Style Magazine, August 2020

Page 114



for who I was, even when I was at my biggest point. Also, my family and friends never shamed me for being big and eating bad. Therefore, I became comfortable eating whatever I wanted in front of people. Some obese people are not like that. They tend to eat significantly less when eating around other people.

How much could you eat? I could eat a whole Publix sub and sometimes two bags of chips. For lunch, I would go to McDonald’s and order three double cheeseburgers, large fries and a large Coke. Nighttime would roll around and I’d become bored and satisfy that boredom by eating. I do think I had an eating disorder but was never diagnosed with one.

Did food bring you emotional happiness? Food definitely gave me a feeling of satisfaction. It made me happy and took my mind off things. Once I completed a meal, I thought, ‘Well, dang. I kind of want to eat again.’ That’s why I think I had an eating disorder. Let’s go back to the day you visited your doctor and received the bad news. You said it was a wake-up call. How so? I remember that day like it was yesterday. I cried in my car and couldn’t even go to work that day. I cried knowing I had diabetes and might not be able to have kids. Something clicked in my brain that I had to change. That very day, I threw away all the bad food in my house and joined Planet Fitness.

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