2 minute read
The importance of eating cancer-fighting foods.
Whether you have any medical concerns or not, always incorporate cancerfighting foods into your diet. No matter how healthy you are right now, eating right is the best way to maintain good physical, mental, and emotional health. It can help you achieve a state of overall wellness and prevent the onset of disease.
Begin by talking to your primary care physician about your current state of health. Discuss any hereditary concerns you have and mention any symptoms you may be experiencing. Having an honest relationship with your doctor is important for many reasons. Remember, they have the baseline numbers for your vitals and blood work. If something were to happen to you, this data would be invaluable to medical personnel treating you.
Find out if there are any foods you should avoid. Since most cancer-fighting foods are good for you, there probably won’t be many. However, you do have to consider the possibility that allergies or food sensitivities may keep you from eating some of them.
You can find a variety of foods online that are loaded with antioxidants and other compounds to help boost your resistance to cancer. Compare several lists and look for those that keep popping up—they are likely to benefit you the most. Include them in your diet. Don’t forget variety is an important key to maintaining a healthy diet. It’s best to avoid eating the same fruits and vegetables each day.
Here are several known cancer-fighting foods to consider:

• Beans
• Berries (especially blueberries,
• strawberries, and black raspberries)
• Tomatoes
• Garlic
• Whole grains
• Cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli)
• Green tea
• Green, leafy vegetables
• Walnuts
• Grapes
• Olive oil
• Turmeric
Try to shake things up by putting together a variety of different meals. For example, one day, have dry cereal with fruit for breakfast; switch to a smoothie the next day. You’ll be getting fruit both days, but keeping it interesting. If you allow yourself to get bored with meal choices, you most likely won’t stick to it for long.
Always include plenty of raw and cooked vegetables. One of the best ways to incorporate this is by eating soup or a salad with each meal. Remember, the bigger you make your soups and salads, the less room you’ll have for foods that work against you, such as those containing animal fats and processed meats. If you’re not a fan of soups or salads, it’s best to begin with small portions and gradually go up to larger portions.
To add further variety, consider chopping or blending vegetables into a smoothie. Juicing your vegetables is a popular way to get more vitamins and minerals while keeping calories low. Don’t be afraid of variations on these suggestions to come up with more ideas you like.
Being healthy means selecting the right foods and eating them regularly. When you eat foods with cancer-fi ghting properties, you’re taking a huge step in the right direction.