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we«wUk ivRea~i AvcwËKi Qwe

London-Friday 04:April 2014 L ondon, Friday 30M ay 2014 Year-04 Issue 04/1404/21 Page :P 32 Y ear 04, Issue age-32

English Section 18-20 Out of London 50p

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Monday 9th June 2014 Time : 12.00pm - 4.00pm

evsjv msjvc ‡W¯‹t Avev‡iv we«wUk ivRea~i AvcwËKi Qwe c«Kvk ‡cj MYgva¨‡g| wmWwb ‡_‡K c«KvwkZ ‡UwjM«vd cwÎKvq eyaevi we«wUk ivRea~ ‡KU wgWjU‡bi AvcwËKi Qwe c«Kvk Kiv n‡q‡Q| g½jevi Rvg©vwbi U¨vej‡qW we‡ìI ......31 c„ôvq

London 01 March 2013

Rb¥w`‡bi †cvkv‡K _vBj¨v‡Ûi ivRea~!

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Editor-Md. Moshahid Ali , Publisher- Ansar Miah, Executive Editor- Zakir Husain, Bangladesh Correspondent- Khaled Ahmed Sanglap Media Limited, 130 Whitechapel Road (1st floor) , London E1 1JE UK, T: 020 3302 2021 M: 079 0800 2117, E-mail: banglasanglap@gmail.com, www.banglasanglap.co.uk


do 03 Lon ree F

LLondon-Friday ondon, Friday : 30 M04 ayApril 20142014 Issue 04/14 YYear-04 ear 04, Issue 04/21, PagePage -32 : 32

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London 01 March 2013 London 01Nov2013

English Section 18-20 Out of London 50p

ÔjyZdzi †VKvIÕ wgkb e¨_!© we¯ÍvwiZ wi‡cvU© 29 c„ôvq



London 30 May 2014

cywjk ‡`Lj, wKQyB Kij bv m¤§vb iÿvi bv‡g cÖKv‡k¨ bvix nZ¨v evsjv msjvc †W¯‹t cvwK¯Ív‡bi jv‡nvi nvB‡Kv‡U©i mvg‡b m¤§vb i¶vi bv‡g (Abvi wKwjs) dviRvbv cvifxb‡K hLb cv_i Qy‡o gviv nw”Qj, ZLb cywjk ‡P‡q ‡P‡q ‡`LwQj| dviRvbvi ¯^vgx ‡gvnv¤§` BKevj wewewmi Kv‡Q G Awf‡hvM K‡ib| dviRvbv wZb gv‡mi AšÍtmË¡v wQ‡jb| BKevj wewewm‡K e‡jb, Zviv (cywjk) `vuwo‡q `vuwo‡q dviRvbvi nZ¨vKvÐ ‡`LwQj| wKQyB Kij bv| wZwb G nZ¨vKv‡Ð cywj‡ki bxie `k©‡Ki f~wgKv‡K Ôj¾viÕ I ÔAgvbweKÕ e‡j gšÍe¨ K‡i‡Qb| cwiev‡ii Ag‡Z cQ‡›`i gvbyl‡K we‡q Kivq dviRvbvi evev-fvBmn cwiev‡ii m`m¨iv Zvu‡K nZ¨v K‡i| cvwK¯Ív‡b c«wZ eQiB Abvi wKwjs‡qi bv‡g K‡qK k bvix‡K nZ¨v Kiv nq| cvwK¯Ív‡bi gvbevwaKvi Kwgk‡bi 2013 mv‡ji evwl©K c«wZ‡e`b Abyhvqx MZ eQi Abvi wKwjs‡qi bv‡g 869 Rb bvix‡K nZ¨v Kiv n‡q‡Q| Z‡e ev¯Í‡e G msL¨v AviI ‡ewk e‡j g‡b Kiv nq| RvwZms‡Ni gvbevwaKviwelqK c«avb bvwf wcjøvB e‡jb, wZwb G NUbvq ÔMfxifv‡e gg©vnZÕ| GKB m‡½ wZwb G NUbvq `ªæZ I K‡Vvi c`‡¶c ‡bIqvi Rb¨ ‡`kwUi miKv‡ii c«wZ AvnŸvb Rvwb‡q‡Qb|

bvwf wcjøvB e‡jb, ÔAvwg Abvi wKwjs kãwUI D”PviY Ki‡Z PvB bv| Abvi wKwjs‡qi bv‡g GKRb bvix‡K Gfv‡e nZ¨v Kivi g‡a¨ m¤§v‡bi wKQyB ‡bB|Õ ‡gvnv¤§` BKevj wewewm‡K AviI e‡j‡Qb, ÔAvgiv mvnv‡h¨i Rb¨ wPrKvi K‡iwQ| wKš‘ ‡KD ‡kv‡bwb| Avgvi GK AvZ¥xq evZv‡m Kvco ‡b‡o cywj‡ki `…wó AvKl©‡Yi ‡Póv K‡i| wKš‘ Zviv Av‡mwb|Õ G NUbvi ci cvwK¯Ív‡b mykxj mgv‡R wb›`vi So D‡V‡Q| mvgvwRK ‡hvMv‡hv‡Mi gva¨g UyBUvi I ‡dmey‡K A‡b‡KB G‡K ÔfqvbKÕ I ÔwefxwlKvgqÕ e‡j D‡jøL K‡i‡Qb| ‡`kwUi Bs‡iwR cwÎKv¸‡jv Kov fvlvq G b…ksm nZ¨vKv‡Ði mgv‡jvPbv K‡i m¤úv`Kxq c«Kvk K‡i‡Q| Z‡e G NUbvq ‡Kv‡bv c«wZwµqvB Rvbvqwb D`©y fvlvi MYgva¨g¸‡jv| dviRvbvi evev c‡i cywj‡ki Kv‡Q AvZ¥mgc©Y Ki‡jI evwKiv Ny‡i ‡eov‡”Q| Zv‡`i ‡M«ßvi Ki‡Q bv cywjk| BKevj Awf‡hvM K‡ib, dviRvbvi cwiev‡ii ‡jvKRb Zvu‡K I Zvui cwiev‡ii ‡jvKRb‡K ûgwK w`‡q hv‡”Q| MZ g½jevi Zviv dviRvbvi jvk wQwb‡q ‡bIqvi ûgwK w`‡q‡Q| ¯’vbxq cywj‡ki c«avb gyRvwn` ‡nv‡mBb e‡jb, ÔAvgiv A‡bK‡K ‡M«ßvi K‡iwQ|

Avi Ab¨‡`i e¨vcv‡i Z`šÍ K‡i ‡`Lv n‡”Q|Õ GK cywjk Kg©KZ©vi eivZ w`‡q cvwK¯Ív‡bi Bs‡iwR ‰`wbK Wb 27 ‡g Rvwb‡qwQj, `~i m¤ú‡K©i GK fvB‡qi m‡½ dviRvbvi ‡c«‡gi m¤úK© wQj| wKš‘ cwievi Zvu‡K Ab¨ GKR‡bi m‡½ we‡q ‡`q| c‡i wZwb ‡c«wg‡Ki m‡½ cvwj‡q wM‡q we‡q Ki‡j Zvu‡K Acni‡Yi Awf‡hv‡M Zvui bZyb ¯^vgxi weiæ‡× gvgjv K‡i Zvui cwievi| G Ae¯’vq dviRvbv Av`vj‡Z G‡mwQ‡jb G K_v Rvbv‡Z ‡h, Zvu‡K AcniY Kiv nqwb, wZwb ‡¯^”Qvq IB e¨w³‡K we‡q K‡i‡Qb| dviRvbv IB w`b Av`vj‡Zi Kvh©µg ïiæ nIqvi A‡c¶vq evB‡i `vuwo‡q wQ‡jb| G mgq 10-12 Rb gvbyl Zvui Ici nvgjv Pvjvq| nvgjvKvix‡`i g‡a¨ Zvui evev, `yB fvB I Av‡Mi ¯^vgxI wQ‡jb| BKevj e‡jb, ‡mw`b hLb Zvuiv Av`vjZ c«v½‡Y hvb, ZLb Av‡M ‡_‡KB dviRvbvi AvZ¥xqiv ‡mLv‡b A‡c¶v KiwQ‡jb Ges Zvu‡K wb‡q ‡h‡Z Pvb| wKš‘ dviRvbv wb‡R‡K Qvwo‡q wb‡Z ‡M‡j Zvuiv Zvu‡K ‡g‡S‡Z Qy‡o ‡d‡jb| Gici Zvuiv dviRvbv‡K cv_i Qy‡o gv‡ib| G‡Z Zvui gv_v ‡_uZ‡j hvq| ‡mLv‡bB gviv hvb dviRvbv|

bvix-cyiæl P¨vwUs nvivg!

evsjv msjvc †W¯‹t AbjvB‡b bvix-cyiæ‡li P¨vwUs nvivg e‡j d‡Zvqv w`‡q‡Qb †mŠw` Avi‡ei GK ag©xq †bZv|†kL Avãyjøvn Avj-gyZjvK bv‡g †mŠw` Avi‡ei ag©xq †bZv e‡j‡Qb, mvgvwRK mvBU¸‡jv‡Z AbjvB‡b bvixcyiæ‡li P¨vwUs ag©xqfv‡e wbwl× Ges Gi Kvi‡Y Zviv cv‡c wjß n‡Z cv‡ib| GUv nvivg| †mŠw` ˆ`wbK Avj-BwKwUmvw`qvi eivZ w`‡q eyaevi Avj-Avivweqv AbjvBb G Z_¨ Rvbvq| †kL Avãyjøvn Avj-gyZjvK Ô†mŠw` KwgwU Ae wmwbqi ¯‹jviÕ-Gi GKRb m`m¨| wZwb e‡jb, AbjvB‡b mvgvwRK mvB‡U bvixcyiæl P¨vwUs (LyjIqv) nvivg I ag©xq `…wó‡KvY †_‡K K‡Vvifv‡e wbwl×| †kL Avãyjøvn ¯’vbxq GKwU †iwWIi Abyôv‡b e‡jb, Ô†g‡qiv hLb

†Q‡j‡`i m‡½ K_v e‡j, †mLv‡b kqZvb Dcw¯’Z _vK‡Z cv‡i|Õ wZwb G mgq bvix‡`i cÖwZ Avn&evb Rvbvb, Zviv †hb cyiæl‡`i m‡½ K_v bv e‡jb| †kL Avãyjøvn e‡jb, mvgvwRK mvB‡U bvix-cyiæl P¨vwUs hw` hw` wb‡`©kbvg~jK wKsev Dc‡`kI nq,Zvn‡jI Zv ag©xqfv‡e wbwl× Ges ¸bvn| Gw`‡K, †kL Avãyjøvni e³‡e¨i ci †mŠw` Avi‡e wgkÖ cÖwZwµqv †`Lv †M‡Q| †KD †KD Zvi e³‡e¨i cÖksmv K‡i‡Qb I Zvi e³e¨‡K mg_©b K‡i e‡j‡Qb, wZwb mwVK| Ab¨w`‡K, †ewki fvM gvbylB †kL Avãyjøvni e³‡e¨i Kov mgv‡jvPbv K‡i‡Qb| Zviv e‡j‡Qb, ïaygvÎ bvix‡`i †Kb me wKQy †_‡KB wbwl× Ki‡eb GB me ag©xq †bZviv?

Irshad Liljan Memorial Academy (ILMA) (A free Educational institute only for orphan child) Islampur, Mejortilla, Sylhet-3100

Vacancy Announcement (Play group to Masters)

(To make the poor, orphan, neglected, deprived but talented boy and girls students self-reliant by imparting better education including information technology and religious education and to create opportunity for socioeconomic development.)

Name of post

Number of vacancy



1 1 1 1 1

M A (5 years experience) MA MA MA MA

Maid -



Application closing date : 15/07/2014 Application post address: London – Issad Liljan Memorial foundation 130 whitechapel road,London E1 1JE

Shikdar Plaza

Bangladesh : House no 25, road no 4, block A, Uposhohar,sylhet-3100 Md. Moshahid Ali Chairman Irshad Liljan Memorial foundation 130 whitechapel road,London E1 1JE


London 30 May 2014

wg_¨v I Acev‡`i wec‡ÿ mZ¨ I gvbeZvi Rq Avmv Ab¨ Av‡iK Rb‡K| Avwg hLb cÖvq 11Uvi w`‡K Uªw• n‡ji mvg‡b †_‡K cÖ¯’vb Kwi ZLb A‡bKUvB ‡kvbv †Mj, mZ¨ I wg_¨vi jovB‡q mZ¨ Rqx n‡q‡Q| g‡b n‡jv †mB gnvb evYx, mZ¨ mgvMZ, wg_¨v Acm„Z| m‡Z¨i vex| weÁvcb 04 October, 2013 03 Rq Ae¤¢ cÖ‡KŠkjx mvRy Avng` gvbyl‡K wePv‡ii gvcKvwV †h ag© I Mv‡qi is n‡Z cv‡i bv Zv AveviI cÖgvY Ki‡jb UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm-Gi gvbeZvev`x gvby‡liv| gvbyl‡K wePv‡ii gvcKvwV n‡Z nq Zvi Kg©| mvjvg RvbvB UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUmGi †mme gvbeZvev`x 12-15 fvM gvbyl‡K, hviv wfbœ is Gi gvbyl n‡qI Kg© †`‡L †fvU w`‡q gvbeZv‡K D‡aŸ© Zz‡j a‡i‡Qb| Avi wa°vi RvbvB †mme gvbyl‡`i hviv ïaygvÎ e¨w³MZ jvjmv, N„wYZ wfb‡`kx ivRbxwZ, MÖvg¨ ivRbxwZ I ÿz`ª ¯^v_©‡K cyuwR K‡i mZ¨ I my›`i‡K cv‡q †V‡j w`‡qwQ‡jb| wnUjvi ej‡Zv, Ôwg_¨v‡K 100 evi ej‡j mZ¨ n‡q hvq|Õ N„Yv RvbvB †mB me wnUjvi‡`i hviv e‡j UvIqvi n¨vg‡jU‡m MZ Pvi eQ‡i 15wU evox evbv‡bv n‡q‡Q| `y:L jv‡M Gme wnUjviiv wg_¨v ejvI †k‡Lwb †`‡L| wg_¨v ej‡Z n‡jI wKQz Ávb eyw× jv‡M| hvI Zv‡`i †bB| mvjvg RvbvB †mB e„ׇK, whwb nv‡Ui© †ivMx n‡qI ¸wj LvIqv cvwLi g‡Zv Uªw• n‡ji mvg‡b G‡m weKvj 5Uv †_‡K ivZ GKUv ch©šÍ e‡mwQ‡jb| mÜvi w`‡K hLb ïb‡Z †c‡jb, eZ©gvb †gq‡ii †iRvë Lviv‡ci w`‡K, ZLb ej‡Z _v‡Kb Avgv‡K-ÔÔevev, GZ¸‡jv fv‡jv KvR Avjøvn& wdwi‡q w`‡eb? GZ gvby‡li †`vqv Keyj n‡e bv?ÕÕ Avwg ejjvg, PvPv mv`v, Kv‡jv, ev`vgx, e‡Y©i Rb¨ gvby‡li Rb¨ cÖvq 4,000 evox evbv‡bv n‡q‡Q, †givgZ ev AvaywbKvqb Kiv n‡q‡Q K‡qK nvRvi evox| Avwg Ab¨ evivi gvbyl, Avwg fz‡j †h‡Z cvwi| Gme gvbyl¸‡jv †Zv wbðqB ‡fvjvi K_v bv| 23 †g ïÎevi|weKvj 5Uv †_‡K ivZ 11Uv| 6N›Uvq Uªw• n‡ji mvg‡b †`‡LwQ K‡qK nvRvi (wewewmÕi fvlvq cÖvq 2,000) gvby‡li Av‡eM, AbyfzwZ I AvKzwZ| Giv mevB Av‡mwb ïay †`‡ki fvB e‡j Av‡iK fvB‡qi weRq †`L‡Z| Giv G‡mwQ‡jb wg_¨v I Acev‡`i weiæ‡× mZ¨ I gvbeZvi weRq †`L‡Z| ‡mLv‡b Avwg ïay ev`vgx e‡Y©i gvbylB †`wLwb| †`‡LwQ Kv‡jv, mv`vmn me ag© e‡Y©i gvbyl‡`iB| KviY Giv mevB †h, mZ¨ I gvbeZvi cyRvix| Pvgov I ag© †h gvby‡li Kg©‡K AvU‡K ivL‡Z cv‡e bv Gi Reve w`‡Z G‡m‡Qb Zviv| wK e¨KzjZv gvby‡li g‡a¨| GKRb cwiwPZ Uªw• n‡ji wfZi †_‡K †ei n‡q Av‡mb †Zv mevB †Su‡K a‡ib Zv‡K| A‡b‡Ki gb †f‡½ hvq| Avevi A‡b‡K Avkvq eyK ev‡ab| Avevi AvM‡j a‡ib wfZi †_‡K

Z‡e G R‡q bewbe©vwPZ †gq‡ii `vwqZ¡ †e‡o SvÛv Zz‡j †hvM¨ †bZ…Z¡ †`qvi GLbB mgq| †Mj AviI A‡bK| msL¨vMwiô ev½vwj‡`i ev`vgx Pvgovi gvbyl nIqv I gymjgvb nIqv GjvKvq cÖvavb¨ cv‡eb GUv †Zv MYZ‡š¿i †h †Kvb Aciva bq, Zv cÖgv‡Y wØZxq evi msÁv| GB mZ¨ I MYZš¿‡K wemR©b w`‡q my‡hvM †c‡jb B÷G‡Ûi mivmwi †fv‡U †Mj, †Mj, ev½vjxiv me wb‡q †Mj e‡j hviv wbe©vwPZ nIqv evOvjx †gqi jyZdzi ingvb| we‡Øl Qovb Zv‡`i weiæ‡× mZ¨ I MYZ‡š¿iwww.weeklybanglanews.com


London 30 May 2014

wgivR n‡jv imyj (mv.)-Gi GKwU ‡gv‡RRv

evi‡W‡gi AvB wm BD ‡Z ï‡q Av‡Q weRq| c«wZgyn~Z© g…Z¨yi mv‡_ jovB Ki‡Q| Uvbv wek w`b hveZ Aem&nvi ‡Kvb cwieZ©b ‡bB| nv‡Ui« Acv‡ik‡bi ci wKWwbi Acv‡ik‡bi R‡b¨ evi‡W‡g Avbv nq| ci ci wZbwU mvR©vwi K‡iI GKwU wKWwbI ivLv m¤¢e nq wb| Gi g‡a¨ Avevi i³ `~l‡Yi Kvi‡Y c«wZw`b byZb i³ w`‡Z n‡”Q| Wv³viv Aek¨ e‡j w`‡q‡Qb| GLb ïay A‡c¶v mg‡qi| weR‡qi Rxeb Ges g…Z¨yi g‡a¨ c«v_©K¨ ïay GB mgq|

