Brand Guidelines for Lumi

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Lumi is a unique cosmetics women’s brand that focuses on creating organic products, such as fragrances, shower gels and bath salts. The brand specialises in fragrances targeted at women between 18 and 25 years old. The brand offers different luxury products from candles to shower gels at an affordable price. However, the main focus of this brand are the fragrances they create using pure and organic ingredients, which makes the brand a unique selling point. Additionally, the word ‘Lumi’ represents light and power, which can be seen clearly in the colour palette of the brand. Also, Lumi presents a feminine, fresh, fun yet luxury brand that will appeal to young women. The brand’s goal is to make women feel powerful, feminine and bold. Also, the brand offers the idea of having luxury products that are economically friendly.



Brand Values & Aims

Lumi is an affordable luxury brand that focuses on creating and designing perfumes for young women between the ages of 18 to 25 years old. The perfume brand is sold in department and high street stores. One of the main focus of the brand is creating products that are economically friendly. For instance, the price depends on the size of perfume bottles, for instance, 30ml costs £25, 50ml costs £30 and 100ml cost £35. The main aim of the Lumi brand is to offer luxury yet affordable products for its consumers. The price of the products is the elements that will make Lumi stand out from the competitors. Lumi offers a friendly, fresh and feminine experience that will appeal to its target audience. Another element that Lumi is proud of, is using organic ingredients in all their products, from shower gels to candles made from natural ingredients. Lumi is all about uncovering the story behind each of its consumers and helping them to create their own memories and stories when using the brand’s products.


Feminine Economically Friendly Natural




Brand Logo

The logo is the mark of the entire brand. It is the most recognisable element of the brand, which is why it is important for it to be used throughout the brand. The logo itself is the main tool that is used to communicate with consumers. The logo is used to reflect the brand and express who we are. It is used as a visual and verbal communication tool. The logo design is to be easily recognised by the audience and used flexibly to be used across a number of platforms. The logo itself is simplistic, clean and easy to understand, which makes it memorable to the audience. The logo represents the visual element of the brand and is used to combine the different graphic elements together.


Brand Mark

The brand mark is the main identity for the Lumi brand. It is the primary communication tool for the brand and should be recognised by the audience at all times. The logo itself has a feminine, clean and friendly character, which appeals to the target market of the brand. Also, the logo is used as a visual and verbal communication tool to portray the brand’s values. The logo should not be modified, re-drawn or distorted in any way. The brand mark is the foundation of the brand identity, which is a key element for the brand to be recognised.


The brand mark is the main graphic element of the brand. It is the core mark that is used throughout the brand, whether on products, letters or clothing. The full brand mark should be used in all primary brand content, such as products, advertising websites etc. The brand mark should be used to communicate with the audience about the brand. The brand mark should be used to not only communicate the Lumi brand but the feeling of the brand to the consumer. It should be used in a positive manner. One of the brand’s values is looking into the story, which is why it is important to use the brand mark correctly and in moderation.


Primary Brand Mark

The primary brand mark is a fixed piece of visual communication that is used throughout the brand. It is a combination of type and symbol that should never be changed or altered whenever used. The primary brand mark should be used on all of the branding and marketing material, such as products, websites and posters. It should be used in places where consumers would be interacting with the brand, whether on bus posters or in department stores.


The primary brand mark is designed in a certain way to fit anywhere and can be used throughout the lifetime of the brand. As the primary brand mark is uncomplicated, neat and elegant, it is used in all of the brands marketing materials as well as appearing on all of the brand’s products. Also, the primary brand mark is used to communicate ownership of the products and services that the brand offers to its consumers. It should be used in a sensible and positive manner. The primary brand mark should not be placed next to any negative pieces of materials, such as in print-based marketing materials.


Reverse Brand Mark

Logomark 1 is used the majority of the time within the brand. It is placed on most of the marketing materials and products that the brand offers. This logo mark should only be used on white or light coloured backgrounds such as pastel colours. When logo mark 1 is being used, the colours should never be changed or reversed within the logo, for instance, the circle shape and typeface should always be in the same colour form. Logomark 2 should only be used when placed over a dark coloured background such as black. This logo can be used when necessary and when required, such as on promotional materials. Also, when designing if logomark 1 does not make the brandmark stand out, then logomark 2 can be used, such as on product packaging. However, the majority of the time logomark 1 should be used throughout the brand.


