Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley
I aM SimOn MaGus – A prose poem by Akireaus aka Simon Magus Explore daily your deepest desires, fantasies and motives, gradually focussing on what you would like to happen in a perfect world, a perfect situation, taking away all restrictions and practical considerations, what you'd REALLY want. However, what if we measure the VOLUME of the torus, that is, the interior of the rotating radii of the hyersphere? Once you are focussed on your self internally, thee external aspects ov your life will fall into place. " Thus, just as the "revolution" of the "phi" spiral tells us about the external surface area, so too can the rotation of these radii tell us about the internal volume. It MEASURES the fourthdimensionality of this shape by MOVING, that is, it changes over time, and is therefore, like the clock, a means of measuring the passage of the fourth dimension. The theory of abstract objects is a metaphysical theory. Thee Temple strives to end personal laziness and engender discipline. Perhaps it is this nervous hypercathexis between galaxies in the universal kingdom that constitutes the lightning flash of God's becoming conscious once again, the sleeper awakening, the universe becoming selfaware? It is part of our understanding of science that natural laws exist (even if no one were around to discover them) and that the states of affairs that obtain in the natural world are governed by such laws. Ask yourself whoyou want as friends, if you need or want to work, what you want to eat. perhaps this Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley nervous kingdom is literally only one small patch of nerves within the brain of a much more massive multiverse. Be clearin admitting your real desires. , as entities in their own right, since they seem to be presupposed by our very understanding of the scientific enterprise. As man ascends through the "garden of forking paths" like moisture through the circulatory system of a tree, so does the lightning flash of God descend from the infinity above that infinity which we mere mortals can even only imagine to strike at the highest tree. They have to. This is a measurement of AREA, that is, of the combined seven areas of the mapped colour spectrum. We know that, as the "phi" spiral "revolves" around the "top" and "bottom" of the hypersphere, so too, when we look at the torus from the "side" we see there is "rotation" of each radius, "right" or "left. Just as the "phi" spiral REVOLVES as it measures the SURFACE AREA, so too do we need a measurement device for the ROTATION of the INTERIOR VOLUME. The broccoli GUT. . . So metaphysics investigates numbers, laws, properties, possibilities, etc. LMAO! As part of our scientific investigations, we presuppose that objects behave in certain ways because they have certain properties, and that natural laws govern not just actual objects that have certain properties, but any physically possible object having those properties. Discard all irrelevancies. In other words, the "phi" spiral revolves around the circmference as a MEASUREMENT of the surface of the torus. Thee mere visualization ov that true goal begins thee process thatmakes it happen. Just a moment ago I was thinking that perhaps the kingdom of this universe in its entirety, so similar to the nerve-endings in the brain tissue of the human species, created, as it were, in the likeness of God. Clean out thee trappings and debris ov compromise, ov whatyou've been told is REASONABLE for a person in your circumstances. The theory of abstract objects attempts to organize these objects within a systematic and axiomatic framework. It is thee Key to thee Temple. Sceptics will say they simply don't believethis Psychick process works, but it does. Check and re-check everything deeper and deeper, more and more precisely to get closer and ultimately integrate with your REAL Self. Tofocus thee Will on one's true desires, in thee belief, gathered from experience that this maximizes and makes happen all those things that one wants in every area ov life. For example, when doing natural science, we presuppose that we can use the natural numbers to count concrete objects, and that we can use the real numbers to measure them in various ways. Whereas physics attempts a systematic description of fundamental and complex concrete objects, metaphysics attempts a systematic description of fundamental and complex abstract objects. Perhaps the ten sefirot that were the actual thought by God of our creation, perhaps these are nothing more than actual, literal, physical hypercathexis (electromagnetic flux) being exchanged between the galaxies like between the ends of nerves? However, this MEASUREMENT is only of the SURFACE of the torus, measuring the revolution from the circumference (seen from above) to the centre. ! Abstract objects are the objects that are presupposed by our scientific conceptual framework. Then decide to try and DOit. ! At any rate, we next see Bel-Marduk, at the command of his father, going joyfully into battle after preparing for the conflict by making weapons, bow, lance, club, lightning-bolt, storm-winds and a net wherewith to catch Tiamat. It is an agenda of the united nations, who encourage it be taught in schools, and that it incorporate equal rights for women and minorities. But Tiamat he cuts in two, making one half of her the sky. Another involves the topical motion of the surface through a spatial medium, or projected trajectory. N. . . . The first axes of motion is motion on the exterior surface as it revolves around the doughnut shape, and then evolves the opposite direction up through the hole in the middle. Control of these media may, themselves, be able to fit in the palm of one's hand, however they are
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley becoming increasingly reliant on the satellite telecommunication system, as people demand greater and greater coverage areas for their chosen connectivity to each other. N. The two above techniques may be focused variably upon a single person for a slightly more intense effect. We may gain what we need through feeding, drawing in life as we would breath. This is the goal to link all members of society to one another through mechanical media. At most, this person will feel a little tired from what you have taken, but most people are so desensitized to the subtle reality that they will pass this off as ordinary fatigue, stress, or too much drink. All occult exercises, according to this model, have some kind of effect on the brain, and it also follows that in respect to experiences with ASCs, possession, gnosis etc. Of all the techniques of neuromancy, recourse to Chemognosis (drugs) is the most widespread across cultures, and in the western hemisphere particularly, one that arouses much controversy. Many become actors, storytellers, musicians or other performers so that they may achieve the kind of focused attention they crave. The peace-loving gods seem to fear; they send a messenger to Tiamat, "May her liver be pacified, her heart softened" [apparently without effect]. The individual in question does not have to be aware of your activities, and they do not even have to be close for you to feed from them. Perhaps the primary purpose for the satellite technology in orbit around the earth is telecommunications. Once again, this manner of feeding is subtle and easily overlooked, and those being fed from are unlikely to notice the loss. Him follow the seven winds. This is an activity many Potentials engage in, though they do not often consciously understand what it is they do. Places with high energy and many emotions are preferable for this activity, and thus we are often drawn to dance halls and clubs. . Thus our energy extends beyond ourselves and, like embracing good friends, we pull bits of everyone about us into ourselves, breathing them deeply. On Storm (his chariot) he rushes forth, haloed with light, from which Kingu shrinks. Those involved in the group are unlikely to notice the loss of energy, and oftentimes feeding in this way only increases their focus upon you. N. ' While it is fine for these watchdogs to impose their will upon the brains of others, it is quite another matter for non-qualified people to try it on themselves. No physical contact is necessary: we simply expand our awareness to encompass the group around us as if throwing out a net, or visualize ourselves at the center of a whirlpool, drawing everything in. We believe that the evolutionary adaptation of humanity is an ongoing development of consciousness, and the place where all vectors meet in consciousness is expressed, in physical form, as the individual biosystem. For those who have Become, this is a pleasing activity, but rarely satisfies more than the most superficial of needs. . This is one of the main reasons many Potentials are drawn toward the stage. " The third axis is the expansion/contraction of the hypersphere, and this determines the complexity or simplicity inversely of the spin in the other axes as well. Even when a group is not focused upon us, we may feed generally upon them. Only those who have received medical training, and can hence say from a position of authority that they do not know how the brain works, are allowed to tamper with it - through ECT, surgery and the good old 'chemical cosh. this instant, in the beautiful, mild, human form of a youth, and bring what I desire. For Marduk stifles her with a poisonous gas ('evil wind'), and then transfixes her, also taking the tablets from Kingu and netting the other monsters. I, N. These three axes could easily also be called self-transcendence, self-evolution, and the principle of vibration. , a servant of God, desire, call upon the OCH, and conjure thee through water, fire, air, and earth, and everything that lives and moves therein, and by the most holy names of God, Agios, Tehirios, Perailtus, Alpha et Omega, Beginning and End, God and ManSabaoth, Adanai, Agla, Tetragramaton, Emanuel, Abua, Ceus, Elioa, Torna, Deus Salvator, Aramma, Messias, Clerob, Michael, Abreil, Achleof, Gachenas et Peraim, Eei Patris et Peraim Eei filii, et Peraim Dei spiritus Teti, and the words by which Solomon and Manasses, Cripinus and Agrippa conjured the
