Best Tips For Creative Photos-Photography Certificate Course

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Gain a photography certificate with creative photography ideas included in your work. Without the use of a professional photography course, you can be creative enough with this blog. Yes, in this blog you can find various creative photography ideas to add to your portfolio. With a photography certificate course, you will learn the technical skills to capture the images. In Hyderabad, at Hamstech, you will have a chance to learn from Avinash Gowariker with Photography courses. With it, you can step into photography careers in India. Finding photography inspiration is a big challenge. In this article, we will cover some photoshoot ideas that are far from boring along with some photography techniques which will stimulate your creative process besides a professional photography course.

Tips for Creative Photography

Explore more and take inspiration here.

1.Photograph in a Different Style Come out of your comfort zone and bring some freshness to your photoshoot by choosing a subject or theme or technique that you have never tried. Plan ahead, come up with a concept and few ideas for the final photo look? Here is a list of things, just give it a try. If you generally photograph landscapes, give a try in portrait photography; have a night photography session, if you haven’t tried; switch to black and white photography, if you are always interested in colour, try some candid shots.

2.Contrast Your Subjects Think of things and techniques that contrast. Come up with some ideas to capture using concepts of contrast. Bring out the essence of selective colour technique; new and old together; contrast concepts like natural and artificial.

3.Target on Shadows Many photographers will not prefer the middle of a sunny day because of the hard light, so take it as an advantage and look for shadows. Take it as a challenge to bring out interesting pictures in sunny, bright conditions. Look at the contrast and make the shadow the main focus.

4.Look for Reflections

Find reflections and consider them in your photographs, experiment with including them in some of your pictures. Look for the best point of view, to make- take lots, each from a slightly different angle. Find reflections in puddles, ponds, car windows, polished paint or sunglasses.

5.Use the Same Prop Carry something that can be used in each photograph. Don’t make your prop the main subject but think carefully about how your prop supports the main subject. Your prop might be a mobile phone, scarf, hat or sunglasses. While choosing your prop make sure it is something that you can carry easily and fits into your camera bag.

6.Look for Different Perspective

Most photographs are taken by pointing your camera straight ahead. This time try pointing your camera up or down all the time and capture the subjects that look interesting from these perspectives. With this, you can train your vision to look for compositions that you may not consider normally. Use a wide-angle lens while capturing the things looking down. Balconies, elevated walkways and windows are good places to take these photos. And to photograph looking up – lie on the ground and find tall things. Getclose to your subject to reveal an interesting point of view.

7.Subjects for an Interesting Composition Move around, pick things up and consider the background to photograph them. You might find something interesting, but the place may not provide a good background. So, to get this sorted, change your lens’ focal length and make a series of shots. Place your camera on a tripod or a surface and use slower shutter speeds.

8.Photoshoots at Different Times of Day

Instead of focusing on one type of lighting, try throughout the day for various interesting shots. This will open you to lots of exciting photography ideas. Experiment with different poses and techniques, this helps you sharpen your creative eye very quickly.

9.Use a Lens Filter You might feel bored by using the same techniques over and over again. This doesn’t mean you need to upgrade your equipment, but use lens filters to make your photoshoots more fun. There are several kinds of cool lens accessories available online. Bokeh filters to change the shape of your bokeh, polarising filters to change the skies in your landscape photos to look darker and fractal lenses to create an abstract look. These are just a few out there. You have a chance for unique photos if you use even one of these tools.

If creative things excite you then take up a chance to join a photography course and give your career a kick-start. And there is so much to learn to become a professional, it is important to choose the best college and a course. Hamstech, with its 30 years of experience, offers creative education and is known as one of the best photography colleges in Hyderabad. With our well-curated photography courses, we learn to capture beautiful and creative moments. Our Photography Courses are perfect for beginners to improve their abilities. Also, with Hamstech Photography Courses, you will get a chance to get interactive sessions and guidance with an industry celebrity mentor, Avinash Gowariker.


So, why wait? Join Hamstech Photography Courses for learning from professionals. Also, check out the Hamstech app to get details about our courses on the go! Get information about the curriculum, mentors and locate the nearest Hamstech campus all through our app. So, Download Now and get started!

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