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Amanda Rich Understands That Health Is Wealth

In 2005, Amanda Rich hiked the 2,185-mile Appalachian Trail that spans from Georgia to Maine. During six months on the trail, she blazed a path to self-discovery.

“I hiked the trail by myself. It was a life-changing experience and gave me a new perspective on life. I learned that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. It was the happiest I had ever been, even though all I had was my backpack and a few items inside my backpack.”

Throughout her life, Amanda, 29, has always seized opportunities to put her best foot forward when it comes to health. As a matter of fact, she and her husband, Brandon, incorporate mini-backpacking trips into every vacation. They’ve enjoyed breathtaking hikes in Costa Rica, Alaska, and New England. In the future, they plan to complete the scenic Tahoe Rim Trail around Lake Tahoe.

As much as she relishes hiking, Amanda discovered a new passion two years ago after joining CrossFit Unmatched in Mount Dora. This intense exercise program allows her to perform a wide variety of exercises, ranging from kettlebell swings and running to rope climbs and handstand push-ups. She goes five times a week.

“Participating in CrossFit has changed my life,” she says. “It provides me with structure, and I sleep well and feel good all the time. It’s a really cool environment because everyone is very supportive. The owners have instilled healthy habits and behaviors in me.” aviors in me.” nother rossFit competitions. Last ember, her team orious at sfit competition of ght,” she says. “I’m fortunate my train me

A year ago, she took things to another level by competing in CrossFit competitions. Last November, her team emerged victorious at the Blue Cooler Crossfit Competition in Deland. This summer, she will compete in a competition held at Disney’s Wide World of Sports.

“In CrossFit competitions, you are ranked by how fast you complete a workout or who can lift the heaviest amount of weight,” she says. “I’m fortunate that my coaches are regional game competitors and train me well for competitions.”

Amanda realizes healthy eating is critical to achieve the most from her CrossFit training. Her diet consists primarily of lean protein and greens. “I log everything I eat and shop around the perimeter of the grocery store,” she says. “I avoid eating anything that comes in a box.” Her healthy habits have certainly not gone unnoticed. Whenever her coworkers at First Green Bank need advice on losing weight or living healthy, they turn to Amanda. Without question, she is a positive influence in the workplace.

“We always make healthy smoothies in the morning, and I always send out weekly emails consisting of health tips, healthy recipes, and healthy places to shop. Some of my coworkers have even asked me to do cooking demonstrations.” manda realizes ng is critical to achieve the from her CrossFit of protein and greens. ything I eat and shop around of the grocery , ” eating hing that comes in a box.” er habits have ainly unnoticed. enever en on g weight or living healthy, turn to Amanda. Without stion, she is a ence in the workplace. We othies ys sting es, Some my do ng

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