weR‡qi Rb¥ n‡qwQj 1971 mv‡ji wW‡m¤^i gv‡m| G Kvi‡bB evev gv kL K‡i bvg ‡i‡LwQ‡jb weRq| weR‡qi Rxe‡bi me‡P‡q eo Me© wQj evsjv‡`‡ki eqm Ges Zvi eqm mgvb| evsjv‡`kUv‡K ‡m avib wgivR n‡jv imyj (mv.)-Gi GKwU ‡gv‡RRv| wgivR Zvi K‡i wQj Zvi Rxe‡bi ‰ewkó¨mg~‡ni g‡a¨ ¸i“Z¡c~Y© HwZnvwmK Avðh©vwš^Z NUbv| mv‡_| evsjv‡`‡ki R‡b¥i imyj (mv.)-Gi wgivR Avmgvb ch©š— Ges Avmgvb ‡_‡K Avj ­ gv‡m Zvi Rb¥ G Abyf~wZ vncv‡Ki cQ›`bxq RvqMv ch©š— mkix‡i I RvM«Z Ae¯’vq UyKy ïay ü‡`i Mfx‡i nIqvi NUbv mZ¨ I ev¯—e, Zv‡Z Rgû‡i Ijvgv‡q ‡Kivg aviY Kiv bq kix‡ii Z_v D¤§‡Z gymwj‡gi ‡Kv‡bv m‡›`n ‡bB| nRiZ Avey ûivqiv i³ mÂvj‡bi agbx‡Z wg‡k Av‡Q| weR‡qi (iv.) ‡_‡K ewY©Z, nRiZ ivm~‡jcvK (mv.) e‡jb, Avwg (wgivR ‰kke ‡L‡U‡Q gvgv evoxi ‡_‡K Avmvi ci) wb‡R‡K Lvbv‡q Kvevi nvwZ‡g ‡`Ljvg, Avwg gvwS bv‡`i Avjxi ‡mB ‡mLv‡b Dcw¯’Z wQjvg| Avi‡ei KyivBk ‡jvKRb Avgv‡K HwZnvwmK wZb c«n‡ii wgiv‡Ri NUbvewj m¤ú‡K© wRÁvmv KiwQj| Zviv Avgv‡K wej ‡`Lvi A`g¨ B”QvB, evqZyj ‡gvKvÏvm m¤ú‡K© Ggb KwZcq welq c«kœ Kij, `yi“š— lvu‡oi ‡Pv‡L jvj Kvco evuavi `yiš—cbvq ‡h¸‡jv Avgvi ¯§i‡Y wQj bv| d‡j Avwg Aw¯’i n‡q cojvg ‡L‡U‡Q ‰K‡kvi Avi ‡hŠe‡b ei“bv‡`i mvwbœ‡a¨ Avmvi Av‡MB AvKvk mgvb ¯^cœ wb‡q cvwo w`‡qwQj ‡h, Gi Av‡M Abyiƒc Aw¯’i Avi KL‡bv nBwb| ZLb AvjvncvK ­ evqZyj ‡gvKvÏvm‡K Avgvi mvg‡b Dcw¯’Z Ki‡jb| d‡j M«vg ‡_‡K kn‡i| wek¦we`¨vj‡qi MwÊ ‡cwo‡q ivRbxwZi wekvj Pyivevwji gq`v‡b ïi“ nq c_ Avwg gmwR`‡K j¶¨ Ki‡Z _vwK, Zviv evqZyj ‡gvKvÏv‡mi Pjv| ¯^‡cœi wmuwo ¸wj AvKvk gyLx n‡qI wcQ‡j ‡h ‡Kv‡bv c«kœ KiZ Avwg Zv ‡_‡K DËi w`Zvg Avi Avwg ‡h‡Z _v‡K ïK‡bv c‡_| wgiv‡Ri iv‡Z wb‡R‡K bexM‡Yi GK Rvgv‡Zi g‡a¨ ‡`L‡Z cvB| ZLb ‡`wL, nRiZ g~mv (Av.) `vuwo‡q bvgvR co‡Qb| weR‡qi kix‡i jvMv‡bv gwbU‡i A‡Pbv GKwU kã Zvu‡K GKRb ga¨g AvK…wZ ‡_‡K mvgvb¨ j¤^v g‡b n‡jv ‡hb n‡”Q| `ª“Z GKRb ‡mweKv c«‡ek K‡i AvB wm (B‡q‡gb ‡`‡ki) kvbyqv ‡Mv‡Îi ‡jvK| Avi ‡`Ljvg, nRiZ BD ‡Z| weR‡qi kix‡ii ZvcgvÎv ew…&× ‡c‡q‡Q| Cmv (Av.)-‡K, wZwbI `vuwo‡q bvgvR co‡Qb| ‡jvKR‡bi g‡a¨ gwbU‡i kã nIqvi KviYwU wfbœ| ‡mweKv `ª“Z ‡ei n‡q ‡Mj| weR‡qi ‡Pv‡Li cvZv Kvuc‡Q| GK DiIqv web gmD` mvKvwd n‡jb Zvui (Cmv Av.)-Gi AwaK mv`… ai‡bi D‡ËRbv weivR Ki‡Q kix‡i| `xN© cvuP gvm k¨| Avevi nRiZ Be«vwng (Av.)-‡K `vuov‡bv Ae¯’vq bvgvR ci G c«_g kix‡i AbyfywZ G‡m‡Q| weR‡qi g‡b co‡Z ‡`Ljvg| ‡jvK‡`i g‡a¨ ‡Zvgv‡`i mv_x A_©vr AvwgB n‡”Q ‡m fvm‡Q- AevwiZ mey‡Ri c«vš—i, w`M‡š— Zvui wbKUZg mv`…k¨| BZ¨em‡i bvgv‡Ri mgq n‡jv Ges Avwg AvKvk Qyu‡q‡Q| meyR av‡bi Dci evZv‡mi ‡XD bvgv‡R Zv‡`i BgvgwZ Kijvg| hLb bvgvR ‡kl Kijvg, ‡Ljv Ki‡Q| GKwU dwos D‡o hv‡”Q, weRq ‡Póv ZLb ‡KD Avgv‡K ej‡jb, ‡n gynv¤§`! wZwb n‡jb ‡`vR‡Li Ki‡Q aivi Rb¨ wKš‘ cvi‡Qbv| kix‡ii mg¯— Øvii¶x gv‡jK| Zv‡K mvjvg Ki“b, nRiZ ivm~‡jcvK mvj ­ kw³ w`‡q ‡Póv Ki‡Q wKš‘ nvZ cv bo‡Q bv| nVvr `…k¨cU e`‡j hv‡”Q| weR‡qi Kv‡b ‡f‡m Avm‡Q vj­vû AvjvBwn Iqvmvj­vg e‡jb, Avwg Zvi w`‡K wd‡i ZvKv‡ZB gvby‡li Kvbœvi kã, c«PÊ ¸jv¸wj n‡”Q, gvby‡li wZwb Avgv‡K Av‡M mvjvg w`‡jb| (gymwjg kwid) (4)| wgivR AvZ¥wPrKvi, meyR c«vš—i ‡f‡m hv‡”Q i‡³, m¤ú‡K© ‡evLvwi I gymwjg kwi‡d we¯—vwiZ weeiY ewY©Z evZv‡m GLb i‡³i ‡XD DV‡Q| ‡mweKv Avevi n‡q‡Q| ms‡¶‡c beyq‡Zi Øv`k mv‡ji iRe gv‡mi GK i“‡g c«‡ek Ki‡jb| gnv ïf iv‡Z Kvev kwi‡di nvwZg ‡_‡K ‡evivK‡hv‡M Zvui HwZnvwmK Abycg EaŸ©vMgb ïi“ nq| m‡½ wQ‡jb nRiZ `yB| wRe«vCj (Av.)| AZtci wZwb evqZyj ‡gvKvÏv‡m Zvkwid ‡bb| iv‡ó«i msÁvqb wb‡q ivó«weÁvbx‡`i g‡a¨ gZ‡f` ‡mLv‡b wZwb Avw¤^qv AvjvBwnm mvjv‡gi GK`‡ji m‡½ bvgv‡R eû cyivZb| ivó« MV‡bi me‡P‡q M«nb‡hvM¨ g‡WjwU D‡j­L Kiv nq 1933 mv‡j g‡›UwfwWI Kb‡fbk‡b BgvgwZ K‡ib| ‡mLvb ‡_‡K nRiZ wRe«vCj (Av.) Zvu‡K wb‡q (Montevideo Convention). GUv‡Z ejv nq mßvKvk ch©š— µ‡g ågY K‡ib| G ‡¶‡Î nRiZ gynv¤§` mvj ­ Avš—R©vwZK AvB‡b PviwU kZ© c~iY Ki‡j Zv‡K vj­vû AvjvBwn Iqvmvj­vg c«_g Avmgv‡b nRiZ Av`g (Av.)-‡K, ivó« ejv hv‡e| GKt GKwU wbw`©ó f~LÊ| `yBt GKwU wØZxq Avmgv‡b nRiZ BqvnBqv I Cmv (Av.)-‡K, lô Avmgv‡b m&nvqx Rb¸wô| wZbt GKwU miKvi _vK‡e Ges nRiZ g~mv (Av.)-‡K, mßg Avmgv‡b nRiZ Be«vwng (Av.)-Gi Pvi b¤^i kZ©wU‡Z ejv n‡q‡Q GwU n‡e ¯^vaxb I m‡½ mv¶vr jvf K‡ib| wZwb Zvu‡`i mevB‡K mvjvg K‡ib| mve©‡fŠg Ges hvi gva¨‡g Ab¨ ‡`‡ki mv‡_ m¤úK© Zvuiv Zv‡K ‡bKKvi mš—vb I ‡bKKvi bex e‡j Af¨_©bv Ávcb m&nvc‡bi ¶gZv _vK‡e| mve©‡fŠgZ¡ ev Gi Bs‡iwR c«wZkã Sovereignty Gi msÁv I we‡klY­ mvigg© Ki‡jb Ges ‡`vqv Ki‡jb| Z‡e nRiZ Be«vwng (Av.) Ges Ki‡j ‡`Lv hvqt Sovereignty Gi msÁvq ejv nRiZ Av`g (Av.) Zvu‡K Be‡b mv‡jn I bex‡q mv‡jn e‡j n‡”Q The supreme, absolute, and Af¨_©bv Ávcb K‡i ‡`vqv K‡ib| AZtci nRiZ gynv¤§` mvj ­ uncontrollable power by which vj­vn AvjvBwn Iqvmvj­vg‡K wm`ivZyj gyš—vnvq ‡bIqv nq| wZwb an independent state is governed ‡mLv‡b hv wKQy ‡`Lvi ‡`‡L ‡bb| AZtci Zvu‡K evqZyj gvgyi and from which all specific wb‡q hvIqv nq| IB md‡i Zvui I Zvui D¤§‡Zi c«wZ 50 Iqv³ political powers are derived; bvgvR mIqve wn‡m‡e Ges cvuP Iqv³ bvgvR Av`vq wn‡m‡e the intentional independence of a state, combined with the avh© nq| AZtci Zv‡K ‡e‡nk‡Z c«‡ek Kiv‡bv nq| ‡mLv‡b hv right and power of regulating its wKQy ‡`Lvi wZwb ‡mme ch©‡e¶Y K‡ib| wZwb ‡`vRL, Ab¨vb¨ internal affairs without foreign wbqvgZ I wewfbœ Avðh© Ae¯’v Ae‡jvKb K‡ib, hv wKQy ‡`Lvi interference. B”Qv gnvb Avj­vncv‡Ki wQj| ‡hgb- Bikv` n‡q‡Q, wZwb Zvui ev›`vi c«wZ Iwn Ki‡jb Ges wZwb (nRiZ gynv¤§` mvjvj­­vû GwUi we‡k­lY Ges e¨vLvq ‡`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q AvjvBwn Iqvmvj­vg) gnvb Avj­vni m…ó wb`k©bvejx Ae‡jvKb Sovereignty is the power of a K‡ib| Avj­vnZvqvjv Avgv‡`i mevB‡K wgiv‡Ri ¸i“Z¡ I state to do everything necessary to govern itself, such as making, Zvrch© gvbvi ‡ZŠwdK `vb Ki“b| Avwgb| executing, and applying laws;

imposing and collecting taxes; making war and peace; and forming treaties or engaging in commerce with foreign nations. It also says Sovereignty resides in the body of the nation and belongs to the people. But these powers are generally exercised by delegation. When analysed, sovereignty is naturally divided into three great powers; namely, the legislative, the executive, and the judiciary; the first is the power to make new laws, and to correct and repeal the old; the second

London 30 May 2014

cvwK¯—vbx KvivMv‡i ‡_‡K gyjZ cvwK¯—vbx miKvi‡K mv‡cvU© K‡i‡Qb| ( myÎ ZvR DwÏb Kb¨v kviwg‡bi ‡jLv eB Ô ZvR DwÏb Avn‡g` , wcZv I ‡bZvÕ) nVvr K‡iB weR‡qi kix‡ii ‡jvg ‡Kvl ¸wj wm³ n‡q Av‡m, Kcv‡ji wkiv ¸wj cy‡j D‡V| weR‡qi g‡b n‡Z jv‡M, ‡Mvjvg Avhg Ms iv hw` ALÊ cvwK¯—vb PvIqvi Kvi‡Y ivRvKvi nq Zvn‡j ‡kL gwReyi ingv‡bi Nwbm&V mnPi ZvR Dwχbi Kb¨v kviwg‡bi Z_¨ g‡Z ‡kL gwReyi ingvb ALÊ cvwK¯—vb ‡P‡qwQ‡jb Zvn‡j wK Zv‡KI ivRvKvi ejv n‡e! weR‡qi kixi Nvg‡Q| weRq wgwQ‡ji mvg‡bi jvB‡b e¨vbv‡ii GKwU ‡Kvbv GK nv‡Z aiv Ab¨ nvZ gywóe× AvKv‡ki w`‡K ‡Qvov| GKk MR mvg‡b AmsL¨ Av‡Mœqv¯¿

iw¶Zv iv‡ó«i awl©Zv MYZš¿ e¨vwi÷vi ZwgR DwÏbt

is the power to execute the laws both at home and abroad; and the last is the power to apply the laws to particular facts; to judge the disputes which arise among the citizens, and to punish crimes. we‡`kx ‡Kvb kw³i n¯—‡¶c Qvov ‡`‡ki Avf¨š— wib wel‡q wm×vš— M«n‡bi ¶gZv Ges Zv ev¯— evq‡bi AvwaKvi ¯^vaxb I mve©‡fŠg ivó« wnmv‡e evsjv‡`k K‡e nvwi‡q‡Q weR‡qi Zv Rvbv ‡bB| Z‡e 2008 mv‡j ga¨Kl©Y kw³i mgvš—iv‡j ‡_‡K AwZ wPKb loh‡š¿i nvBwe«W dj‡bi wbe©vP‡b AvIqvgxjxM fywgam R‡qi gva¨‡g ¶gZv `L‡ji my‡hvM cvq| Gi ci mve©‡fŠg ivó« wnmv‡e evsjv‡`k‡K Avi ‡`Lv hvqwb| ¶gZv `L‡ji gvÎ `ygv‡mi gv‡a¨ ‡`‡ki bvgKiv `ywU myk… sLj evwnbx‡K aŸs‡mi bxj bKkvi Ask wnmv‡e ‡`‡ki ‡k«m&V mš—vb‡`i w`‡q iPbv Kiv nq ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki c«_g ea¨f~wg- wcjLvbv| Gi ci ¯^vaxb mve©‡fŠg evsjv‡`‡ki bvMwiK‡`i Rxe‡bi g~j¨ nq ¯^‡`‡k kx‡Zi AwZw_ cvLx‡`i g~‡j¨i mgvb| cvwLi Svu‡Ki Dci ZvK Kiv e›`y‡Ki ¸wji `…k¨ evsjv‡`‡k MZ cvuP eQ‡i ‡Zgb `…k¨gvb bv n‡jI gvby‡li wgwQ‡ji w`‡K ZvK Kiv e›`y‡Ki Sv‡K Svu‡K ¸wji `…k¨ ‡`‡L Af¨¯— n‡q‡Qb we‡k¦i bvMwiK mgvR| ‡`‡ki ivRc_¸wj cwiYZ nq GK GKwU ea¨fywg‡Z| ZvwjKvq ‡hvM n‡Z _v‡K e¸ov, bv‡Uvi, biwms`x, XvKv, wPUvMvs, K·evRvi, ‡bvqvLvjx, gqgbwmsn, gv¸iv, kvcjv PZ¡i, ivbvcvRv ­ Ges ‡`‡ki me© e…nr ea¨f~wgwU ‰Zwi Kiv nq mvZw¶iv‡Z| Ghver Kvj ch©š— ea¨f~wg ¸wj ‰Zwi Kiv n‡q‡Q evsjv‡`kx gvbyl w`‡q| A‰ea nvwmbv miKv‡ii me© ‡kl ‡h ea¨f~wgwU bvivqvbM‡Ä iwPZ n‡q‡Q Zv‡Z ïay wQj AvIqvgx jxM| M«vg ‡`‡k GKUv c«ev` Av‡Q ÔKv‡K bvwK Kv‡Ki gvsm Lvq bvÕ wKš‘ evsjv‡`‡k AvIqvgx jxM AvIqvgx jx‡Mi gvsmI Lvq| Avi ‡dbx‡Z AvIqvgx jxM ‡m gvsm ‡L‡q‡Q wWwRUvj c×wZ‡Z eviwewKD K‡i Kveve evwb‡q| g‡b n‡q‡Q AvIqvgx jxM ‡bZv GKivgyj n‡Ki Kveve evbv‡bv ‡m jvk iv¯—vq bq gš¿x cwil‡`i wWbvi ‡Uwe‡j| weR‡qi g‡b fvm‡Q 1947 mv‡j ‡`k fv‡Mi d‡j ‡h `ywU iv‡ó«i D™¢e N‡U Zvi GKwU fviZ Ab¨wU cvwK¯—vb| c~e© cvwK¯—vb AvR‡Ki evsjv‡`k wQj cvwK¯—v‡bi GKwU c«‡`k mgZyj¨ Ges ¯^vaxb mve©‡fŠg cvwK¯—v‡bi Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask| 1971 mv‡j ‡Mvjvg AvRg Ms iv ALÊ cvwK¯—v‡bi c‡¶ Aem&nvb wb‡q cvwK¯—vb miKv‡ii mn‡hvwMZvq KvR K‡i‡Q| me© ‡kl Z_¨ Dcv_¨ Ges myÎ g‡Z ‡kL gwReyi ingvb 25 gvP© ga¨ivZ cvwK¯—vbx evwnbxi Kv‡Q AvZ¥mgc©‡Yi c~e© ch©š— Awe‡”Q`¨ cvwK¯—vb ‡P‡q‡Qb| wZwb Zvi cwievi‡K cvwK¯— vbx ‡mbvevwnbxi Kv‡Q wbivc_ Avk«‡q ‡i‡L wb‡R

ZvK K‡i `vuwo‡q Av‡Q ivó«xq evwnbx | nVvr K‡iB eR«cv‡Zi MR©‡b AwMœ ùywj½ ¸wj ‡`‡q Avm‡Q ey‡Ki w`‡K| G‡K G‡K wZbwU ey‡jU weRq‡K ‡e` K‡i P‡j hvq| weRq X‡j c‡i ivRc‡_i Zß cxP Xvjv c‡_| ‡PvL eÜ n‡q hvIqvi Av‡M ‡m ïay ‡`‡LwQj i‡³i ‡m«vZ| Zvici AvR‡KB Zvi ‡PZbvq fvm‡Q wK N‡UwQj ‡mw`b| wZb| ivó« weÁv‡b ¯^vaxb I mve©‡fŠg iv‡ó«i c«Kvi ‡f` i‡q‡Q| j¨vwUb kã de jure and de facto Gi myÎ g‡Z ivó« MV‡bi Ab¨ wZbwU Dcvavb wUK _vK‡jI KL‡bv KL‡bv ¯^vaxbZv, mve©‡fŠgË¡ Ges Ab¨ iv‡ó«i mv‡_ m¤úK© m&nvc‡bi ¶gZv P‡j ‡h‡Z cv‡i wfbœ ‡`‡ki nv‡Z| wØZxq wek¦hy‡×i mgq biI‡q Ges ‡b`vij¨vÛ ‡Zgwb ¯^vaxbZv I mve©‡fŠgË¡ nvwi‡q wQj Rvg©vwbi Kv‡Q| A‡bKUv Av‡Mi w`‡bi ivRv ev`kv eZ©gvb hy‡Mi nvBwe«W ‡k«Yxi gvbyliv ‰ea ¯¿xi cvkvcvwk evMvb evox‡Z GKRb my›`ix igYx iv‡Lb| wfbœ wfbœ mf¨Zvi mg‡q Zv‡`i wfbœ wfbœ cwifvlvq WvKv n‡q‡Q| ‡jvKvj j¨vs¸‡q‡R G‡`i ejv nq iw¶Zv| G mgv‡R Gi me© ‡kl D`vnib n‡”Q bvivqbM‡Äi ea¨f~wgi wbg©vZv byi ‡nv‡mb I Zvi iw¶Zv| weR‡qi evi evi g‡b co‡Q evsjv‡`k AvR Zvi ¯^vaxbZv I mve©‡fŠgË¡ nvwi‡q c«wZ‡ekx ‡`‡ki iw¶Zv iv‡ó« cwiYZ n‡q‡Q| evsjv‡`‡ki M‡ei« `ywU wbivcËv evwnbxi ‡gi“`Ê ‡f‡½ G¨vwjU ‡dvm© wnmv‡e L¨vZ i‍¨ve‡K cwiKwíZ fv‡e aŸsm Kivi Rb¨ ewjDW wm‡bgvi Av`‡j Ômycvwi evwnbxÕ Z_v iv‡ó«i wbi¯¿ bvMwiK‡`i UvKvi wewbg‡q nZ¨v Kivi Rb¨ ivó« Zv‡`i ÔLywb ‡dvm©Õ wnmv‡e e¨venvi Ki‡Q| iv‡ó«i m‡e©v”P ‡Mv‡q›`v msm&nv wWwRGdA¨vB ÔiÕ Gi Awdm wnmv‡e `vwqZ¡ cvjb K‡i Avm‡Q ïi“ ‡_‡K| me©‡kl A‰ea nvwmbv miKvi wWwRGdAvBÕi c«ZxKx cwiPq (‡jv‡Mv) m~h© ‡`eZvi Av`‡j cwieZ©b K‡i mve©¶wbK ÔiÕ Gi c~Rvi Rb¨ b¨v¯— Kiv n‡q‡Q| iv‡ó«i mve©‡fŠg‡Ë¡i me‡P‡q ¸i“Z¡ c~Y© wZbwU wefvM h_v AvBb wefvM, kvmb wefvM Ges wePvi wefvM| Gi g‡a¨ wePvi Ges kvmb wefvM c~‡e©B aŸsm Kiv n‡q‡Q| MZ 5 Rvbyqvwi ïay gvÎ c«wZ‡ekx ivó«wUi GKQÎ bMœ n¯—‡¶‡c ‡`‡ki MYZš¿‡K ejrKvi K‡i A‡a©K gbMov wm‡jKkb evKx A‡a©‡Ki ‡fvU I ‡fvUvi Qvov c«nm‡bi wbe©vP‡bi gva¨‡g GKwU A‰ea miKv‡ii Rb¥ ‡`q| evsjv‡`k‡K wK G A‰ea miKv‡ii gva¨‡g iw¶Zv ivó« wnmv‡eB ‡eu‡P _vK‡Z n‡e? weR‡qi wPš—vq evuav c‡i‡Q| ‡mweKv Zvi nvZ a‡i Av‡Q| agbxi i³ mÂvjb w¯—wgZ n‡q ‡M‡Q| gy‡L jvMv‡bv Aw·‡R‡bi gv·wU ‡_‡K Aw·‡Rb Avi hv‡”Q bv| weR‡qi ‡kl wbtk¦vm n‡q‡Q ¯^vaxb ‡`‡k Rb¥ M«nb K‡i civaxb iv‡ó«i ¯^v` wb‡q| G e¨v_©Zvi `vqfvi Kvi?

weª‡Ub msev`


gRwjm Kg©x‡`i mKj fq fxwZ I †jvf jvjmvi D‡×© D‡V †LjvdZ cÖwZôvi msMÖvg Pvwj‡q †h‡Z n‡e

London 30 May 2014

G‡mvwm‡qkb Ae BmjvwgK wUPvm© Gi wØ-evwl©K mfv I wbe©vPb m¤úbœ

- ---Avjøvgv hyev‡qi Avng` Avbmvix

evsjv msjvc †W¯‹: evsjv‡`k †LjvdZ gRwj‡mi †K›`ªxq bv‡q‡e Avgxi, AvšÍR©vwZK gydvmwm‡i KziAvb Avjøvgv hyev‡qi Avng` Avbmvix e‡j‡Qb Avgv‡`i wcÖq gvZ…f~wg evsjv‡`‡ki Bmjvg I gymjgvb‡`i weiæ‡× bvw¯ÍK¨ev`x I Zv‡`i †`vkiiv bvbvb lohš¿ Ki‡Q| BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb Bmjvg I gymjvgvb‡`i AwaKvi iÿvi Rb¨ KvR Kivi K_v _vK‡j I eZ©gv‡b Bdv wWwR AvIqvgxjxM miKv‡ii mnvqZvq gymjgvb‡`i Cgvb AvwK¡`v I Øxwb wkÿv‡K aŸsm Kivi KvR K‡i hv‡”Q| Awej‡¤^ BdvwWwR‡K Zvi c` †_‡K AcmviY Ki‡Z n‡e| Ab¨_vq Bmjvg wcÖq RbZv `~e©vi Av‡›`vj‡bi gva¨‡g weZwK©Z BdvwWwR kvgxg AvdRvj‡K AcmviK Ki‡Z miKvi‡K eva¨ Ki‡e| cÖavb AwZw_i e³‡e¨ Avjøvgv Avbmvix Av‡iv e‡jb evsjv‡`‡ki cÖwZwU bvMwiK AvR Pig wbivcËv nxbZvq fzM‡Q| AcniY, ¸g, Lyb, eÜ K‡i RbM‡Yi wbivcËv wbwðZ Ki‡Z AvIqvgxjxM miKvi Pigfv‡e e¨_© n‡q‡Q| miKv‡ii gš¿x, Ggwc‡`i PÎQvqvq mviv‡`‡k AcniY ¸g I mš¿vm Pj‡Q| GRb¨ AvIqvgxjxM miKvi‡K GKw`b wePv‡ii gy‡LvgywL n‡Z n‡e| wZwb RbM‡Yi Rvb gvj B¾‡Zi wbivcËv mn †gŠwjK AwaKvi wbwðZ Kivi Rb¨ mKj †K †LjvdZ cÖwZôvi Av‡›`vj‡b kixK nIqvi AvnŸvb Rvbvb| KviY †LjvdZ e¨e¯’v Qvov mgvR I iv‡óª kvwšÍ m¤¢e bq| Avi G gnvb j‡ÿ¨ evsjv‡`k

