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There’s a place for both, and I don’t think it’s necessarily one or the other, because we actually complement each other. With chiropractic care, we remove any nerve interference of the central nervous system. This system consists of your brain and spinal cord, and they control and coordinate every function of your body. Whenever we remove any of that nerve interference, your body functions like it should. Now, when your body functions like it should, it’s going to feel like it should.
We do that through manipulation techniques, also known as spinal adjustments, that take pressure off the spinal nerves. Medicine would use more chemistry to try to achieve the same results through pills or injections. It’s kind of a different route to go, but both can be very good. There are certain circumstances where someone should elect to take medical treatment over chiropractic care. If you are having pain and narcotics aren’t touching it, if you have rapid muscle wasting, if you have loss of bowel or bladder function—then you need to get in to see an MD, most likely a surgeon. Something is putting dangerous pressure on those nerves. Other than that, chiropractors can co-manage with medical treatment.
A lot of people come to chiropractic first. They may have taken medication in the past that had side effects they didn’t want. Chiropractic is a more natural way of doing things, letting the body heal itself. The body knows what to do given the proper environment. If you cut your arm, the body knows how to make blood clot, to produce the scar, and heal. Essentially, what we do is just put the body back in the proper environment so it can do its job.
I have several patients whom we co-manage with their primary care physician for some treatments. If we are seeing them for low back pain and their primary care physician may prescribe anti-inflammatory medication or steroids while we do spinal adjustments. Many times, patients try us first because they are leery of drugs, had a bad reaction in the past, or they want to try something more natural first.