Logo Mark 1

Logo Mark 2


Secondary Brand Mark

The secondary brand mark is an element that has been taken from the primary brand mark. The secondary brand mark is an important part of the brand as it is a factor that should be used to communicate to the audience about the brand in a simpler way. The secondary brandmark is designed in a certain way to make it easier for the audience to recognise the brand. Also, the secondary brandmark is a lot simpler, which is better suited for designs that have limited space.


The secondary brand mark is an element that has been taken from the main primary brand mark, which creates a direct link between the two brand marks. It should be used when space for the primary logo is limited or restricted. The secondary brand mark can also be used when a powerful visual effect is needed. Also, the secondary brand mark can be used as a creative substitute when necessary. Depending on the circumstances, the secondary brand mark can replace the primary brand mark, such as on websites or social media pages. Similarly, the secondary brand mark can be used when the consumers have less time to read the primary brand mark, such as on posters on the side of busses or billboards.


Reverse Secondary Mark

Logomark 1 is used should be used the majority of the time when the secondary brand mark has to be used within the brand. This brand mark should only be used on light coloured backgrounds such as pastel colours. The secondary brand mark is only used when the primary brand mark does not fit the criteria or image of the piece of design. When logo 1 is being in substitute for the primary brand mark, the colours should not be changed or converted, such as the outline and fill colour should always match one another and remain the same. Logomark 2 should only be used when placed over a dark coloured background such as black. It should only be used when necessary and when needed, such as on promotional materials. Otherwise, logo mark 1 should always be used when the secondary brand mark is being used.


Logo Mark 1

Logo Mark 2


Exclusion Zone

The logo should always be created from the master artwork that would be provided. It should be used as it and not changed unless different logos are provided, such as reverse brand marks. Artwork will be given with descriptions to help understand how to position the elements separately, for example on different packaging designs. In order to safeguard the brandmark and help understand how to use, it is important to know how to use the logo. When using the logo it is important to understand the exclusion zones and give the logo room so that it is not crowded. Also, it is important to understand when using the Lumi logo that it is not covered by any other visual elements, such as lines, shapes or patterns. For no problems like this to happen, it is essential for an area of clear space to be left around the logo. This makes up the exclusion zone.





X=10mm The exclusion zone is made up of ‘x’ units that come in the measurements of 10mm. Also, the exclusion zone allows a clear area to be retained around all versions of the brandmark. This rule applies to both primary and secondary brandmark, which makes sure there is a minimum clear space around any of the logos used. However, the exclusion zone that is shown should not be used to create a rectangle which holds the brandmark. Also, no other shapes should be used to create an outline for any of the brand marks when used, such as circles, triangles or diamonds.


Logo Sizes

The size of the brandmark should be chosen from one of the following sizes shown in the standard size range. The sizes for the brandmark are measured across the width from 20mm to 100mm. The sizes of the brandmarks can range between the sizes of 20mm and 100mm, for example, 35mm or 95mm. Also, the sizes for the primary and secondary brandmark should not be smaller than 20mm and were established when printing using laserjet printers. The biggest size for the brandmark should be no larger than 100mm unless printing on large scale print-based materials such as banners or large scale posters.








The don’ts page is one of the most important elements in the brand guideline as it outlines what can and cannot be done with brandmark. The brandmark should be used in a respectable and proper way. Additionally, the logo designs have been created with flexibility and brand values in mind. The logo is designed to communicate the brand’s ideas and values, which is why it is very important that the logo should not be modified. It is important that they are not changed or altered in any way. Also, it is crucial to not add any other elements to the logo, which are not provided by the brand. Logo legibility is an important element for the brand as it is all about communicating a certain message to the audience. For this to happen successfully, the logo should always be clear and have enough space to make an impact. It should not be compromised by any other elements, such as patterns or shapes, which can be clearly seen.