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley spirits, and by whatever else thou mayest be conquered, that you will yield obedience to me, N. (This the conjuror must name). When we are the center of attention of a whole group, we may feed upon the emotions of those around us as they are directed toward us. High energy places often have enough ambient energy floating loosely in the atmosphere that you are truly taking little from any of the individual people there. This can either happen in a circle pattern or as an S figure in the centre of a figure 8. This process is known as globalization, and this is a multicultural and societal pattern that is going on all over the world now. This is less satisfying than a focused group draw but can sustain us in a time of desperate need when no other option is available. Tiamat, however, fears him not, but when Marduk challenges her, she fights, "raging and shaking with fury," yet all in vain. Thus the aim of any psychotechnology is to unlock the powers of the human brain. This is because the torus is the three dimensional shadow of the fourth dimensional hypersphere, otherwise represented as a moving sphere or as a sphere over time. The eleven opposing monsters of Chaos are created by Tiamat and headed by Kingu, to whom Tiamat gives the tablets of destiny and whom she makes her consort. the same as Isaac did to Abraham, and appear before me, N. That is one axis of motion. It is the cultural phenomenon of mediated press coverage of international events, more of which is offered with the more expensive services. There are three different axes of motion for the torus. . This axis also include the precession of the pole between the two holes if the "doughnut" shape has got spin to it or "wobbles. The gods get drunk with joy, anticipating victory and hailing Marduk as already lord of the universe. , that the root event is occurring at a neurological level. Neuromancy centres all occult ability and potentia within the human brain - possibly the least understood and most complex system of all. With concentration and focus, you can easily reach out across a room and draw off energy from a specific individual. Chaos bred monsters, and then the divine Heaven and Earth, as Anshar and Kishar, ancestors of Anu, Enlil, and Ea, prepared for conflict, to maintain order. Perhaps. Every man and every woman is a star. What has been said about physical matrixes generally applies to the mental, with this difference; that where the physical is usually recombined, except when the matrix is very weak or more energy is required to m aintain equilibrium in t he Chaos field, the mental rarely recombines, (this is termed possession when it combines with an already functioning matrix and called reincarnation when it uses a latent matrix ), instead it usually enters the Chaos field, wherein various things may occur. Think of this debate as like that over the shape of planet earth before it had been circumnavigated and the "globe" shape confirmed. However we cannot be certain of the validity of such an assertion, because we have not yet been able to perform any type of experiment to confirm or deny the geometric shape of our universe. But unfortunately such conditions are impossible to create. These may be generalized in three ways:It may be reprocessed; When this occurs the individual matrix is broken down completely.
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley Is it the complete absence of order, or does it correspond to an order not comprehended by Man? . Interpreter is a scribe, made a disciple unto the Kingdom, and will bring forth out of his treasure things new and old, and he has kept his copies of the PISTIS SOPHIA and the BOOKS of IEOU. Indeed, when a pilgrim asks him, he seems only to be able to say that he really knows practically nothing about their contents. Therefore, desiring to know anything, we shall before all else determine WHAT we accept as given, and WHAT as demanding definition and proof; that is, determine WHAT we know already, and WHAT we wish to know. Abyss Schmabyss; fuck it all. It is a matter of form passing through chaos becoming form again in another aspect. This is interestingly similar to modern theories concerning black holes. Talk about it all you want, you'll just be blowing wind. He shall see darkness. Physicists, such as Stephen Hawking, postulate that the structure of black holes may be that of a twisted tube, (called a "wormhole"), within which is a chaos without any predictable physical laws, (called a "singularity"). " Now, this would at first seem counter-intuitive based on astromic observations. It shall shine as such in the darkness of Zin and aid in your protection, for the ghasts fear light as well as the Elder Sign. The Greeks called this the Cornocopia; a twisted tube within which is nothingness, but from the mouth of which spews all manner of things. In the beginning there was Chaos. Yet we cannot say what is "inside" spacetime or what is "outside" spacetime, because we do not observe these types of phenomenon on earth. And though this claim cannot be admitted in its entirety, it must not be altogether dismissed, for it cannot have been made without a certain amount of ostensible support, and it may be worth while to
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley investigate what that support may have been. . EThe final word is the clue to the construction. These dimensions continue to expand through the continuum, but still the underlying Chaos remains active and potent. In order that one should reach Zin, the Great Key shall be created Silver in colour. Knowledge must start from some foundation, something must be recognized as known; otherwise we shall be obliged always to de-fine one unknown by means of another. Then that's the way I like it. The manifestation of Nuit. . Firstly we shall look at the Key’s composition. In relation to the knowledge of the world and of ourselves, the conditions would be ideal could we venture to accept nothing as given, and count all as demanding definition and proof. . . But Mr. With sentient creatures there are actually two matrixes working in combination, the physical matrix and the mental matrix. 2) if we were to travel in a "straight" line on the surface of the bubble, we would warp around its roughly spherical geometry and be able to come back to the same point on the surface from which we started, even if that point has moved somewhat on the surface of the "bubble. . My lover, my friends, my family all teach me more about life, magick, and enlightenment than sitting alone in a dark room attempting to cross or master some ephemeral "Abyss" ever has. These are just machines of a sort, what Qabalahists refer to as Qliphoths, (shells).
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley But it must be asked, how does one create the Great Silver Key, or the Key To Zin? Can I feel my magick, see my magick, taste my magick? If the Key is created in a different colour then the results will be quite different - who could forget the terrible fate of he who used the golden key? After the big bang the various dimensions of order were spontaneously created by the inherent symmetry of the original matrix. . The corpse feeds the tree and the worm. The nature of the Chaos field is dimly understood. Q:"Why did Fenwick cross the road? " I crossed the Abyss once, and then realized it wasn't the Abyss I'd crossed---it was a black ribbon stretched to infinity in either direction, and separated the world in two, and bridging it was a golden path filled with laughing children. Now that the Key has been created you shall start opening the Doors that shall take you to Zin. . What is it with all this "What is the abyss? The unveiling of the company of heaven. He shall lie and relax that the body becomes heavy and the mind becomes clear. "It was written that the Great Key “will Help the Journey to Zin If the Doors are Unlocked with It Silver. . Yes? If this combining is delayed, say by isolation within volcanic rock, than the matrix will combine with the less energetic rock, the process of fossilization.
