wellness Challenge, a competition between the Lake Eustis Area Chamber of Commerce, the Leesburg Area Chamber of Commerce, and the South Lake Chamber of Commerce. He’s not only chairman of the Leesburg event; he is also a participant.
“I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t participate,” he says. “I want to serve as an example to others [to show] that having setbacks is not a reason to give up.”
Each day, B.E. dedicates six to eight hours to what he calls “fat-burn time.” He achieves a daily average of 14,000 steps by walking three miles at lunch and running in the evening. His hard work paid off because B.E. has lost 42 pounds.
“When I initially lost all my weight, I had so many people who prayed for me. I owe it not only to myself to stay healthy, but also to the people who have been so supportive. The biggest thing I’ve learned from my setback is having balance in my life. I cannot apologize for saying no when someone wants me to attend an event, especially when it impedes my need to be physically active.”