13 minute read

What is the Difference?

”If only I had found this place sooner!” “I truly felt like someone finally listened to me!”

These are phrases commonly expressed as patients exit the doors of Medical Imaging and Therapeutics. There is rarely a day without a happy, smiling face, and hardly a week without a thank you card or gift of treats for the staff. Today, I am inspired to write this message after two patients brought in delicious Puerto Rican food as a thank you to the doctor and one of his technologists. It speaks volumes of a physician when his patients go out of their way to express thanks.

Dr. Jacobson’s motivation to build MIT was prompted after many years of working in large, corporate-style medical practices and hospitals, where not only do the patients feel like they are one of many rushed through a busy and mundane system, but he himself felt like a “number” whose ideas and talents were regularly unappreciated, or simply dismissed. Often in these facilities, the doctors are pushed to increase the number of procedures they can do in a day, rather than spend time communicating with each patient they see. As a result, patients are left in the dark regarding treatment, and may leave the hospital feeling negatively about their visit and even their doctor.

This is unfortunately the case in many corporate practices, which are becoming so large they are overwhelmed by even themselves. Timid toward competition, they believe bigger is better. They become dysfunctional, with a central scheduling location that is separate from the practice, often in another town. Patients get lost in the system because the doctors are usually lost in it as well; the Trickle Down effect.

What is happening to the solo practitioners, the smaller practices? What is happening to quality in medicine? With mergers and acquisitions, and a “bigger is better” mentality, the patients are the ones who suffer most. At MIT, the patient is often amazed a person answers the phone - someone ready to help them immediately. There is no automated system where you are told “press 1 for this and 2 for that” or to leave a message no one may hear. Patients appreciate when the front desk staff know their names after a few visits, and when they actually see the doctor, who shows them a sense of humor and a genuine interest in not only their illnesses but their lifestyles too. In Dr. Jacobson’s experience, oftentimes the missing piece of the puzzle to a diagnosis is hidden within a patient’s story. Listening about what they do at home or at their job gives him clues to help understand their anguish and pain. Family and friends are encouraged to attend consults. Dr. Jacobson asks a lot of questions, and there is a good reason why: he genuinely cares.

At MIT, imaging isn’t just about going in for a scan that might be read by a radiologist in another city, state or even country. As a center for interventional radiology, a critical finding on a scan can often result in a necessary procedure which can also be done at MIT. For example, if you have fluid in your lungs or abdomen seen on Xray, CT or ultrasound, it can be drained using image guidance. If you have a tumor in an organ, it can be biopsied using image guidance. If your MRI shows you have a spine fracture, it can be repaired. If your MRA shows blocked arteries in your legs, you can have your angioplasty done by an expert. The list of procedures is endless!

Interventional Radiologists such as Dr. Jacobson have the training and skills required for numerous healing therapies. His expertise have made him a choice physician to train Resident and Fellow interventional radiologists from the University of Florida. His Fellow physicians enjoy and appreciate the experience and advice they can take with them as they are prepared to practice on their own.

The next time your doctor recommends an imaging study, ask them to refer you to Medical Imaging and Therapeutics. Since opening in Lady Lake five years ago, MIT has become the preferred provider for diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, and has received tens of thousands of referrals from hundreds of doctors confident in MIT’s ability to take optimal care to their patients.


Dr. Jacobson hasperformed nearly 1000

“go-to provider” for this procedure, not only because of the number of procedures performed and numerous happy patients, but also because of his participation in the research of radio-frequency ablation of cancerous spine tumors. Local, as well as out of town physicians entrust Medical Imaging & Therapeutics for treatment of their patients’ of Florida College of Medicine as an Interventional Radiology training center for physicians in the interventional radiology residency and fellowship program.

When A Mammogram is Not Enough

Do you know whether you have dense breasts? Dense breasts and tumors look similar on a mammogram, so further screening like ultrasound or a breast MRI may be needed. Talk to your doctor.

Not Just Lumps: Know Your Breast Cancer Symptoms

“I found a lump in my breast.” This is the best-known symptom, but breast cancer can exhibit other signs as well. Some may be due to other, benign causes, but see your doctor if these signs do not go away or if they get bigger or worse:

1. A thickening inside your breast or in your breast skin.

2. A dimple or indentation in your breast.

3. A crust on your nipple.

4. Redness, swelling, or heat in your breast that doesn’t go away with antibiotics.

5. Nipple discharge not associated with developing breasts, infection, cysts, pregnancy, or breastfeeding.

6. Skin sores developing on your breast, usually associated with a hard lump.

What is Stage 0?