†LjvdZ gRwjm mycwiKwíZfv‡e KvR K‡i hv‡”Q| wZwb me©¯Í‡ii gRwjm Kg©x‡`i mKj fq fxwZ I †jvf jvjmvi D‡×© D‡V Avjøvni mš‘wó I ciKvjxb Rxe‡bi gyw³i j‡ÿ¨ †LjvdZ cÖwZôvi msMÖvg Pvwj‡q hvIqvi AvnŸvb Rvbvb| wZwb MZ 26 †g evsjv‡`k †LjvdZ gRwjm jÛb gnvbMix Av‡qvwRZ gZ wewbgq mfvq Gme K_v e‡jb| jÛb gnvbMixi mfvcwZ gvIjvbv kvnb~i wgqvi mfvcwZ‡Z¡ I mn mvaviY m¤úv`K gvIjvbv AvwRRyi ingv‡bi cwiPvjbvq hy³ivR¨ Kvh©vjq wL`gvn GKv‡Wgx‡Z AbywôZ gZwewbgq mfvq we‡kl AwZw_i e³e¨ iv‡Lb †K›`ªxq AvšÍR©vwZK welqK m¤úv`K I hy³ivR¨ mvaviY m¤úv`K gvIjvbv d‡qR Avng`, mn mvaviY m¤úv`K AvjnvR¡ gvIjvbv AvZvDi ingvb, gvIjvbv Qv‡jn Avng` nvwg`x, gydwZ Qv‡jn Avng`, Ab¨v‡b¨i g‡a¨ e³e¨ iv‡Lb msMV‡bi hy³ivR¨ kvLvi evqZzj gvj m¤úv`K gvIjvbv bvwRg DwÏb, mgvR Kj¨vY m¤úv`K gvIjvbv kixd Avng`, mn mvsMVwbK m¤úv`K gvIjvbv jyrdzi ingvb, jÛb gnvbMixi mn mfvcwZ gvIjvbv Aveyj Kvjvg Avhv`, AvjnvR¡ gy¯ÍvwdRyi ingvb, evqZzj gvj m¤úv`K nvwdR gvIjvbv Ave`yj Kvw`i Avj gvnw`, UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm mfvcwZ nvwdR gbRyiæj nK, mn mfvcwZ gvIjvbv gywn DwÏb Lvb, mvaviY m¤úv`K gvIjvbv Avj Avwgb, gvIjvbv Ryev‡qi Avng` cÖgyL|

evsjv msjvc †W¯‹: G‡mvwm‡qkb Ae BmjvwgK wUPvm© Gi wØ-evwl©K mvavib mfv I wbe©vPb 2014 MZ 27‡k †g g½jevi wecyj msL¨K BmjvwgK wUPvm©‡`i Dcw¯’wZ‡Z mKvj 10Uv †_‡K ïiæ nq| mfvq msMV‡bi †Pqvicvm©b gvIjvbv †njvj DÏxb Avng‡`i mfvcwZ‡Z¡ I ‡Rbv‡ij †m‡µUvix Avãyj nvB Lv‡bi cwiPvjbvq mfvi ïiæ‡Z cweÎ †KviAvb †_‡K †ZjvIqvZ K‡ib gvIjvbv Aveyj eqvb †gvnv¤§` nvmvb| wbe©vP‡bi c~‡e© ‡Pqvicvm©b, †Rbv‡ij †m‡µUvix I †UªRvivi Zv‡`i `vwqZ¡ wbe©vPb Kwgk‡bi nv‡Z n¯ÍvšÍi K‡ib| wbe©vP‡b wbe©vPb Kwgkbvi wn‡m‡e Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb GAvBwUi GWfvBRvi gvIjvbv G‡KGg gI`~` nvmvb, gvIjvbv nv‡dR Aveyj †nvmvBb Lvub, gvIjvbv Qvw`Kzi ingvb| Gmgq wbe©vPb KwgkbviMY wbe©vPb msµvšÍ hveZxq wbqgvejx Dcw¯’Z wkÿK‡`i mvg‡b Zz‡j a‡ib| Gici mKvj 11.30 wgwbU ‡_‡K we‡Kj 3Uv ch©šÍ ‡Mvcb e¨vj‡Ui gva¨‡g †fvU MÖnb m¤úbœ nq| †fvU MÖnb †k‡l cybivq wØ-evwl©K mvaviY mfv ïiæ nq| Gmgq ¯^vMZ e³‡e¨ msMV‡bi †Pqvicvm©b gvIjvbv †njvj DÏxb Avng` Dcw¯’Z wUPvm©‡`i ab¨ev` Rvbvb Ges Avjøvn iveŸyj Avjvwg‡bi ïKwiqv Av`vq K‡i e‡jb, Avcbviv GB e„wófiv w`‡b `yi-`~ivšÍ †_‡K Kó K‡i Avgv‡`i wewRGg Ges B‡jKk‡b Ask MÖnb I ah¨©avib K‡i mKvj 10Uv †_‡K wb‡q weKvj mv‡o 4Uv ch©šÍ e‡m wØevwlK m‡¤§jb‡K mdj K‡i‡Qb| hv mwZ¨B cÖksmvi `vwe`vi| Zvici †Rbv‡ij †m‡µUvix gvIjvbv Avãyj nvB Lvb weMZ 2 erm‡ii (2012-2014) Gi wi‡cvU© c‡o ïbvb| c‡i †UªRvivi Gi Avw_©K wi‡cvU© ïbvbyi ci wewfbœ cÖ‡kœvËi Gi gva¨‡g dvBb¨v‡Ýi Dci mš‘wó cÖKvk K‡ib| weKvj 4 NwUKvq wbe©vPb KwgkbviMY wiRvë wb‡q Av‡mb| cÖavb wbe©vPb Kwgkbvi gvIjvbv G‡KGg gI`~` nvmvb GAvBwUi (2014-2016) Gi be wbe©vwPZ m`m¨‡`i bvg †Nvlbv K‡ib| wbe©vwPZMY

n‡”Qb †Pqvicvm©b gvIjvbv †njvj DÏxb Avng`, fvBm †Pqvicvm©b gvIjvbv w`jIqvi †nvmvBb, †Rbv‡ij †m‡µUvix gvIjvbv Avãyj Kwig, Gwmm‡U›U †m‡µUvix gvIjvbv Avãyj nvB Lvb, †UªRvivi gvIjvbv Aveyj nvmbvZ †PŠayix, Gwmm‡U›U †UªRvivi gvIjvbv Av‡bvqvi †nvmvBb| Gici 30 wgwb‡Ui weiZxi ci be wbe©vwPZ †Pqvicvm©b, †m‡µUvix I ‡UªRvivi c~Y©v½ KwgwU MVb K‡i wbe©vPb Kwgkbvi‡`i nv‡Z‡`b| wbe©vPb Kwgkbvi gvIjvbv Qvw`Kzi ingvb c~Y©v½ KwgwU †Nvlbv K‡ib| c~Y©v½ KwgwUi m`m¨MY n‡”Qb †Pqvicvm©b gvIjvbv †njvj DÏxb Avng`, fvBm †Pqvicvm©b gvIjvbv w`jIqvi †nvmvBb, gvIjvbv b~iæj nK, nv‡dR gvIjvbv Qvw`Kzi ingvb, †Rbv‡ij †m‡µUvix gvIjvbv Avãyj Kwig, Gwmm‡U›U †m‡µUvix gvIjvbv Avãyj nvB Lvb, gvIjvbv mv‡jn Avng` fzBqv, †UªRvivi gvIjvbv Aveyj nvmbvZ †PŠayix, Gwmm‡U›U †UªRvivi gvIjvbv Av‡bvqvi †nvmvBb, A‡M©bvBwRs †m‡µUvix gvIjvbv kvn †i`Iqvbyi ingvb, Gwmm‡U›U A‡M©bvBwRs †m‡µUvix gvIjvbv ûgvBqyb iwk`, cvewjmwU †m‡µUvix gvIjvbv K¡vix g‡bvIqvi †nvmvBb, Gwmm‡U›U cvewjwmwU †m‡µUvix gvIjvbv Avãyj LvwjK kv‡n`, Awdm †m‡µUvix nv‡dR Kvgiæ¾vgvb, Gwmm‡U›U Awdm †m‡µUvix nv‡dR †nvmvBb Avng`, GWz‡Kkb †m‡µUvix †gvnv¤§` Avãyj Avnv`, Gwmm‡U›U GWz‡Kkb †m‡µUvix †gvnv¤§` hvwei Avng`, †m¨vwm‡qj I‡qj‡dqvi †m‡µUvix Aveyj eqvb †gv: nvmvb, ‡Uªwbs †m‡µUvix gvIjvbv b~iæj Bmjvg, Gw•wKDwUe KwgwU †g¤^vi nv‡dR ˆmq` bvCg Avng` I gvIjvbv bvwQi DwÏb| c~Y©v½ KwgwU †Nvlbvi ci cÖavb wbe©vPb Kwgkbvi gvIjvbv G‡KGg gI`~` nvmvb be wbe©vwPZ m`m¨‡`i kc_ bvgv cvV Kivb| Gi ci be wbe©vwPZ KwgwUi c‡ÿ †Pqvicvm©b gvIjvbv †njvj DÏxb Avng` mevB‡K ab¨ev` Rvwb‡q mfvi mgvwß †Nvlbv K‡ib|

†gqi jyrdzi ingvb cybivq wbe©vwPZ nIqvq BD‡K RwgqZ †bZ…e„‡›`i Awfb›`b

evsjv msjvc ‡W¯‹t 22 †g wbe©vP‡b N„Yv, ˆelg¨ mn mKj loh‡š¿i Aemvb NwU‡q †gqi jyrdzi ingvb cybivq wbe©vwPZ nIqvq BD‡K RwgqZ †bZ…e„›` Awfb›`b I ï‡f”Qv Rvbvb| MZ 24 †g c~e© jÛ‡b

BD‡K Rwgq‡Zi †UªRvivi nvwdR †nvmvBb Avng‡`i mfvcwZ‡Z¡ I cÖPvi m¤úv`K gvIjvbv AvkdvKzi ingv‡bi cwiPvjbvq GK Av‡jvPbv mfv AbywôZ nb| mfvq e³e¨ iv‡Lb Rwgq‡Z Djvgv BD‡Ki mvaviY m¤úv`K gvIjvbv ˆmq` Zvwgg Avng`, Rv‡gqv gv`vwbqv wek¦bv‡_i wcÖwÝcvj I RwgqZ †bZv gvIjvbv wkweŸi Avng`, mn mvsMVwbK m¤úv`K gydwZ kvn wndRyj Kwig gvïK, mvwnZ¨ m¤úv`K gydwZ ˆmq` wiqvR Avng`, Awdm m¤úv`K gvIjvbv dLiæwÏb wek¦bv_x, UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm Rwgq‡Zi hyM¥ m¤úv`K nvwdR gvIjvbv †gvkZvK Avng` cÖgyL| Av‡jvPbv mfvq e³viv e‡jb lohš¿ K‡i RbM‡Yi weRq wPwb‡q †bqv hvq bv| †gqi jyrdzi ingvb evsjv‡`kx‡`i Me©| mKj †cªvcvMvÛv, ˆelg¨, loh‡š¿i Aemvb NwU‡q UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm&& Gi RbMY cÖgvY K‡i‡Q Avgiv me mgq GK¨e× AvwQ Ges _vK‡ev| Rwgq‡Zi cÿ

†_‡K UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm evmx‡K ab¨ev` Rvbv‡bv nq| GQvov Av‡iv Awfb›`b Rvbvb Rwgq‡Z Djvgv BD‡iv‡ci cÖavb Dc‡`óv gvIjvbv kvqL AvmMi †nv‡mb, Dc‡`óv Avjnv¾ kvgmy¾vgvb †PŠayix, Rwgq‡Z Djvgv Bmjvg evsjv‡`‡ki AvšÍR©vwZK welqK m¤úv`K I BD‡K Rwgq‡Zi wmwbqi mnmfvcwZ gvIjvbv ïqvBe Avng`, mn mfvcwZ nvwdR gvIjvbv ˆmq` ZmyÏyK Avng`, gydwZ mvBdzj Bmjvg, gydwZ Ave`yj gybZvwKg, gvIjvbv K¡vix Ave`yj nvwdR, gvIjvbv GLjvQzi ingvb evjvMÄx, gvIjvbv kvn Avwgbyj Bmjvg, BD‡K Rwgq‡Zi mn †m‡µUvix gvIjvbv Ave`ym mvjvg, nvwdR gvIjvbv ˆmq` RybvB` Avng`, mn mvsMVwbK m¤úv`K gvIjvbv Rqbvj Av‡e`xb, mn cÖPvi m¤úv`K gvIjvbv gLwjQzi ingvb †PŠayix cÖgyL|

weª‡Ub msev`


London 30 May 2014

†dB_ Bb †nj_ w`be¨vcx †Uªwbs Kg©kvjv m¤úbœ evsjv msjvc †W¯‹:MZ 21 †g eyaevi †dB_ Bb †nj_ Gi D‡`¨v‡M Avmbœ igRvb gv‡m wKfv‡e ¯^v¯’¨ fvj ivLv hvq Ges Wvq‡ewUKm Avq‡Z¡ ivLv hvq Zvi Dci w`be¨vcx we‡kl †Uªwbs Kg©kvjv AbywôZ nq| G‡Z wewfbœ wkÿv cÖwZôvb I gv`ªvmvi kZvwaK wkÿK I gyieŸx‡`i Dcw¯’wZ N‡U| c~e© jÛ‡bi GjGgwmi †mwgbvi n‡j G‡mvwm‡qk‡b Ae BmjvwgK wUPvm© Gi †Pqvicvm©b gvIjvbv †njvj DÏxb Avng‡`i mfvcwZ‡Z¡ I kvn †i`Iqvbyi ingvb Ges gvIjvbv Aveyj nvmbvZ †PŠayixi †hŠ_ cwiPvjbvq †mwgbv‡ii ïiæ‡Z cweÎ †KviAvb †_‡K †ZjvIqvZ K‡ib gvIjvbv nvwdR mv‡jn Avng`| ‡mwgbv‡ii ïiæ‡Z ¯^vMZ

e³e¨ iv‡Lb GAvBwUi †Pqvicvm©b gvIjvbv †njvj DÏxb Avng`| wZwb Zvi e³‡e¨ †Uªwbs Kg©kvjvq Ask †bqvi Rb¨ mK‡ji cÖwZ K„ZÁZv cÖKvk K‡ib Ges ‡Uªwbs cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ †dB_ Bb †nj_‡K ab¨ev` Rvbvb| Gmgq †nj_ mvwf©‡mi c‡ÿ cÖwkÿb cÖvß †UªBbviMb †Uªwbs cÖ`vb K‡ib| ‡UªBbviMY n‡”Qb wKDGAvBGg Rv‡nw`, wgm †ewibv nvqvU, †WwfW GWIqvW©| Dcw¯’Z wkÿK, gyieŸx‡`i‡K DbœZ ¯^v¯’ I Wvq‡ewUKm wKfv‡e Rb¥ †bq Ges wKfv‡e cÖwZ‡iva Kiv I ivgRvb gv‡m wKfv‡e fvj _vKv hvq Zvi Dci cÖwkÿb cÖ`vb K‡ib| ‡mwgbv‡ii wØZxq c‡e© MZ b‡f¤^i gv‡m AbywôZ W‡gw÷K e¨vq‡jÝ Gi Dci

‡gqi jyrdzi ingv‡bi weR‡q wgwó weZib

†Uªwbs Kg©m~wPi mvwUwd‡KU cÖ`vb Kiv nq| Gmgq AwZw_ wn‡m‡e e³e¨ iv‡Lb gvIjvbv nv‡dR kvgQz‡Ïv, wewkó e¨emvqx I cÖexb wkÿvwe` gvóvi Avgxi DÏxb AvQg, wbDevix cvK© gmwR‡`i Bgvg I LwZe gvIjvbv byiæj Bmjvg, kvncivb gmwR‡`i fvBm †Pqvig¨vb b~i eKm, cÖexb Av‡g gvIjvbv iwdK Avng`, Avãyj Kwig, mv‡jn Avng` fzBqv, gvIjvbv dRjyi ingvb, †gvnv¤§` nvmvb, ˆmq` gvneyeyi ingvb I gvIjvbv bvwQi DwÏb|


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evsjv msjvc †W¯‹: UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm KvDw݇ji wbe©vnx †gqi c‡` wØZxqev‡ii gZ jyrdyi ingvb weRqx nIqvq eªgwj mvD_ Iqv‡W©i †W‡fÝ †ivW© Gi wm‡jU dxk GÛ wgU gv‡K©‡Ui e¨emvqx I ¯’vbxq evwm›`v‡`i D‡`¨v‡M MZ 26 †g †mvgevi wgwó weZib Kiv n‡q‡Q| Gmgq ¯’vbxq e¨emvqx †bZ…e„›` QvovI GjvKvi wewkó¨ e¨w³eM© Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb| †bZ…e„›` Avkv K‡ib weMZ w`‡bi gZ AvMvgx‡ZI †gqi jyrdzi ingvb KwgDwbwUi Dbœq‡b KvR K‡i hv‡eb Ges weª‡U‡b evOvjx‡`i gyL Av‡iv D¾¡j Ki‡eb|

Ziæb ivRbxwZwe` I KwgDwbwU †bZv Avãyj evwQZ ev`kvi ZË¡ve`v‡b, wm‡jU dxk GÛ wgU gv‡K©‡Ui mZ¡vaxKvix gywneyi ingvb gCb, nviæb ikx`, w`jy wgqv I Avãyj n‡Ki ‡mŠRb¨ wgwó weZiY Abyôv‡b Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb e«gjx b_© Iqv‡W©i bewbe©vwPZ KvDwÝjvi ‡gvt gydwZ wgqv, KwgwbwU ‡bZv Avãyj gywgb, gvmyK wgqv, Kvgiæj nvmvb ‡PŠt, Kwei Avng`, Aveyj nvmbvZ, nvRx ‡gv: AvbIqvi wgqv, ‡gvt Zvnwg` Avng`, iwdKyj Bmjvg, wMqvm wgqv, KvRyj wgqv I BKivg ‡nv‡mb c«gyL|

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Ò‡dbx mwgwZ BD‡KÓi GwRGg cÖ¯‘wZ Dcj‡ÿ¨ Kvh©Kix KwgwUi ewa©Z mfv AbywôZ

evsjv msjvc †W¯‹:MZ 17B †g, 2014Bs iweevi `ycyi 12 Uvq †MÖUvi jÛ‡bi cÛvimBÛ¯’ PvP© Kbdv‡iÝ n‡j hy³ivR¨¯’ †dbx mwgwZ BD‡Ki Kvh©Kix KwgwUi GK we‡kl ewa©Z mfv AbywôZ nq| fvicÖvß mfvcwZ Rbve †gvt kvnvRvnvb Gi cwiPvjbvq AbywôZ G mfvq cweÎ †Kvivb †_‡K wZjvIqvZ K‡ib Rbve

AvwRRyj nK AvwRR| MVbZš¿, m`m¨ msMÖn, Znwej msMÖn I 21‡k †mÞ¤^i 2014Bs Zvwi‡L evwl©K mvaiY mfv Abyôvb cÖf…wZ wel‡q cÖvYešÍ Av‡jvPbvq AskMÖnY K‡ib me©Rbve †gv: †Lvi‡k` Avjg, †gv: Avkivd DwÏb, Rvnv½xi wd‡ivR, †gv. bvwmi DwÏb, byiæb bex †mwjg, Iqvjx Djøvn, wgRvbyi ingvb,

wmivRyj Bmjvg, mvnve DwÏb, †gRevn DwÏb Avng`, wgRvbyi ingvb, BmgvCj Avn‡g`, Gm. Bmjvg, †Mvjvg gvIjvbv †PŠayix Rmxg, ivwKe †PŠayix cÖgyL| D³ mfvq me© m¤§wZµ‡g Gbwdì AÂj †_‡K Rbve Iqvjx Djøvn, Rbve wgRvbyi ingvb I Rbve kvnve DwÏb‡K KwgwU‡Z AšÍf©~³ Kiv nq| we¯ÍvwiZ

Z‡_¨i Rb¨ `qv K‡i wb‡¤œv³ bv¤^v‡i †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb| 07837743446, 07958212568, 07956143529, 07931419574, 07985033336, 07958320852, email: khorshednizam@ hotmail.com

London 30 May 2014

evsjv‡`‡ki mybvg bvRgyj Bmjvg gKeyj

wecyj †fv‡U Avevi n‡jb ‡gqi jyrdzi fvB wm‡jUevmxi g‡b Avevi Lywki mxgv bvB| A‡bK Z¨vM I cwikÖ‡g dmj G‡jv N‡i ‡`wL‡q w`jvg ev½vjxiv hvBwb mevB g‡i| HK¨e× n‡j †gviv AviI weRq n‡e evsjv‡`‡ki mybvg ZLb wPi Agi i‡e||

knx` wRqv ¯§…wZ ‡K‡›`«i we‡kl Riæix mfv AbywóZ dqmj, igRvb Avjx,mvqx` mv‡Ki“¾vgvb ,mwReyi ingvb, wRjyi­ ingvb i“mb, Ry‡qj Avn‡g`, kv‡n` DwÏb ‡PŠayix, bRi“j Bmjvg Lvb, Ry‡ei Avn‡g`, AvwZKyi ingvb, kwdK Avn‡g`, dvwng ‡PŠayix, i“‡nj Avn‡g`, mfvq KyjvDov Dc‡Rjv weGbwci mfvcwZ kIKyZj Bmjvg mKy ‡K dy‡ji ‡Zviv w`‡q ¯^vMZ Rvbvb

evsjv msjvc †W¯‹: knx` wRqv ¯§…wZ ‡K›`« BD‡Ki we‡kl Ri“ix mfv ‡K‡›`«i AvnŸvqK kixdy¾vgvb ‡PŠayix Zc‡bi mfvcwZ‡Z¡ wmwbqi msMVK Gm Rv‡e` BKev‡ji cwiPvjbvq AbywóZ nq ,mfvq eZ©gvb ivR‰bwZK Ae¯—v ch©v‡jvPbv Kiv nq Ges ‡kL nvwmbv miKvi GKwU Ae¨a ‰mivPvix GK`jxq kvm‡bi wb‡¯úl‡Y mgM« RvwZ AvR ¸g nZ¨v gvgjv wbh©vZ‡b Amnvq GgZvAe&¯—vq RbM‡bi Abœ ,e¯¿ ,wk¶v wPwKZ&mv mn wbivcËv w`‡Z miKvi e¨_©Zvi

cwiPq w`‡”Q mfvq e³viv Awej‡¤^ ¸g nIqv c«evmx weGbwc ‡bZv gywReyi ingv‡bi mÜvb `vwe K‡ib GQvovI wKse`wš— ‡bZv Gg Bwjqvm Avjx ,‡PŠayix Avjg,mvBdyj Bmjvg wni“,mv‡R`yj Bmjvg mygb mn 287 Rb wbLyR nIqv weGbwc ‡bZv Kg©xi mÜvb `vwe K‡ib,Ges AvMvgx 30‡k ‡g knx` wRqvDi ingv‡bi 33Zg kvnv`vZ evwl©Kxi Abyóv‡b Dcw¯’Z _vKvi Rb¨ mKj knx` wRqvi Abymvix ‡`i Avnevb Rvbv‡bv nq, mfvq Av‡iv hviv e³e¨ iv‡Lb Rbve Gg G Kvw`i, e¨vwi÷vi Avwjgyj nK Av‡d›`x wjUb, Ggv`yi ingvb, jyZ&dyi wgqv, dKi“¾vgvb

