1 minute read


you as you age and knows your health history. They can also conduct wellness exams, which are beneficial to your long-term health. And, if necessary, they can refer you to a specialist.

you exams, refer

• Here’s as

• Here’s some positive news: Women who do find a primary care physician are not as likely to avoid the doctor as their male counterparts.

Source: onemedical.com/blog/live-well/the-case-for-having-a-primary-care-physician/ tional p i rimary care h phy i siciians s e usiness an rest h fast-foo sn g role of d taurants can seem od restaurants are acks you can

A study published in International Journal of Health Services found that states with more primary care physicians per capita experience fewer deaths from cancer, heart disease, or stroke.

These days, young women are juggling full-time jobs while filling the time-consuming role of being a mother and wife. Between preparing for an important business meeting during the day and attending a child’s soccer game at night, things can get stressful. When you’re constantly busy, fast-food restaurants can seem like your best friend. However, if you want to maintain your health and slim figure, fast-food restaurants are your worst enemy. For the on-the-go businesswoman and mom, here are some healthy snacks you can pack and nibble on guilt-free. All it takes is a little planning and self-discipline.

Abox or other fruit well

FIND A FAMILY PHYSICIAN f Affrui r ts t smoomoothi i ei e ina n a thheermmos

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