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You’ve eliminated the wrinkly forehead skin and undergone a facelift, but those drooping earlobes are a dead giveaway of your age. Yes, earlobes are also victims of time and become stretched out, saggy and thin. Fortunately, there’s a quick fix.
Enter Eartox (also known as Botox for ears), the latest fad in anti-aging. The lobe is injected with dermal fillers, which draw fluids into the lobe, resulting in a softer, more youthful appearance. Eartox also has medical benefits, such as helping treat flushing, ringing and redness in the ears. It also reduces skin itchiness.
Pierced ears are nothing new, but these days people have larger-thanaverage holes in their ears to wear big earrings and various jewels. What are the potential dangers?
• There’s a possibility the hole in your ear will not close back up.
• If you fail to keep the hole clean, then you can develop an infection.
• If you stretch it too fast, the lobe can actually split.
• Flesh from the inside of the lobe can blow to the outside, resulting in scarring.
registered nurse practitioner who has a Ph.D. in health administration. “Your nose is a filter also and it’s important to clean the filter from time to time. Yet many people are deterred because they don’t like when they put fluid up one side of their nose and it comes out the other side. That’s where this product helps. It gives a spray effect rather than a flush effect.”
The product includes ingredients such as eucalyptol and oils of wintergreen, spearmint, cinnamon and pine. It’s also drug-free, eliminating the possibility of harmful chemicals burning the nose. His sinus rinse can even be used by children as young as 4 (with adult supervision) so they, too, can experience relief from nasal irritation.
“Essentially, we’re rinsing out pollen and dirt while at the same time providing freshness and relief through the use of essential oils.
Maintaining a clean nose is very important. When your nose is stuffed up, you breathe through your mouth and take dirt and other contaminates down to your lungs.”
The spray, which can be used up to six times daily, can be purchased locally at Jeff’s Health and Nutrition, Lake Nutrition Center, Bay Pharmacy, Leesburg Herb Shoppe, Health Basket and other venues.