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By providing quality, comprehensive care that is tailored to the unique needs and desires of each patient, our accomplished board-certified physicians, physician assistants, and doctors of audiology can effectively diagnose and treat individuals who come to our offices looking for answers and solutions.
Q: When and what is allergy season? A: Depending on the allergy, allergies can be seasonal or perennial (year-round). Seasonal allergies, such as grass, trees, and weeds, can occur in the spring and fall, while perennial allergies, such as dust, mold, and animals, can occur at any time during the year.
Dr. Michael A. Freedman
Q:What are some things I should consider before receiving facial plastic surgery?

A:Facial plastic surgery targeting rejuvenation of the aging face is a personal decision. Looking good and feeling good about yourself promotes happiness and improves self-esteem. Do it because you want to do it, but be realistic in your goals and discuss the options available to you with your surgeon.
Learn more about sinus conditions and the Balloon Sinuplasty procedure at our dedicated website www.LakeSinusRelief.com
The team at Lake Ear, Nose, Throat & Facial Plastic Surgery is dedicated to being an advocate for your health and giving you an experience that is convenient and comfortable. Our health care professionals believe that patient care is of the utmost priority.
Offices located in Leesburg, Tavares, and The Villages