Stage 0 is also called ductal carcinoma in situ or DCIS and is considered pre-cancerous. In DCIS cancer cells are restricted to the breast ducts. But if not treated, those cancer cells can spread beyond the ducts and become invasive breast cancer.

7. A bump on the breast. (These can also be benign lumps or cysts.)


9. Newly appearing blood vessels or veins on the breast or near the collarbone (if not connected to weight gain, breastfeeding, or Mondor’s disease).

swelling, or drooping, not due to breastfeeding or menstruation.

11. Your breast looks like the dimpled skin of an orange (called “peau d’orange”) and might change color. This is a sign of

12. A hard, immovable lump deep in your breast is the most common breast cancer symptom, though it may also be a cyst. See your doctor if any of these signs persist or if you are concerned.

Not For Women Only

Men can get breast cancer, too, although the condition is rare. A man’s lifetime risk of getting breast cancer is about 1 in 833.

Can makeyou radiation safer? Yes!

Radiation for a tumor in the left breast can also affect the heart and lung, but techniques exist to decrease that risk.

The deep inspiration breath hold involves taking and holding a deep breath during treatment. This moves the chest wall and breast tissue away from the heart.

Another technique, intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), divides the breast and tailored radiation dose that sends the best treatment where it’s needed, while protecting normal tissues.

Ask your radiation oncologist whether treatment needs.

by the numbers

1in 8

The chance a woman will develop breast cancer in her lifetime.

90 percent

The average 5-year survival rate for people with breast cancer.

Starving Cancer

favorite “foods,” so treatment includes starving them. Most breast cancers (73%) are positive for hormone receptors (HR) and negative for human epidermal growth

Cancers with no receptors have the worst prognosis and occur in 13% of cases. Ten percent contain all receptors, while women and I enjoy working with them. We have also humor with our meetings and that is very important, to be able to laugh and leave a meeting laughing and not crying.”

3.1 million

Breast cancer survivors in the United States.

5 percent

Women breast cancer patients diagnosed as metastatic from the start.


Patient-centered radiation oncology close

to home

The Villages 352.259.2200

Ocala 352.732.0277

Timber Ridge 352.861.2400

Inverness 352.726.3400

Lecanto 352.527.0106


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Alcohol is more than just a lubricant for socialization. Sometimes, it serves as a magic potion to help boost entrepreneurial spirit and formulate innovative business ideas.

That’s what Doug and Kendra Akers discovered on a warm summer night in 2008 when they conceived the idea of Healthy Living.

While sitting on their porch and sipping a few glasses of wine, they brainstormed ideas about starting a magazine rooted in health that would be unlike anything the area has ever seen.

In their minds, a health magazine that offered practical advice for people of all ages would be extremely beneficial. However, they dreamed of something bigger than the typical run-of-the-mill health publication that offers only recipes and fitness tips. The couple wanted their publication to focus on the four pillars of health—body, mind, spirit, and finance—to help readers achieve a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle.

In October 2008, their dream became a reality with the launch of Healthy Living magazine. A decade later, the magazine continues to fulfill its original goal of helping lead people on a journey to better health.

“I have people tell me that articles we have published in Healthy Living have literally changed their lives,” Kendra says. “I have had many people approach me and tell me they love

What Readers Are Saying

Healthy Living is undoubtedly one of the area’s most widely read magazines. At the beginning of each month, faithful readers anticipate the arrival of a new issue, which can be found at local restaurants, hospitals, doctor’s offices, and businesses.

We asked four of those readers to share their opinion of Healthy Living, and they were kind enough to respond by email.


Living for several reasons. Of course, the subject matter has been very informative, and there are more articles than advertisements. However, it is than the content. The

Healthy Living because it is so inspiring and because it covers real-life issues.”

The magazine has undergone changes over the past 10 years. There have been redesigns, editorial content tweaks, and new editors, staff writers, and designers. But one thing remains the same: the magazine delivers highquality, credible health information.

“We have helped shed light on important issues such as obesity, foster care and adoption, health-care laws, medical breakthroughs, addiction, bullying, eating disorders, parenting, and relationships,” Kendra says. “It is truly a magazine for everyone.”

In this special anniversary story, Healthy Living celebrates a decade of health and wellness by looking back at some of the publication’s successes and memorable stories.

