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Veins comprise one-half of your circulatory system and have a critical job to do as the counterparts to the arteries that carry oxygenated blood to all parts of your body. Veins return the oxygen-depleted blood back to the heart and lungs so the circulation cycle can begin all over again.
When oxygen-depleted blood has a difficult time returning, the condition is called venous insufficiency. A number of factors can cause the condition, but varicose veins, blood clots, injury, and malfunctioning valves in the lower extremities are the most common reasons.
One-way valves in the veins of the legs combat the pull of gravity by closing to prevent blood from falling backward against the normal direction of flow. Damage to those valves from abnormalities in the veins, varicose veins, clots and/ or injury can cause blood to pool in the legs, leading to discoloration, skin ulcerations, worsening varicose veins and more. Legs can feel tight, achy and tired, weak and heavy. Muscles may begin to cramp more often. Legs, feet and ankles may swell. These are all signs of venous insufficiency.
But the worst symptom by far is the one posed by clots. If pooling blood or swelling veins should form into a blood clot in the legs, the condition immediately becomes one with potentially serious consequences. Should the blood clot break free it could easily travel to the lungs or heart and cause a pulmonary embolism or heart attack.
Bryan Carter, MPA-C at the Heart of The Villages, is one of the area’s leading vein specialists. His credentials have carried him through all parts of Florida and South Georgia to train other medical providers—Physician Assistants, Nurse practitioners and Physicians— in the sub specialty field of Venous Insufficiency. According to Bryan, “This field of medicine can be quite challenging depending on the extent of disease, but it can also be truly rewarding when patients tell me how much their legs feel and look better after treatment.”
Bryan Carter worked with one of Orlando’s most influential vascular surgeons and together, they utilized laser and chemical ablation techniques that completely eliminate the need for the more conventional— and now obsolete—vein stripping. Treatments are in-office and can be accomplished with very minimal discomfort afterward. There are no stitches and no downtime. He performs all the procedures for the Heart of The Villages and wouldn’t have it any other way. “I think it is important to build relationships with our patients and that is easier to do when they see the same person, me, every time. I get to know them and they get to know the team here.”

Bryan is also a big believer in reading this is quite simple. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned earlier, the severe ones of course, but also keep an eye out for the vague feelings of forewarned is forearmed. “I think it is always better to be proactive and not reactive, especially with venous problems. Symptoms of venous insufficiency can be subtle and creep up on a person until they become too hard to ignore.
Much better to get out ahead of them early, before problems escalate and get to a critical point where they become a much larger burden and even life threatening.”
The message for everyone tired, aching legs and swelling that comes and goes. Have Bryan at the Heart of The Villages take a look. It certainly won’t hurt and could quite literally, save your life.
For More Information Heart Of The Villages
The Oaks Professional Center 8575 NE 138th Lane, Lady Lake, Fl 32159 352.674.2080 heartofthevillages.com