Akhand Jyoti 2014 Nov-Dec

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creates a false impression or an illusion of amnesia. If one knows the basic structure and functions of the brain associated with the process of memorization and adopts a systematic methodology suitable to the natural modes of memory storage and retrieval, one may not suffer from the ‘usual’ complaint of vague memory or loss of memory with growing age.

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As the inner tendencies, psychology and mental development of one person may be different from the others, so will be his mental potentials — including memory. As per common observation, it is believed that memory is sharp in childhood and begins to reduce gradually with growing age after youth. But, the truth is quite different. In fact, in younger age, there is lesser pressure on mind; there are no responsibilities and problems to face in general; serious queries, spectrum of thoughts, types of mental tasks, interactions, emotions etc., are also limited. Thus, without making an extra effort, the free and fresh mind easily stores cognitive images of every event, thought or perception in the active layers of memory in this age. As the stored amount is less, so its retrieval or recollection also takes place at a rapid pace. However, as one grows older, the domains of his cognition, perceptions, mental activities,

Except in early childhood and during the last few days of life at a very old age, the natural capabilities of brain to memorize remain almost the same. It is the change in our concentration, tendencies and habits, which makes the difference. Variation in the manner of memorization due to transformations in our mental occupations and tastes also sometimes

Before going in for any treatment or therapy one should try to investigate the cause of waning memory. Also, one should understand the basic mechanism of memory storage in the brain. If one learns the structure of the machinery of a car, the basics of its movements and controls before learning to drive it, the possibilities of mistakes and consequent hurdles are eliminated to a great extent well in advance.

People are often found suffering from amnesia in old age. Many middle aged and young ones also complain of lack of sound memory. This also impedes their success in many respects. Be that the act of passing an examination with good scores, carrying out profitable business transactions etc., or, even the daily chores, all suffer due to lack of good memory. Forgetfulness or loss of memory is usually considered as a disease and people go in for medication and brain-tonics for improvement.

Memory Loss - Causes and Remedies

“Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion.” - Sir Isaac Newton Akhand Jyoti November - December 2014


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