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley I was on this side, and now I'm on that side, and such is my will. . As it is, with modern astronomical observatory equiptment, we believe that if we look out in a straight line into space, no matter what direction, we see off in a straight line that does not "wrap around" the "bubble" shape; we do not see a "parellel" earth somewhere "out there. Words words words. " stuff, eh? *DON'T WALK* *DON'T WALK* *DON'T WALK* and so I stopped. I don't beLIEve in the Abyss, and I suspect that the feeling is mutual and that the Abyss chooses not to beLIEve in me. Further it is stated that these wormholes may have a terminus in another spatial/ temporal/dimensional location, (called a "white hole"). All else was Chaos. The surface of the bubble is the "surface" of our universe, the so-called "space-time continuum. Imagine the universe like a "soap" bubble. *WALK* *WALK* *WALK* and so I walked. If I'm looking for enlightenment or transcendental experiences, I don't look to magick---I look to friends and family. And both books purport to be Resurrection Discourses of our Lord when He taught His disciples things concerning the Kingdom of Heaven. the exterior seven visible, and the interior base five system "hidden" within. "If you gaze into the abyss, then the abyss also gazes into you" --Freidrich Nietzche Sorry. From Chaos does creation rise, to be formed by other forces. These are possibly Coptic translations of Greek originals and have many words in Greek, inserted in
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley their nominative cases in the Coptic manner. This is dissolution. Managing this feat will raise another question, "what now? THE most difficult thing is to know what we do know, and what we do not know. It reshapes the consumed matrix into simil ar organic constructions. . Fundamentally it is the uncoordinated source of creation. then perhaps the base twelve aspect of the Higher Light(s) represents a mapping of twelve regions on the combined interior and exterior surfaces of the torus. If I cross the street, is that any less important or significant than crossing the abyss, whatever it is? There is no such thing as the Abyss, and crossing it was wondrous. . Before the big bang all order was bound into the monoblock, a point smaller than an electron. Had! in these cases the intellectual qualities do not survive, but the remainder retains some integrity. On the opposite side glowed white lights that beckoned me to join them: *WALK* they flashed. Interpreter himself has almost forgotten. " A:"Five tons of flax. In the darkness, he shall form the shape of the Great Key, having committed it’s form to memory. the individual matrix can preserve its discreetness if it can maintain clarity, a very difficult thing to do during conditions of discorporation. If we on earth are only like a pale blue dot on the surface of the bubble, then we shoud be able to make two specific observations which we cannot: 1) there would have to be something "inside" the "bubble" of which the "spacetime continuum" is the surface; there would also have to be something "outside" of it; however, if we accept earth as being that
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley pale blue dot on the surface, then it should contact both the exterior "somethingness" and the interior "somethingness" whether these interior and exterior "somethings" are the same or not. The Key shall be composed of Silver, the metal of the Moon. Then he shall see the rays of the Moon being cast its light upon the Key, gradually turning it Silver. It may preserve its integrity; It may be that the individuals mental matrix is possessed of not only a strong will to exist, but also of a powerfully focused intellectual fixation. The magician shall lie in a comfortable place, his robes loose and an appropriate incense shall burn. . Chaos is the field that underlies all things which exist. I'm much more pragmatic about my magick; ever the kitchen witch. In these matrixes, our universe for instance, the energy matrixes that form planets, stars, bodies, minds, etc, cannot be entirely broken apart, they retain some similarity. " On a top shelf in the study of the ‘House Beautiful’ there are a couple of Early Christian books which even Mr. A special set of circumstances applies to mental matrixes in Chaos. " This would indicate the geometry of spacetime is definitively closed, and the shape of our universe roughly spherical. In other words, it would be best to assume that we know nothing, and make this our point of departure. Here is a quality of the Chao s field, that it serves to reprocess matter/energy, breaking them down into components so that it may be reused in the various dimensional matrixes. If the twelve rays were the "astral" equivalent of the seven "earthly" rays, and the seven colours map onto the torus defining a single border between them each that takes the form of a certain kind of spiral. . For example, the energy matrix of a body, upon deactivation of the governing principle, goes on to combine with similar matrixes. Now we shall discuss the creation of the Key To Zin.
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley It may be partially reprocessed; It sometimes happens that mental matrixes enter Chaos, but the primal will to exist is strong enough to prevent it from being completely reprocessed. The whole mess about the abyss is too transcendent for me; I don't beLIEve in transcendentalism. Just a long and probably meaningless (possibly extremely lucid) rant brought on by a very good glass (or three) of Merlot and a cat purring contentedly in my lap. However, according to certain theories, neutrinos may be their own antiparticle, but it is not currently known whether this is the case or not. Sorry, the whole Architect bit was a little obtuse, I admit, but I needed to cover my behind and buy time till I got the roadmap straighted out. [1] The best known of all leptons is the electron, which governs nearly all of chemistry as it is found in atoms and is directly tied to all chemical properties. During the first half of the 20th century Anno Domini, the Swastika logo was employed by the "Third Reich," whose inner-most order was the "THULE" cult of the "Black Sun. . The peyote had fully invaded swim's body and he was lost in a childish wonderland. " Swim took the three and a half buttons at about 9 p. " This cult studied anti-gravity propulsion craft as a means of achieving space-travel, and believed these same sort of craft responsible for the stories of "Vimana" in the ancient Sanskrit and Farsi. By now I'm sure you've almost completely forgotten about the question, since I've also talked us way off its trail by repeatedly changing the topic. As I say, though, it was all to buy me time while I dug out the map to get us unlost again. [12][13] Leptons are an important part of the Standard Model. Johansen and his men were awed by the cosmic majesty of this dripping Babylon of elder daemons, and must have guessed without guidance that it was nothing of this or of any sane planet. The images kept flowing in cartoon form. Swim began to see many open eyed visuals. He continued to stare in amazment at all the colors paying no attention the dark and bleak surroundings enveloping him. He discovered a peach on the floor. Everything remained fake. I fear that my personality may be evolving along one or both of these split paths too rapidly for me to be able to come back from either or both. The first charged lepton, the electron, was theorized in the mid-19th century by several scientists[3][4][5] and was discovered in 1897 by J. Thus electrons are stable and the most common charged lepton in the universe, whereas muons and taus can only be produced in high energy collisions (such as those involving cosmic rays and those carried out in particle accelerators). Electrons are one of the components of atoms, alongside protons and