1 minute read
More than 1 million vehicles are stolen in the United States each year, according to statistics from the FBI Uniform Crime Report. According to Lauri Quinn Loewenberg, author of “Dream on It: Unlock Your Dreams, Change Your Life,” dreaming of losing your car or having it stolen ranks in the top five stress dreams.
•Always make sure your vehicle is locked whether it is in a parking lot or in your driveway.

•Try to park near the front of businesses where your car is clearly visible from inside.
•Consider using a steering column locking device and/or an alarm system. These items could potentially deter an offender from stealing your vehicle.
•Make sure car windows are always rolled up completely.
•If you happen to be shopping at night, park in well-lit areas.

•Do not hide a second set of keys in your car.
•When your vehicle is running, never leave it unattended.