Ges KyjvDovi Dc‡Rjv wbe©vP‡b hw`I wZwb Avf¨š—ixY Kvi‡b Rqx n‡Z cv‡ibwb wKš‘ c«vq 40nvRvi ‡fvU ‡c‡q wZwb RbM‡bi GKRb ¯^xK…Z ivRbxwZwe` Ges mgvR ‡meK wn‡m‡e wb‡R‡K c«wZwóZ Ki‡Z ‡c‡i‡Qb hvi Rb¨ knx` wRqv ¯§…wZ ‡K‡›`«i c¶ ‡_‡K Awfb›`b I ï‡f”Qv Rvbv‡bv nq.


weª‡Ub msev`

London 30 May2014

g°vq Rwgq‡Z Djvgvi Av‡jvPbv mfv ‡i‡bmvui evwl©K ewnt© we‡k¦ Rwgq‡Z Djvgvi nvZ‡K kw³kvjx Kivi AvnŸvb mvaviY mfv I

mvwnZ¨ mfv AbywôZ

evsjv msjvc †W¯‹ : MZ 20 †g e„n¯úwZevi Rwgq‡Z Djvgv g°vi mfvcwZ gvIjvbv Avbnvi wgqvi mfvcwZ‡Z¡ I †m‡µUvix gvIjvbv RybvB‡q` Gi cwiPvjbvq GK Av‡jvPbv mfv AbywôZ nq| mfvq cÖavb AwZw_ wn‡m‡e Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb Rwgq‡Z Djvgv‡q Bmjvg evsjv‡`‡ki AvšÍR©vwZK welqK m¤úv`K I BD‡K Rwgq‡Zi wmwbqi mn mfvcwZ gvIjvbv ïqvBe Avng`, we‡kl

AwZw_ wn‡m‡e e³e¨ iv‡Lb Rwgq‡Z Djvgv `v¤§vg Gi AvnevqK gvIjvbv gwnDwÏb, e³e¨ iv‡Lb hye RwgqZ wm‡j‡Ui †bZv gvIjvbv GnQvb Djøvn, QvÎ RwgqZ wm‡j‡Ui †bZv gvIjvbv gvmû` AvRnvi, gvIjvbv wmivRyj Bmjvg, gvIjvbv kvgQzj Bmjvg, gvIjvbv dwi`, gvIjvbv Ave`yj AvwRR, gvIjvbv nvwdR iwk` Avng`, nvwdR Gnmvb, nvwdR Bgv` cÖgyL|

e³viv e‡jb gymwjg wgjøv‡Zi GB bvRyK gn~‡Z© Bmjvgx ZvnwRe ZgyÏyb msiÿ‡Y Rwgq‡Z Djvgvi nvZ‡K kw³kvjx Kiv mg‡qi Acwinvh© `vex| ZvB e³viv me©¯Í‡ii Bmjvg wcÖq †ZŠwnw` RbZv‡K AvKvexi Avmjv‡di GKK msMVb Rwgq‡Z Djvgvi QvqvZ‡j mg‡eZ n‡q Bmjvgx mgvR cÖwZôvi Av‡›`vj‡b GwM‡q Avmvi D`vË Avnevb Rvbvb|

evsjv msjvc †W¯‹ : MZ ‡mvgevi c~e© jÛ‡bi ‡f‡jÝ ‡iv‡Wi D‡Wun¨vg KwgDwbwU n‡j ‡i‡bmvu mvwnZ¨ gRwjk BD‡Ki evwl©K mvaviY mfv Ges wbqwgZ gvwmK mvwnZ¨ mfv AbywôZ nq| Kwe ‡gvt ingZ Avjx cvZwbi mfvcwZ‡Z¡ Ges Kwe wknve~¾vgvb Kvgv‡ji cwiPvjbvq AbywôZ mfvi Av‡jvP¨ m~Px‡Z wQj MZ GK eQ‡ii ‡i‡bmvui Kg©ZrciZv Ges mfvcwZ, ‡m‡µUvwi I ‡Kvlva¨‡¶i wi‡cvU© ‡ck| wi‡cvU© msµvš— wel‡q c«‡kœvËi ce©| G‡Z mswk­ó `vwqZ¡kxjiv wewfbœ c«‡kœi DËi ‡`b| Abyôv‡b Avgwš¿Z AwZw_‡`i g‡a¨ e³e¨ iv‡Lb ‡i‡bmvui c«avb Dc‡`óv mvsevw`K ‡K Gg Ave~ Zv‡ni ‡PŠayix, wewkó AvBbRxex ‡gvt wjqvKZ miKvi, nexMÄ ‡W‡fjvc‡gÈ G‡mvkxqk‡Yi mfvcwZ Gg G AvwRR, KwgDwbwU ‡bZv ‡gvt b~i eLm, Kwe Kjvwg÷ Ave~ m~dxqvb ‡PŠayix, gvIjvbv ‰mq` ‡iRvEj nK, ‡gvt ‡Zvnv ‡gv¯—dv, ‡gvt AvwRg DwÏb, gvmy` Avng` Kvgvj, Gg GCP Kvgvj c«gyL| e³viv wi‡cv‡Ui« e¨vcv‡i m‡š—vl c«Kvk Ges ‡i‡bmvui wewfbœ Kg©ZrciZvui f~qkx c«ksmv K‡ib Ges AvMvgx w`‡bI ‡i‡bmvui Kg©ZrciZv hv‡Z Ae¨vnZ _v‡K ‡me¨vcv‡i bvbv civgk© ‡`b| mfvq ¯^iwPZ KweZv I Bmjvgx m½xZ cwi‡ekb K‡ib Kwe `wei“j Bmjvg ‡PŠayix, Kwe ‡kL ‡gvt Rv‡e` Avjx, Kwe ‡gvt ingZ Avjx cvZwb, Kwe ‡gvnv¤§` g~wnZ,wknve~¾vgvb Kvgvj Ges gvIjvbv ûgvqyb iwk` ivwR c«gyL|

We would like to inform to all our clients that we are still trading as usual at the same Address: 2n Floor, 112-116 Whitechapel Rd. London E1 1JE, Phone: 020 7247 3100 Fax: 020 7247 3400 Mobile : 07956919063 / 07944621399 Website : www.mahbubandco.com Email: info@mahbubandco.com

Dedicated Professional Team for all your Accounting needs. We offer wide range of Services: ● Accountancy for Self-employment, Partnership, Company ● Accountancy for Charity and non-profit organisation. ● Payroll ● Book Keeping. ● Taxation for Self-employed, Limited Company. ● Capital gain tax and Inheritance Tax computation. ● Value added Tax. ● Business plan, Budgeting and forecasting. ● HSMP-Tax planning and preparation of accounts. ● Company formation and secretarial services.

We provide services to all type of businesses including: ►Restaurant, Takeaway and Catering Services ►Grocery, Cash & Carry, Convenient stores and Newsagent ►Minicab, Minicab Office & Driving instructor. ►Money Exchange, Travel Agent & other Financial Service Provider. ►College & Educational Institutes. ►Property Rental& IT consultants. ►Mosques, Charities & Not for profit Organisation. ►Importer & Exporter, Online Retailer & Jewellery Shop ►Factory, Fashion Retailer and Wholesaler.

We Speak English Bengali Sylheti Hindi Urdu & Bulgarian.


weª‡Ub msev`

London 30 May 2014

evjvMÄ-ImgvbxbMi weGbwc Gw±wf÷ GÛ mv‡cvU©vi †dvivg BD‡KÔi KwgwU MwVZ

e¨vcK Drmvn DÏxcbvi ga¨ w`‡q evjvMÄ ImgvbxbMi weGbwc Gw±wf÷ GÛ mv‡cvU©vi †dvivg BD‡KÔi cÖ_g m‡¤§jb -2014 g½jevi (20 †g) c~e© jÛ‡bi eªvwW AvU© †m›Uv‡i AbywôZ nq| msMV‡bi m`m¨ mwPe Aveyj Kvjvg †mZzÕi cwiPvjbvq m‡¤§j‡b mfvcwZZ¡ K‡ib msMV‡bi AvnevqK I evsjv wbDR Gi e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK Avãyi ie gwjK| ­ mfvi ïi“‡Z †KviAvb †ZjIqvZ K‡ib wewkó KwgDwbwU †bZv AvZvDi ingvb wgdZv| we‡kl AwZw_ wn‡m‡e e³e¨ iv‡Lb- msMV‡bi Dc‡`óv iwdK Dj­vn,Avãyj Mdzi, Avãym mvjvg AvRv`, †kL KzÏym, AvdRvi †nv‡mb, †gvnv¤§` Avjx †njvj, †gvRvdi Avjx, b~i Avn‡g`, †Zvdv‡qj Avn‡g` †Zvdv, Avãyj KvBqyg, AveRj †nv‡mb, mv¾v` wgqv| G‡Z Av‡iv e³e¨ iv‡Lb gywReyi ingvb †PŠayix wmwRj, Lmi“ Rvgvb Lmi“, kvnRvnvb Avn‡g`, `wei wgqv, mydvb Avng`, e`i“j Avjg, AvRg Avjx, gvgyb Avn‡g`, AvQnve Avjx, AvZvDi ingvb, Avãyj nvwKg, wRqvDi ingvb wRqv, kvnb~i wgqv, Avãym knx`, Avãyj gywKZ, nvi“b wgqv, Av³vi †nv‡mb Rûi cÖgyL|

msMVb‡K cÖmvwiZ K‡i‡Qb| Avgiv Avkv Kwi, Zuvi †gav I AwfÁZvi gva¨‡g GB msMV‡bi Kvh©µg fwel¨‡Z Av‡iv we¯—…Z n‡e| mfvq me©m¤§wZµ‡g wm×vš— M„nxZ Kiv nq †h, c~Y©v½ KwgwU MVb Kivi j‡¶¨ msMV‡bi Dc‡`óv I Dcw¯’Z m¤§vwbZ MY¨gvb¨ bq Rb e¨w³eM© wb‡q GKwU wbe©vPb cwiPvjbv KwgwU MVb Kiv nq| D³ KwgwUi me©m¤§wZµ‡g evjvMÄ ImgvbxbMi weGbwc Gw±wf÷ I mv‡cvU©vi †dvivg BD‡KÔi mfvcwZ wbe©vwPZ Kiv nq Avãyi ie gwj‡K| ­ mfvcwZ Avãyi ie gwjK­ cieZ©x‡Z Aveyj Kvjvg †mZz‡K mvaviY m¤úv`K, mv¾v` wgqv‡K †Kvlva¶¨ Ges kvnRvnvb Avn‡g`‡K mvsMVwbK m¤úv`K K‡i AvMvgx Pvi eQ‡ii Rb¨ 169 m`m¨ wewkó Kvh©Kix c~Y©v½ KwgwU MVb Kiv nq| bewbe©vwPZ KwgwUi mfvcwZ Avãyi ie gwjK­ e‡jb, evjvMÄ ImgvbxbMi weGbwc Gw±wf÷ I mv‡cvU©vi †dvivg BD‡KÔi bZzb GB `vwqZ¡ cÖ`vb Kivq Avwg mK‡ji wbKU K…ZÁ| mK‡ji mn‡hvwMZvq GB msMV‡bi mybvg e„w× I MwZkxjZvi Rb¨ †`‡k we‡`‡k KvR K‡i hv‡ev|

be wbe©vwPZ c~Y©v½ KwgwUÕi `vwqZ¡cÖvßiv n‡jb- Dc‡`óv iwdK Dj­vn, †PivM Avjx, Avãyj wm‡j± KwgwUi cÖavb I D³ Mdzi, Avãym mvjvg AvRv`, msMV‡bi cÖwZôvZv iwdK Dj ­ AvdRvi †nv‡mb, b~i Avng`, vn,Avãyj Mdzi I Avãym mvjvg AvOzi wgqv, Avbnvi wgqv, Ab¨vb¨ 6 Rb GKev‡K¨ e‡jb, †gvRvwn` Avjx, †kL KzÏym, Avãyi ie gwjK­ GB msMV‡bi wmivR Avjx, AveŸvm Avjx, mfvcwZ nIqvi Rb¨ Dchy³ Avãyj gwR`, Avãyj Kvw`i e¨w³| KviY, weMZ w`‡b nviæb, Av‡jK Bmjvg, iwdK wZwb Zuvi Kvh©µ‡gi gva¨‡g Avjx|

mfvcwZ - Avãyi ie gwjK, ­ wmwbqi mn mfvcwZ - †Zvdv‡qj Avn‡g` †Zvdv, Avãyj KvBqyg; mn-mfvcwZ - AvdRvj †nv‡mb, byiæj Bmjvg †PŠayix, e`iæj Bmjvg, AvQve Avjx, †gvnv¤§` Avjx †njvj, Aveyj Kvjvg AvRv` (KvDwÝji, eªvW‡dvW©), Lwjjyi ingvb †Pqvig¨vb, Avng` Avjx, ZviæY wgqv; mvavib m¤úv`K Aveyj Kvjvg †mZz, mn m¤úv`K - AvdRj û‡mb, `wei Avng`, gvgyb Avng`, wgRvbyi ingvb dLi, ‰mq` my‡nj Avng`, mydvb Avng`, wgmevn Avng`, †gvkvwn` Avng`; mvsMVwbK m¤úv`K -kvnvRvb Avng`; mn mvsMVwbK m¤úv`K -Avãym kvwn`, Bgivb Avn‡g`, `ßi m¤úv`K - ev‡qwR` †nvmvBb ie, mn `ßi m¤úv`K- wgRvbyi ingvb (†njvj), cÖPvi m¤úv`K -AvZvDi ingvb (wgdZv), A_© m¤úv`K -mv¾v` wgqv, mn A_© m¤úv`K- Avãyj gywKZ, ag© m¤úv`K - gbyBi Avjx, mn ag© m¤úv`K - eveyj wgqv KvBqy¨g, wkÿv welqK m¤úv`K - gywReyi ingvb wmwRj Avng`, mn wkÿv welqK m¤úv`K- kvnbyi wgqv, µxov m¤úv`K -AvZvDi ingvb, mn µxov m¤úv`K -eveyj Mwb, mgvR‡mev m¤úv`K - bIkv` Avn‡g`, gwnjv welqK m¤úv`K - myjZvbv LvZzb, mn gwnjv welqK m¤úv`K - mvwebv Av³vi, mn gwnjv welqK m¤úv`K - Av‡qkv †eMg gy³v, mn mgvR‡mev m¤úv`K- ivwgg Avn‡g`, †¯^”Qv‡meK m¤úv`K - AvRg Avjx, ZË¡ M‡e‡lbv welqK m¤úv`K - Avãyj Avnv`, mn ZË¡ M‡e‡lbv welqK m¤úv`K - Av³vi †nv‡mb Rûi, cÖKvkbv m¤úv`K - kwdKzi ingvb, weÁvb I cÖhyw³ welqK m¤úv`K -G`bvb †nv‡mb ie,

†hvMv‡hvM welqK m¤úv`K nviæbyi iwk`| m`m¨e„›` n‡jb - ûgvqyb Kwei, Av: kwn`, Av`bvb ûmvBb ie,

ev‡qwR` ûmvBb ie, gvngy`yj nvmvb, Avãyj gywn`, Avãyj Rvgvj, Av³vi û‡mb Rûi, gbydi Avjx, AvQve Avjx, bIkv` Avng`, iwdK Avjx, gywReyi

ingvb, dqQj Avng`, Rvnv½xi Avng`, gvnZve DwÏb, Avãyj Avnv`, ‡bdzi wgqv, kwdKyi ingvb,‰mq` †gvRv‡¤§j, gvgyb Avn‡g`, wjUb wgqv, AvIjv` wgqv, †njvj Avng`, Avãyi iv¾vK, evei Avng`, gvgyb wgqv, Qv‡`K Avjx, Avng` Avjx, Aveyj Kvjvg, dviæK wgqv, ‡jvKgvb †nvmvBb, ‡njvj wgqv, †bdzi wgqv, AvIjv` Avjx, gvgyb Avn‡g`, wjUb wgqv, ev‡qwR` wgqv, nviæb wgqv, Bgivb Avng`, cvi‡fR Avn‡g`, Lv‡j` Avn‡g` (1), Lv‡j` Avn‡g` (2), myjZvb Avn‡g`, †invbv Avn‡g`, gv‡jKv †eMg, iv‡eqv †eMg, nvdmv †eMg, bvRgv †eMg, iæwebv Av³vi ie, iv‡nbv †eMg, Pv‡gjx †eMg, dvwngv †eMg †`v‡qj, iv‡k`v †eMg, dwi`v †eMg, gv‡jnv LvZzb, nvwg`v †eMg, gvngy`v †eMg, †kdv †eMg, mvwebv Av³vi cÖgyL|



London 30 May 2014

Kv‡c©‡Ui RM‡Z wek¦¯Í bvg evsjv Kv‡c©U


`xN© eQi a‡i †KvqvwjwU m¤úbœ Kv‡c©U Ges BUvwjqvbmn me ai‡Yi DbœZ gv‡bi dvwb©Pvi Avgiv myjfg~‡j¨ wewµ K‡i _vwK| Avgv‡`i i‡q‡Q mgMÖ BDÕ‡K†Z wd« †Wwjfvixi e¨e¯’v wbLuyZ wdwUsmn Avgv‡`i mieivnK…Z Kv‡c©‡U i‡q‡Q M¨vivw›U `v‡gi †ÿ‡Î Avgiv P¨v‡jÄ Qzuo‡Z cvwi Avcbvi N‡i Avcbvi cQ›`bxq Kv‡c©U Ges dvwb©Pvi ‡cŠu‡Q w`‡Z AvRB Avgv‡`i †kv iæ‡g †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb|

weª‡Ub msev`


London 30 May 2014

'weªwUk evsjv‡`kx wgwbK¨ve WªvBfvim G‡mvwm‡qkb' (BBMDA) Gi AvZ¥ cÖKvk

evsjv‡`kx wgwbK¨ve WªvBfvi‡`i ¯^v‡_© KvR Kivi cÖZ¨q

evsjv msjvc †W¯‹ : weª‡U‡b cÖ_gev‡ii gZ weªwUk evsjv‡`kx wgwbK¨ve WªvBfvi‡`i wb‡q Zvu‡`i ¯^v_© iÿvi Rb¨ 'weªwUk evsjv‡`kx wgwbK¨ve WªvBfvim G‡mvwm‡qkb' bv‡g GKwU bZzb msMV‡bi AvZ¥ cÖKvk K‡i‡Q| cÖvq 8 nvRvi weªwUk evsjv‡`kx wgwbK¨ve WªvBfvi‡`i cÖwZwbwaZ¡Kvix GB msMV‡bi AvZ¥ cÖKvk Dcj‡ÿ iweevi c~e© jÛ‡bi †mvbviMvuI †i÷z‡i‡›U GK mfv AbywôZ nq| msMV‡bi †Pqvig¨vb †gv: gvwjK Gi mfvcwZ‡Z¡ I ‡eZvi evsjvi fvl¨Kvi W. bvRgv cviwfb Rygv Gi cwiPvjbvq mfvq cÖavb AwZw_ wn‡m‡e e³e¨ iv‡Lb UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm KvDw݇ji wbe©vnx †gqi jyZdzi ingvb, we‡kl AwZw_ wn‡m‡e e³e¨ iv‡Lb evsjv‡`k cvj©v‡g›U m`m¨ †mwjg DwÏb, msMV‡bi GWfvBRvi I †eZvi evsjvi wmBI bvwRg †PŠayix, (BBMDA) Gi CEO mvw`K Avn‡g`, Uªvwó e`iæR Rvgvb, dqRyi ingvb, wjqvKZ Avjx, AvZvDi ingvb,

GKvD‡›U›U gvneye gyi‡k©`| mfvi ïiæ‡Z msMV‡bi MV‡bi jÿ¨ D‡Ïk¨ Zz‡j a‡i e³e¨ iv‡Lb (BBMDA) Gi CEO mvw`K Avn‡g`| mfvq e³viv e‡jb, eZ©gv‡b 62 nvRvi wgwbK¨ve WªvBfvi †MÖUvi jÛ‡b KvR Ki‡Qb| Gi g‡a¨ evOvjx WªvBfvi‡`i msL¨v n‡”Q AvbygvwbK 8 nvRvi (m~Î wUGdGj)| m~Îg‡Z mgMÖ weª‡U‡b 1jvL 62 nvRvi wgwbK¨ve WªvBfv‡ii i‡q‡Q| Gi g‡a¨ Kg©iZ evOvjx WªvBfv‡ii mwVK msL¨v GLbI ARvbv| mgMÖ weª‡U‡b evOvjx WªvBfvi‡`i cÖwZwbqZ bvbvb mgm¨vq co‡Z nq| Kvi‡b AKvi‡b wU‡KU †L‡Z| A‡bK mgq mwVK civgk© bv cvIqvq b¨vh¨ AwaKvi Zviv ewÂZ nb| e³viv e‡jb, GB msMVb wgwbK¨ve WªvBfvi‡`i ¯^v_© msiÿ‡b miKv‡ii mv‡_ †h‡Kvb wel‡q cÖwZwbqZ KvR K‡i hv‡e| mfvq e³viv GB msMV‡bi m`m¨ n‡j wK wK my‡hvM myweav cv‡eb Zv we¯ÍvwiZ Zz‡j a‡ib| Gmgq `yÕkZvwaK wgwbK¨ve WªvBfvimn KwgDwbwU e¨w³eM© Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb|

evsjv‡`k †LjvdZ gRwjm jÛb gnvbMixi we‡ÿvf mfv

¸g, Lyb I AcniY e‡Üi `vwe‡Z evsjv‡`k †LjvdZ gRwjm †K›`ª †NvwlZ Kg©m~Pxi Ask wnmv‡e evsjv‡`k †LjvdZ gRwjm jÛb gnvbMi kvLvi D‡`¨v‡M GK we‡ÿvf mfv MZ 17 †g c~e© jÛ‡b AbywôZ nq| jÛb gnvbMixi mfvcwZ gvIjvbv kvnb~i wgqvi mfvcwZ‡Z¡i I UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm kvLvi mfvcwZ nvwdR gÄyiæj n‡Ki cwiPvjbvq we‡ÿvf mfvq cÖavb AwZw_i e³e¨ iv‡Lb evsjv‡`k †LjvdZ gRwj‡mi †K›`ªxq AvšÍR©vwZK welqK m¤úv`K I hy³ivR¨ mvaviY m¤úv`K gvIjvbv d‡qR Avng`, we‡kl AwZw_i e³e¨ iv‡Lb hy³ivR¨ kvLvi mn mvaviY m¤úv`K gydwZ Qv‡jn Avng`, mn mvsMVwbK m¤úv`K gvIjvbv jyrdzi ingvb, Ab¨v‡`i g‡a¨ e³e¨ iv‡Lb gvIjvbv gwn DwÏb Lvb mn jÛb gnvbMixi Ab¨vb¨ †bZ…e„›`| cÖavb AwZw_i e³‡e¨ gvIjvbv d‡qR Avng` e‡jb e‡jb AvR mviv †`‡ki gvbyl Lyb, ¸g Avi AciniY AvZ‡¼i g‡a¨| KLb Kv‡K ¸g wKsev Lyb Kiv n‡e Zv †KD ej‡Z cvi‡Q bv, wKš‘ G e¨vcv‡i miKvi wbwe©Kvi| †`‡ki RbMY AvR Pig wbivcËvnxbZvq fzM‡Q| AvIqvgxjxM miKvi RbM‡Yi Rvbgv‡ji wbivcËv mn †gŠwjK AwaKvi w`‡Z m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c e¨_©| Gfv‡e ¸g, Lyb I AcniY K‡i miKvi wU‡K _vK‡e cvi‡e bv| bvivqYM‡Ä PvÄj¨Ki 7 Ly‡bi wePvi wb‡q †Kvb ai‡Yi bvUK RbMY †g‡b †b‡e bv| evsjv‡`‡ki RbMY‡K HK¨e× n‡q miKv‡ii mKj Ab¨vq I Ryjy‡gi weiy‡× wbwR‡`i AwaKvi cÖwZôvi Av‡›`vj‡b ivR c‡_ †b‡g Avm‡Z n‡e| we‡kl AwZw_i e³‡e¨ gydwZ Qv‡jn Avng` e‡jb †`‡k gv`ªvmv wkÿv ms‡KvP‡bi †Kvb lohš¿ Bmjvg wcÖq RbZv †g‡b wb‡e bv| weZwK©Z BdvwWwR‡K w`‡q gv`ªvmv wkÿvi cvV¨ eB wba©vi‡Yi cvqZviv ïf n‡e bv| gv`ªvmv Z_v Øxwb wkÿvi HwZn¨ †h †Kvb g~‡j¨ evsjv‡`‡ki gymjgvbiv iÿv Ki‡e, BbkvAvjøvn|

msMV‡bi g~j D‡Ïk¨ ¸‡jv m¤ú‡K© ejv nq GB msMVb BDwbqb Union wnmv‡e wgwbK¨ve WªvBfvi‡`i ¯^v_© msiÿ‡b KvR Ki‡e| wgwbK¨ve WªvBfvi wn‡m‡e AwaKvi msiÿb, WªvBfvi‡`i K_v Rvbv‡bv Ges Zvi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv mv‡c‡ÿ mKj mvnvh¨ cÖ`vb| GB msMVb wgwbK¨ve