neutrons. I think at this point swim had reached the peak. Swim did not fight thetrip at all. There are six types of leptons, known as flavours, forming three generations. In teh real, I see myself becoming completely inverted, as if the world were above me and I was on my feet but upside down. He opened the door and proceeded outwards into the other areas of the living area. " In any event, I've also been concentrated largely on social interactions, while awake at least, and how, while within them, I seem to fear expressing myself too much. I suppose that only a single mountain-top, the hideous monolith-crowned citadel whereon great Cthulhu was buried, actually emerged from the waters. They were much like a psychedelic screensaver but a thousand times more intense. He may burn the Cakes of Light, or the Incense of Abramelin; he may be prepared by Liber CLXXV, the reading of Liber LXV, and by the practices of Yoga. CLOSELY ASSOCIATED with the World Mountains are the many Wheels of Life, by which the ancients sought to picture the relations of parts of the universe to each other and to the whole. For uncounted centuries man knew the geography of the heavens better than the geography of the Earth, and whatever life on Earth meant to him, the unfailing procession of the great star-groups of
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley the Zodiac meant certainty, law, order. After he consumed the peyote swim immediately felt very sick and disgusted. Anderson in 1936, but it was erroneously classified as a meson at the time. m. . Even in the company of my best friends, I behave as if something wrong is about to happen, and this almost incessantly causes something to go bad. He may invoke Hadit by ". I'm trying to talk about geometry, not homosexuality! Awe at the unbelievable size of the greenish stone blocks, at the dizzying height of the great carven monolith, and at the stupefying identity of the colossal statues and bas-reliefs with the queer image found in the shrine on the Alert, is poignantly visible in every line of the mates frightened description. [11] The tau neutrino remained elusive until July 2000, when the DONUT collaboration from Fermilab announced its discovery. His hypothesis is that during the process of the Earth's cooling, and because of what he calls "the tetrahedral collapse of the Earth's crust in the southern hemisphere," the assumed spheroid form of the Earth (giving a minimum of surface for a given volume) tended to develop into a tetrahedron (giving a maximum of surface for a given volume), with the continents as the edges and the ocean beds as the sides. There were zones written in the heavens long before man stretched his imaginary lines of the terrestrial zones over the Earth--"The circle called the Zodiac," said Plutarch, "is placed under the three that are in the midst, and lies obliquely, gently touching them all. Let the Adeptus Minor be standing in this circle on the square of Tiphereth, armed with his Wand and Cup; but let him perform the Ritual throughout in his Body of Light. It soon began to bore swim though, so he placed it back on the ground. On the internet this manifests itself through the negative charging of my personality. At one point swim discovered the door knob in an attempt to touch and grasp his visuals. [8][9] The muon neutrino was discovered in 1962 by Leon M. wine and strange drugs" if he so will. "Thus," says Green, 1 "a general view of the crystal, the six-faced tetrahedron [Fig. Lederman, Melvin Schwartz and Jack Steinberger,[10] and the tau discovered between 1974 and 1977 by Martin Lewis Perl and his colleagues from the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. C'est le vie. He was feeling many MANY immense tingles through his back and spine as he felt the fuzzy peach. Again, it is very difficult to describe in words. The Wheel of the Zodiac was of course the great original for all such figures, particularly for the Wheels of Life. Electrons have the least mass of all the charged leptons. Charged leptons can combine with other particles to form various composite particles such as atoms and positronium, while neutrinos rarely interact with anything, and are consequently rarely observed. Indescribable patterns of colored lights and networks of structures. I then said "follow the architect" as an allusion to the white rabbit. I lose alot of friends that way. The heavier muons and taus will rapidly change into electrons through a process of particle decay: the transformation from a higher mass state to a lower mass state. So, yes, when I said I hadn't answered your question about the four elements becoming densified from the protoplasma. 20], supposed to be three-fourths covered by water attracted towards the centre of gravity of the figure, represents generally all the continents and oceans on the globe in their actual relative positions. Leptons have various intrinsic properties, including electric charge, spin, and mass. When I think of the extent of all that may be brooding down there I almost wish to kill myself forthwith. [8] The first neutrino, the electron neutrino, was proposed by Wolfgang Pauli in 1930 to explain certain characteristics of beta decay. 1 He prepares the circle by the usual formulae of Banishing and Consecration, etc. Unlike quarks however, leptons are not subject to the strong interaction, but they are subject to the other three fundamental interactions: gravitation, electromagnetism (excluding neutrinos, which are electrically neutral), and the weak interaction. As always, our thoughts, once so intertwined, are often wrapped around or toward the same end. [2] The first generation is the electronic leptons, comprising the electron (e−) and electron neutrino (νe); the second is the muonic leptons, comprising
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley the muon (μ−) and muon neutrino (ν μ); and the third is the tauonic leptons, comprising the tau (τ−) and the tau neutrino (ν τ). He recites Section A as a rehearsal before His Holy Guardian Angel of the attributes of that Angel. I tend not to attract people, or to even not berate them too much to allow them to stay. A lepton is an elementary, spin-1⁄2 particle that does not undergo strong interactions, but is subject to the Pauli exclusion principle. The patterns of colors kept flowing, winding, unwinding, and repeating themselves differently over and over again, perpetually. Dear God, man! Shortly after though, he felt a burst in motor energy and began to run around in circles in the dark. [8] It was first observed in the Cowan– Reines neutrino experiment conducted by Clyde Cowan and Frederick Reines in 1956. [6] The next lepton to be observed was the muon, discovered by Carl D. I guess you could say we are two people "of the same bent. I see events spiral out of my control, and I can barely even summon the strength of energy to interject an appropriate facial expression. It took until 1947 for the concept of "leptons" as a family of particle to be proposed. As there are four acute solid angles on the crystal, so there are four and only four continents or masses in relief on the globe, and as there are four obtuse angles on the crystal, so there are four and only four grand depressions or oceans on the globe. Each phrase must be realized with full concentration of force, so as to make Samadhi as perfectly as possible upon the truth proclaimed. And, in discussing the use of the "crooked cross" or "Swastika" symbol, we cannot exclude the symbol of Fascism in Germany, the NAZI Blutfahn or "blood flag" carried by Hitler during the failed "Beer Hall" Putsch. Then again, why should I want to? Thousands of triangles and elaborate beautiful pictures of shapes appeared. So, down the rabbit hole I sent you looking at some of my more esoteric older threads, which you did. . Everything began to appear cartoonish and the visuals were very intense. There is a hint of this in the Tibetan world-picture, with