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EAGLE’S EYE W. Charles Akins Highschool
Austin, Texas
“Everything that Concerns You”
Volume 15
Issue 1
October 7, 2015
Campus schedule undergoes change matthew rocha Staff Writer
Student complaints have mostly centered on the
new state Attendence policy hits students Mahheen Anjum Life & Style Editor
this policy, attendance is closely year as well as we should have,” Ho-
tered and frustrated many students this school year as the administration The changes are in response to a the minimum attendance required to earn a credit for a high school course the days the class is offered instead
ed and the student will have to make dent continues to make the same mis-
Time period on each day of the week instead of the two days of advisory classes that students had last
According to this new policy, after coming up with a plan so they can graduate on time with all their creda letter and go in front of an appeal committee to explain why they are
it, they must make up those academ-
students to spread their days around -
note to the appeal committee meeting
make them up in school setting such
stronger case in regaining lost hours
The appeal committee consists
“All these changes do seem a lot
“The new attendance policy is not up this nasty attendance policy to -
time during passing periods, and our lunches have
can sign up for classes that we are failing and make it
students at Austin high schools the chance to take ca-
cent threshold, they must go through an appeal process to regain the aca-
parent or legal guardian for this meet“This policy is to make sure we -
a course they have taken, they have to make up hours of seat time to clear Hosack said she expects that in -
“We have to make sure that with
“These charts are to make you a little nervous to go to class like you
Unexpected house fire changes an Akins sophomore’s life Bradley Barto
and staff have helped out the Dominguez -
As sophomore Henry Dominguez sat in his fourth period World History Studies class, he received an unexpected call from his sister, telling him frantically that
for the family to help them recover from
Staff Writer
pledge donations to the family since going
ended all he could do was wait for school hard to watch them go through something
friend and a local church to have physical -
Dominguez said that while it was really old notes, some school supplies and class Despite the traumatic event, he said the generosity he and his family has received As well as all the help that Dominguez has received from family, Akins Student
Arnold and parent support specialist Toni -
Unexpected Disaster dents when situations like this happen or Arnold and the rest of her social worktionally, making sure that they get as much
Diego Rivera
anything they might have lost such as
help or support that me and my family
INSIDE... Opinions - pAge 2-3 News - page 4 InDepth - page 5 Student Life - page 6-7 Entertainment - page 8-9 Photo Essay - page 10 Sports- page 11 Community Page - page 12