BÛvóªxi D‡ivËi Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ KvR K‡i hv‡e| GQvov BDwbqb †g¤^vim© GWfvBm, mv‡cvU©, wWmKvD›U, cvqwiwU †g¤^vim BbevB‡Ub, G•Kzwmf †g¤^vim G•‡mm myweav _vK‡e| mfvq e³iv Av‡iv e‡jb, Avgv‡`i wek¦vm, A`~i fwel¨‡Z K¨vUvwis BÛvwóªi g‡Zv AviI GKwU kw³kvjx BÛvóªx n‡Z hv‡”Q wgwbK¨ve BÛvwóª| mgMÖ weª‡U‡b BBMDA n‡Z hv‡”Q wgwbK¨ve BÛvwóªi cÖ_g ewjó Kɯ^i| Avi ZvB ‡g¤^vi n‡q Avcbvi Kɯ^i ewjó Kiæb| msMVb‡K kw³kvjx Kivi Avnevb Rv‡bv nq| mfvi ïiæ‡Z †KviAvb †_‡K †ZjvIqvZ K‡ib Avwe` †nv‡mb Acy, e³e¨ iv‡Lb AvjvDi ingvb Lvub kvnxb, gywne †PŠayix, cÖ‡dmvi kwdKzi ingvb| we¯ÍvwiZ Rvb‡Z †hvMv‡hvM| Contact:Association 07913240963, Sadek Ahmed CEO 07581201084 D‡jøL¨ msMV‡bi †Pqvig¨vb †gv: gvwjK, wmwBI mvw`K Avn‡g`, Uªvwó e`iæR Rvgvb, dqRyi ingvb, wjqvKZ Avjx, AvZvDi ingvb Gi AvcÖvY cÖ‡Póv I jÛ‡bi AwaKvsk wgwbK¨ve msMVb I WªvBfv‡`i AvšÍwiK mn‡hvwMZvq GB msMV‡bi Rb¥ m~Pbv n‡q‡Q MZ 18 B †g iweevi|

KmP~ TrPZj ? IKnjªj! u¥Pj jfáj SP~KcÄ ßnjMq oKyuJ S kMr∆Pwr \jq xŒMet IJuJhJ mxJr mqm˙J Full Segregation Available

IJKr~JjJ mqJÄTáP~KaÄ yu FTKa xMªr S k´v˜ \J~VJ\MPz u¥Pjr IKn\Jf FuJTJ~ ImK˙fÇ xmM\ mOãrJ\Lr xoJPrJPy oPjJro k´JTíKfT ßxRªPpt ßWrJ UMmA ACKjT S FéTîMKxn FTKa SP~KcÄ ßnjMqÇ

weª‡Ub msev`


e…× gvi Avk«q ‡MvqvjN‡i! fvZ ‡`qv nq cvw÷‡Ki ­ _vjvq ! evsjv msjvc †W¯‹ : ‡h gv‡qi Kvi‡Y G my›`i c…w_exi Av‡jv ‡`L‡Z ‡c‡q‡Q Zvi mš—vbiv, ‡mB Mf©avwibx gv e…× nIqvq cwiev‡ii Kv‡Q GLb fvix ‡evSv n‡q `vuwo‡q‡Qb| cUyqvLvjxi iv½vevjx Dc‡Rjvi ‡QvUevBkw`qv BDwbq‡b 80 eQ‡ii e…×v gv‡K ‡Mvqvj N‡i ‡d‡j ‡i‡L‡Qb wbôyi ‡Q‡j| GK gvm a‡i Amnvq IB e…×vi VvuB n‡q‡Q ‡mLv‡b| NUbvwU N‡U‡Q evsjv‡`‡ki cUyqvLvjx Dc‡Rjvi ‡QvUevBkw`qv BDwbq‡bi ‡QvUevBkw`qv M«v‡g | Rvbv ‡M‡Q, GK gvm a‡i M«v‡gi g…Z¨y ‡ejvqvZ Avjx ‡Lvbv‡ii ‡Q‡j AvjnvR¡ wjUb ‡Lvbvi (48) Zvi gv Av‡jKRvb wewe‡K wb‡Ri N‡i bv ‡i‡L ‡Mvqvj N‡i ‡d‡j ‡i‡L‡Qb| e…× gv N‡i c«mve-cvqLvbv Kivq wjUb wbôyifv‡e Zvi gv‡K ‡Mvqvj N‡i ‡i‡L‡Qb| ‡Kej wZb

‡ejv fvZ c­vw÷‡Ki _vjvq K‡i ‡Mvqvj N‡i w`‡q Av‡mb wjUb|

eyaevi `ycy‡i ¯’vbxq mvsevw`K‡`i Kv‡Q e…×v Av‡jKRvb wewe Rvbvb, ÔZvi eqm n‡q ‡M‡Q| G Kvi‡Y Zvi ‡Q‡j Zv‡K ‡Mvqvj N‡i ‡i‡L‡Q|Õ

Rvb‡Z PvB‡j ‡QvUevBvkw`qv M«v‡gi wjUb ‡Lvbvi w¶ß n‡q e‡jb, Ô‡KDi hw` mL _v‡K

Zviv wbqv Rvb| Avgvi bv‡g hviv Awf‡hvM K‡i‡Q Zv‡`i 10 R‡bi bvg ZvwjKv ‡`b| Avwg Zv‡`i‡K ‡Kvcve|Õ ‡QvUevBkw`qv BDwbq‡bi M«vg cywjk Avãyj Qvjvg e‡jb,

ÔwjUb Zvi e…× gv Av‡jKRvb wewe‡K GK gvm a‡i ‡Mvqvj N‡i ‡d‡j ‡i‡L‡Q| IB

‡Mvqvj N‡i Mi“ I gwnl _v‡K| M«v‡gi ‡jvKRb GB wbôyZvi c«wZev` Ki‡Z ‡M‡j wjUb aviv‡jv `v w`‡q avIqv K‡i| G Kvi‡Y ‡KD c«wZev` Ki‡Z Av‡mb bv|

London 30 May 2014

‡Kv‡K‡bi ¯^M©ivR¨ jÛb!

evsjv msjvc ‡W¯‹t BD‡iv‡ci ‡`k¸‡jvi g‡a¨ wbwl× gv`K ‡Kv‡K‡bi e¨envi me‡P‡q ‡ewk jÛ‡b| M‡elK‡`i `vwe, jì‡b ‡Kv‡K‡bi e¨envi G‡ZUvB ‡ewk ‡h kn‡ii b`©gvi jvB‡bI ‡Kv‡K‡bi D‡jøL‡hvM¨ Dcw¯’wZ cvIqv ‡M‡Q| m¤cÖwZ c«KvwkZ GKwU M‡elYv wi‡cv‡U© GB PvÂj¨Ki Z_¨ D‡V G‡m‡Q| wjembwfwËK BD‡ivwcqvb gwbUwis ‡m›Uvi di W«vMm A¨vÛ A¨vwWKkb bvgK msMVbwU BD‡iv‡ci c…_K 42wU kn‡ii Dci GB cix¶v Pvwj‡q‡Q| c¨vwim, c«vM, Avg÷viWv‡g©i g‡Zv kni¸‡jvi Zyjbvq jÛ‡bi b`©gvi jvB‡b c«vq 711 wgwjM«vg ‡e‡Äv‡jK‡Mvwbb(‡Kv‡K‡bi ivmvqwbK c`v_©) c`v_© cvIqv ‡M‡Q| jÛ‡b ïaygvÎ ‡Kv‡Kb bq MvuRv Ges GjGmwWi g‡Zv gv`KI c«Pyi cwigv‡b ‡meb Kiv nq e‡jI wi‡cv‡U©

Rvbv‡bv nq| cwðg BD‡iv‡ci ‡ewkifvM ‡`‡kB ‡Kv‡K‡bi e¨env‡ii gvÎv A‡bK ‡ewk| c«v‡Mi c«wZ GK nvRvi gvbyl ‡h cvwb e¨envi K‡i Zv‡Z c«vq 327 wgwjM«vg ‡Kv‡Kb cvIqv hvq| M‡elK`‡ji GKRb gv‡K©vm ievU©m e‡jb, Ô2008 I 2009 mv‡ji miKvwi wn‡m‡eB ‡Kv‡K‡bi c«v`yf©ve m¤ú‡K© Rvbv‡bv n‡qwQj| wKš‘ Zv‡ZI ‡Kv‡bv KvR nqwb| ‡Kv‡Kb ‡me‡bi d‡j gvbyl kvwiixKfv‡e ¶wZM«¯Í n‡jI Zv ‡meb Ki‡Q| ‡Kv‡Kb gw¯Í¯‹ I ü`wc‡Ði ‡iv‡Mi SyuwK evovq|Õ jÛ‡bi Aciva c«wZ‡iva welqK gš¿x big¨vb ‡eKvi Rvbvb, Ôb`©gvi cvwb cix¶v K‡i kn‡i ‡Kv‡K‡bi c«v`yf©ve eyS‡Z cviv ‡Zgb ‡Kv‡bv Kv‡Ri welq bq| Avgv‡`i Av‡iv cix¶v wbix¶v Ki‡Z n‡e| Avgiv ‡Kv‡Kb c«wZ‡iv‡a bZyb bZyb c×wZi c«‡qvM KiwQ|Õ

mv‡eK †Pqvig¨vb wmivRyj Bmjv‡gi mv‡_ mybvgMÄ †Rjv mwgwZ hy³iv‡R¨i gZwewbgq evsjv msjvc †W¯‹ : hy³ivR¨ mdiiZ KjKwjqv BDwbq‡bi mv‡eK 3ev‡ii ¯^Y©c`K cÖvß †Pqvig¨vb, RMbœv_cyi Dc‡Rjv AvIqvgx jxM Gi mv‡eK mvaviY m¤úv`K I ¯’vbxq kvnRvjvj K‡j‡Ri e¨e¯’vcbv KwgwUi mfvcwZ AvjnvR¡ wmivRyj Bmjv‡gi mv‡_ mybvgMÄ †Rjv mwgwZ hy³iv‡R¨i GK gZwewbgq mfv MZ 26‡g †mvgevi c~e© jÛ‡bi gvB‡µv weR‡bm †m›Uv‡i AbywôZ nq| wecyj msL¨K cÖevmx‡`i Dcw¯’wZ‡Z gZwewbgq mfvq mfvcwZZ¡ K‡ib msMV‡bi mfvcwZ AvjnvR¡ b~iæj nK jvjv wgqv| mvaviY m¤úv`K AvjZvdzi ingvb ‡gvRvwn` Gi cwiPvjbvq mfvi ïiæ‡Z cweÎ †KviAvb †_‡K †ZjvqvZ K‡ib gvIjvbv gywneyi ingvb wkcb| gZwewbgq mfvq AwZw_ wn‡m‡e e³e¨ iv‡Lb evsjv UvDb K¨vk GÛ Kvixi mË¡vwaKvix hy³iv‡R¨ gyw³hy‡×i Ab¨Zg msMVK, fvZMvuI BDwbq‡bi mv‡eK †Pqvig¨vb wMqvm wgqv, wm‡jU †Rjv hyejx‡Mi mv‡eK Zz‡Lvo hye †bZv wewkó e¨emvqx bRiæj Bmjvg| gZwewbgq mfvq mv‡eK †Pqvig¨vb wmivRyj Bmjvg Zvi e³‡e¨ †Pqvig¨vb _vKv Ae¯’vq KjKwjqv BDwbq‡bi e¨vcK Dbœq‡bi K_v Zz‡j a‡ib| Gig‡a¨ kvnRvjvj

K‡jR Gi e¨e¯’vcbv KwgwUi †Pqvig¨vb wn‡m‡e K‡j‡Ri Rb¨ h‡_ó cwigvb A_© msMÖn Ki‡Z mÿg n‡q‡Qb| D‡jøL¨ cvk¦eZ©x QvZK _vbvi fvZMvuI BDwbq‡bi mv‡eK †Pqvig¨vb Rbve wMqvm wgqvi KvQ †_‡K kvnRvjvj K‡j‡Ri Rb¨ K‡qKevi jÿvwaK UvKv K‡i A_© msMÖn K‡i‡Qb e‡j Rvbvb wZwb| Zvi ivR‰bwZK Kg©Kv‡Ûi K_v e¨³ Ki‡Z wM‡q wmivRyj Bmjvg e‡jb, GKRb AvIqvgx Kg©x,

e½eÜzi Av`‡k©i bMb¨ ˆmwbK wn‡m‡e cÖZ¨ÿfv‡e e½eÜzi mv‡_ wewfbœ mg‡q mvÿvZ n‡q‡Q| eZ©gv‡b Rb‡bÎx †kL nvwmbvi GKRb AvIqvgx Kg©x wn‡m‡e me mgq m¤ú„³Zv †i‡L Avm‡Qb e‡j Rvbvb wZwb| Rbve wMqvm wgqv I bRiæj Bmjvg Zv‡`i e³‡e¨ wmivRyj Bmjvg‡K GKRb mdj †Pqvig¨vb I AvIqvgx ivRbxwZi cwiwÿZ ˆmwbK wn‡m‡e D‡jøL K‡i e‡jb, Avgiv Zv‡K

BDwbqb †Pqvig¨vb bq Av‡iv A‡bK DPz ch©v‡q †`L‡Z PvB| ZvigZ wb‡ew`Z cÖvY ivR‰bwZK e¨w³Z¡ mgv‡R cÖ‡qvRb i‡q‡Q| wZwb wb‡Ri K_v wPšÍv bv K‡i †`k I `‡ji K_v me`©v wPšÍv K‡ib| mfvi GK ch©v‡q mv‡eK mdj †Pqvig¨vb wmivRyj Bmjvg‡K mybvgMÄ †Rjv mwgwZ hy³ivR¨ I Rbve wMqvm wgqvi e¨w³MZ cÿ †_‡K Dcnvi mvgMÖx cÖ`vb Kiv nq| Gmgq Av‡iv e³e¨ iv‡Lb hy³ivR¨

AvIqvgxjxM †bZv Zvwid Avng`, AvbQviæj nK, Kwe bRiæj Bmjvg, ˆmq` QziK Avjx, dRj DwÏb, Avãyj Avjx iƒc, gwjøK mvKz I`y`, be wbe©vwPZ KvDwÝjvi gvneye Avjg gvgyb, mv‡eK KvDwÝjvi kwn` Avjx, AvIqvgxjxM †bZv mv‡qK Avng`, ˆmq` †Mvjve Avjx, bvU¨Kvi gywReyj nK gwbK, iæwe gwb, KwgDwbwU †bZv ˆmq` mv‡`K, BDmyd Kvgvjx, Bwjqvm wgqv, gqbyj nK, wmZve †PŠayix, Avãyj nvbœvb, n¨v‡iv KvDw݇ji GWz‡Kkb Awdmvi Aveyj emi Bqvwnqv, cÖv³b Iwm Avneve wgqv, KwgDwbwU †bZv Avey mywdqvb, Aveyj Kvjvg wgmjy, W: †ivqve DwÏb, AvwKK Lvub, Aveyj Kvjvg, gvIjvbv KzZze DwÏb, Kvqiæj nK, Avãyj Kvnvi, kvgxg Avng`, e`iæ¾vgvb kvgxg, kwid DwÏb, Aveve wgqv, jvj wgqv, bRgyj †nv‡mb Avby, Avãyj KvBqyg, Avãyj gQweŸi, Avãyj LvwjK, dqRyj Bmjvg, Kvgiæj Bmjvg, Avãym mvjvg, Avãyj evwQi, †bvgvb Kvgvjx cÖgyL| mfvi †kl ch©v‡q Rbve wMqvm wgqvi D‡`¨v‡M AvMZ AwZw_mn mevB‡K Avc¨vqb Kiv‡bv nq Ges mfvcwZ Rbve AvjnvR¡ byiæj nK jvjv wgqvi mgvcbx e³‡e¨i gva¨‡g mfvi mgvwß nq|


weª‡Ub msev`

myBbW‡b †gBbw÷ªg weR‡bm †kv‡Z wewmG mvD_I‡qó wiwRIb Gi Ask MÖnb evsjv msjvc †W¯‹ : weª‡U‡bi cÖPxbZg ‡MÖBU I‡qóv©b ‡ijI‡q wgDwRqvg myBbW‡bi nj ‡iv‡g cÖwZev‡ii gZ

GeviI wekvj Av‡qvR‡b AbywôZ nj weR‡bm †kv myBbWb| G‡Z weª‡U‡bi kZvwaK bvgx `vgx e¨emv cÖwZôvb, cÖwZwôZ †Kv¤úvbx, K‡jR, mykvj wgwWqvi ÷ªjmn Ask †bq evsjv‡`k K¨vUvivm© G‡mvwm‡qkb mvD_I‡qó

wiwRIb| MZ 15 †g e„n¯úwZevi mKvj 9Uv †_‡K weKvj 5Uv ch©šÍ AbywôZ weR‡bm †kv‡Z K‡qK nvRvi

gvby‡li Dcw¯’wZ N‡U| evsjv‡`k K¨vUvivm© G‡mvwm‡qkb mvD_I‡qó wiwRIb GB †gjvq Ask wb‡q evsjv‡`kx Kvix BÛªvwUi BwZnvm-HwZn¨ I Ges evsjv‡`kx Kvixi ¸bMZ gvb †gBbw÷ªg

wgwWqvmn Dcw¯’Z `k©bvwZi mvg‡b Zz‡j aiv nq| weR‡bm †kv‡Z †gBb w÷ªg bvg-

`vgx †Kv¤úvbxi Kg©KZ©v QvovI evsjv‡`k K¨vUvivm© G‡mvwm‡qkb mvD_I‡qó wiwRI‡bi ÷ªj cwi`k©b K‡ib ¯’vbxq Ggwc ievU© evK‡jÛ I Rvwób Ugwjbmb| Gmgq Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb wewmG mvD_I‡qó wiwRI‡bi

‡cÖwm‡W›U Gbvgyj nK †PŠayix, fvBm †cÖwm‡W›U dRjyi ingvb, †Rbv‡ij †m‡µUvix Avjv DwÏb eveyj, R‡q›U †m‡µUvix gKig Avjx Avd‡ivR, R‡q›U †UªRvivi wRqvDj nK, †cÖm †m‡µUvix Avwgiæj eveyj, Gw•wKDwUe †g¤^vi †gvRvw¤§j Avjx, Iqvwj` wgqv †njvj, wmwÏKzi ingvb| Gmgq wewmG Gi fvBm ‡cÖwm‡W›U I mvD_I‡qó wiwRI‡bi ‡cÖwm‡W›U Gbvgyj nK †PŠayix e‡jb, GB †gjvq Ask MÖn‡bi gva¨‡g evsjv‡`kx Kvix wk‡íi ˆewkó¨ Zz‡j aivmn ¯’vbxq †ióz‡i›U¸wj‡Z Kvógvi‡`i Avgš¿b Rvbv‡bv nq| Gi d‡j Dcw¯’Z `k©bvwZmn †gBbw÷ª‡gi eo eo e¨emvqx cÖwZôv‡bi mv‡_ msMV‡bi m¤úK© Av‡iv gReyZ n‡e| wZwb Kvix wk‡íi Dbœq‡b †ióz‡i›U e¨emvqx‡`i Av‡iv HK¨e× n‡q KvR Kivi Aby‡iva K‡ib Ges evsjv‡`k K¨vUvivm© G‡mvwm‡qkb Gi †g¤^vi n‡q msMV‡bi nvZ‡K Av‡iv kw³kvjx Ki‡Z ‡ióz‡i›U e¨emvqx‡`i cÖwZ Avnevb Rvbvb|

London30 May2014

3 Ryb †LjvdZ gRwjm jÛb gnvbMixi wbe©vnx mfv

†LjvdZ gRwjm jÛb gnvbMixi mfvcwZ gvIjvbv Zvqx`yj Bmjvg I mvaviY m¤úv`K gvIjvbv Ave`yj Avnv` GK msev` weÁw߇Z †LjvdZ gRwjm jÛb gnvbMixi gvwmK wbe©vnx mfv AvMvgx 3 Ryb 2014 †ivR g½jevi weKvj 9 NwUKvq Avjû`v gRwjm Awd‡m AbywôZ n‡e e‡j Rvbvb| G‡Z mKj wbe©vnx m`m¨MY h_v mg‡q Dcw¯’Z nIqvi Rb¨ AvnŸvb Rvwb‡q‡Qb| †KviAvb mybœvn I †LjvdZ iv‡k`vi Av`k© wb‡Ri Rxe‡b I mgv‡Ri mKj †ÿ‡Î ev¯Íevqb Ki‡Z †LjvdZ Rwj‡mi Av‡›`vjb‡K GwM‡q †bqvi AvnŸvb Rvbvb|

L L A LONDON LAW ASSOCIATES (Specialised in Immigration)

Avgiv wewfbœ ai‡bi Bwg‡MÖkb Avwc‡j AwfÁ Ges `ÿZvi mwnZ †Kv‡U© wi‡cÖ‡R‡›Ukb K‡i _vwK|

Immigration Appleal Tier-1,2 & 4 Human Rights Application Bail Application Detention / Deportation Student Visa Visitor Visa Indefinite Leave to Remain Sponsor Liscense for Work Permit Sponsorship Declaration EU Residence Permit

Bwg‡MÖkb Avwcj wUqvi-1, 2 Ges 4 wnDg¨vb ivBUm G¨vwcø‡Kkb ‡eBj G¨vwcø‡Kkb wW‡Ubkb / wW‡cv‡U©kb ÷z‡W›U wfmv wfwmUi wfmv BbwWwdwbU wjf-Uz-wi‡gBb ¯úÝi jvB‡mÝ di IqvK© cviwgU ¯úÝikxc wWK¬v‡ikb BD‡ivwcqvb †iwm‡WÝ cviwgU