Mount Meru the axis or hub of the world about which are placed like spokes in a wheel the four quarters of the Earth, with their three islands each, making the sum of twelve radii from the centre. It was very fuzzy and swim's sense of touch made him feel very strange. Two main classes of leptons exist: charged leptons (also known as the electron-like leptons), and neutral leptons (better known as neutrinos). J. Thomson. For every lepton flavor there is a corresponding type of antiparticle, known as antilepton, that differs from the lepton only in that some of its properties have equal magnitude but opposite sign. [7] After investigation, it was realized that the muon did not have the expected properties of a meson, but rather behaved like an electron, only with higher mass. Exotic atoms with muons and taus instead of electrons can also be synthesized, as well as lepton–antilepton particles such as positronium. . " And it is not hard to see how this great circle came to seem to man a mirror of the Earth, a storehouse of its history, its constant Watcher in the sky, and the unerring prophet of And yet it is almost this very figure--the inverted pyramidal plant figure of the floating continents-which William Lowthian Green worked out in 1875 with the aid of a "model crystal," a tetrahedron with its sides depressed and its four corners thereby slightly raised.
i AM the sLAVe Of HIM WHO pREPArED ME. thIS MeTa-masK Is tHEn oBsERvEd As BeinG tHE SUM cOmbInaTioN of alL SUCh HIStoRICaL GoDS anD gOdDEsSeS WhicH HAvE BeEN AlLoCaTed TO The sEa, oCEaN, tHe WATeRs, tHE TRaveLiNG tHEREOf, aND aLl thAt ThEy REPrESent. IN The LATE 1990'S physicIsT sTEPhEN HAwKING proposEd tHE thEoRy of "bLacK hOLES" or IMpLOded STARS. jUst as tHErE aRe cerTaiN AnGleS FRoM wHiCh A cube cAn be
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley vIEWED That cASt ReguLAR SHaPed SHadOWS ‹ THE hExagon, ThE sQUAre, Etc. IF THE cALcUlaTiONS are RepeaTeD in aNy OtHER sEttiNg tHE conClUSIOnS WILl bE ExaCtLy THe sAme, aNd therefore THE pATtERNS DIsplAyed iN ThEir RELAtionSHIPs WILL be IdENtical. To abUSe the MiNd, hail AlL ILL. onE Of THe FUndaMEntAL insigHTs Of ThE tABLeS Is pRoviDed By comPArIsON beTweEN the TWO. cIrCUIt SIx PRoCEsses, PrOBABlY opEratiNG from ThE RIgHt NeO-cortEx, uSE The Many-LAyERed languAGE OF eNDleSS ASSOcIaTioNS aNd cONNOtATIONs cOnJUReD Up By EacH coNcEpT -- LanGuaGe SiMILAr tO tHAt UsED By JameS JOYCe in hiS FINNEgANs WakE. TO Live Is to LOVe, wHIch SUpERCEdES AlL ElSe. bUt i nevER fOund THoSE sOuTH kOrEan SENTrIeS ASlEEp at TheIr POst on My OD (OffICER OF tHe day) InSpEctIONS, eveN IN The MIDdlE OF tHE nIGHT. modeRN tHEoriEs tENd tO BE "hiGhERDIMEnsIoNAL" inCluDING QUaNTUM field AND StRinG TheorIES. I aM ThE MidwIFe ANd sHe wHo DoeS NoT BeaR. AS thE eiGHth dEmonStRateS quAnTIfIabLe DECLinE In SeQUence, sO the niNTh yiELDS fIrSt ExACt SElF-replicATiON, And THen iNCreaSiNG SElf-rEFeRenTiaL SEqUEnTIaliSM. ONE of tHEse IS, oF COUrse, tHe cuBE iTSELF. NUmbeRs DO Not liE. A "HypeRcube" IS FOUr DiMENsiOnal. when a PleThORA OF syNChroniCItIeS eMErGES In DAILy life, tHE sixth CIrCUIt Is deFIniTEly ALiVE And WelL, MIrRorinG THiS lanGUaGe of sImuLTaneoUs CONcepTS iN EVERYDay EVeNTs. One may Still CHoOsE TO ALLocATe It TowArDs anY NUmbEr OF SpECiFiC MaSKs, thoUgH It aloNe is a SiNGUlar whicH deals wIth tHe mAny. hIGH-dImeNsIoNaL SPaCES occuR in mAthEmAtIcS ANd tHe sciEncEs fOR Many REASonS, FrEQUEnTlY aS coNFigUraTiOn spacEs SUCh aS in LAgRangIAN Or haMILtonIAN meCHaniCS; theSE arE AbSTRAcT spaCES, inDEPeNDENt of ThE phYsiCAl SpAce we LIve in. For exAMPLE, THE shADoW Of A cUBe SEen FRoM AbOVE THE miDPOInT Of one Of iTS FACEs is A SqUARe. tHE hotTeSt PLAcE tHIs SIDe of heLL I’vE eVer bEeN iN The sUMMEr. tHIs Is A sUbtLe and AdVaNcEd CoNCePT of GOd, EviDentlY WITHOuT precEdENt among THE grEEk thiNkERS. " ThE fUrthER LEAp By aNAXAGOrAS hAs ALwayS fAscinATeD ME. JUST AS onE doEs noT dESiRE whaT One dOes NoT knOw, ONE alsO CAnnOT hATE it. How YOU SEek lOve DeTERMInes What FoRm It wiLl Be In WHen You fiNd it. sO, tOo, As One ROtatEs ANd ReoRiEnTS a hYpercUbe iN four diMENSIonS, it CAstS tHrEe DIMenSioNAL shADows of dIfFeREnt ShAPES. to sEEK lovE Let It Find yOu. RiGiDItY, desiRE To contRol, diStRUSt, cYniCISm, naRRoWNESS, coWaRdIce, COldNesS, maKe AnY NEW sitUAtIon tHREatEniNG. as tHe MIND sURFaceS aBOVE TImE, sO ToO SHAlL OnE leAP fROM peAK To peAK likE a mOuntaIn GoAT. heaVEn and hELL ARe ALrEADY upon tHe eaRtH. TO Do HARM tO OnE IS To Do HarM To aLl. The ENEmY IS tHE sAME AS ThE SELf. yOur feARS, DesIRes, CoNFlicTs, gUilts, seCreT pAssIONs, dETerMinE hOw you IntERpret ANd MANaGE ANy psYchedeLIC sessIoN. ‹ So aLsO ARE TherE certAIn ANgles aND pOsitIOnS At WHicH THE hypercuBE wilL CAst rEgulaR ShAped thRee dIMeNsioNAL shAdowS. SO, Do not RUN away FrOM ThESE eArthlY reAliTIes tO tHose uNkNoWN eTeRnItIes, FOr tO Run AWAY is ONLy To rUN toWARDS. lONG-rAnge SEt ReFeRS to PeRsOnal HistOrY, eNDUrinG pERsoNaLiTy, THE kiNd OF PeRSON you aRE. sUCh sCeneS oF recOgnItIoN WhicH arE MEANt To InsTRUCt the WOrLd againsT iTs WilL hAVe THe InExcuSABLe fault thAt thEy simultaNeousLY hUMILIaTE, AND thE wIrEPUlLEr TRiEs with hIs ARtifice to gAin A LiTTle FAmE; bUT tHIs huMilIAtiON aND tHIS vanIty dESTroy tHe efFeCT, fOR THey PUsH Away aGaIn aN iNstRUcTion Gained AT SUcH A pRIcE. The UniVERSe, tHen, Is tHinKer aNd thOUGht, And sincE wE are pArT OF iT, we as HUmANS ArE, in The FinaL ANALySIS, thougHTS of aNd ThInkers oF ThOsE THOUgHts. To MOve tHE moUnTAIN, bEcOmE
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley tHE miND. ThesE WeRE nOt ChIlDisH thiNkErS, Nor pRimiTives. tHE InsIde oF A CUbe, A CYliNDER OR a SPHEre iS THRee-diMeNSioNAL becAusE tHREe cOordiNATES ARe neEDeD to LOcAte A POinT withiN tHESe sPACes. I am thE RULeR OF My OffspRiNg. IT waS not UNTil thE timE of ariSTOtLe that theiR vIEWs gOt rEDuCed to WHAt we CaN NeATLy—buT wrOngLY— CLASSIFy aS crUde. anD wHATEvER He wILLS HappEns to me. in phYsIcs aND mAtheMaTicS, tHE DimenSIOn Of a SpACe OR OBjECt is inFOrMAlLy defiNed aS thE MINImum nUMBER Of cOoRdInaTes neEdeD To sPeCIFy anY Point wItHiN IT. In iNITiAL SESSiONs wiTH UnpREpAReD PErSOns, SeT And sEtTInG - PARtiCuLaRLy tHE actIOns oF oThERs - are mOsT iMPORTanT. in 1999, an anNoUNCeMENT wAs mADE by nasa THAT "BLACk hOles" lIkELy ExISted At The CeNTre oF aLL SPIraL GaLaxiES, inCluDIng Our OWn MIlKy WaY. fOR i aM The FiRst AnD tHe laSt. [1][2] thus A liNE hAs A dImenSIOn OF One BEcaUse ONly OnE COOrDInAtE Is nEEDed TO SPECIFY a PoINt On iT (fOr EXample, THe PoinT AT 5 On A nUmbEr LIne). THE ShaDOw of A lInE (Seen FrOM abOVE onE End) Is A ONe-dimEnSIonaL poiNT. I Am tHe voIce whoSe sound Is ManiFOLD and thE Word wHOSe aPpEaraNCe iS MulTIpLe. a CUBe IS ThReE dimENsIONAL. THe SHAdOw OF a CUbE Seen fROM aboVE oNE of ITs CORNERs Is A HeXagON. i Am sHE wHoSe WEDdiNG IS gREAt, AnD I haVe Not TAkeN a hUSbanD. THe sTate-SpACE Of QUaNTuM meChanicS Is An iNFINitEdiMENsIoNaL FuNcTion sPAce. " rATHER thAn DEBatE the InHERENt "tRUth" OR LaCK OF "tRUtH" of An IDEa, MEmeTiCS iS laRGelY cOncErned WITH HOW ThaT idEa gets ItseLf RepLiCATEd. WeLL nOw, tHE “alwaYs tANNed anD CoverED WItH dUsT” Was ceRTAINlY KoREA. FLeXiBiLity, BaSIC truSt, phiLOsopHIC faItH, huMAN Openness, cOURAgE, IntErpERsONAL WarMTH, CrEatIVItY, ALlOW foR FuN AND EaSy leaRNiNg. Just AS MinD AND bRAin ArE, so tOO aRe THe heARt and the SOUl, aND So too are THe RoOTs and seeds THe SpIrIt. THE BETTeR thE prEPaRATiON, tHE MORE ecSTatIc aND RELeVaToRY THE seSsIOn. I Am ThE wHOre aND THE holY OnE. ROLlINg A conVOy uP those SiLt-lAdEN SLOPES wAS To dIe oF dusT POIsOniNg uNTil YOu leaRNed tO wrAP A LOOsE sock ArOUND yoUr nOSe sO YOu CouLd die PrOpERlY OF hEat pROStrATiOn While yOu dRIPped gRimY SwEat. eTC. i, toO, fINd it tErRiBle WHeN someBOdy BEGINS to ExPLaiN, FOR WHeN wORSt Comes tO WorST i undERStaND evErytHiNg MySELF. PsychEdeLIC ChemicAlS aRe NOt Drugs IN THe usuAL sEnSE of the WoRd. WHEn You ARe AT PeAce, tHEn tHE Whole world WILl cOME TO yoU And boW. buT He Is tHE oNE WHo [BEgot ME] befORe THE tImE On A BIrtHday. sO, toO, The SHADOW oF a HypERCUBE IS threE DiMenSIonAl. i aM THE sOlACe oF My LABor PaInS. THe sHaDow of a cUBe (SEEN frOm AbOVe One sIDe) IS a TwoDiMENSioNaL plANE. this is SHApe IS THE one MoSt cOMMoNly ASsOcIatEd wITh tHE hyPERcuBe. If one were To TuRn iT arOUnD iN three dImenSions, a CuBe cAn CaST twOdiMENSioNAl ShAdOWS Of DiFfERENt SHapes. The logOS was BOTH tHat WHicH ThOugHt, AnD thE tHInG WHICH It thoUGhT: ThInKER aNd thOUght tOGETHEr. a sUrFacE sucH as a Plane Or THe surfacE OF a CYLINder or SPherE haS a DIMENSiOn of two bEcAUSe two CooRdiNAteS Are neEDed to speCIFy a poInt ON It (foR ExAmpLe, tO locatE A poinT ON THE SURfACE OF A spHeRE yoU nEEd boTh itS LATituDe ANd itS LONgiTuDE). " regARDiNG HERaclItus SpecificalLY, HE saYS, "In HeraCLITuS IT iS difFICuLt To TEll HOw Far ThE DEsiGNS IN GoD'S minD aRe DIStINguisHed fRoM tHE ExECuTIoN in THe wORLD, OR iNdeED hoW FaR God'S MINd iS distinguISHed From THe wORlD. onLY a "blACk HOle" cOuLD aCCouNT FOR ThE
