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Akihisa Nakaseko
After staying for 3 years in L.A., London, UK, NL, France, and... by the life time, or through out all those sectors, it seems like I like learning things. I'm not mentioning that I am a smart, I make mistakes, people make mistakes, but at least, I live my life a clever, just started to do my things, by my own hands and keep breathing flesh, that's all I need, now. Someday, I want to be a professional creator, or a maker, whatsoever, at the moment, I enjoy my stupid, but normal, and extremely difficult, yet feeling good, heart-warming, glooming-core little urban life here in Tokyo/Yokohama, (or my hometown, Osaka)so I can't get things, such many things to you, you know what I mean.. Lastly, I'm a DJ. DJ but not like spinning records, in front of people at the club like those yuppies, and shit.(now I put it work for the good studio, not for night-club, although sometimes, I enjoy those with my friends) DJ, as a Recording Artist, I need to create something new. I don't