Bwg‡MÖkb welqK mKj e¨vcv‡i Avgiv AwfÁ Avgiv GKB w`‡b †nvg Awdm †_‡K wfmv Kwi‡q _vwK|

Md. Iqbal Hossain

LLB (Hons), LLM, BVC (UNN)

Email : info@londonlawassociates.com iqbal303@hotmail.com Web : www.londonlawassociates.com

130 Whitechapel Road (2nd Floor), London E1 1JE. T : 0207 247 9338 Fax : 020 36016916 M : 07960549446



London 30 May2014

†Wªvb w`‡q wcrRv †Wwjfvix evsjv msjvc †W¯‹t

ewjDW ZviKv‡`i Kvi‡Y fvi‡Zi gy¤^vB bM‡ii †hgb myL¨vwZ, †Zgwb KyL¨vwZ hvbR‡Ui Kvi‡Y| Kv‡RB evwo‡Z e‡m †Kv‡bv †`vKvb †_‡K digvkg‡Zv Lvevi †c‡Z †j‡M †h‡Z cv‡i NÈvi ci NÈv| G mgm¨v KvwU‡q `ªæZZg mg‡q digvkg‡Zv Lvevi wbw`©ó wVKvbvq †cŠu‡Q w`‡Z gvbenxb wegvb (†WÖvb) e¨env‡ii †KŠkj wb‡q‡Q gy¤^vB‡qi wcrRv wewµi GKwU cÖwZôvb| evZ©v ms¯’v wcwUAvB cÖKvwkZ cÖwZ‡e`‡b Rvbv‡bv nq, fvi‡Z G iKg NUbv GB cÖ_g| dÖvb‡mm‡Kvm w‡cRwiqv bv‡gi IB cÖwZôv‡bi cÖavb wbe©vnx

wg‡Lj iRbx| B-Kgv‡m©i ˆewk¦K Rvqv›U AvgvR‡bi KvQ †_‡K wcrRv mieiv‡n †WÖvb e¨env‡ii cwiKíbvwU

†c‡q‡Qb wZwb| MZ 11 †g †`vKvb †_‡K cÖvq †`o wK‡jvwgUvi `~‡i Aew¯’Z GK †µZvi Kv‡Q

cix¶vg~jKfv‡e †WÖv‡bi mvnv‡h¨ wcrRv cvVv‡bv nq| IB w`b wcrRvi †`vKvb †_‡K †WÖvbwU AvKv‡k

I‡o Ges GKwU DuPy fe‡b wM‡q wcrRv mieivn K‡i| wcrRvi †`vKvb †_‡K †WÖvbwU wbqš¿Y Kiv nq| cy‡iv NUbvi GKwU wfwWIwPÎ ˆZwi K‡i‡Q cÖwZôvbwU| iRbx Rvbvb, wcrRv mieiv‡n †WÖvb e¨env‡ii cix¶vg~jK d¬vBUwU mdj n‡q‡Q| Zuvi A‡Uv BwÄwbqvi GK eÜy †WÖvbwU ˆZwi‡Z mn‡hvwMZv K‡i‡Qb| G ai‡bi †WÖvb ˆZwi‡Z `yB nvRvi gvwK©b Wjvi LiP c‡o| cÖhyw³wU mgq I LiP euvPvq| G ai‡bi Kv‡R AvMvgx K‡qK eQ‡ii g‡a¨ wbqwgZfv‡e †WÖvb e¨envi Kiv hv‡e e‡jI Avkv cÖKvk K‡ib iRbx|

15 15

¯^v¯’¨ ¯^v¯’¨

London 30 May2014

ey K R¡ v jvq Kx Lv‡eb Wvqv‡ewUm wbqš¿‡Y dj I Ab¨vb¨ Lvevi Kx Lv‡eb bv

evsjv msjvc †W¯‹t eyKR¡vjv hv‡K e‡j nvU© evb© e¨vcviwU nvU© ev ü`‡š¿i †Kv‡bv mgm¨v bq| eyK †_‡K Mjv ch©šÍ R¡jywbi g‡Zv A¯^w¯Í nj nvU© evb©|

London 09 May2014

cvK¯’jx I Lv`¨bvwj-G `y‡Uvi ms‡hvM¯’‡j i‡q‡Q GKwU iÜÖwbqš¿K| evsjvjximsjvc wbqš¿Y mnR nq| Gi m‡½ cvK¯’ Aš¿ †W¯‹t hw` †mB iÜÖwbqš¿K d‡j Pyiw`‡Kcwigv‡Y kix‡i ¶wZKi wjwcW Ges w`‡q Mwj‡q cÖ Ici D‡V Lv`¨bvwj kK©iv _v‡K| imv‡jv d‡j kK© i vi K‡j‡÷v‡i‡ji gvÎvI K‡g †e‡q Ges Lv`¨bvwj‡K D‡ËwRZ K‡i cwigvY †ewk Ges UK d‡j hvq| Zvn‡j eyKR¡vjv nq| KuvLyVvj, m¤ú…³ Pwe© †hgb- wN, eyKg| KR¡jv evovqAvg, : †ewk Lvevi, e †ewk Kjv, Kgv‡Z n‡e wcÖq Lvevi¸‡jv †h n‡e Kg, †QvU UyKiv| U‡g‡Uv mm Kg n‡e Kg| U‡g‡Uv, Kgjv ev †jeyi im a‡i ivLyb| Z‡e G Rb¨ mviv Rxeb wjPy , Av½y i , Zigy R , †cu ‡ c, gvLb,cvb‡m, Pwe© WvjWv, Lvevi eyKR¡vjvi SyuwKi e¨vcv‡i Kx G‡Kev‡i ev` w`‡Z n‡e, Zv bq| †bIqv nj, m‡½ ¯ú¨v‡MwU, gvsm I cwinvi Kiv fv‡jv| g„`y, AvKl© Ynxb Lvevigvsm †L‡Z Avbvim Gme†mw`‡K dj BZ¨vw` Gi cwigvY Lvevi Lv‡”Qb, bRi mxwgZ G‡`i wfbœfv‡e ivbœv Ki‡j, cÖ¯‘Z mewR| n‡e,Kg ivbœ&vq †L‡Z Kwg‡q Avbyn‡e| b Svj| gwiPcwigv‡Y LvIqv cwie‡Z© Am¤ú… ³ Pwe© †hgbw`‡Z n‡e| GKm‡½ A‡bK†h‡Z Lvevi cv‡i| cvbxq Dm‡K †`q eyKR¡jv aivq PK‡jUtPK‡j‡U gkjv Kg Lvb| Lvev‡i †hvM Kiæb Ki‡j cÖkwgZ _vK‡e eyKR¡vjv| wKQy †hme evmvq d‡ji ev †Zj a‡bcvZv| A_©vr gRvmqvweb †L‡q †djv, evbv‡bv eyKR¡vjvi e¨vcv‡i Gme im ey K R¡ v jvtcvbxqi e¨vcv‡iI i‡q‡Q K¨vwd‡bi g‡Zv DÏxcKDw™¢ Ges R cyw`bvcvZv, Lvevi †Z‡j bv †f‡R, †mu‡K, Av¸‡b n‡e| wePvi-we‡ePbv ¸iæZ¡cd‡ji ~Y©| c¨v‡KURvZ im Sj‡m, i‡³wMÖj K‡i ev †iv÷ K‡i LvIqv mZK©Zv PvB| Gi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q K¨vwdb n‡Z cv‡i eyKR¡vjvi†Zj, Rb¨ mwilvi †Zj Ges me Møy‡KvR `ªæZ evwo‡q †`q| gvQwPevbtAvnv‡ii LvIqvi ciAf¨vm w`‡Z PyBsMvg hvq| ivbœvi iKg‡di NwU‡q eyKR¡vjv Kwd, K¨vwdbhy³ Pv, †Kvjv, `vqx| PK‡jU LvIqv ev` bv ai‡bi PyBsMvg LvIqvi cwigvY Kgv‡bvi Rb¨ †QvU G¸‡jv LvIqv‡Z mZK© Zvhvq, ¯^v¯’¨I nq fv‡jv| n‡e| Pwe©jvjv¶iY RvZxq Ab¨vb¨ Kve©‡b‡UW cvbxq Ges g`| cvi‡jI Kg †Zv LvIqv †h‡ZB Ki‡Z cv‡i| wPev‡bv Kgv‡bv fv‡jv| G‡Z †ewk †QvU ‡U Lv‡eb| †h d‡j h‡_ó cÖ‡†cø qvRb| Lv‡`¨inq, cÖcvK¯’ Kvi‡f` Ggbfv‡e K¨vwdbhy³ cvbxq cvK¯’jx‡Z A¤øim jxi A¤øim cÖkwgZ nq, Pwe© eûj LvevitPwe© Lvevi†m¸‡jv cwigv‡Y kuvmeûjAv‡Q wba©viY NUvq Svjgkjv eyKR¡jv ev‡o : A¤øag©x Lvev‡i| A¤ø ¶iY DÏxwcZ K‡i Ges g`¨RvZxq eyKR¡vjv cvK¯’jKi‡Z xi Lvevi `ªæn‡e Z †h‡Z †hb _v‡K cvK¯’ jx‡Z fv‡jv| _v‡K `xN© mgq, Avi Lvevi, †hgb- U‡g‡Uv, U‡g‡Uv mm, cvbxq Lv`¨bvwji iÜÖwbqš¿K‡K wkw_j LvevitSvjgkjv Lvevi, nUcwjAvbm¨vPy mm A›`Öb‡j| ‡i‡U‡Wi AbycvZ LvIqv hZ `xN© mgq _vK‡e, A¯^w¯Í n‡eDcKvix nU ‡i‡UW †P‡q †ewk _v‡K| mvjmv, mvBUÖvm dj, Kgjv‡jey, K‡i, NUvq eyKR¡vjv I †Kvgj cvbxqi Av‡b eyKR¡vjv| Z‡e me mgqm¨vPy Wvqv‡ewUK †ivMxi ZZ †ewk| Pwe© e ûj e… n r cwigv‡Y †mvWv †cU du v cvq, Zv †_‡K ey K R¡ v jv| Svj LveviB bq, †ccviwgë kxZj Rv¤^yiv,, †MÖcd«zU Lvwj †c‡U †L‡j LvIqvi ciciB ï‡q d‡ji ZvwjKvq _vK‡e †jey cÖvYxRAviI Pwe©wUcmt i cwigvY Kwg‡q Lvevi †L‡j †hgb A‡bK Svj †gv‡UB bq| wKš‘ Lv`¨bvwji A‡bK mgq †XuKyi, eyKR¡jv wWbv‡ii wZbevov‡bv NÈv ci AvgjKx, mey†ewk R dÖvBWAv‡cj, Dw™¢R co‡eb Pwe©ibv|cwigvY wP‡Kb, wPcm, DBsm NUvq †kvqv fv‡jv| nq|wf‡bMviI †ewk A¤øag©x, Z‡e GwU Ab¨ cvbxq MÖnY KiæbteyKR¡vjv †iva iÜÖwbqš¿K‡K wkw_j K‡i DwPZ| a~gcvb ¯’’~j‡`n evZvwe †jey†L‡j | `yGB iKg ZvwjKvi Dw™¢¾ vZ Ki‡j †Z‡j ¶wZ nq| †ewk LvIqv nj Avevi †ewk †Zv Ggwb LvIqv nq bv; mvjv` †WÖwms Ki‡Z n‡j Ggb me cvbxq cQ›` eyKR¡vjv| Avevi imyb I †cuqvR Svj n‡j eyKR¡vjv †ewk nq| ZvB ¯^v¯’¨Ki wb‡P _vK‡e ivbœv, Miæi gvs‡mi cwie‡Z© evovq|Wvqv‡ewUK †ivMx‡`i mnvqK| MÖvg vkhy Pwe© I LvIqv nj| Kjv, eyKR¡vjv Avg, A‡bK KuIvVvj †h¸‡jv wnmwn‡m, M¨vmhy³ 50 ev †Zgb gkjv Au Lvevi bv³ n‡jIgvQ-gy NUvq Rxebhvcb, Ab¨vb¨ wW‡k †hvM Kiv nq|A¤øag©x Kiæb, a~gcvb GeR©b†¶‡Î †kÖq| BZ¨vw`| AcKvixi ZvwjKvi iwM LvIqv Au v keûj Lvevi †hgb Wvj, Lv`¨ †hgb ZwiZiKvwi, evo‡e| bq, weKí nj nve© v j wU, `y a ev ïay ey K R¡ v jv| Lvevi Gov‡j fv‡jv| †ewk ey K R¡ v jv n‡j, †ewk w`b Pj‡j `ywU dj nj KvgivOv I Av½yi| kvK, mewR, UKdj †ewk eiewU, wkg, †XuwK QuvUv mnvqK| wW‡gi njy` Ask U‡g‡Uv, mvBUÖvm dj Qvov ZvRv dj, cvwb| Lv‡`¨i m‡½ cvwb cvb Ki‡j †`Lv‡bv Avek¨K| dj: K¨vÝvi hv‡Z wPwKrmK K‡j‡÷v‡ij _v‡K Zv eyMvp KR¡jv i‡Oi Kgv‡Z n‡j Pwe© LvIqv we‡kl †L‡Z n‡e| Au vk RvZxq Lv`¨ Pvj, M‡gi ˆZwi iæwU, djcvK¯’ j xi A¤ø i mI jNy n‡e; ey K R¡ v jv ey K R¡ v jv wUcmtGB SvjMig Lvevi mewR AviI Av‡Q| Z‡e †L‡jI †L‡Z K‡i Kj‡i±j K¨vÝv‡ii SyuwK i‡³ My‡Kv‡Ri gvÎv wbqš¿‡Y g~j MÖnY Ki‡j i‡³ Møy‡KvR Kg LvIqv DwPZ|

16 Avey Zvjnv evN, fvj­yK I wmsn- wZbwUB wnsm« c«vYx wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ| ‡Kej gvbyl ev ‍ Ab¨ c«vYxi Rb¨ bq, Giv wb‡Riv wb‡R‡`i kÎyI e‡U| ‡Kgb nq hw` Giv eÜy n‡q hvq? fve‡Z wbðqB AevK jvM‡Q? Avmyb Rvbv hvK Ggb wZb eÜyi Mí| evN, fvj­yK I wmsn ‡h e Ü‍y n‡Z cv‡i Zv c«_g Rvbv ‡Mj ‡ki Lvb, ev‡jv Ges wjI‡`i ‡`‡L| ev‡jv Av‡gwiKvb Kv‡jv fvj­ yK, wms‡ni bvg wjI Ges evN bvg ‡ki Lvb| G‡`i eÜyZ¡ GZ Mfxi hv gvby‡li eÜyZ¡‡KI ‡hb nvi gvwb‡q‡Q| c«vwYRM‡ZI Ggb eÜyZ¡ mvaviYZ ‡`Lv hvq bv| Mí bq! Av‡gwiKvi RwR©qv, jyKvm ‡M«vf wPwoqvLvbvi ‡bvqvÕm AvK© ‡imwKD ‡m›Uv‡i ‡M‡jB G `…k¨ ‡`L‡Z cv‡eb| R½‡j Zv‡`i wfbœ AvPiY ‡`Lv ‡M‡jI ‡bvqvÕm Av‡K© Zviv GKB cwi‡eó‡bi g‡a¨ emevm K‡i| 13 eQi Av‡M AvUjv›Uvq gv`K cvPviKvixi KvQ ‡_‡K cywjk c«vq `yB gvm eqmx Gme wkï‡`i D×vi K‡i| c‡i Zv‡`i ‡bvqvÕm AvK© A¨vwb‡gj ‡imwKD ‡m›Uv‡i ‡`Iqv nq| ZLb ‡_‡KB KZ©…c¶ Zv‡`i GKm‡½ ivLvi wm×vš— ‡bq| ‡bvqvÕm Av‡Ki« mnvKvix cwiPvjK W¨vwb w¯§_ e‡jb, Avgiv Zv‡`i Avjv`v ivL‡Z cviZvg, wKš‘ ‡m mgq Zviv GKwU cwiev‡ii g‡Zv G‡mwQj| ‡h Kvi‡Y wPwoqvLvbv KZ©…c¶ Zv‡`i GK‡Î ivLviB wm×vš— ‡bq| Avgv‡`i Rvbv g‡Z GUvB GKgvÎ RvqMv ‡hLv‡b GB wZbwU wnsm« cï‡K GK‡Î ivLv m¤¢e n‡q‡Q| c«vq GK hy‡Mi ‡ewk mgq ch©UKiv G‡`i eÜy‡Z¡i mv¶x| GB `xN© mg‡q Zv‡`i GKeviB Avjv`‍v Kiv n‡qwQj hLb fvj­ yK ev‡jvi msµvgY wPwKrmv Ki‡Z evg cv ‡_‡K wRb Lyj‡Z ‍ A¯¿c«Pv‡ii `iKvi n‡qwQj| ‡m mgq ‡ki Lvb Ges wjI‡K ‡`‡L g‡b nw”Qj ‡hb Zviv ev‡jvi wd‡i

e„‡Ub msev`

evN-fvj­yK-wmsn hLb eÜy!

AvmviB A‡c¶v Ki‡Q| GKUy eo nIqvi c‡i Zv‡`i wfbœ RvqMvq ivLvi mvg_¨© Avgv‡`i wQj bv| wKš‘ GLb Zv‡`i ‡`L‡jB g‡b n‡e ‡hb Zviv GKB gv‡qi M‡f© Rb¥ ‡bIqv wZb fvB| Zv‡`i G eÜb GZ ‡ewk k³ ‡h Ab¨ ‡Kv_vI ¯’vbvš—i Kiv n‡j Zviv eÜyk~b¨ n‡q co‡e| wZwb AviI e‡jb, ev‡jvi m‡½ ‡ki

Lv‡biB ‡ewk fve| KviY wjI w`‡bi ‡ewkUv mgq Nywg‡q KvUv‡ZB cQ›` K‡i| Av‡gwiKvb GB Kv‡jv fvj­yK evsjv‡`wk ev‡Ni Nv‡o nvZ w`‡q GgbwK M…ncvwjZ ‡eov‡ji g‡Zv wRnŸv w`‡q ‡P‡UI Av`i K‡i, G `…k¨ ‡`L‡j mwZ¨B A™¢yZ Ges Rv`yi g‡Zv g‡b nq|

London 30 May2014

Avevi wjI Nyg ‡_‡K RvM‡j ¶yav cvIqvi Av‡M ch©š— wZbRb ‡Lj‡Z _v‡K| wZb wkKvwi c«vYxiB Ab¨‡K nZ¨v Kivi ¶gZv _vK‡jI Aðh©RbKfv‡e Zviv G‡K A‡b¨i c«wZ LyeB mnbkxj AvPiY K‡i| ‡ki Lvb GKUy M¤¢xi c«K…wZi, bovPov Kg Ki‡Z cQ›` A_P ev‡jv Zv‡K `¶ nv‡Z cwiPvjvbv K‡i wVK ‡Ljvi m½x

evwb‡q ‡bq| GLb ‡bvqvÕi AvK©B ‡hb Zv‡`i evwo n‡q D‡V‡Q| Avi KLbI nq‡Zv ev Zviv Avjv`v _vKv‡ZI cvi‡e bv| W¨vwb w¯§_ AviI e‡jb, Zviv GKm‡½B Nygvq e‡j Zv‡`i _vKvi NiwU LyeB gReyZ K‡i ‰Zwi Kiv n‡q‡Q| _vKvi N‡ii m‡½ Avgiv GKwU ‡PŠev”Pvi e¨e¯’vI K‡iwQ|


xJ¬JKyT mJÄuJPhv |


FRIDAY 30 MAY 2014


London 30 May2014

mJuJV† SxoJjLjVr KmFjKk FKÖKnˆ S xJPkJatJr ßlJrJo ACPT'r kNetJñ TKoKa Vbj

Vf 20 ßo kNmt u¥Pjr msJKc IJat ßx≤JPr mJuJV† SxoJjLjVr KmFjKk FKÖKnˆ S xJPkJaJr ßlJrJo ACPT'r k´go xPÿuj2014 KmkMu xÄUqT ßjfJ-ToLtPhr CkK˙KfPf xŒjú y~Ç FPf xnJkKf kPh ßoJyJÿh ßVJuJo ræJjL KjmtJKYf yjÇ xnJkKf krmftLPf xTPur xmtxÿKfâPo 3 mZPrr \jq 171 xhxq kNetJñ TKoKa ßWJweJ TPrjÇ TKoKar xÿJKjf CkPhÓJmOª yPuj, IJuyJ\ô \jJm ßYrJV IJuL (CorkMr), IJ»Mu Vlár (CorkMr), j\Àu AxuJo mJxj (ßVJ~JuJmJ\Jr), IJ»Mu oK\h (ßVJ~JuJmJ\r), IJfJCr ryoJj oJKjT ßY~JroqJj (ßVJ~JuJmJ\Jr), IJ»Mu Tá¨Mx ßvU (ßVJ~JuJ\Jr), IJ»Mx ZJKuT ZJPuT (ßVJ~JuJmJ\Jr), Fo Fx IJyPoh IJ\Jh (mMÀñJ), fJÀj Ko~J (h~JoLr), IJ»Mu AxuJo IJPuT (CorkMr), IJjyJr Ko~J (fJ\kMr), IJ»MZ ZJKær rPuT, IJl\Ju

ræJjL (fJ\kMr), fUKuZ Ko~J (fJ\kMr), IJjZJr IJuL(ßVJ~JuJmJ\Jr), IJm\Jr ßyJPxj (CorkMr), IJjZJr ßyJPxj (fJ\kMr), jMr IJyoh (kNmt ßVRrLkMr), PoJ” IJuL ßyuJu (CorkMr), ßoJ: IJ»Mu TKmr (mJuJV†), ßmuJu IJyoh (ßVJ~JuJmJ\Jr)Ç kNetJñ TKoKa yPò xnJkKf ßoJyJÿh ßVJuJo ræJjL, KxKj~r xy-xnJkKf AvKf~JT PyJPxj hMhM, xy xnJkKf ßoJ: mhÀu AxuJo, ßoJ: IJ»Mu yJA, ßoJ: KoZmJy CK¨j, ßoJ: IJ»Mu UJKuT, xJKhT ßyJPxj ovÉh, vJKl IJyoh IJñMr, vyLh IJmMu TJuJo ßxfá, ßoJ: KmrJo IJuL, IJl\Ju ßyJPxj, IJmMu TJuJo IJ\Jh, UZÀöJoJj UZÀ, IJKvT IJuL, PoJ” IJuL ßyuJu, \JyJñLr IJuo ßUJTj, ßoJ: xJöJh Ko~J, IJ»Mu oMÜJKTj \MPjh, r\m IJuL, vJjMr Ko~J, xMkJj IJyoh, IJfJCr ryoJj, xJiJre xŒJhT - PoJ”

j\Àu AxuJo (rJ\M), pMVì xŒJhT jMÀu IJuo Krkj, pMVì xŒJhT vJy\Jj IJuo, xy xJiJre xŒJhT K\~JCr ryoJj (K\~J), oMhJKòr UJj, ovJKyh IJuL, AxPf~JT IJyoh, Qx~h ßxJPyu IJyoh, KxrJ\Mu AxuJo oJoMj, oJyoMh IJuL, ßvU vJoLo, rJPxu IJyoh xMP\u, KhuJu Ko~J, xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT ßxJPyu IJyPoh, xy xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT IJ»Mx x•Jr Aoj, rJKoo IJyoh, xJPyh IJyPoh, PTJwJiqã- IJÜJr IJyPoh vJKyj, xy PTJwJiqã IJ»Mu yJKTo (K\uM), IJ»Mu IJuLo, h¬r xŒJhT rJPyu IJyoh , xy h¬r IJ»Mu mJKZf, IJKvT IJuL, k´YJr xŒJhT Ko\tJ \KyÀu AxuJo, xy k´YJr xŒJhT ßoJ: xJPu IJyoh, xJÄÛíKf Kmw~T xŒJhT IJ\o IJuL, xy xJÄÛíKfT Kmw~T xŒJhT IJmMu ßyJPxj IJuo, IJ»Mr röJT, KmùJj S k´pMKÜ Kmw~T xŒJhT IJ»Mu oMKyf, xy KmùJj S k´pMKÜ Kmw~T xŒJhT