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley MassIve GraviTy NeeDeD to FOrM a GaLAxY. WhETHer PerSOnifIEd As a dIvIneLy iNtoXICATEd maLE OR fEmAle ARCHetYpE or DEfinEd AS An ImpersonAL, aMoRpHoUs FoRCE, tHE rEALiZaTIoN is that of a VASt lIfE foRCE becOming inCReasINGLy sELF-AwArE aNd EXploring the iNfiNIte posSibIlITiES thAT LiE aHeAD. " aNAXAGoRAs BElievED thAt eVERYtHIng Was DEteRMiNed BY mIND. i AM the MotHeR oF mY FAtHEr aNd tHe siSTER oF My HUSBANd, aND hE IS MY offSpRiNg. vOlumE) ANd ItS positiON In tIMe (pErCeIVeD As a scALAr DImeNSIoN alONg ThE t-AxIS), as wEll AS thE SPatiAL COnstituTIoN of OBJeCTS WithiN— stRUctuReS thaT coRRelaTE wITH bOTh PArTIcLe and FIElD conCePtions, INTeRaCt AcCORDinG tO rELaTive pROPerTIes oF MaSS—aNd Are funDaMENtALLy mATHeMaTiCAl IN dEsCriPTiOn. desPite THe aStRONOmicAl obseRVAtIonS aLrEAdy MAdE oF sAgiTtarIuS a, IT reMAIned A HOtLY ConTESteD DebAtE As to HoW this SMaLl sTar could have waRpEd tHe EnTIre galaxY tO forM AS a SpIRAL beIng PUlLeD ever iNWArD TOWARD iT. ThIs IS BecausE tHE earth IS WHAt we MAKe oF iT. THesE, Or OTHER AxeS, maY BE REfEReNcED TO unIQUElY IDeNTify a poInT oR STRuCtUre in its ATTitude AND RElaTiOnshIP To OTHeR objeCTs AnD oCCURrENceS. theRe Is NO spEcIfIc SOmatic Or PSYcHoLogIcAl REactIon. the PErsOn Who HAs SOMe UNdeRStaNding Of his OwN MAChInerY, WHo caN RecogNIZe wHEN hE is noT functioNing As He would WISh, Is BEttER abLE TO AdapT tO any CHallenge - eveN thE SUdDeN COlLApse oF His EgO. it iS by THe ShApES OF tHese shaDOWS AlONe tHaT wE CAn RIgHtlY DEscRIbe the MOvEmEnts OF THE hYPERcUbE. to DiE Is To haTE, wHich undErmINeS alL eLsE. I am ThE mEMBERs of my mOthEr. ON The OtHer hAND, TO FOrm A mETA-MaSK IS tO CreAte A moDErn CoNSoLE oR OUTLEt fOr whiCH ANy OF tHeSE mIgHT Be APpROAChED - IT iS A comBiNED FORM oF tHE MANy And aNy nUMbEr OF ReLaTed cuLTURal MaSkS MIGHt Be cONnecteD TO iT. BuT tHe Intention HERE rEally is NOT So WICKEd, as iF ThE meanING of tHInKINg anD oF aBSTrAct WEre TO bE eXpLaiNEd HERE. i am The HONORed ONE And tHE sCorneD oNe. TO lIVE, HeaL tHe seLF. "aNAxaGorAs hAd BEEN DRIVeN tO a thEOrY oF The mICroStRuCTUre OF mAttER wHICh MaDE It, TO SOME eXTenT, MYsTErIoUS tO hUMan REAsoN. it sImpLY didN'T have EnoUGH GraVitY TO aCCOuNT fOR the EFFECt. HERE THE eXPLaNATIon of THInKInG And aBStrACt wouLD IN aNy Case bE EnTiREly supERfLUoUS; For iT is oNlY BecaUsE THE beAUtIFUL wOrLD kNOWs What IT MeaNS tO bE AbstRACt ThaT IT RUNS AWAY. noR is IT MY InTent To try crAFtILy To reConCilE tHE BeAUTIfuL worlD WiTH thiNkINg Or wiTH the ABSTrAct AS If, UNDer THE semBLaNCe of SMall tAlK, tHinkInG AnD tHe absTRAcT weRE To be Put oVer TiLL iN the End tHEY HaD fOunD THEIR way inTo sOCIeTy InCOGNItO, wiTHout HaVING ArOused AnY DiSguST; even AS if ThEy WERE TO be AdopTED IMpeRcePtIbLY by SociETY, OR, as thE SwAbianS Say, hEReiNGeZäunSELT, BEfOrE tHe aUthOr oF tHis cOmPLiCation sUDdEnLY eXpoSEd tHis stRaNge guEst, NAmEly tHe aBsTRaCt, WHOM THE WhOLE pArty Had LONG TreATED anD reCoGNizeD under A dIffEREnt tITlE aS If He WErE a gOOD oLd acQuAintaNCE. tHE SuMmATioN OF muCH PRe-SOcRatIC theOlogY AND PHIlOsOphY cAN bE sTATED AS fOLloWs: tHe kOSMos is NOT as it apPEaRs To bE, aND whAt iT PRoBabLY iS, At iTS deepEST LeVEl, IS EXaCTLY ThAt whiCH The humAn BeiNg IS at HIs DeePeST leVeL—CaLl IT mIND oR SoUL, it IS SOmeTHiNG UnItary WHIcH lIvES anD ThINkS, aND onLY apPEarS To be pLUraL aNd matEriaL. I AM THe WIFe aND tHE viRGiN. i Am THe bRIdE And tHE bRidEGROOM, AND It Is MY hUsBand who bEgOt ME. it is A mOre cOmpaCted fOrM Of ThE SINgulAr archEtYPE. i Am thE uTtERanCe OF MY NamE. "
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley a HypERCUbE aLSo cAsTs A ReGUlAR sOlID shApe At "neSteD posITiOn," aNd the shapE it CasTS TheN iS a cUBe-witHIn-A-CuBE. THe aNGLE aT wHIcH thE hyPeRCUBe cAsTS A CUBiC ShADOw i calL "sTaNdaRd pOSiTIOn. to DO HArm IS To sTREngThen the enEMY. JUst as TIme heAlS aLl WoundS, deAth cUreS All diSEasE. if wE Make of it A hEaVen, We SaY ThErE IS ThE kINgdOm COme. TO UsE THe MiND, hAiL all WELl. phYSical thEoRies ThAT iNcorPoraTe tIMe, sucH AS geNErAL reLativiTY, Are sAiD TO WorK iN 4-dIMENSIoNAL "sPAcEtIme", (DEFiNED AS a MINkOwSKI SpaCe). iN thE TiMe It tAkes oNE to RUN tHE diAMeter, thE CIrCumFErENCe WILl hAvE cOMe aRounD AGain HALFwaY, AND yOu ShaLl onlY aRrivE AgaIN FRoM whENce YOU came. tO HeAl oNe iS tO HEAL All. so WitH HEaVeN and hEll, ETERNity and EaRTH, sELF and OtHeR. pERhAPs more ImpOrtANT aRE THe ReFLEX mEchanisms, defenSEs, pROTecTIve MANeUVErS, TyPiCAlLy emPLoyeD WHEn DealinG wIth ANXiETy. tHe cONcEPt oF DImEnSIon iS noT ReSTRIcteD TO PhYSicAl ObJEcTS. tHEir PRImAry SIMILaRitY iS THe rePETition oF PAtterN; ThEir pRimaRY diFferencE BEINg THE NaTURe Of tHESe pAtTERns. TAKE ThE dKmU'S mEtA-mASk OF "olE ZALtY", whICH appEarS AS AnY SaIlOr or sEaFAriNG tyPe of FigurE. I aM THE SILEnCE ThAt IS inCoMPReHEnSIBLe and thE IDea WHOSe rEMEMbRaNce IS FREqueNt. "tHE ArgumENTs Of pARmenIdes sEEMEd to Show tHAT All ReaLIty mUST INdeed be A MinD," HUsseY WrITEs, "Or aN object OF THOuGhT IN A mInD. thErE IS nothIng THe BEAUTIfUl wOrLd fINds as iNToLERAbLE aS EXplANAtIOns. I AM THE STaFF of HIS POwEr IN HIs yoUth, [aNd] hE IS tHe ROD of mY oLd Age. THE two extREmE EnDs arE THe DiAMETeR Of A cIRcUmfErenCe. TO diE, hArm thE eneMy. IN ThE wintER KOReA bECOmes a paRt OF sIbErIa, And At night it gETS sO cold you CAn HeAr the aiR cRAck. in pHYsiCaL TerMS, DIMENSiON RefERS To THe conSTiTUent StRUcturE Of alL SPaCe (Cf. i Am aNd tHe daUGHTEr. theY LaCk tHat mOTIVatIon FOr sYmmEtRy. i am the bArRen oNe AND MAny ARE HER sonS. MuCh Of tHis view rEacHes Us tHrOuGH The lOgOs doctrINe reGARdING CHrIsT. If WE makE oF iT A HELL, WE SAY there is HElL ON eartH. thE BASiC EXpERiEncE of CiRcuIt sIX IS cOmmUNIOn Or CoNvERSatIon WITh ThE aNcIEnT gENETic 'ARchIteCT' bEhInD aLL physICaL OrganiSMs. tHese PATTErNS arE aPPaRenT And UnDenIaBle. WHetHER mEMEs CaN be ConsIDered TRUE "life FoRmS" Or nOt is a tOpiC OF SoME deBatE, but thIs Is IRreLevANt: tHEy behAve IN A wAY simILAR To LIFe ForMs, ALloWING US tO CoMbine The anALyTICAl tECHnIqUES Of ePideMioLoGY, evoluTiONary sCieNCe, ImMUNoLOgY, lINGUiStics, anD SemIoTicS, INto AN EFFEctiVe SYsTEm knoWN AS "MeMeTiCs. a pOINT is One DIMENsionaL. a LINE (THe sIDe of a PLaNe) iS TWo DIMEnSIonaL. THeY DEbaTeD seRioUs iSsuEs aND stUdIed one aNOTher'S VIEws wItH dEFT iNsiGHT. and He is mY ofFSPRinG [IN] (DUe) timE, AnD mY PoWEr IS FROm hIm. moST ImporTANt iS INSIght. insteAd, SeeK tHE TrUtH wItHIN bY bEing stILl At tHe ceNtRe, THE ORIgin pOiNT. held within the subconscious (or lower) to some degree. Wherever there is the light of knowledge, there will also be information which deal with specific interests, states of mind and
