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do you feel like your spinning your wheels doing everything you can to feel your best and lose body fat yet not achieving your desired results? Are you ready to be “well”, to look, feel and function your very best? Personalized nutritional programs are the best prescription to get yourself on track to be the WELL WOMAN you desire and deserve to be. The team at Total Nutrition and Therapeutics are ready to help you.
Many of the women who come to Total Nutrition and Therapeutics come because they are tired of not feeling their best. Whatever the reason—weight gain, hormonal imbalance, or a disease state—they are not happy with how they feel and look. This unhappiness affects not just their self-esteem, but more importantly their relationships with those around them. We take a full-body approach at TNT and concentrate on the five pillars of women’s health: mindset, nutrition (the benchmark for living well), detox, exercise, and hormone balance. Once your nutritional foundation is balanced, other aspects of your life will start to become balanced. When you feel good, your posture is different, your relationships are different, your productivity is different, and your attitude is different. You radiate positive energy wherever you go.
There are so many factors that affect a woman’s wellness. It all starts with your attitude and mindset. If you want it, you can have it but it starts with deciding that you want to be well. The second step is learning to fuel your body properly. To start, you must reduce sugar, eliminate processed food, eat clean and lean protein with a wide variety of nonstarchy vegetables, and incorporate healthy fat into your diet. Moving your body routinely and working to reduce toxic exposures in your environment are critical to feeling good. Yet many times you do these things and fail to achieve the result, grow frustrated, become sidetracked, and give up. Our positive mindset changes into a negative one and your efforts likely stop, leading to guilt, sadness and a sense of failure. Stop the madness and consider a new approach with a 11 year proven track record of success. Instead of guessing what you need, test. Living and feeling well long term starts with a personalized analysis of you: a thorough history, blood work, stool, dna, food intolerance and hormone testing providing the necessary data to set up your individualized plan to live and be well. Then, learn how to carry it out every day despite your busy schedule. A well woman, feels good, looks good, and has abundant energy and a healthy hormonally balanced glow. It’s possible if you want it. Check out our testimonials at tnt4me.com.
To learn more contact Total Nutrition and Theraputics at 352.259.5190 or visit TNT4ME.com.