And here’s a big toast to Doug and Kendra because, like a fine wine, their publication continues to get better with age.

A Trip Down Memory Lane

One of Healthy Living’s most popular columns was S’motherhood, where former staff writer Tiffany Roach provided a hilarious yet realistic insight into the triumphs and struggles of raising four children—three of whom are triplets. We learned about the “booby-holders” her boys wanted to buy her for Valentine’s Day, a fun-filled day at the bowling alley, and the monumental task of settling her children down while trying to prepare Thanksgiving dinner. Tiffany recently reflected on her column in an email.

“You know the look a 3-year-old gives you right before he pukes all over your upholstered couch? That was me, writing S’motherhood seven years ago. For one thing, I had four kids ages 2 and under and I pretty much lived with that same look of thinly contained panic. And for another, S’motherhood grew before the spew of Mommy-Bloggers, hipster InstagramMoms, and tweeting celebrities were hurling their wisdom and insight onto the internet. Before moms were reading parenting articles on apps, they were reading S’motherhood in Healthy Living

I know this because moms in the produce aisle at the grocery would sidle up to me and grandmothers from The Villages would email me. We’d meet for coffee. They read S’motherhood and they knew it: last week, 10 years ago, 40 years ago, their boys, their daughters had done the same thing—tales of twins and mischief, stories of surviving potty training, hand-foot and mouth, and airport bathrooms. They’d confess they’d blown it; they’d locked themselves in the bathroom with chocolate cake, too. And then they’d sigh and tell me it went fast. They’d tell me to hang in there. I was going to make it. The kids would make it. And they were right.”

Familiar Faces

Throughout the years, Healthy Living has interviewed nationally known celebrities, health enthusiasts, and sports

Jen Hendershott, a professional fitness competitor—JULY 2009.

Guy Fieri, a restaurateur and Emmy Award-winning television personality—AUGUST 2009.

Danny Wuerffel, former quarterback of the Florida Gators and New Orleans Saints—SEPTEMBER 2009.

Max Wettstein, a Leesburg native and national fitness model—JUNE 2010.

Jillian Michaels, a personal trainer, author, and television personality—JULY 2010.

Tyson Gay, an American Olympian who competes in track and field—AUGUST 2010.

Brandon Meriweather football player for the

Miami Hurricanes and New England Patriots—SEPTEMBER 2010.

Pam Tebow, a motivational speaker and mother of former Florida Gators quarterback Tim Tebow—NOVEMBER 2010.

Curtis Stone, an Australian celebrity chef and television personality— FEBRUARY 2011.

Erin Stern, a fitness model and bodybuilder who holds two Figure Olympia titles—JULY 2011.

Nick Vujicic, an Australian motivational speaker who was born without arms and legs—NOVEMBER 2011.

Chris Powell, a personal trainer who formerly appeared on the ABC show “Extreme Weight Loss”—JUNE 2015.

Jennifer Lopez, actress, singer, and dancer—JULY 2015.

Dr. Drew Pinsky, a celebrity doctor and addiction medicine specialist— NOVEMBER 2015.

Crowning Achievements

Since 2009, Healthy Living has won dozens of writing, design, and photography awards at the Florida Magazine Association’s annual Charlie Awards, which recognize publishing excellence throughout Florida. Most importantly, the publication has placed in the prestigious category of “Best Overall Magazine” every year since 2010. Here’s a year-by-year list of those awards. The Charlie Award denotes


