3 minute read
“Does Stress Cause Wrinkles and Gray Hair: Fact or Fiction?” by Vivian Diller, Ph.D., Psychology Today, March 29, 2012 http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/face-it/201203/does-stress-cause-wri nkles-and-gray-hair-fact-or-fi
Sources: “Does stress cause facial wrinkles?” WebMD.com, posted April 6, 2008 http://answers.webmd.com/answers/648647/does-stre ss-cause-facial-wrinkles ction -“How does stress cause wrinkles?” Sharecare.com http://www. sharecare.com/health/stress-reduction/how-does-stress-cause-wrinkles
5 Ways Chronic Stress Can Affect The Aging Process,” by Carolyn Gregoire, The Huffi ngton Post, April 11, 2013 http://www.huffi ngtonpost.com/2013/04/11/stress-aging-process_n_3047000.html
Have you noticed how much President Barack Obama has aged since he’s been in office?
He still bounces up and down the steps to Air Force One like a 20-year-old and has a pretty decent jump shot, but he has definitely aged. His hair has turned gray and he has new facial wrinkles.
Let us note quickly that this is a nonpartisan space. Other presidents have also aged rapidly and shown a marked increase in wrinkles.
“Does worrying cause wrinkles?” by John Barrymore, Howstuf fworks.com stress, so is it causing your wrinkles?
“Stress And Aging: http://health.howstuffworks.com/skin-care/beauty/anti-aging/worrying-causewrinkles.htm
“True or False: Stress Causes Wrinkles,” by Sara Kosmyna, MarioBadescu.com http://blog.mariobadescu.com/stress/
With the pressures of 9/11, George W. Bush grew considerably grayer and appeared much older. Jimmy Carter aged because he lusted in his heart. Bill Clinton aged because he ... never mind.
We don’t have any photographic evidence, but George Washington probably aged a lot while he was in office. Part of it might have been because his false teeth hurt. (And, no, despite what you’ve heard, his false teeth were not made of wood.)
Some of the presidents’ wrinkles are just the natural force of nature, but the job of president of the United States has to be incredibly stressful and, according to a time-honored old wives’ tale, stress causes you to wrinkle and age quickly.
You don’t have to be president to have
The scientific community generally agrees this particular old wives’ tale has some truth to it. WebMD waffles a bit, saying most of the evidence is anecdotal but adds “one small but significant study did show a link between chronic stress and aging.”
Dr. Vivian Diller, a psychologist, told the Huffington Post “when we’re under ongoing stress, it creates that fight-orflight reaction in an unrelenting way, and as a result, stress chemicals are released into the body. What we know so far is that the release of those stress chemicals creates biological changes. It’s very possible that if you have a life filled with that constant stress, little by little the body is breaking down.”
A website on skin care, MarioBadescu. com, explains “the stress hormone cortisol actually degrades collagen, which is one of the main proteins found in youthful-looking skin. Wrinkles, which are caused by lost or weakened collagen, can begin to form during times of prolonged stress when cortisol levels are high.”
The problem can be intensified by the fact that when you worry, you don’t eat well, exercise properly or get enough sleep. All of those things can affect your appearance.
The solution to the worrying/aging problem is simple. Just keep singing Bobby McFerrin’s wonderful song over and over: “Don’t Worry, Be Happy!”
How Dvt Affects
The Breast Cancer Survival Rate
The risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis, the second leading cause of death in cancer patients, increases with hormone therapy and chemotherapy— putting added stress on the body in an already critical fight for life.
Medical grade graduated compression stockings provide pressure starting at the ankle and reducing pressure as the stocking goes up to the calf or thigh. This helps support the weakened vein walls and promote the pumping action that veins are designed to do. As a result, blood flow is increased, helping to reduce swelling, fatigue, pain and possible formation of clots in the legs.
The physicians and surgeons at Vascular Vein Centers want to encourage all cancer patients to wear compression stockings.
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If You Only Use Your Brain
Those pint-sized ghosts, goblins and ghouls roaming the streets are not the scariest part of Halloween. Actually, it’s adults who are driving impaired.
• According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, drunken drivers kill more than three times as many people on Halloween as they do on New Year’s Eve.
• The NHTSA also says that between 2007 and 2011, 52 percent of all accident fatalities in the U.S. on Halloween involved a drunken or impaired driver.
In 2010, there were 678 drunken-driving deaths in Florida. Only Texas (1,270) and California (774) had more.
Source: MADD