ßoJyJÿh ßVJuJo ræJjL xnJkKf

PoJ” j\Àu AxuJo xJiJre xŒJhT

AvKf~JT ßyJPxj hMhM KxKj~r xy xnJkKf

mhÀu AxuJo xy xnJkKf



\JyJñLr IJuo ßUJTj

ßoJ: xJöJh Ko~J

xy xnJkKf

oMhJKòr UJj xy xJiJre xŒJhT

xy xnJkKf

xy xnJkKf

AxPf~JT IJyoh Qx~h ßxJPyu IJyoh xy xJiJre xŒJhT xy xJiJre xŒJhT

xy xnJkKf

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London ♦30 May 2014 ♦ Issue 04/21

One Direction fans row over 'joint' video as some destroy gig tickets and demand an apology while others accuse them of not being 'true fans'

Bangla Sanglap Desk : David Cameron has dropped his pledge to enshrine the Government's commitment to aid spending in law - after failing to convince Tory MPs. The Prime Minister wanted to make it legally binding for Britain to spend 0.7% of the country's income - around £1 in every £142 - on foreign aid. But Nick Clegg revealed this morning that Mr Cameron had failed to win round his own MPs and will not include the bill in the Queen's Speech next Wednesday. David Cameron has consistently backed increased spending on foreign aid insisting that the Government would not 'balance the books on the backs of the world's

poor' - but has backed down in the face of growing Tory resistance David Cameron has consistently backed increased spending on foreign aid insisting that the Government would not 'balance the books on the backs of the world's poor' - but has backed down in the face of growing Tory resistance Nick Clegg shrugged off last week's disastrous council and European election results to come out fighting for a legallybinding commitment to foreign aid spending this morning Nick Clegg shrugged off last week's disastrous council and European election results to come out fighting for a legallybinding commitment to foreign aid spending this morning

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The Deputy Prime Minister said: 'The commitment to spend 0.7 per cent of our nation’s wealth on aid, and also to enshrine this in law, will be in the Liberal Democrats’ manifesto. 'As of last year, we are spending 0.7 per cent, and that is a huge achievement. 'It’s an open secret that the Liberal Democrats wanted to take the additional step of legislating – which is why it’s in the Coalition Agreement. 'As you know we have not been able to convince our Coalition partners to do that, but the Liberal Democrats have not given up – we are going to keep pushing to get 0.7 per cent into law.' More... Britain does not need to build ANY new wind farms to hit green targets, David Cameron's chief climate adviser claims Row over Scottish independence grows as Treasury warns it will cost every Scot £1,400 a year - but nationalists claim it will make them £950 better off Et tu, Vince? Cable's best friend revealed to be behind putsch to topple Clegg: Lord Oakeshott paid for opinion poll which said he would lead party to disaster A senior Lib Dem source blamed the decision to drop the aid pledge on Tory MPs. He said: ‘It is no secret that this was not a popular policy on the backbenches of the Conservative party and we were very keen on it. ‘It was in our manifesto and in the coalition agreement. Some at the top of the Conservative party still remain convinced it’s the right thing to do, but it won’t be in the Queen’s Speech.’ Tory MP Peter Bone welcomed the decision to drop the planned legislation, but said the aid budget should also be cut. Mr Bone said: ‘I am delighted that we are dropping the idea of fixing this ridiculous target in law but we are still spending far too much. ‘At a time when virtually every other government department

is having to drastically cut back their budgets we are spending billions more on aid in order to meet an arbitrary target that is nothing more than a sticking plaster. We shouldn’t be shovelling money out of the door at the end of the year in order to meet a target – it should be based on need. ‘And if we really want to help the world’s poor the single biggest thing we could do is open up trade, but the EU blocks that to protect French farmers. Mr Clegg reveled that the Government would be dropping the aid target in a speech this morning on International Development. The Deputy Prime Minister lashed out at the 'myths' that had developed around aid spending. Mr Clegg said: 'The British public believe that around 20 per cent of all the money the UK Government spends in a year goes on foreign aid. 'In reality, we spend 0.7 per cent of our nation’s income. That in itself is an historic achievement - we are now the first of the world’s wealthiest countries to meet this long-held promise.' 'It is still a lot of money. But, to put it into some kind of perspective, it’s less than what we spend on takeaways every year.'

Deputy PM Nick Clegg said the Lib Dems will make it a manifesto commitment to make aid spending legally binding Deputy PM Nick Clegg said the Lib Dems will make it a manifesto commitment to make aid spending legally binding He said it was not true the cash was used to 'line the pockets of corrupt officials overseas'. Mr Clegg said: 'It’s simply not the case that people’s taxes are frittered away, wasted on irrelevant projects or problems we cannot solve.' The Deputy PM added: 'The things we do with this money are also clearly in Britain’s own interests too: making our people safer and more prosperous. 'When Pakistan can’t prevent young men getting radicalised and trained by militants within its borders, that can lead to terrorist attacks on our streets. 'When Somalia can’t tackle the problem of piracy, it disrupts the trade routes of UK businesses.' He said: 'So let the aid sceptics – UKIP and others on the right - continue to campaign against these efforts. Their cynicism is, I believe, out of step with our national interest and with the compassion we feel as a country towards those who are suffering elsewhere.



London May2013 2014 London 01 30 March

It’s time for Lutfur to return to Labour As for the allegation that he mixes with people who have nasty opinions, including a racist Saudi Imam, I totally agree with this criticism. However I haven’t asked for his view on this, and I don’t think those journalists have either. It might be more effective to deal with this type of thing though a quiet conversation that seeks to explain the concern, rather than by kicking someone out of the party and shouting allegations at him publicly.

Bangla sanglap desk It was Panorama what won it for Lutfur Rahman. The flagship TV show put considerable resources into an investigation which ultimately came up with nothing. However, rather than making that the story, that he had been wrongly accused, the Panorama team instead looked for a different angle, to portray him as a crook. They came up with the “abuse of power” story. He used a council newspaper as a propaganda sheet, but this propaganda sheet was produced by the Labour Party for years in the same way. Neighbouring Newham and Hackney also have such newspapers. Why not make a film about them? Lutfur presented this attack as further evidence of the racist conspiracy against him. It’s hard to pick holes in his argument. The problem for Lutfur is that the Labour Party expelled him without

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ever publishing their reason for the expulsion. The media look at this and consider that there can be no smoke without fire. So they attack him, not knowing what it is that he’s done, but knowing that he’s a bad ‘un. After all, the Labour Party is not racist, and they refuse to bring him back, so he must have done something wrong. When Andrew Gillighan says that Lutfur sells off council buildings to his mates, he is a referring to a school for little girls, which had negotiated a price for the building with the former council leader Michael Keith. However, their finance fell through, and by the time they’d come back with the money, Lutfur was Labour leader, and the value of the building had increased. Lutfur agreed they could buy it at the old price and pushed this through the GC and the Labour group. It was a favour to a faith organisation, but nothing more than that. I’m not saying I greatly approve, but I am saying that this is not corruption.

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It is true is that he refuses to answer questions in the council chamber. I’ve seen this happen, but my interpretation was that he was refusing to answer questions because he had such contempt for the people asking, the Labour councillors who got him kicked out. My advice to Lutfur is that he would appear far more dignified if he answered the questions professionally. Lutfur should probably send a thank you note to Eric Pickles for sending in the police at the start of the election campaign, only for them to report a clean bill of health, shortly before the poll. Guess what, Lutfur presented that as more racism, and again it was a point that is difficult to defy. At the last election, Lutfur won because the Labour vote failed to come out, both the Bangladeshi and the white Labour vote. In this election, the turnout almost doubled and Labour got out the vote, but this time 90% of the Bangladeshis voted for Lutfur. So it was much more than just his own tribe. The Labour Party has missed many

opportunities to bring Lutfur and co back into the party. They must now consider this decision again. Lutfur made no mention of Labour in his acceptance speech. He listed his left wing achievements in office, and reminded everyone that this is the 2nd time he has won. In his press conference the next day, he didn’t rule out a return, and rightly said that the reason he has been unable to be more representative in his cabinet was because his offers to Labour councillors were rejected. Back in the days when Lutfur had first become Labour leader, he only knew the town hall and the Bangladeshi community. Cllr Marc Francis used to be his eyes and ears in the party business, which was a mistake because it allowed Lutfur to indulge his shyness, when he should have been building relationships himself. Lutfur was expected to make his leader’s report to the party’s General Committee and was so nervous about it that I thought he was like a schoolboy asking the girl at the bus stop for a date. That’s how inexperienced he was when all this controversy started to whirl around him. As long as the Labour party refuse to readmit him, then a cloud hangs over that man’s head as a constant defamation. I think the Labour party could do better than that. He is what we’ve wanted for years, a successful minority leader rising and take a position of authority and doing a good job with it. It’s time for Lutfur to come back.

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London 30 May 2014

'Exam stress could kill me': Talented student with a chance to go to Oxbridge could die from pressure of last-minute cramming An aspiring Oxbridge student who suffers from a rare condition that stops her coping with stress fears the pressure of cramming for exams could kill her. Jennifer Lloyd's illness means instead of producing adrenalin to cope when she gets anxious, the 17-year-old's body reacts by shutting down her vital organs. She has had to begin revising for exams months in advance - in the hope she will banish any last minute cramming stress that could trigger her disease. Rare illness: Jennifer Lloyd, from Prestwich, Manchester, fears cramming for tests more than all of her friends - because exam stress could kill her Rare illness: Jennifer Lloyd, from Prestwich, Manchester, fears cramming for tests more than all of her friends - because exam stress could kill her Jennifer suffers from Addison's disease which leaves her in danger of suffering a medical crisis at times of stress. If she doesn't receive rapid treatment, she vomits, passes out or could die. The teenager, who is studying for her AS-levels, suffered a major attack that left her in hospital last summer when she was preparing for her GCSEs. And she has even been forced to turn down interviews for Oxbridge schemes because she fears the stress of studying at the worldfamous institutions away from home could be deadly. 'My son's head was cut from ear to ear and put back together like a jigsaw': Mother tells of 'miraculous' op to correct rare condition 'Man flu left me paralysed': Teacher is forced to learn to walk again after common cold left him comatose in hospital Jennifer, from Prestwich, Manchester, said: 'It's very tough when it gets to exam season as I have to balance my time perfectly. 'The illness leaves me very tired, so my mum often finds me asleep in my books while I've been studying. 'I know I can't let myself get unnecessarily stressed out, so I have to be much more organised than my friends. Addison's disease suffer Jennifer Lloyd studying hard in hospital for her upcoming exams +4 Addison's disease suffer Jennifer Lloyd studying hard in hospital for her upcoming exams Talented student Jennifer Lloyd was diagnosed with Addison's disease as a child after her mother Amanda, 51, noticed her craving salt on a family holiday to Malta Talented student Jennifer Lloyd was diagnosed with Addison's disease as a child after her mother Amanda, 51, noticed her craving salt on a family holiday to Malta

'The illness makes me very tired, so my mum often finds me asleep in my books while I've been studying' 'As a result I have a strict schedule where, if I do an hour of revision, I have to rest for two hours before doing any more. 'It means I can be short on time so I start preparing weeks in advance of everyone else to fit everything in. 'I have been offered the chance to go and view Oxford and Cambridge Universities as part of my college's Gifted and Talented students programme, which is such an honour - but I just don't feel ready to move away yet. The teenager with her mother Amanda: Instead of producing adrenalin to cope with stress, Jennifer's body reacts by shutting down her vital organs The teenager with her mother Amanda: Instead of producing adrenalin to cope with stress, Jennifer's body reacts by shutting down her vital organs ADDISON'S: A STRESSFUL DISEASE Addison's affects around one in every 15,000 people and is caused by a lack of steroid hormones in the body. These are normally produced by the adrenal gland, but damage can cause levels to drop. The disease is normally caused by the body's own immune system turning on the adrenal gland, but cancer and tuberculosis can also trigger the condition. The impact on the body can be significant. One steroid, called cortisol, is involved in controlling how much water there is in the body as well as helping to fight

inflammation. Another, aldosterone, regulates salt and water levels and blood pressure. Without properly-functioning adrenal glands the body cannot cope at times of stress - such as surgery, trauma or serious infection. The condition was discovered by Dr Thomas Addison in London in 1849. Jane Austen, John F Kennedy and Osama bin Laden are all thought to have been affected. Following Kennedy's assassination in 1963, pathologists found 'almost no adrenal tissue' according to an article in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Now patients are treated with cheap steroid tablets. 'My college has been incredibly supportive - my teachers know the danger signs and can call my mum straight away if they think I'm getting ill. 'After my first week at college, I wanted to quit because the stress of meeting so many new people was making me ill, but my mentor,

Beverley Jones, convinced me to stay, which I'm really grateful for.' Jennifer is gearing up for AS-level exams in psychology, geography, business and photography, at Pendleton Sixth Form College, knowing she has to prepare well in advance in case Addison's disease strikes. If she doesn't receive rapid treatment, the student suffers an Addisonian crisis where her eyes roll to the back of her head and she starts vomiting, requiring urgent hospital treatment. Now, after a decade, Jennifer is always prepared for when a 'crisis' hits, carrying a hydro-cortisone injection at all times - and she doubles her normal medication on the run up to important exams. She added: 'I want to be a child psychologist, but it's hard to study for exams because they're really stressful. 'I did most of my revision last year hooked up to a drip in hospital - my weight dropped to 5st10lb because my stomach stopped absorbing fats. 'I was thrilled when I managed to gain 10 A grades and two A*s though - all the stress paid off!' Jennifer was first diagnosed with Addison's 10 years ago after her mother, Amanda, 51, noticed her craving salt on a family holiday to Malta. She said: 'The first time we noticed any of Jennifer's symptoms was when we were on holiday - she was eating salt straight from the shakers on restaurant tables. 'The rest of the family went a bit pink from the sun too, but Jennifer went very brown - she looked like she'd had a terrible spray tan. 'When we got home, we took her straight to the doctor's for tests, and we discovered she was craving salt because her body wasn't retaining it. 'She was diagnosed with Addison's weeks later, and in many ways it was a relief to finally know what was wrong, but the condition is hard for us all to live with.' In 2004 Amanda started a charity, called Jenny's Pennies, which has raised ÂŁ17,000 for the endocrine department at Manchester Children's Hospital in appreciation of Jennifer's care.



London 30 May 2014

Tower Hamlets unites Quit tobacco for Ramadan and for life against Britain First Bangla Sanglap Desk

Bangla Sanglap Desk :

area, which they did.

In support of the borough wide ‘No Place for Hate’ campaign, Tower Hamlets’ faith and community groups, the council and police united in opposition to Britain First visiting the borough.

There was no impact on the strict elections processes, developed by the council, the police and the Electoral Commission, which were designed to ensure a free and fair voting process for the borough’s 183,400 electorate.

The group had attempted to walk along Brick Lane and distribute information leaflets on the polling day of the 2014 elections.

The Revd Preb. Alan Green, Chair of the Interfaith Forum said: ‪“Tower Hamlets, and the wider East End, has a long and honourable tradition of opposing those who preach hatred and provoke community division.

The Metropolitan Police Service asked the group to leave the

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Help is at hand in the run up to Ramadan for local Muslims to receive support in quitting tobacco before the holy month begins. The ‘Quit tobacco before Ramadan’ campaign is promoted weeks in advance – this year commencing June 28 – to ensure there is sufficient time to prevent nicotine cravings during the fast. Dr Somen Banerjee, director of public health at Tower Hamlets Council said: “Ramadan is an ideal time to start healthy habits. The health and financial benefits of quitting tobacco extend beyond a few weeks as you greatly reduce your risk of lung cancer, heart disease and stroke. Local stop smoking advisers will be available within the community for the next few weeks, but they are also available at any time for advice and support.” Tower Hamlets continues to have amongst the highest levels of smoking and smokeless tobacco use in London with over 45,000 adults continuing to smoke regularly. Smokeless tobacco is widely used in the South Asian community and is sometimes used along with other products such as paan, betel nut or shisha pipes. However, it is encouraging that smoking rates have continued to decrease in the borough. Tower Hamlets Council is helping

more people than ever to quit as over 1,400 people signed up to local services since April. The launch of the local campaign coincides with national World No Tobacco Day on May 31. Led by the World Health Organisation (WHO), the annual campaign is this year calling on countries to raise taxes on tobacco. Research shows that higher taxes are especially effective in reducing tobacco use among lower-income groups and in preventing young people from starting in the first place. The Quit Tobacco Before Ramadan campaign is delivered through collaboration of stop smoking advisers, imams, health trainers, health professionals and the Bangladeshi Stop Tobacco Project (BSTP) providing support on quitting tobacco. Dr Sam Everington, chair of NHS Tower Hamlets Clinical Commissioning Group and a local GP, urges members of the Muslim community to stop smoking and to seek support if needed. He said: “You can also access free NHS Stop Smoking services through your local pharmacy or GP practice. The service can offer you support that won’t break your fast. “I really encourage people of all ages to speak to your GP or pharmacy and take on the challenge of stopping smoking before and beyond Ramadan.”


News London 30 May 2014

'Lib Dems heading for disaster if they keep Clegg': Rebel peer Lord Oakeshott quits party and says his friend

Bangla Sanglap Desk Plotting peer Lord Oakeshott dramatically quit the Lib Dems today, with a parting shot that the party is 'heading for disaster' if Nick Clegg remains as leader. Facing the prospect of being kicked out for commissioning and leaking a series of damaging polls about Mr Clegg's leadership, Lord Oakeshott struck first by resigning with a warning that without a new leader the party is doomed. And he revealed that his friend Vince Cable knew about the polls several weeks ago, despite the Business Secretary yesterday claiming that paying for the research was 'utterly reprehensible'. But Mr Cable hit back - insisting he had 'absolutely no knowledge' of the polling in Mr Clegg's constituency. Scroll down for video Lib Dem peer Lord Oakeshott today quit the party, with a warning it faces disasters with Nick Clegg in charge Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg was ready to kick Lord Oakeshott out of the party Lib Dem peer Lord Oakeshott today quit the party, with a warning it faces disasters with Nick Clegg in charge Speaking in China, where he is on a trade visit, Mr Cable said: 'I was not involved in any commissioning of the surveys done in Sheffield Hallam and Inverness and, indeed, I criticised them very severely yesterday.' Mr Cable said Lord Oakeshott was a

long-standing friend, with a relationship running over more than 40 years. He said: 'I very much regret it has finished up in this way and I regret he has decided to leave the party. 'The information released to the press and commissioned about Sheffield Hallam and Inverness was damaging. I knew absolutely nothing about that, I was not involved with it in any way. I made that clear yesterday.' More... Revealed: How 9/11 terror attacks and immigration fears have fuelled a rise in racism in 21st century Britain Miliband asked to sum up his leadership in just one word waffles on for more than a HUNDRED (and we're still none the wiser) Et tu, Vince? Cable's best friend revealed to be behind putsch to topple Clegg: Lord Oakeshott paid for opinion poll which said he would lead party to disaster Detailing what he knew about the polls, Mr Cable said: 'Parties conduct polls all the time at national and local level. 'In this particular case, Lord Oakeshott asked my election campaign manager if we wanted a poll done in my local constituency, we said yes. HOW LORD OAKESHOTT DROPPED HIS OLD FRIEND CABLE CABLE IN IT Vince Cable condemned the 'inexcusable' polling', but he was told about it several weeks ago Vince Cable condemned the

'inexcusable' polling', but he was told about it several weeks ago Lord Oakeshott is an old friend of Vince Cable. In Westminster, for many years he was his unofficial spokesman, briefing journalists on his thinking and bolstering his position should a leadership vacancy arise. But as Lord Oakeshott stepped up his activity in recent months, Mr Cable has - in public at least - sought to distance himself from the briefings. When it emerged the peer paid for the polls to show Nick Clegg was leading the party to disaster, Mr Cable released a statement which appeared to suggest he knew nothing about it. Mr Cable said: 'Lord Oakeshott's actions are totally inexcusable and unacceptable. 'I have made it very clear repeatedly that he does not speak or act for me. 'Commissioning and publishing polls without the consent of the Member of Parliament, as is the case of Sheffield Hallam, is utterly reprehensible.' But today it emerged that Mr Cable helped write the questions for a poll in his own Twickenham seat - paid for by Lord Oakeshott. And he was told about the polling in Mr Clegg's Sheffield Hallam constituency 'several weeks ago'. 'It was a private, local poll done for general election planning, absolutely nothing to do with national leadership. 'I was aware he was conducting other polls around the country. I was told in general terms what the trends were. 'But I had absolutely no knowledge, and was certainly not involved in any commissioning of surveys done in Sheffield Hallam and Inverness and criticised them very severely yesterday.' The Lib Dems have been plunged into crisis by dire local election results and losing 11 out of 12 MEPs in the

European Parliament. Mr Clegg has refused to resign, insisting it would not help the party’s prospects if it descended into a leadership contest with less than a year until the general election. An ICM opinion poll leaked this week suggested Mr Clegg could lose his own seat at the general election. In a unrepentant statement today, Lord Oakeshott admitted he paid for the polling to be carried out, and urged the party to ditch Mr Clegg in favour of a woman. He said: 'I am today taking leave of absence from the House of Lords and resigning as a member of the Liberal Democrats. I am sure the Party is heading for disaster if it keeps Nick Clegg; and I must not get in the way of the many brave Liberal Democrats fighting for change.' It came just hours after Mr Clegg threatened to kick the peer out of the party when Parliament returned next week, but Lord Oakeshott resigned instead. A senior Lib Dem source said: 'He has tried and failed to destabilise the leadership. He knew what was coming to him and jumped before he was pushed.' The row centres on Lord Oakeshott's decision to commission the pollsters ICM to carry out surveys in key Lib Dem areas, to prove Mr Clegg was damaging the party. The details were then leaked this week, as calls were growing for Mr Clegg to go. Mr Cable said it was 'utterly reprehensible' to commission a poll in an MP's seat, without their knowledge. Now Lord Oakeshott claims he told Mr Cable about his poll 'several weeks ago' - but Mr Clegg knew nothing about it until it was leaked to a newspaper this week.

