2 minute read
Creative visualization has long been used as a personal motivation tool. A salesman may collage his dream vacation and hang it up in his work space. A woman on a diet may imagine herself at her ideal weight. Seeing something in our mind can inspire us to strive harder to achieve it. The law of attraction then takes this principle a step further. It implies that when we take some time to envision our desires we are actually working to manifest them.
The underlying idea is our thoughts give birth to the reality that we experience. Many old texts have alluded to this idea, and it has seen resurgence in the modern day with all the law of attraction literature and other media. Ancient wisdom is being applied to our modern goals of good health, financial security, and romantic fulfillment, to name a few possible applications.
If you use creative visualization to help you realize your dreams, it is crucial that you imagine manifestations as vividly as possible. This adds emotional weight to your meditations. If you can actually see your desires unfolding then the resulting excitement and joy you feel will be channeled into the creative act. This potent energy can be focused toward attracting what you want from the world. Some teachers of the law of attraction will encourage their students to act as if it were so. Focusing on any negative circumstances in your life will only reinforce it. Try to relinquish such worries and concentrate only on your desires.
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Next, take a single action that is in line with your desire. This is a way of demonstrating your faith in the work you are doing. Remembering the strength of your own belief is what will bring you the results you want. Don’t worry about how anyone else might approach this exercise. What matters is you follow through with whatever feels like a demonstration of faith to you.
The law of attraction works because our own thoughts and feelings are taking form in the physical world. It’s not a matter of asking a higher power to answer our prayers. We are answering our own pleas. Creative visualization is one tool that can enable us to become conscious creators of our own life experience. It allows us to focus on intent rather than on all the things that could go wrong. We have been creating our own reality all along anyway; creative visualization is simply one way of doing so purposefully.
In the process of doing this meditation, we may be confronted with images that run contrary to what we are trying to create. These fantasies can indicate we carry beliefs that run the other way. Becoming conscious of such beliefs enables us to perceive them for the stumbling blocks that they are. We can then work through them and let them go, thus stepping forward into a new and more expansive idea for our lives.