Do you know that by the time you are old enough to get your driver’s license you will be driving a car powered by electricity instead of gasoline ?
Electric Powered Car
Gasoline Powered Car
Gasoline Powered Cars
• Pollute our air
• Are NOT environmentally friendly
• Get their energy from polluting gasoline/fossil fuels
• Increase the harmful effects of global warming and increases bad climate change
Electric Powered Cars

• Do not pollute our air
• Are environmentally friendly
• Get their energy from electric batteries
• Help reduce the harmful effects of global warming and reverses bad climate change
© 2023/1444 George Washington Carver InVenTures Institute for STEAM
Simulate = to imitate the real thing
In this InVenTure you will use radio controlled (RC) cars to simulate the actions of electric vehicles/cars.
Radio controlled (RC) cars are powered by electric batteries. Radio controlled cars receive a signal from a box called a transmitter. You will use the transmitter to control your car’s movements: forward, backward, left and right.

Driving Challenges 1
Form 4 Teams; Each Team Gets 1 Car:
1. Let each member of the the team take turns learning how to control your team’s car.
2. Practice these skills:
(A) Learn how to move your car forward.
(B) Learn how to move your car backward.
(C) Learn how to turn your car to the left.
(D) Learn how to turn your car to the right.
(E) Practice moving your car in a circle.
(F) Practice moving your car around an obstacle.
Driving Challenges 2
Use Your Building Rods or Blocks to Design An Obstacle or Racing Course.
1. Practice moving your car through the course.
2. Challenge each other to find out who can go through the course the fastest; or
3. Make other rules.