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News London 30 May 2014

Here we go again: Police surround squalid and germ-ridden Calais camp as they prepare to remove another 800 immigrants waiting to get to Britain

Bangla Sanglap Desk

Squads of French riot police today smashed up and then bulldozed three illegal camps full of UK-bound migrants in Calais. There were brief scuffles as the armed officers wearing body armour and carrying plastic shields moved in shortly after 8am. ‘Our orders are to get rid of the tents and order makeshift structures, and to evacuate those living in them,’ said a gendarme officer at the scene. Scroll down for video Squads of French riot police today smashed up and then bulldozed three illegal camps full of UK-bound migrants in Calais Squads of French riot police today smashed up and then bulldozed three illegal camps full of UK-bound migrants in Calais There was little resistance as the

police and a few dozen activists demonstrating against the rough treatment of the migrants There was little resistance as the armed officers wearing body armour and carrying plastic shields moved in shortly after 8am, but as the clear-outs continued, there were scuffles between police and a few dozen activists demonstrating against the rough treatment of the migrants The official reason for the clearance was to prevent an outbreak of the contagious skin disease Scabies from spreading. But local prefect Denis Robin said he also wanted to prevent the creation of another ‘Jungle’ – the name of a similar illegal camp bulldozed in 2009. Some camp dwellers barricaded themselves into makeshift huts, goading the police massing outside. Representatives of human rights groups also booed officers as they deployed

armed officers wearing body armour and carrying plastic shields moved in shortly after 8am, but as the clear-outs continued, there were scuffles between police and a few dozen activists demonstrating against the rough treatment of the migrants There was little resistance as the armed officers wearing body armour and carrying plastic shields moved in shortly after 8am, but as the clear-outs continued, there were scuffles between police and a few dozen activists demonstrating against the rough treatment of the migrants Police move 800 immigrants from squalid conditions in Calais There was little resistance as the armed officers wearing body armour and carrying plastic shields moved in shortly after 8am, but as the clear-outs continued, there were scuffles between

around the camps. Some camp dwellers meanwhile barricaded themselves into makeshift huts, goading the police massing outside Some camp dwellers meanwhile barricaded themselves into makeshift huts, goading the police massing outside A bulldozer destroys the immigrant camp in Calais this afternoon A bulldozer destroys the immigrant camp in Calais this afternoon A group of around 20 people who pushed and shoved the police were mainly student activists A group of around 20 people who pushed and shoved the police were mainly student activists But by midday, the litter-strewn camps were being crushed into the ground by bulldozers.

Showers and medication were laid on for the hundreds of migrants who lost their temporary homes, but there were no arrests, said Mr Robin. A group of around 20 people who pushed and shoved the police were mainly student activists. As well as the ‘deplorable hygiene’ conditions, Mr Robin said many of the migrants were ‘at the mercy of people smugglers’ offering to take them to Britain for cash. 'Our orders are to get rid of the tents and order makeshift structures, and to evacuate those living them,' said a gendarme officer at the scene 'Our orders are to get rid of the tents and order makeshift structures, and to evacuate those living them,' said a gendarme officer at the scene There are fears that there will be a repetition of the so-called 'The Jungle', an infamous camp which was destroyed in 2009 after becoming a magnet for migrants There are fears that there will be a repetition of the so-called 'The Jungle', an infamous camp which was destroyed

in 2009 after becoming a magnet for migrants There are currently up to 1000 migrants living rough in Calais, with up to 650 around the port area alone There are currently up to 1000 migrants living rough in Calais, with up to 650 around the port area alone 'Fragile members' of the migrant community, including children, will be allowed temporary accommodation in a holiday camp in the Pas de Calais, while adults can request 'emergency housing' 'Fragile members' of the migrant community, including children, will be allowed temporary accommodation in a holiday camp in the Pas de Calais, while adults can request 'emergency housing' Mr Robin insisted that the clear out would assist the most vulnerable migrants, allowing the sick and aged to get emergency health care. ‘Fragile members’ of the migrant community, including children, were allowed temporary accommodation in a holiday camp in the Pas de Calais, while adults can request ‘emergency housing’.


News London 30 May 2014

Tory rebels force Cameron to abandon promise to pass law on spending 0.7% of GDP on foreign aid

Bangla Sanglap Desk

David Cameron has dropped his pledge to enshrine the Government's commitment to aid spending in law after failing to convince Tory MPs. The Prime Minister wanted to make it legally binding for Britain to spend 0.7% of the country's income - around £1 in every £142 - on foreign aid. But Nick Clegg revealed this morning that Mr Cameron had failed to win round his own MPs and will not include the bill in the Queen's Speech next Wednesday. David Cameron has consistently backed increased spending on foreign aid insisting that the Government would not 'balance the books on the backs of the world's poor' - but has backed down in the face of growing Tory resistance David Cameron has consistently backed increased spending on foreign aid insisting that the Government would not 'balance the books on the backs of the world's poor' - but has backed down in the face of growing Tory resistance Nick Clegg shrugged off last week's disastrous council and European

election results to come out fighting for a legally-binding commitment to foreign aid spending this morning Nick Clegg shrugged off last week's disastrous council and European election results to come out fighting for a legally-binding commitment to foreign aid spending this morning The Deputy Prime Minister said: 'The commitment to spend 0.7 per cent of our nation’s wealth on aid, and also to enshrine this in law, will be in the Liberal Democrats’ manifesto. 'As of last year, we are spending 0.7 per

cent, and that is a huge achievement. 'It’s an open secret that the Liberal Democrats wanted to take the additional step of legislating – which is why it’s in the Coalition Agreement. 'As you know we have not been able to convince our Coalition partners to do that, but the Liberal Democrats have not given up – we are going to keep pushing to get 0.7 per cent into law.'

More... Britain does not need to build ANY new wind farms to hit green targets, David Cameron's chief climate adviser claims Row over Scottish independence grows as Treasury warns it will cost every Scot £1,400 a year - but nationalists claim it will make them £950 better off Et tu, Vince? Cable's best friend revealed to be behind putsch to topple Clegg: Lord Oakeshott paid for opinion poll which said he would lead party to disaster A senior Lib Dem source blamed the decision to drop the aid pledge on Tory MPs. He said: ‘It is no secret that this was not a popular policy on the backbenches

of the Conservative party and we were very keen on it. ‘It was in our manifesto and in the coalition agreement. Some at the top of the Conservative party still remain convinced it’s the right thing to do, but it won’t be in the Queen’s Speech.’ Tory MP Peter Bone welcomed the decision to drop the planned legislation, but said the aid budget should also be cut. Mr Bone said: ‘I am delighted that we are dropping the idea of fixing this ridiculous target in law but we are still

spending far too much. ‘At a time when virtually every other government department is having to drastically cut back their budgets we are spending billions more on aid in order to meet an arbitrary target that is nothing more than a sticking plaster. We shouldn’t be shovelling money out of the door at the end of the year in order to meet a target – it should be based on need. ‘And if we really want to help the world’s poor the single biggest thing we could do is open up trade, but the EU blocks that to protect French farmers. Mr Clegg reveled that the Government would be dropping the aid target in a speech this morning on International Development. The Deputy Prime Minister lashed out at the 'myths' that had developed around aid spending. Mr Clegg said: 'The British public believe that around 20 per cent of all the money the UK Government spends in a year goes on foreign aid. 'In reality, we spend 0.7 per cent of our nation’s income. That in itself is an historic achievement - we are now the first of the world’s wealthiest countries to meet this long-held promise.' 'It is still a lot of money. But, to put it into some kind of perspective, it’s less than what we spend on takeaways every year.' Deputy PM Nick Clegg said the Lib Dems will make it a manifesto commitment to make aid spending legally binding Deputy PM Nick Clegg said the Lib Dems will make it a manifesto commitment to make aid spending legally binding He said it was not true the cash was used to 'line the pockets of corrupt officials overseas'. Mr Clegg said: 'It’s simply not the case that people’s taxes are frittered away, wasted on irrelevant projects or problems we cannot solve.'

The Deputy PM added: 'The things we do with this money are also clearly in Britain’s own interests too: making our people safer and more prosperous. 'When Pakistan can’t prevent young men getting radicalised and trained by militants within its borders, that can lead to terrorist attacks on our streets. 'When Somalia can’t tackle the problem of piracy, it disrupts the trade routes of UK businesses.' He said: 'So let the aid sceptics – UKIP and others on the right - continue to campaign against these efforts. Their cynicism is, I believe, out of step with our national interest and with the compassion we feel as a country towards those who are suffering elsewhere. 'They might want to sneer at the generosity of the British people. I lead a party that believes we should celebrate it.' Mr Clegg said there were 'millions that still have to live on less than £1 a day'. He said he disagreed with those who say we should leave Nigeria - Africa’s richest country to 'sort out its own problems'. Mr Clegg said: 'One in ten of the world’s poor now live in Nigeria. One in six of the world’s children not in school are in Nigeria. 'The situation is particularly bleak in the North, where living conditions are as tough as in any warzone. Targeted attacks by Boko Haram on vaccination centres threaten a polio epidemic across the region. And just last week, the country was hit by a wave of bombing attacks. 'What Nigeria shows us is that you can’t judge a country’s progress by its economic statistics alone.' He said he did not back a rule to 'arbitrarily cut off our help when a country hits a certain GDP target'.



London 30 May2014

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London 30 May2014

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London 30 May2014

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Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England & Wales | Commissioner for Oaths

If you need specialist immigration advice, you need to speak with an immigration law specialist My team and I are committed to delivering a professional service in a friendly manner. We are qualified solicitors and we specialise in immigration law. We have over 16 years of experience in the field and we are based in the heart of the community. We understand that immigration matters can be confusing and stressful. So if you require expert immigration advice just drop us a line and we will take care of the matter. We’ll assess the situation and advise you of your best course of action.

GK gv‡qi we‡kl Pvwn`vm¤úbœ wkïi Rb¨ wZwb GKwU ¯‹yj K‡ib| wZwb Abyaveb Ki‡Z cv‡ib Ggb gv‡q‡`i Kó| ZvB wb‡R cÖwk¶Y †bq, covïbv K‡ib, Avi †QvÆ cwim‡i Pvjy K‡ib ¯‹yj di wMd‡UW wPj‡WÖb| we‡kl Pvwn`vm¤úbœ GB ¯‹y‡ji `k eQi c~Y© nj| GB ¯‹y‡ji wk¶Kiv Rvbvb, mvaviY ¯‹y‡ji †P‡q Zv‡`i Avš—wiKZv, cÖwk¶Y wk¶v †ewk eB Kg bv n‡jI Zv‡`i A‡b‡K wk¶‡Ki m¤§vb †`b bv| ixbv †`ex wÎcyiv covïbv K‡ib Mvn©¯’¨ A_©bxwZ‡Z| cvV¨m~wP‡ZB Zvi wkï Dbœqb welq wQj| covïbv †kl K‡i wZwb GLv‡b KvR ïiæ K‡ib| ïiæ †_‡KB Kv‡Ri cÖwZ fvjevmv _vK‡jI cÖwk¶Y MÖnY Kivi ci wkï‡`i m¤ú‡K© A‡bK wKQy Rvb‡Z cv‡i Zv AviI †e‡o hvq| Zviv wkï‡`i mv‡_ wgk‡jB eyS‡Z cv‡ib †Kvb wkïi cÖ‡qvRb wK| †m wK ej‡Z Pvq wK Ki‡Z Pvq| ixbv e‡jb, AwURg mK‡ji †¶‡Î GK igK nq bv| ZvB me AwUw÷K wkï GK Kig bq| Avgiv wkï‡`i

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AvBwb civgk © †bevi Av‡M civgk © `vZvi †hvM¨Zv I `ÿZv †R‡b wbb †h †Kvb ai‡bi AvBbMZ mnvqZvi Rb¨ Avgv‡`i mv‡_ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb| †nvg Awdm A‡bK mgq wewfb œ cwjwm I Kb‡mkb Pvj y K‡i _v‡K, Avcwb nq‡Zv Gi gva¨‡g A‰ea †_‡K ˆea nIqvim ‡yhvM †c‡Z cv‡ib| hv‡`i GmvjvBjvg ev Bwg‡M k Ö b Av‡e`b bvKP n‡q‡Q ZvivI gvbevwaKvi mn wewfb œ AvB‡b G‡`‡k _vKvi Rb¨ Av‡e`b Ki‡Z cv‡ib| Avgiv evsjv Ges Bs‡iRx fvlvq mvwf m © w`‡q_vwK|

Contact us:

First Floor, 16-18 Whitchapel Road London, E1 1EW Mobile: 07958 041 891 info@hamletsolicitors.co.uk www.hamletsolicitors.co.uk



Fax: +44 (020) 7377 1338

This firm is Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority

Practice Areas:

All areas of Immigration Law All Types of Entry Clearance Visa Applications ▪ Visitor Visa ▪ Spouse Visa ▪ Student Visa ▪ Family Settlement Visa All Types of Leave to Remain Applications ▪ Indefinite Leave to Remain ▪ Long Residence Applications ▪ Human Rights Applications ▪ Discretionary Leave Applications Points Based System ▪ Tier 1, 2 & 4 ▪ Business Migration ▪ Sponsor’s License for Work Permit Right of Abode British Citizenship & Passports EU Law Asylum (inc minors) Detention Bail Applications Judicial Review Deportation Injunctions Appeal Hearing Representations Other areas of law: ▪ Employment Law ▪ Family Law ▪ Welfare Benefits ▪ Civil Litigation Matters ▪ Bankruptcy ▪ Wills Other Services ▪ Power of Attorney ▪ Statutory Declarations ▪ Change of Name Deeds ▪ Affidavits ▪ Document Attestation ▪ Document Translation

We speak your language: English | Bengali | Sylheti | Hindi | Urdu | Sinhalese | Spanish | Tigrinya | Amharic

Call us now for a full consultation on Tel : +44 (020) 7377 1332



London 30‑ May2014

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1g I†kl c„ôvi ci London 30 May 2014

mvsMVwbK `ÿZv Ges wbe©vPbt1985 mv‡j w¯úUviwd‡ìi ‡c«v‡M«wmf Bqy_ AM©vbvB‡Rk‡bi m`m¨ nb jyrdyi ingvb| c‡i msMVbwUi mvaviY m¤úv`K wn‡m‡e `vwqZ¡ cvjb K‡ib wZwb| 1990 mv‡j nb wKb ÷y‡W›Um mvwc¬‡g›Uvwi ¯‹y‡ji ‡Kvlva¨¶| KvR K‡i‡Qb KwgDwbwU A¨vjv‡qÝ di cywjk A¨vKvDbwUwewjwU bv‡gi GKwU c«wZôv‡bi mvaviY m¤úv`K wn‡m‡e| cvkvcvwk wbhy³ nb UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm j ‡m›Uv‡ii ‡Pqvig¨vb| 2002 mv‡j UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm KvDwÝj wbe©vP‡b w¯úUviwdì-evsjvUvDb IqvW© ‡_‡K ‡jevi cvwUi« mg_©‡b KvDwÝji g‡bvbxZ nb jyrdyi ingvb| cvkvcvwk wZwb UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm KvDw݇ji wk¶vwelqK `‡ji c«avb wn‡m‡e `vwqZ¡ cvjb K‡ib| 2006-Gi wbe©vP‡b wØZxqev‡ii g‡Zv KvDwÝji nb| Gevi Zvu‡K ms¯‹…wZ welqK `‡ji ‡bZv wb‡qvM Kiv nq| 2007 mv‡j cvj©v‡g›U wbe©vP‡bi Rb¨ ‡jevi cvwU©i g‡bvbqb evQvB ïiæ nq| ‡hLv‡b Zvui c«wZØ›Øx n‡q I‡Vb Av‡iK evOvwj bvix ‡jevi cvwU©i ‡bÎx iækbviv Avjx| k³ jovB‡q ‡n‡i hvb jyrdyi| gvÎ AvU ‡fv‡Ui e¨eav‡b ‡jevi cvwU©i g‡bvbqb wR‡Z ‡bb iækbviv Avjx| evwKUv BwZnvm; 2010 mv‡j we«‡U‡bi cvj©v‡g›U wbe©vP‡b iækbviv c«_g evsjv‡`wk es‡kv™¢~Z Ggwc wn‡m‡e we«wUk cvj©v‡g‡›U ¯’vb K‡i ‡bb| Z‡e jyrdyi `jxq g‡bvbqb bv ‡c‡q `‡g hvbwb| ‡Rviv‡jvfv‡eB Pvwj‡q hvb ivR‰bwZK Kg©KvÛ| NUbveûj eQit2010 mvj| jyrdyi ingv‡bi Rxe‡b NUbveûj GKwU eQi| cvj©v‡g›U wbe©vP‡b Ask ‡bIqv n‡jv bv, wKš‘ ¯’vbxq ‡jevi cvwU©i n‡q ‡gqi c‡` wbe©vP‡bi Rb¨ g‡bvbqb cvb wZwb| g‡bvbxZ n‡qwQ‡jb cvwU©i c«wZwbwa‡`i ‡fv‡UB; wKš‘ gvSc‡_ evaj ‡Mvj| cvwU©i AšÍt‡Kv›`j Pi‡g I‡V| ‡bZv I c«wZwbwa‡`i cvëvcvwë Awf‡hv‡M Zvui g‡bvbqb evwZj nIqvi Dcµg| wKš‘ mn‡R nvj Qvo‡jb bv jyrdyi| welqwU Av`vjZ ch©šÍ Mov‡bvi Av‡MB `jxq g‡bvbqb ZvwjKvq ¯’vb cvb wZwb|`jxq c«wZwbwa‡`i ‡fv‡U jyrdyi ingvb 433, Rb weMm 251 Ges ‡njvj DwÏb AveŸvm 157 ‡fvU cvb|ZLb jÛ‡bi AvÂwjK ‡jevi cvwUi cwiPvjK ‡Kb K¬vK© P~ovšÍ c«v_©x wn‡m‡e ‡NvlYv K‡ib jyrdyi ingv‡bi bvg| wKš‘ Awf‡hvM DVj, jyrdyi ingvb BD‡ivcwfwËK DM«ev`x `j ÔBmjvwgK ‡dvivg Ae BD‡iv‡ciÕ GKRb m`m¨| ïay Zv-B bq; c«wZwbwa ‡fv‡U KviPywci Awf‡hvMI I‡V Zvui weiæ‡×| GB euvav Avi cvi n‡Z cv‡ibwb jyrdyi| Awf‡hvM ï‡bB ‡jevi cvwU©i RvZxq wbe©vnx KwgwU Zvi c«vw_©Zv evwZj K‡i ‡`q| ‡klZK ‡jevi cvwU©i g‡bvbqb cvb Awf‡hvMKvix I c«wZwbwa ‡fv‡U Z…Zxq nIqv ‡njvj DÏxb AveŸvm| `jxq Ggb wm×všÍ ‡Kv‡bvfv‡eB ‡g‡b wb‡Z cviwQ‡jb bv jyrdyi|wZwb ‡NvlYv ‡`b, `‡ji wm×v‡šÍi weiæ‡× Avevi Av`vj‡Z jo‡eb| c‡i Aek¨ gZ cvëvb wZwb| 2010 mv‡ji 23 ‡m‡Þ¤^i jyZdzi †NvlYv K‡ib, ‡Kv‡bv `jxq g‡bvbqb QvovB wbe©vP‡b jo‡eb| Gi †cÖwÿ‡Z wZwb ¯^Zš¿ c«v_©x wn‡m‡eB wbe©vPbx c«PviYv ïiæ K‡ib| ‡m mgq jyrdy‡ii cv‡k `vuwo‡qwQ‡jb ‡jevi cvwU© ‡bZv, jÛ‡bi mv‡eK ‡gqi ‡Kb wjwfs‡÷vb| `j ‡_‡K jyrdyi ingv‡bi ev` ‡`Iqvi wm×všÍ‡K AMYZvwš¿K A¨vL¨v w`‡q wZwb c«PviYvq bv‡gb| bZzb Aa¨vq t22 A‡±vei, 2010|G‡jv ‡mB gv‡n›`«¶Y| wecyj ‡fv‡U weRqx n‡q BwZnvm M‡ob `„p‡PZv jyrdyi ingvb| m~Pbv nq GK bZyb Aa¨v‡qi| mivmwi ‡fv‡U wbe©vwPZ UvIqvi n¨vg‡jU‡mi c«_g wbe©vnx ‡gqi nb jyrdyi| 51 kZvsk ‡fvU cvb wZwb| Zvi wbKUZg c«wZØ›Øx ‡jevi cvwU©i ‡njvj DÏxb AveŸvm cvb 24 kZvsk| ‡gq‡ii c_Pjvt ‡gqi wn‡m‡e nvDwRs, wk¶v, wPwKrmv, PvKwi Gme Lv‡Z cwieZ©‡bi ‡Qvuqv Avb‡Z mg_© n‡q‡Qb jyrdyi ingvb | 2011 mv‡j ‡gqi wbe©vwPZ nIqvi ci we«wUk cvj©v‡g‡›U Gwkqvb f‡qm wbDR‡ccvi Av‡qvwRZ cwjwUK¨vj A¨vÛ cvewjK jvBd A¨vIqvW© jvf K‡ib jyrdyi| ¯’vbxq miKvie¨e¯’vq Abb¨ Ae`v‡bi Rb¨ GB A¨vIqvW© cvb wZwb| Z‡e jyrdyi ingvb g‡b K‡ib, ÔAvgvi Rxe‡bi me‡P‡q eo cyi¯‹vi, hLb Avgvi GjvKvi evwm›`viv Avgv‡K ‡`wL‡q e‡jb, ÔID ABjv Avgivi ‡gqi! Avwg me mgq gvby‡li ‡gqi n‡Z ‡P‡qwQ|Õ wØZxqev‡ii g‡Zv ‡gqi wn‡m‡e `vwqZ¡ cvj‡bi my‡hvM cvIqv weij e‡jB g‡b K‡ib jyrdyi ingvb| c«wZwµqvq AviI e‡j‡Qb, gvby‡li fv‡jvevmvi Kv‡Q ‡Kvb wKQyB `vuov‡Z cv‡iwb; weMZ PvieQ‡i Avgvi c«wZk«yZ Dbœq‡bi ReveB w`‡q‡Qb GjvKvevmx| Ae¨vnZ cÖwZeÜKZv t ¯’vbxq wbe©vP‡b `ywU Avm‡bi ‡fvU MYbvq cvuP w`b wej‡¤^i ci wbe©vPb Kwgk‡bi Z`‡šÍi gy‡L c‡o‡Q UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm KvDwÝj|weª‡U‡bi BwÛ‡cb‡W›U cwÎKvi GK c«wZ‡e`‡b G Z_¨ Rvbv‡bv n‡q‡Q|MZ22 †g e…n¯úwZevi AbywôZ wbe©vP‡b GB evivq ‡gqi c‡` cybwbe©vwPZ n‡q‡Qb evsjv‡`wk es‡kv™¢~Z jyrdi ingvb| g½jevi mܨvq GB eviv KvDwÝj wbe©vP‡bi c~Y©v½ dj ‡NvlYv Kiv nq| GLv‡b wewfbœ ‡fvU ‡K‡›`« wbqg jsNb I ‡fvUvi‡`i fq ‡`Lv‡bvi NUbv N‡U‡Q e‡j Awf‡hvM K‡i‡Qb ¶gZvmxb KbRvi‡fwUf I ‡jevi cvwU©i ‡bZviv| UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm KvDwÝj wbe©vP‡b KbRvi‡fwUf cvwU©i ‡bZv

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London 30 May2014

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London 30 May 2014

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