2 minute read
After watching Katie Couric’s “Fed Up,” I began to think about quitting refined sugars (emphasize “think about.”)
It’s not that I found the documentary on America’s sugar habit particularly edifying. Its premise, that America is fat and the government doesn’t care, is not exactly a news flash. Further, it blames the feds and my bottom line is I am responsible for what I put into my own mouth.
But I grew up on sugar. Frankenberry cereal, Ring Dings and Breyer’s. I haven’t slowed with age. Perhaps I have found the catalyst of my middle-age spread.
If sugar is the culprit, I am apparently not alone. A CNN report stated the average American consumes three pounds of sugar a week. According to “Fed Up,” we should be consuming only about six teaspoons a day, which translates to approximately a halfpound a week. That’s about five times the amount of sugar we’re supposed to be eating. (I wonder how much sugar is in that extra cream cheese icing my good friend the Publix bakery lady puts on cinnamon buns, per my request?)
Since my runaway hips issue possibly has something to do with those chocolate malts and bakery visits, I made an appointment with my trusted family physician, Dr. Findley. This way I could be sure it’s the sugar. I was hoping for some kind of metabolic disorder, or maybe my thyroid.
The final dent in my armor of denial came when and I told Dr. Findley I was concerned about my sugar consumption. She didn’t even look up, “Yeah, that stuff will go right to your middle.” She never mentioned anything about my thyroid. I will miss my good friend the Publix bakery lady.
Dr. Findley went on to reinforce some of the data asserted in “Fed Up.” She said eating lean proteins will keep my appetite in check and to stay away from products made with white flour. I left her office knowing what I had to do.
Fortunately, it was a Tuesday when I left her office and I’m pretty sure there’s some kind of Florida statute that prohibits starting a new diet except on Mondays. That left me with plenty of time to prepare for my figure-changing endeavor. I cleaned out all refined sugars, white breads and my pretzels. And I love my pretzels. High fructose corn syrup and most other “oses” were also trashed. Midpurge, I asked my 17-year-old, size-3 daughter if she wanted to join in the lifestyle change. She rolled her eyes and announced she was going to Chic-Fil-A for dinner. Big help.
Fortunately, both Dr. Findley and the experts in “Fed Up” champion eating fruits and vegetables, so not all was lost. I am pretty sure I did not get fat eating carrots. I also added herbal teas to my pantry.
Lastly, sitting in front of the TV after a rough day with students at school, mindlessly devouring Moose Tracks, that had to go. At school, I eat a light lunch and walk around the block for a few minutes instead of heading for the vending machine.
It has been a week and it actually has not been that difficult. I do get cravings once in a while, but they are not the curled-up-ina-fetal-position, drooling-in-the-corner effects I feared. Best of all, I lost 1¼ pounds. If I stop blaming the feds and take responsibility for what goes in my own mouth, who knows? Maybe my hips will slow down enough so my girlish figure can catch up.
Just sayin’ …