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley is bicameral: because one part is in light while another dealing with when we engage the use of spirits of, It goes on that, instead of an objective (permanently existing) the shadow of its absence. This is why the brain from within, without shadow, then the brain will cease to commonalities within the human spiritual condition, all of which are part is in shadow. When the light of knowledge shines function bicamerally. any type is a set of, let's say, pockets of out-world of spirits which had always been, what we are. When it is below 5 degrees Celsius, start putting in the sulfuric acid, one drop at a time. Who, therefore, is this Material God? Keep stirring and watching the thermometer. Ifthe work goes poorly and the observances are largely not met then the staff should be destroyed. Adding the acidproduces heat; if it gets up to 10 degrees, stop adding acid and wait for it to cool. Deeply disturbing, when these fears begin to surface, the initiate is closeted in a private space. This will provide excellent cooling and alsokeep container from floating. Because the World is a Sphere, that is, a head, and above the head there is nothing material, as beneath the feet there is nothing intellectual. It is customaryto engrave upon the staff a record of the observances performed. 37. The container must now be put into ice/salt water and cooled to below 5 degrees Celsius. 5 milliliters ofsulfuric acid, one drop at a time. Anyhow, there are eight circuits. Mix 30 milliliters of acetone and 50 millileters of hydrogenperoxide into a glass container and mix thoroughly. The very facts of physical science itself, if rightly interpreted, will give the clue to the mystery; and will point the steps of the honest investigator toward the path where he may find the solution of the perplexing riddle. And it is impossible it should be otherwise. Whatsoever, therefore, is joined or united to the Membrane or Film of the head, wherin the Soul is, is immortal, and as in the Soul of a made Body, hath its Soul full of the Body; but those that are further from that Membrane, have the Body full of Soul. This world came into existence out of a chaos of fluid driven by a divine blast: this is the epic beginning of the Book of Genesis: “The earth was chaotic and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and God’s wind moved upon the face of the fluid. The fair and beautiful World, and yet it is not good; for it is material, and easily passible, nay, it is the first of all passible things; and the second of the things that are, and needy or wanting somewhat else. To give a
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley visualillustration of the practical difficulties, and frequent impossibilities, of decipherment and translation of the Old Testament texts, I present one of the best known passages in the Hebrew Bible, printed in Hebrew characters as Yahveh himself is said to have written it: By dedicating any sexual gnosis to magic the monk or nun affirms that any sexual act performed during the period of observances will be used to cast spells for divination or invocation or similar magical purpose. 34. And it was once made, and is always, and is ever in generation, and made, and continually makes, or generates things that have quantity and quality. 38. Therefore, both intelligible and material things, go both of them into bodies; for, of contraposition, that is, setting one against another, and contrariety, all things must consist. The 8-circuit model describes eight levels of function of human consciousness. The whole HebrewScriptures is a solid mass of words in consonants only, with not a single vowel among them. The considerable inconvenience of bearing a magicalstaff serves to increase vigilance and acts as a constant reminder to complete the other observances. The whole Universe is material: The Mind is the head, and it is moved spherically, that is, like a head. Should the ghasts come to you then you shall show them the Elder Sign and they will remember and turn away. The flesh profiteth nothing; the mindprofiteth nothing; that which is unknown to you and above these, while firmly based upon their equilibrium, giveth life. 41. The Pact tries toensure that the Sigil of Chaos is visualized once an hour somewhere on earth. I always compare the way a scanner will pickup the NOAA weather stations. Thus 127 signified the lesser observances for twenty seven days, 333 the extreme observances for thirty three days. In the beginning was Initiation. 39. Knowledge is the gift of God; for all Knowledge is unbodily, but useth the Mind as an instrument, as the Mind useth the Body. For it is moveable, and every material motion is generation; but the intellectual stability moves the material motion after this manner. Although all the Irminenschraft (or simply, Irminists) believed the Vimana of the Rig Veda described ancient air-ships, and that the Vedic Aryans had migrated into Europe to found the Norse mythic culture, not all of them knew what such lofty concepts might really mean. They look to Nu’ak-Batur, their dark Lord and remember those antediluvian times and then they remember the Elder Sign, the great sign of warding which seals Zin’s vaults. You need to add a total of 2. This Hebrew language, like several others of theallied Semitic languages, was written entirely with consonants, having no written means of expressing vowel sounds; their words consist mostly of only three consonantal letters. The easiest way to do this: take a coffeecan, put in water and salt to about half full, put container (empty) into can, put plastic lid on can to keep container from floating, put can in freezer, when water is frozen, take out, remove lid, proceed. Now the Great Work is one, and the Initiation is one, and the Reward isone, however diverse are the symbols wherein the Unutterable is clothed. Note first that at the top of the key is the Elder Sign, which most evil creatures hold a fear of and that fear is greatest in the ghasts of Zin, for in their darkness they wait and think about bygone times when the chaos of the Old Creatures was the supreme Power. If the work proceeds satisfactorilythen the staff should be kept as an object or power. This includes inhibitions (both instinctive and learned), psychic
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley 'engrams' (often placed in the mind while the Jedi was still in the creche), and fears. Most theories deal withone or the other, but not both- mundane psychology with no consideration of transcendant experience, or mystical foo-fa-ra with octaves and rays and spiritual this or that but no grounding in nitty-gritty down-to-earth surviving in the human jungle. As a matter of truth, the investigator is not compelled to resort to metaphysical explanations to account for the phenomena of Mental Influence. The NAZI occultist Karl Maria Wiligut crafted what would come to be the religious beliefs of the NAZI Third Reich based on the concept that "Krishna" was a Vedic deity, and that the Norse descended from the Vedics. The hourly visualisation of the Sigil of Chaos isfacilitated by the use of an alarm watch and a powerful alarm clock may well be useful for the night time visualisations of the extreme observances. The lower four deal with normalpsychology, while the upper four deal with 'psychic', 'mystical', 'enlightened', or perhaps even 'tripped-out' consciousness. Different books call these by different names- 'circuits'(like different circuits in a computer), 'gears' (like shifting gears on a bicycle), 'grades' (like in elementary school)- you could call them 'burritos' if you want- I like 'circuits'. Although we know that the real solution lies in the metaphysical realm, still even physical science will corroborate the facts of its metaphysical sister science, and instead of contradicting the latter will actually go far toward furnishing analogous facts and principles basis for a theory of metaphysical facts. � From this primeval matter, in a process of subsequent creations, was born the home of the living. 40. 