2 minute read
Written by The Orthopaedic Institute
Try to imagine these terrible scenarios:
• A boy crashes his ATV and fractures his acetabulum (the place your hip bone)
• A 32-week pregnant woman has an automobile accident. She fractures her pelvis and her baby has to be delivered emergently.
• A middle aged man has cancer in his left leg causing an above-knee-amputation.
• An elderly woman loses control of her wheel chair on a steep downward slope. She severely crashes into a wall fracturing both of her hips.
The bad news is all of these scenarios actually occurred. The good news is each injured person survived in part because of their treatment by an Orthopaedic Trau-
Orthopaedic Traumatologist named Dr. James McFadden. There’s more good news. Dr. McFadden provides care on a full time basis for all aspects of traumatic musculoskeletal injuries in our Ocala facility.
Orthopaedic Surgeon, specializes in orthopaedic trauma and fractures of the bones. “One of the most common injuries I see as an Orthopaedic Traumatologist are intra-articular fractures involving joint surfaces.
Another common fracture I treat involves older people and joint replacements (periprosthetic fractures)”, says McFadden. After diagnosing a patient’s fracture, the main goal is to establish a treatment plan to help the fracture heal so the patient can return to an optimal functional state.
Dr. McFadden handles the more complex orthopaedic traumas at Ocala Regional Medical Center (ORMC), a level II trauma center. ORMC provides the full range of possible life-saving practices and technologies and treatments. Having a trauma center in our community takes everyone working ogether – hospitals, paramedics, physicians – to determine the best treatment plan for each patient. Up to now, advanced orthopaedic trauma care at ORMC was provided by visiting expert orthopaedic traumatologists.
With Dr. McFadden’s presence at The Orthopaedic Institute, Ocala and Ocala Regional Medical Center have access to a full-time Orthopaedic Traumatologist. McFadden states, “My goal and ORMC’s goal is one in the same, to help people who have suffered severe injuries recover and continue to live a healthy life.”
What is an Orthopaedic Traumatologist? Dr. McFadden explains, “Orthopaedic traumatologists - dle injured patients with several orthopaedic challenges. Traumatologists are comfortable working on complex pelvic and acetabulum fractures, as well as complex fractures of the extremities, fractures involving joint replacements, and fractures involving joint surfaces. Orthopaedic traumatologists work in concert with the general surgery trauma service to coordinate the highest possible, sometimes life-saving care of severely injured patients.”

Better Moments.
When you can’t move like you want to because of an injury or pain, it’s just no fun. That’s why at The Orthopaedic Institute we offer same or next day appointments to ensure you are treated as soon as possible. Once you are here, our goal is to take exceptional care of you. With everything from diagnosis to recovery in one state-of-the-art facility, our orthopaedic specialists are dedicated to helping you move like you used to.

352-633-7222 I www.toi-health.com