Optimizing wellness is her goal Preventative medicine and anti-aging treatments can lead you to a fuller, healthier life. PAID PROMOTIONAL FEATURE
t Age & Wellness Medical Practice in Leesburg, Dr. Weena Favis’s main goal is to optimize wellness by lengthening a person’s lifespan and healthspan by using age management, making sure hormones are balanced, and determining the root cause of any disease a patient is at risk of or is already experiencing. For most people, age management means anti-aging and longevity care. “Lifespan is the number of years we’re alive, and there’s a healthspan, the number of years that we are healthy and well,” Dr. Favis says. “Our main focus is to increase
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our healthspan, not just our lifespan, because there’s no point in getting old when you can’t do much of anything.” How are lifespan and healthspan measured? “Lifespan is measured by the number of birthdays you have. Healthspan is basically what we call a biological age. Let’s say a 50-year-old person has a biologic age of 65, and their cells are older than their body. But if someone really takes care of himself or herself, they may have a biologic age of 40,” Dr. Favis says. She uses epigenetic testing to measure healthspan and the “age” of a person’s body. Once she knows a patient’s biological age, she is able to intervene and make that age younger so that person can increase their healthspan. People are typically afraid of aging because it is associated with being frail and developing things like arthritis, cataracts, dementia, wrinkles, hair changes, and diseases like hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and Parkinson’s. “So with age management