Fmp proposal

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Field Of


My field of study is through the creation of imagery and video which will have a focul point on technology. Within the field of study there are many possibilities for development methods of a way of presenting ideas. Work similmar will be closely analsyed and will have an effective impact as research knowledge that is gained will ensure a higher standard of work,. Take Shepard Fairey for instance his work on the obama ..hope.. poster is a poster widely recognised globally and therefore has a success story, and with that i aim to emulate the same with my designs, however i also am creative a visual video along side my still designs.

The Project Summary.

as the years have changed, so have the people. we live in a world where you speak with your hands rather than your mouths. you listen with your eyes, instead of your ears. you laugh with words, instead of with expressions of joy. through the creation of a system made up of imagery and video, i investigate the empasis of change and explore present over previous, current over past. i will present a series of still imagery and video to generate an understanding of society and the people on the earth today, with the the vital ingredient of new media. The key part is the awareness created as well as honouring our traditional ways and values before all is gone.


The final calculations will include topics and research of a broad range of cyborgism and digital culture. Art lies in the creation of our own senses and our senses no longer need to be imprisoned software can set them free.. The information age which is known as digital culture, is a period in human history characterized by the shift from traditional industry that the industrial revolution brought through industrialization, to an economy based on information computerization..


with the investigation of exploring into systems that manipulate our behaviour, and that has seen a growing change in the way we operate as humans. i will initially create extensible art that portrays my theory and will enable me to exhibit the designs with a clear approach. the direction in which i will be aiming for, ultimately, will be decided through out the course of my work

Skills Evidence.

As this project is based on research i will be rigirously researching the right practisioners and explore the correct designers to firmly grasp the correct knowledge and information within the information age background. i will use a systamatic approach to create such work accordingly. using modular structures to enable extensions as i grow within the brief, which will allow me to pursue the addition of further functionality. lastly, i will require a good knowledge base of usability and of how to engage my audience with my designs.


The final calculations will include topics and research of a broad range of cyborgism and digital culture. Art lies in the creation of our own senses and our senses no longer need to be imprisoned software can set them free.. The information age which is known as digital culture, is a period in human history characterized by the shift from traditional industry that the industrial revolution brought through industrialization, to an economy based on information computerization..



The aim is the create art that will show the investigation of the general research led brief. by self organising my design system visually i predict a strong range of still and video footage of my message to be sent to a vast audience globally. It is important to interact with people i need to send across a message to get the focus and attention of people.. this will expand the project beyond what is possible while it exists.

i plan to have a set of still images, either photography or just type which illustrates my intentions. my still will vary, i will do a range, however they will all represent thet same message. not only will i be working on stills but also i will be looking to visualise the way we live today along side technology with the medium of film which i will use, and create a video that will tell a story of how we are changing as a society.againg, i may do a series of videos, which will includevideo footage filmed by me portraying my message..

The Design FoCUS

THE DESIGN FOCUS IS TO SHOW THE TRANSFORMATION WE AS HUMAN BEINGS ARE EVOLVING, JUST AS THEY SAID WE EVOLVED FROM MONKEY, ONE DAY IN THE FUTURE CYBORGS WILL SAY WE EVOLVED FROM HUMANS. I INTEND TO SHOW THE EVOLUTIONAL CHANGE, HOW WE HAVE ALREADY STARTED TO EVOLVE AND WHAT WILL HAPPEN AS WE CARRY ON DOING SO. the problem is not yet in existance, the problems will occur later on in the brief, challenges will occur and i will seek to over come them. it will be an evolutionary result if my tactics are accurate and set up correctly.

cybman. CYBMAN: Definition

Cybernetic; A machine that can perform actions and learn from them. Man; (from Proto-Germanic *mannaz or *manwaz “man, person�).

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