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Riveting prose
Eva Kovacs says ‘Zizi: A Historical Novel that will Shake America to its Roots’ is her most important work. America to its Roots’ is her most important work.
uthor Eva Kovacs of Howey-in-theHills has been speaking to local church groups and other forums about being raised in Hungary under Stalin’s Communist regime for the rst 12 years of her life, and she believes history is repeating itself today. “I am aware of the parallels to America’s apparent Socialistic pathway and want to open the eyes of Americans to this revelation. This is the reason why I wrote the book,” Eva says of penning “Zizi: A Historical Story That Will Shake America to Its Roots.”
The author was a victim of Russian communism, yet she changed the names of people in her book to protect those “still living there under scrutiny,” and Eva believes her book casts “a shadow on a very di cult and complicated matter, of the impact suppression creates in the soul of man.”
“The holy spirit told me to do this,” Eva says of penning her 473-page novel, published by Sea Hill Press, which she wrote nonstop for ve months, telling of Zizi’s premature birth during wartime and later when Zizi, her sisters, and mother, made a harrowing escape to the Austrian Alps after the 1956 Hungarian uprising.
The book opens with praise from Louise Gar nkle, a ve-time Oscar winner and original writer of “The Deer Hunter,” which won Best Picture in 1978, and he tells of his 14-year friendship with Eva while praising her book. He writes: “The story is told through the eyes of Zizi Novak, whose testament to the pain
and su ering in communism is reminiscent of Hills has been speaking to local ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’ and ‘A Tree Grows church groups and other forums in Brooklyn.’” about being raised in Hungary “I have tried to make the early geopolitical under Stalin’s Communist regime events of Zizi’s life come alive as it happened,” for the rst 12 years of her life, Eva writes, adding she could only vouch and she believes history is for some recollections since her diary was repeating itself today. con scated under Stalin’s dictatorship. Despite “I am aware of the parallels to that, Eva adds, she never lost the memory of his America’s apparent Socialistic evil doings during her childhood in Hungary. pathway and want to open Her story begins in World War II, when the eyes of Americans to this Churchill and Stalin sliced up Europe and revelation. This is the “Stalin’s communism spread like a plague, reason why I wrote the knocking down countries like a bowling book,” Eva says of penning “Zizi: A Historical ball,” Eva writes. Story That Will Shake America to Its Roots.” “I have never met anyone who can write
The author was a victim of Russian so metaphorically,” says Dara Treadway, who communism, yet she changed the names of was captivated by the timeliness of her friend’s people in her book to protect those “still living historical novel. “When you read this book, you there under scrutiny,” and Eva believes her think ‘Oh my gosh, that’s happening in America book casts “a shadow on a very di cult and right now.’” complicated matter, of the impact suppression “I hope it wakes them up,” Eva says of her creates in the soul of man.” audience. “I don’t care if you are on the left side
“The holy spirit told me to do this,” Eva or the right side, but you need to understand says of penning her 473-page novel, published that socialism is exactly what happens by Sea Hill Press, which she wrote nonstop before communism.” for ve months, telling of Zizi’s premature One neighbor told Eva, “I read your book in birth during wartime and later when Zizi, three days and cried my heart out.” her sisters, and mother, made a harrowing Eva came to America at age 12, without escape to the Austrian Alps after the 1956 speaking English and went on to become Miss Hungarian uprising. Florida, Miss World, an international super
The book opens with praise from Louise model, entrepreneur, dancer, actress, and Gar nkle, a ve-time Oscar winner and original Pilates expert. She appeared on the cover writer of “The Deer Hunter,” which won Best of Style magazine in November 2018 and was Picture in 1978, and he tells of his 14-year listed as one of the area’s extraordinary people. friendship with Eva while praising her book. She is currently completing two more books, He writes: “The story is told through the eyes “Hollywood, Sodom and Gomorrah” and of Zizi Novak, whose testament to the pain “Proof of Life After Death.”
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