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Over the past decade, psychology researchers have been able to show, without a doubt, the multiple benefits of giving thanks. And though there are many ways to reap these benefits, one fool-proof method involves ditching the hopeless outlook on life and low selfesteem in favor of a gratitude journal.
In a gratitude journal, you record all of the things for which you are thankful. Keeping all of the positive aspects of your life at the forefront of your mind helps you think more positively and deal with challenges more effectively. It also boosts your self-esteem as it helps you to realize you are a valuable person who has many good things.
For your gratitude journal, choose a hardcover notebook, possibly one with an inspiring or humorous picture on the front. It may be a good idea to select a notebook that also includes encouraging quotations as headers or footers on the blank pages. Alternatively, you could write in your own inspiring quotations at the top of some of the pages.
Kick start your gratitude journal by making a list of as many things as possible that you are grateful for in your life, past and present. Include anything that comes into your head. Do not only focus on major achievements, such as your college degree, or special events, such as your wedding day, but also include little things that mean a lot, such as a thoughtful gift from a friend or seeing a beautiful flower. Aim to reach at least 100 items on your list, but do not be discouraged if this is not possible right now. You can add to the list whenever you wish.
Once you have made your initial list, take out your gratitude journal as often as possible, preferably every day, and write down all the things you are thankful for at that moment. Aim for at least five items on your list each day, but do not worry if you are not able to do this some days. Even recording just one or two good things on a particularly bad day will help you look at the day more positively.
Try to be specific when writing about who and what you appreciate. For example, instead of saying you are grateful for your husband or wife, think of one or more things that he or she has said or done in the past day to enhance your life.
Look for humor in everyday events. Try to see the funny side of things that happen to you and write this down in your journal so you can remember the event and chuckle, rather than remembering it with negative feelings. ratitutehealthboost letakebettercareofthemselvesandengageinmoreprotectivehealthbehaviorslikeregularexercise,ahealthydiet,andannualphysicalexams.SOURCE:http://women.webmd.com/features/g
If you read something particularly inspiring, write about it in your gratitude journal. Whenever you fi nd encouraging quotations, add them, too. Your aim should be to build up a collection of material that will help you look on the bright side of life.
When you are having a difficult day, take out your gratitude journal and read some of your past entries. This should help you see that although life may sometimes seem complicated and problematic there is still a lot for which to be thankful. Reading your gratitude journal on these days enables you to realize your life is more positive than negative.
A gratitude journal encourages you to appreciate the good things in your life. It would appear that, as human beings, we have a natural tendency to focus on the negative rather than the positive. Therefore, it is important we retrain our brains to focus on the positive aspects of our lives. A gratitude journal is an essential tool for doing this.