The grid is a guide to show how much space there should be around the logo. The work Lumi should always be centred in the logo circle and must always have a good amount of space around it.

The weight or stroke of the logo should never be changed or altered at any time or in any design.

The logo should never be stretched vertically or horizontally. It should always remain the same shape whenever used.

The logo should never be squashed vertically or horizontally. It should always remain the same shape whenever used.


The logo should never have another shape outline. It should always be left as it is and never have any other shapes as an outline, for example, a rectangle or hexagon.

The angle of the logo should never be altered. Both the circle and Lumi should never be altered, for example, rotated 180Ëš.

The colour of the logo should never be changed. The colour palette for the logo are provided and should not be modified.

All the elements of the logo must remain the same. Never change any of the elements in the logo. They should have the same elements as the original brand logo, for example, getting rid of the dot above the letter ‘i’.






C-0 M-0 Y-0 K - 100

C-0 M-0 Y-0 K-0

C-8 M - 22 Y - 100 K-0

R-0 G-0 B-0

R - 255 G - 255 B - 255

R - 236 G - 193 B - 28


Colour Palette

The colour palette is an important visual communication tool for the brand. It is intended to ensure there is consistency throughout the brands colour scheme and is used to communicate the brand wherever and whenever the brand marks are used. The colour palette for the brand is a combination of colours that communicate the brand. These colours consist of black, white and mustard yellow. Additionally, these are the main colours that are to be used in the logo, but also can be used in other design elements such as presentations, corporate design elements and charts. Also, the combination of having used a mustard yellow colour in the brand communicates the meaning behind the brand, which represents light and power. The colour mustard yellow can be used as a separate piece of a design element, for example as background for posters or in signage. However, the main focus of the brand is fragrances, which is why there is a separate colour palette for each of the scents ‘Lumi’ creates. The colour palette for these scents still uses the main colour, which is mustard yellow. Yet the colour mustard yellow is paired with other colours that represent each of the scents.






Colour Scent Mustard As the main focus of the brand is fragrances, which is why there are a set of colours to complement the mustard yellow that is used on the primary colour palette. For the first scent in the fragrance collection, the colour combination is mustard yellow and a light green colour called sage. The inspiration for this fragrance colour combination comes from the ingredients and the smell of the perfume. Also, the colours that are used for this scent can be used for products that are created in the same collection, such as bath salts or shower gels. The colours for this fragrance represent the earthy, floral scent, which is why it is important that these colours are not to be changed and they are only to be used in the collection. Also, no other colours should replace the mustard yellow when this combination of colours are being used.



C-8 M - 22 Y - 100 K-0

C - 23 M-5 Y - 38 K-0

R - 236 G - 193 B - 28

R - 199 G - 216 B - 173





Colour Scent Mustard


Another colour combination that supports the mustard yellow colour from the primary palette is a dark reddish purple colour called plum. For this perfume, the colours represent the musky scent the perfume gives. Also, the inspiration for the colour comes from the ingredients that are used in the perfume, such as Amber oil. These colours can be used in other products that are created in the same collection, for instance as candles. The inspiration for the colour combination comes from the woody and warm aroma the scents give off. It is important that these colours are not changed and are only used in the collection. The mustard yellow colour should never be replaced or changed when this colour pairing is being used.


C-8 M - 22 Y - 100 K-0

C - 36 M - 100 Y - 65 K - 45

R - 236 G - 193 B - 28

R - 108 G - 12 B - 46





Colour Scent Mustard This colour that complements the mustard yellow is an orangy pink that is called salmon. The salmon colour is used to represent femininity as well as the smell of the fragrance. The inspiration for the colour combination comes from the ingredients that are used in the perfume, such as pomegranate and raspberries. The colour salmon that supports the mustard colour is inspired by the colour of the ingredients as well. Additionally, the colour combination can be used for the products that are in this collection. However, the colours should not be changed or alters, for example, different shades of the salmon colour are not to be used. This colour combination should not be used outside of the collection. It is important that the mustard colour is never changed and remains the same whenever the colour combination is used.