Best Overall New Magazine—Charlie

Best Public Service Coverage— Charlie

Best Service Feature—Silver

Best Feature Headlines—Silver

Best Photo Illustration—Silver


Best Overall Magazine—Charlie

Best Single Original Black-and-White Photo—Charlie

Best Service Feature—Charlie

Best Humor—Silver

Best Service Feature—Silver

Best In-Depth Reporting—Silver

Best Service Feature—Bronze

Best Feature Design—Bronze


Best Overall Magazine—Silver

Best Humor—Charlie

Best Single Original Cover Photo—Charlie

Best Single Original Black-and-White Photo—Charlie

Best Cover—Charlie

Best Single Original Black-and-White Photo—Bronze


Best Overall Magazine—Bronze

Best Cover—Charlie

Best Humor—Charlie

Best Photo Illustration—Charlie

Best Humor—Silver

Best In-House Ad for Outside Client—Silver

Best Photo Illustration—Bronze

Best Overall Design—Bronze

Best Feature Design—Bronze Design Excellence—Bronze


Best Overall Magazine—Charlie

Best Use of Typography—Charlie

Best Cover—Charlie

Best Overall Design—Charlie

Best Humor—Charlie

Best Illustration—Charlie

Best Feature Headlines—Silver


Best Overall Magazine—Silver

Best Table of Contents—Charlie

Best Feature Design—Charlie

Best Cover—Charlie

Best Photo Illustration—Charlie

Best Photo Illustration—Bronze


Best Overall Magazine—Charlie

Best Feature Headlines—Charlie

“I am an avid reader of our hometown magazine! Healthy Living holds a special place in my heart. My daughter, Katie, has been featured a few times over the years as she has battled Type 1 diabetes since the tender age of 3. I’m excited about the latest article that appeared in the September issue about Katie’s new diabetic alert dog. I love each and every issue and look forward to each new copy that hits the stands. My friend Tim McRae, an employee at Akers Media Group, usually drops off my very own personal copy when he makes his rounds at First Academy (a Leesburg school). That’s hometown service from our hometown magazine!”

Best Feature—Charlie

Best Column—Silver

Best Photo Illustration—Silver


Best Overall Magazine—Silver

Best Single Feature Photograph—Silver

Best Feature—Silver

Best Single Feature Photograph—Silver

Best Client Ad—Silver


Best Overall Magazine—Silver


Best Overall Magazine—Silver

Best Public Service Coverage—Charlie

Best Redesign—Silver


Lori Esarey has been an instrumental part of on nutrition and weight loss. you eat, and why having accountability partners is and passion have proved over the holidays, the importance of logging everything


In July 2011, Healthy Living revealed the weight-loss efforts of B.E. Thompson. In two short years, he went from weighing 540 pounds to 220 pounds. Our magazine provided monthly updates so readers could follow his progress.

More than anything else, his amazing weight loss helped him discover that the simple things in life make him the happiest: fitting into his favorite clothes, attending social functions without worrying he’ll break a chair, and taking walks without becoming excessively fatigued or winded.

“The biggest thing I’ve learned is that diet and exercise will always have to be part of my life,” the Eustis resident said in a 2011 interview with Healthy Living. “It’s not something I can do then entirely shut off. Also, I don’t want to let myself down and I certainly don’t want to disappoint my friends and family members who have been so supportive. I’m personally responsible for every decision I make.”

After all, he no longer craves calorie-filled food; he craves a healthy lifestyle.

Making A Difference

In 2015, Healthy Living ran a series on foster care titled, “It Takes a Village.” Writer Mary Ann DeSantis provided a thorough and detailed look into the challenges, legal issues, and opportunities of foster care. She also interviewed numerous foster care families and learned how being a foster parent has enriched their lives.

The series was a hit. So much so that in June 2015, Kids Central Inc. reported there were 197 licensed foster care homes in Florida’s Fifth Judicial Circuit, up from 185 in December 2014.

In a June 2015 email to Mary Ann, Rosey Moreno-Jones, foster parent recruiter for Kids Central, wrote: “’We are fast closing in on 200 homes, which we have never hit before. That will be a record for us and the Circuit.”

“The 10th anniversary of Healthy Living is a cause for celebration. Each month, the articles and features articulate diverse points of view on a variety of topics, highlight people who share their personal struggles and successes, and puts forth ideas for living a healthy lifestyle. The articles about health and nutrition are an encouragement, and I often find myself trying something new as a result. Congratulations to everyone involved in making this magazine something our


Of the thousands of stories that have appeared in Healthy Living throughout the years, one that received considerable attention was the December 2015 feature on Jaxon Buell.

Born in 2014 with microhydranencephaly, a rare abnormality of the brain that leads to profound developmental delay and severe intellectual disability, Jaxon was expected to die in the womb or shortly after birth. As a result, doctors advised his parents, Brandon and Brittany Buell, to strongly consider abortion.

Instead, they gave their son a fighting chance, and their miraculous boy has seized the opportunity by fighting back every day of his life.

Jaxon, who was born in Lake County and now lives in North Carolina with his mother, turned 4 in August. He’s no longer the small infant you may remember from a few years ago. The boy, who was born weighing 4 pounds and measuring 15 inches, is now 20 pounds and 28 inches long.

In a phone interview with Brandon, Healthy Living learned that Jaxon continues to reach milestones.

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