Debbie & Luke Matamo Designs owner appreciative of customers’ support when her son was ill. PAID PROMOTIONAL FEATURE
hen Debbie Belton opened her downtown Mount Dora boutique, Matamo Designs, filled with exotic, hard-to-find furnishings and accents in 2008, her son Luke had just turned 5. He was always his Dad’s helper with the buildout picking up nails, to breaking down boxes and making runs to the dumpster. His face has become a standard in the shop as his pictures are featured in the shop’s photo frames available for purchase. Three years ago, Luke became very ill. Specialists diagnosed that he had Ulcerative Colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease. “It’s a livable disease, but when you are very young, it can be deadly,” says Debbie. “We dealt with the diagnosis the best we could, in and out of hospitals for 2 years.” Debbie’s mother had Ulcerative Colitis and was aware of the detriment that the medications to treat can ultimately destroy other organs later on in life. Biologics were extremely expensive and honestly, just a temporary bandaid. Debbie and her husband, Bobby, wanted to give him a
better chance at a quality of life and was desperate for a better solution. Luckily, the husband of one of her customers, a colorectal surgeon, advised Debbie to have Luke’s colon removed, and he connected them with a surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic in South Florida. That was the answer to all of their prayers. “Luke had his surgery a year ago, lived with a temporary colostomy, then had a J-Pouch installed in place of his diseased colon. Luke is living his best life right now, 16 years old and now starting football practices with the MDHS team,” says Debbie. Three years ago, we never dreamed Luke would be working out and building muscles, driving a car, and playing sports; all the while continuing his studies without skipping a beat. Amazing!!! Debbie is forever grateful for her family and friends, employees and customers, and Luke’s core group of friends for their wonderful support. “I have customers who come in almost daily asking how Luke is,” says Debbie, adding the customer support has been extremely meaningful in her life
and business. “It’s another extension of my family.” Debbie followed her heart when she opened Matamo Designs, and she loves when customers find that special piece or two for their home or the perfect gift for special occasions. As the owner of Matamo Designs, Debbie also provides decorating tips, color guidance and space planning suggestions for customers who seek her expertise.
352.735.4800 / / 100 E. 5th Avenue, Mount Dora
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