C-8 M - 22 Y - 100 K-0

C-5 M - 54 Y - 57 K-0

R - 236 G - 193 B - 28

R - 234 G - 140 B - 109





Colour Scent Mustard The final scent is a combination of the primary colour mustard and a dusty blue colour called dusty. The dusty colour is used to represent the scent of the fragrance, which is light, water and fresh. The inspiration for this colour combination was the aroma and emotions the scent gives off, such as the fresh sea or how the air smells after a thunderstorm. Furthermore, the colour combination for this fragrance can be used for the products that are made for this collection, such as bath salts. These colour should never be changed or swapped around. The word Lumi should always remain the same mustard colour for the primary palette. Also. The colour combination should not be used for products or other designs that are not in this collection such as corporate identities.



C-8 M - 22 Y - 100 K-0

C - 34 M-7 Y-8 K-0

R - 236 G - 193 B - 28

R - 165 G - 206 B - 223


The pattern is created as a supporting element of the brand. It is created as another piece of visual communication and supports the brandmark. The main element for the pattern is taken from the primary brandmark. It is created by repeating the secondary logo over and over again, which helps with remembering the brand. Also, the pattern symbolises the values and aims of the brand. One of the reasons why the brand pattern is an important element for the brand is to strengthen the brand’s character and visual allure. Having used a brand pattern that incorporates an element from the primary logo makes it unforgettable and creates a flow throughout the brand. Also, the brand pattern creates a visual message for the brand and enhances the brand’s personality to become friendly, approachable and fun.


The brand pattern is an important element for the brand as it is a supporting element. The brand pattern is created from the secondary logo. The patterns will be used as backgrounds for products or for marketing material such as posters and banners. Also, the pattern was created to be applied on to products and other graphic elements, such as packaging for products. Additionally, the pattern should never be changed or altered whenever used. It should always be used as a supporting element. When using a light coloured background then the black circle pattern should be used. Whereas, when using a darker colour background, then the white circle pattern should be used. However, if using the pattern feels like it does not work or looks strange, then there is no need to use the pattern.


Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 3


Coloured Pattern

The colour patterns are created in support of the scented colours, which are sage, plum, salmon and dusty. They are used in the same way as the brand pattern, however, the background colours have changed to match each of the collections. These patterns are created in a similar way as the brand pattern, however, the colours of the patterns have changed. When using any of these patterns, it is important that they are not stretched or squashed as this can alter the way they look. Also when using the coloured patterns, each of the colours should match the collection it is linked to, for example, the dusty blue should match the blue colour on the same logo. Additionally, it is important when each of these patterns is used that the colours do not change or are not swapped over.



Colour Usage

Colour usage is an important factor when deciding on colour combinations. These examples have been created to represents how colour should be used for both the brandmark and product colour. Colour usage is all about finding a balance between each of the colour combinations. If a design does not look good and does not link to the brand, then it is probably wrong. When using colour in any part of the brand design, it is important to make sure the brand values are being portrayed. Also, when using colour in the brand design, it is important to not over do it. This brand is based around being simple yet unique, which is why colour should be used in moderation. These examples show how colour is used in the correct way. However, if there is a situation where colour cannot be used, then the black and white version of the brandmark and other graphic elements can be used.




In any piece of design typography is a powerful tool especially for a brand. The typography gives out a certain type of message to the audience, which is why it is immensely important to get it right. Using a consistent typeface throughout the brand makes the brand recognisable and gives out a non-verable message. Also, typography ties together each of the graphic elements together, from websites to print based material. The two main typefaces for the brand are shown. The two styles of typography that are used are both serifs, which gives the message of the brand being elegant, unique and creative. It is important when using both typefaces that they are used correctly and do not change throughout the brand. The weight and style of the heading can be changed when needed, for example, italic, demibold and demibold italic can be used to create a hierarchy. Both of the typefaces will be provided with other graphic elements of the brand.


