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Searching for a healthier spiritual life rarely begins with the physical aspect. But spiritually integrated physical fitness programs are where many local churches go in hopes of building stronger children and youth programs.
When you view your body as a temple, it’s easy to understand the importance of keeping it healthy with regular exercise. But that is not the only reason churches are developing programs, the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, South Korea. Brandy placed 10th in the all-around competition, the highest all-around finisher for USA. Sydney trains about 32 hours a week, under the watchful eye of her mom and Kelly Pitzen as her coaches. they see a need in the community for health and recreational resources, and believe it’s their job to fill it.
Olympic swimming hopeful David Lambert typically spends more than 12 hours a day in and out of the NTC’s Olympic-size pool. When he’s in the water, he’s devoted to working on his freestyle technique.
LifePointe Church of Tavares recently opened Skip Haymans Recreational Park. The park features athletic fields, a trail, pavilions, and more. The church also offers children kindergarten through sixth grade a chance to play basketball, flag football, or soccer and be a cheerleader through Upwards Sports. For adults, there’s a softball league.
The Salvation Army’s new location in Leesburg will be fully operational this summer with a num- ber of seasonal programs. The new building has a gym with indoor basketball courts. For others, they will offer Zumba classes and other activities aimed at serving recreational and physical needs.
When he’s out of the water, he’s serving as a lifeguard to earn a little spending money. David took a year off from college to be able to work with his coach, Don Gibb, to train for the Olympics.
Mark Parrish is training for the steeplechase event, an obstacle race of distance running, hurdling, and long jumping, and he credits the NTC for having the ideal amenities to help him and other athletes aim for their Olympic goals.
These resources are for the community, not just church members . Churches are intent on developing ways to worship through exercise, and consider these facilities a mission field.
For more information and programs offered, checkout their websites: www.lifepointechurch.me/recreation/skiphaymans-recreation-park/ www.salvationarmyleesburg.com/
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