35. It has been proven that it shall do all three if it is used in the correct manner - if it is not then you will find yourself failing to enter Zin, or else with a false confidence that will surely lead you to your death. Now, put a thermometer in the mixture. The initiation ritual takes exactly 24 hours from beginning to end. The inductee is given an herbal mix reputed to cause a loosening of the barriers in the mind which normally are used to repress the Dark side. It also serves as a badge ofoffice and other members of the Pact should accord the monk or nun whatever assistance they require with their work where possible. Trism. Tat. This consonantal mass of words was writtenfrom right to left, without spacing between words, and without a single mark of punctuation from end to end. The strong pointof this system is that it integrates the two so well. Since the weather station operates close to the railroad frequencies, I figure that the scanner and antenna combination should do just as well with the railroad frequencies. First we shall examine the Great Key and it shall be shown that the Arab fashioned it that it shall aid and protect the magician. 36. Abstain for three days from drawing Mercury, and then you will rise a fact. Then project to him the concentrated thought, "You like me - you forming of the thought, and then sending it out to the other person.
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley person, the same process may be used, changing the Thought and Fascination, and is the result of the emanation of streams of active spoken statement, but you must not actually "speak" the words aloud the important work in hand. Most magicians prefer to use Thought-Waves from the mind of a person, the same being strongly For instance, if you wish a person to like you, you should form in your bed curtains, &c. Above all, put clean sheets on your couch. should be sent forth with the strength that usually accompanies a strong anything set crosswise, no tapestries, no hanging clothes, hats, bird cages, person feels it most strongly and forcibly. The fundamental idea is the their customers. They form a thought that the other person desires their knowledge of the subject and is using self-protection. The thought The person forms a strong thought in his mind and sends it out to the during the remainder of the day. Note that there must be no hangings, nor candles of standard or uniform size if possible. Those which But see you do it in such a way that it will not be liable to disarrangment longing for them," etc. All of the above mentioned phenomena comes under the head of goods very much, and then they send out the Thought-Waves that "You like me very much," with an air of assurance and confidence, and the unimportant, although highly decorative, etra large, or "I am Stronger than you - my Will overcomes yours,"
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley create distractions when the magician wants to concentrate on are sold in different colors for domestic use are ideal. you should merely say them strongly "in your mind." desire my goods - you want them very much - you have an irresistible person, and are able to overcome his Will - using the silent message of up. On the fourth day, you shall cleanse and prepare your chamber vibrations to the idea that you have a stronger Will than the other If you wish to produce an effect or impress Strength upon another The size and shape of the candles you use is mind this thought: "That person likes me," fixing it in your own mind as others charged with the force of concentrated will, so that the other Some successful agents and salesmen use the following method in reaching unusually shaped candles will not be suitable as these may other person is bound to feel the effect unless he or she has acquired a concentrated and directed toward those whom the person wishes to affect. as soon as it is morning, immidiately after dressing, the whole fasting. Looking from the back, there are four screws, one at each corner. But at times, one is each. First, they did a poor job of extracting vertical sync pulses from the video signal that comes from the Amiga. Since checkers no longer have to punch keys on a register, check-outtime and errors are reduced. But this is not accurate: we cannot say that there is not ALWAYS A GREATER and ALWAYS A LESSER when we try to define the "self". One stops speaking for it, and steps off to the side, and listens to what it says. How does one define the "self"? One pertinent contributor to this technology is the International Business Machines Corporation. By using a metal bucket half filled with gasoline, however, the chances of ignition are better, since the gasoline is less likely to be extinguished. This produces an error in the interlacing when the Amiga is used in 320x400 or 640x400 display modes. It also gives characters a ragged look. One stands beside it, and looks at it. IBM developed a laser methodof information transfer that has now become universally
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinay people – Aleister Crowley accepted. When you look closely at the screen you see alternating line spacings. You will have to unplug the connector before the back can come clear off. You need a long Philips screwdriver for those. So, what is the "self" that is defined? Placing the canister of bottled gas on a bedof burning charcoal soaked in gasoline would probably be the most effective way of securing ignition of the expanding gas, since although the bursting of the gas container may blow out the flame of the gasoline, the burning charcoal should immediately re-ignite it. Lasers areused for many different applications in society today, such as measuring distances, detecting structural flaws, determining straightness, and so forth. You can see the IBM system at your local supermarket quickly readingprices and controlling inventory as it prints out a list of all purchased items. Unfortunately, the bursting ofthe bottled gas container often puts out the fuel, thus preventing the expanding gas from igniting. Finally, there is a screw just above the RGB input connector. It is the shadow, echo, reflection, opposite of the "self" that is defining it. Watch out for the speaker lead. Nitrous oxide, hydrogen, propane, acetylene,or any other flammable gas will do nicely. That receipt information is stored in a central computer,which keeps inventory and indicates what products the store should order, as well as which products should no longer be carried. This system also provides the shopper with anitemized receipt. In theory, the gas would immediately be ignited by the burning gelatinized fuel, producing a large fireball and explosion. But eventually the name we associate with the subjective self will become associated with the objective self; for example "the will to power" and "the voice of reason," the "superego" and the "id," compete and struggle for dominance the one over the other. To understand how 666 relates to this discussion, one needs to exploretechnology. We cannot rightly say we are our "self" by any definition. There is a bottom plate that that also needs to come off. Therefore, we speak of the "lesser self" and the "higher self," and give the one a name, and the other another name. Some say the "self" is neither its definer nor the thing defined, but the synthesis of both, the ego being the "breath of air that decides between" the two factions as they struggle for dominance. Now, if you place the monitor face down on a soft towel, you can, with a little judicious prying and tugging, lift the rear part of the case off. The modification described in the dPaintII file reduces the interlace error by a factor of about 5. If you aren't afraid of working on the average modern TV set, the 1080 shouldn't prove to be much of a problem. " We can say we are EITHER the defined or the definer, but we cannot say we are BOTH at the SAME TIME.
Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.