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for who I was, even when I was at my biggest point. Also, my family and friends never shamed me for being big and eating bad. Therefore, I became comfortable eating whatever I wanted in front of people. Some obese people are not like that. They tend to eat signifi cantly less when eating around other people.

How much could you eat? I could eat a whole Publix sub and sometimes two bags of chips. For lunch, I would go to McDonald’s and order three double cheeseburgers, large fries and a large Coke. Nighttime would roll around and I’d become bored and satisfy that boredom by eating. I do think I had an eating disorder but was never diagnosed with one.

Did food bring you emotional happiness?

Food definitely gave me a feeling of satisfaction. It made me happy and took my mind off things. Once I completed a meal, I thought, ‘Well, dang. I kind of want to eat again.’ That’s why I think I had an eating disorder.

Let’s go back to the day you visited your doctor and received the bad news. You said it was a wake-up call.

How so? I remember that day like it was yesterday. I cried in my car and couldn’t even go to work that day. I cried knowing I had diabetes and might not be able to have kids. Something clicked in my brain that I had to change. That very day, I threw away all the bad food in my house and joined Planet Fitness.


Did you have a hard time transitioning from an inactive unhealthy eater into an active

healthy eater? It wasn’t as hard as I thought. I slowly started working out and eating healthy and became addicted to living this new lifestyle. Before long, I found myself working out fi ve or six days a week.

How long did it take for you to

notice results? The fi rst year I lost between 35 and 40 pounds but didn’t really feel a lot of change in my body. The second year, I hit this huge wave of motivation and joined a CrossFit class and absolutely loved it. Being around other fi t people really motivated me and I ended up losing between 40 and 50 pounds. This past year I’ve toned up a lot by building muscle and strength.

Tell me about changing your

eating habits. At fi rst, I tried several fad diets and did not enjoy them as much. Then I switched to Weight Watchers. That allows me to still eat food like potatoes, pasta and sandwiches without totally depriving myself. It’s all about eating foods you enjoy in moderation without binge eating. But for the most part I eat chicken, beef, vegetables, fruits and fat- and sugar-free food. It’s OK to eat foods you like as long as you track what you eat.

How has coronavirus aff ected

your workout regimen? I did

have to put CrossFit classes on hold. However, I still do CrossFit-style workouts at home. I’ve also been doing a lot of yoga and running around my neighborhood. Typically, I run about three miles. Now that I’m pregnant, I want to make healthy choices because that way I’ll know if I do gain a lot of weight it’s all because of the baby.

Tell me how you feel today versus three years ago.

Sometimes it’s hard to think how I felt back then and what made me feel a certain way and how I fell in this dark place. Now, I’m just so happy. Every day is a great day to be alive. I always remind myself that I’ve come too far to ever go back to where I was. Since I’ve been pregnant, I asked my doctor to examine my bloodwork, and the results came back that I’m completely healthy. It’s bittersweet. GET TO KNOW ANGIE


A WEIGHT-LOSS JOURNEY: Have accountability, whether it’s a group, a friend, your parents. You need someone to help you stay on track.

FAVORITE WORKOUT MUSIC: Hard rock. It puts me in this head space where a fl ip switches and I have all this energy.


STOCKED WITH: Unsweet almond milk, water, chicken, ground turkey and lots of fruits and veggies.

FAVORITE STORE: Trader Joe’s is my go-to place because the company off ers healthy organic food choices.

FUTURE PLANS: I am currently attending the University of Central Florida to earn a bachelor’s degree in psychology. I saw a psychologist after my parents divorced when I was in second grade. Seeing the way they helped me makes me want to help other children.

HOBBIES: Going to the beach and hanging out with my dogs: Lilly, a miniature shih tzu, and Storm, a pit bull.

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