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EAGLE’S EYE W. Charles Akins High School
Austin, Texas “Everything that Concerns You”
Volume 15
Issue 6 May 25, 2016
New Year, New Schedule
New schedules anticipated for next school year Bradley Barto Opinions Editor
Plans are afoot that would not only push back the school day start- and end-times by 5 minutes, but also scrap the current alternating A-B-Day calendar Akins has operated under for about ten years. If things go as planned this summer, school will start at 9 a.m. and end at 4:25 p.m. each day at Akins and all of the other South Austin high schools. Also, Mondays and Wednesdays would be designated as A-Days, Tuesdays and Thursdays would be set as B-Days and Fridays would alternate between A or B days every week. The changes are the result of new education laws that are forcing school districts to change the way they comply with a new state law that sets a required number of minutes of instructional time students must attend rather than the old 180-day standard. The change is designed to allow school districts so they don’t have to build in bad-weather make-up days. By counting instructional time by minutes instead of days, if a school needs to make up missed time, they can add minutes to a school day instead of adding more days to the school calendar. “The new bell schedule allows us to not have to add
pal Manuel Garcia said. Akins students won’t notice any changes in the overall amount of time spent at school each day because administrators lengthened the school day by 10 minutes program, which is the other major cause for the schedule changes. Student Sharing is an initiative designed to allow students to take certain Career and Technology courses at nearby high schools if their home campus does not offer that program. The program will require all South Austin high schools to follow the same bell schedule so that stutravel back to their home campuses after attending CTE courses at other schools. Students who participate in ible Instruction Time class periods that were added for every day of the week at Akins this year. Students who attend Akins, Bowie, Crockett, Eastside Memorial and Travis high schools will be able to take certain courses at these campuses if their desired CTE program is not offered at their home campuses. These South Austin high schools will all have to operate on the same bell schedule to accommodate this pro-
gram, which is currently already in place at the North Austin high schools such as Anderson, McCallum and Reagan. Health Science teacher Juanita Soto said she is looking forward to possibly having Mondays through Thursdays on the same A-B day schedule. “For our program it’s a better thing, the days are set Because there are so many campuses involved, the because various school administrators still need to review and approve it. The proposed bell schedule would not affect the length of the passing periods or lunch. The passing periods would stay as 5-minutes long and lunch would remain 35 minutes long, Garcia said. Sophomore Lucas Montgomery said the new schedule sounds more complicated because of the interchangeable day on Friday, but could be a good thing if it allows students to have new Career and Technology course opportunities. “I feel like having two of the same classes in a row every other week, could make things a bit more stressful. The other parts of the new schedule, could help kids
Students are awarded for their hard work and dedication Brenda Amaya News Editor
As the school year comes to an end several individual Every year, through the Hamilton Scholar program, 35 to 40 students from around the United States are selected ton program helps students get accepted into colleges and gives them a better transition into college and more opportunities when they are transitioning to careers through internships. selected to be a part of the Hamilton Academy Scholar Program. Nguyen credited College and Career counselor Sarah Simmons with helping her earn participation in the program. “Ms.Simmons recommended for me to apply for the scholarship, she also helped guide me throughout the aping the application then the second round was whenever they narrow it down from over 2,000 student applications to 70 applications and that’s over a phone interview. After that interview they narrow it down to 40 students which
teams automatically qualify for nationals. Out of the four to nationals. duo to compete and placed second at the State championed as a duo, placing fourth at the State Championships. “My partner, Valeria and I are an EMT (Emergency
Hamilton Scholar Award: Tammy Nguyen
Cross Country Scholarship: Caleb Calderon
going on to nationals and show the nation that Akins has The HOSA Nationals Championships will be held at Nashville, Tennessee in June. peted in the National Individual Event Tournament of Championship at Denver, Colorado. Junior Ethan Cannon and senior Joshua Solis competed as a duo and won third place. “Joshua and I acted out ‘Dark Play’ by Carlos Murillo and when we found out we placed third at nationals, we Senior Tyra Williams also competed at nationals perfourth. “I would say that I worked for a solid two years, be-
The Health Occupation Student of America (HOSA) Occupations Students of America competed in the HOSA State Championships in Galveston. Only the top three
Individual Awards
The Legal Eagles program also received recognition when the Austin Bar Association was named the 2016
Groups Awards Winter Guard: JV Team Bronze Medalist (TCGC State Championships) Speech Team: Ethan Cannon and Joshua Solis (3rd place at nationals) Tyra Williams (4th place) HOSA: Shelby Long and Valeria Herrera (2nd place at state competition)
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