Romande ADF No2 Std


Usage - headings and sub-headings

Usage - For body text

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz



Gift Set

It is important to understand how different elements of the brand look on different products, such as shopping bags and gift set boxes. For this, the brand has created designs where the brand logos, patterns and colours have been placed onto different designs. These applications will help how to represent the brand’s products and how to design using the different elements of the brand. Also, it is a great way to visually see can and cannot be done, for example when using any of the coloured patterns as backgrounds, it is important to have belly bound as the same colour box to help make the text legible. The gift sets are intended to show how both the brandmark and pattern work together. It shows how different elements of the brand fit together and how to use different variations of the designs. Also, the gift sets represent how the packaging may look for each collection. Having shown each gift set side by side shows the consistency and look of the brand. Each of the gift sets represents how each of the fragrance colours works in relation to the logo, products and design. It is important to get a balance between each of the graphic elements when more than 3 are used.








The Lumi candles are a simpler brand product as in the way they are designed. Each of the candles is designed to link one of the fragrance scents. Also, each of the candles represents different scents and are connected using colour. These candles are designed is a certain way to show how only using the brand logo still links to each collection and the brand in general. Using just the logo as the graphic element creates a simplistic, elegant and feminine product. It is important that the brand values are represented in each of the products as well as the brand story. Each of the products should link to the brand or a certain brand collection. Whether this is through colour or the pattern being used. The candles are a perfect example of how using something as simple as colour still links to the brand’s fragrance collection.




Bath Salts

The Lumi bath salts are intended to show how flexible the brand can be, even when using similar elements as the gift set. It is important for the brand to be fun and elegant at the same, which can sometimes be difficult to find the balance in. The Lumi bath salts allow the brand to be fun, creative, yet simple and elegant. They are designed in a similar way as the Lumi candle, however, use more graphic elements in the design. For the Lumi brand, it is important when using different elements of the Lumi brand, that they all work together. For example, the design for the Lumi bath salts use pattern backgrounds, brand logo and text, yet it all links together. Even though similar elements are used in the gift box yet it has a belly band, having a circle as a separate background for the logo and text worked better. It is important to understand when designing with different elements of the brand to know what works and if it does not look good, then try something new.


Shower Gels

The Lumi shower gels are intended to represent how the brand can show consistency even by using different packaging shapes. It shows how flexible the brand design can be and how they can still use similar elements as other products such as the bath salts. Also, the Lumi shower gels allow the brand to expand its packaging designs by experimenting using different shapes. Additionally, the designs for the Lumi shower gels show how each of the different elements can work together on different packaging designs. For example how using the brand patterns as background designs and having a solid colour belly band for the information, which makes it easier to be read. Also, the Lumi shower gels represent how the brand can be flexible with using different styles of the logo such as the white logo instead of the black one.




Mini Fragrance bottle

The mini fragrance bottles show the different size products Lumi has to offer. It shows how to design for smaller products, such as travel size perfumes, that would be around 30ml. Also, it is important to understand how to layout different design elements for different size and shapes of products, which is one of the reasons why designing different products is important. As Lumi is mostly based around how to create packaging that appeals to its audience, it is important to understand what designs work with what packaging type. Lumi mini fragrances are intended to show how flexible brand products can become. From candles to bath salts, it is important the brand meets all of the required elements in the women’s cosmetics industry. The mini fragrances are designed in a similar way as the lager fragrances, however, less information is shown on them. The reason behind this is that they will be sold with an item, whether that is in a gift set or with the bigger perfume bottle.


Shopping Bag

The Lumi shopping bag is one of the most important elements when designing as it is something that will stay with someone for ages. The Lumi is designed to look simplistic, elegant and classic, which is something that should be portrayed in everything that is created by the brand. Additionally, the brand bag can be adapted to any of the products that the brand has to offer. It was designed with simplicity in mind and something that can be reused again and again, whether for a gift bag or another shopping bag. Also, for the Lumi brand as a whole, it is important for the audience to know straightaway the brand name, which is the shopping bag is designed with just the brand logo. The brand products should do all the talking for instead of the shopping bag, which is one of the reasons why it is designed so simply. Even though the brand is all about using different colours for the different collections, the brand shopping bag should be all plain white with simply the logo as the design to keep it connected together.







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