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1Stand with your feet shoulderwidth apart and your knees slightly bent. Hold a pair of dumbbells just outside your shoulders with your arms bent and palms facing each other.
2 Press both dumbbells up until the weights are overhead and your arms are straight. Pause, then lower the dumbbells under control back to the starting position.

1. Keep your shoulder blades tucked down and back for more shoulder stability as you press the weights overhead.

2. Don’t excessively arch your lower back as you press the weights overhead.

3. Don’t allow your elbows to flare out to the sides.

The triangular-shaped deltoid muscle is located on the outside of the shoulder. The main function of the muscle is to rotate the upper arm and extend the arm at the shoulder.
Benefits of strengthening your deltoid muscle
Get in a standing position with feet shoulder-width apart. Hold weights in your hands with palms facing out. Raise the weights upward at the same time at a 45-degree angle. Rather than gripping the weights in your hand, cup your hands in a way that the weights rest in your palms. Make sure your elbows are locked at a 45-degree angle and lift and lower from waist to shoulders. Do 12 reps.
When you strengthen your deltoids in addition to other muscles in your shoulders, upper back, and arms, it creates a wellproportioned look and also balances muscle strength. This also helps lessen the chances of an injury.
Strong shoulders are extremely important for athletes, especially those who play tennis, football, wrestling, and baseball.
Strengthening your deltoids will also make lifting and pushing heavy objects easier.
You will have better posture with strong deltoids.

Grip weights and hold them with your palms facing down. Be relaxed and steady in raising and lowering the weights. Make sure your arms are locked along the lateral or sides of the body. Do 12 reps.
With this exercise, make sure your knees and hips are bent but keep a neutral spine. Make a V-shape with the weights in front of you, with palms up but not gripping. Next, pull your shoulders toward the spine to lift the weights upward and backward. This exercise strengthens the rotator cuff but also focuses on the back of the shoulders and deltoid muscle. Again, do 12 reps.
Source: healthyliving.azcentral.com/deltoid-workouts-8085.html
Source: easyhealthoptions.com/3-simple-exercises-strengthen-shoulders/ causes, varies from year to year. Because many flu symptoms mimic that of the common cold, it can be difficult to tell what illness you have. If it is influenza, the earlier you are diagnosed can make a difference in how long the flu lasts or how severe it may become.
Cold And Flu Season
How do you tell if it’s flu, or just the common cold? Both are upper respiratory infections caused by viruses, so many of the symptoms appear to be similar. Chest congestion, a sore throat, and a feeling of tiredness are all symptoms of a cold; but, if they are accompanied by extreme weakness, muscle and joint aches, and a high fever, then you also have symptoms of the flu. Generally, flu symptoms come on more quickly and are much more severe than cold symptoms. Common symptoms include:

• Severe Aches and Pains
• Exhaustion, Fatigue & Weakness
• Cough
• Chest Discomfort
Symptoms can also include sneezing, sore throat, and stuffy nose; however, these aren’t as common. What’s known as the “stomach flu” actually has nothing to do with influenza. In fact, stomach issues are rarely a part of flu.

Everyone six months and older should get a flu vaccine each year. This «universal» flu vaccination recommendation was passed in an effort to expand protection against the flu to more people. Vaccination is especially important for those at high risk of having serious flu-related complications or those who live with or care for high-risk individuals. According to the CDC, high-risk categories include:
• Young children, pregnant women, people with chronic health conditions like asthma, diabetes, or heart and lung disease, and people 65 years and older.
• Children younger than 6 months are at high risk of serious flu illness, but are too young to be vaccinated. People who care for them should be vaccinated instead.

The flu can be scary. Seasonal flu shots are 60-90 percent effective in prevention. Even if you still get the flu, if you’ve had your shot, your symptoms will likely be less severe. Every Centra Care location offers flu shots for just $25. Contrary to what some people believe, it is impossible to get the flu from the flu shot. The flu vaccine generally takes about two weeks to be most effective in fighting off the virus, so it is possible to contract the virus during that time, but the vaccine is not the cause.
WHAT TO DO IF YOU SUSPECT YOU HAVE THE FLU: Centra Care has a quick influenza test that can confirm flu within minutes. Being diagnosed early on can make a difference in how long the flu lasts or how severe it may become. Prescription anti-viral medications (like Tamiflu) are very effective in shortening the duration of flu, and all Centra Care locations carry this. However, you need to start the medication within 48 hours of symptom onset, so don’t wait too long before being seen for Flu symptoms.

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